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Limbo, Phorid And You


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IMHO I feel like one day people will realize limbo is actually really useful.

In endgame he's the best frame for revives and can give INVULNERABILITY. He's like a walking hysteria giver. Also with rift turrent he can take out a ton of damage.

I did the phoenix intercept escalation five times with a limbo, Loki, nova, banshee/Vauban. With limbo's banish being the key card that kept everyone alive and going.

Edited by (PS4)Akuma_Asura_
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so as a zephyr main my options are to waste time rolling or spam all the twisters when a limbo like yourself decides to banish me without my consent?

so i heard you like alllllllllll the twisters....

The OP didn't banish SPAM, but maybe one day you'll be down and there will be a limbo over you reviving your squishy zeph.

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The OP didn't banish SPAM, but maybe one day you'll be down and there will be a limbo over you reviving your squishy zeph.

well considering how little i go down compared to limbos, i await this day.


and i have to ask you CONSIDERING the generalization that most limbos are trolls/noobs, why do you insist that you are in the right when the majority of the community just simply does not want your help?

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well considering how little i go down compared to limbos, i await this day.

and i have to ask you CONSIDERING the generalization that most limbos are trolls/noobs, why do you insist that you are in the right when the majority of the community just simply does not want your help?

Because I'm not like most limbos, so thats why I insist that I am right. If you don't want to be in banish, and get hurt by phorids scream and use your useless failure at life crowd control tornados just roll out of it, actually better yet you can still do it while banished.

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Because I'm not like most limbos, so thats why I insist that I am right. If you don't want to be in banish, and get hurt by phorids scream and use your useless failure at life crowd control tornados just roll out of it, actually better yet you can still do it while banished.

but how am i suppose to know you're not like all other limbos? that's where your argument loses all face. because there is no way to tell if you're trolling or being a noob outside of your actions since you arent communicating to your team that you will be banishing them to avoid these phorid screams that dont even dent my shields as zephyr.


failing to tell your team anything before the action tells me nothing about your skill as a player let alone your lack of manners and seeking understanding from your team over future actions. its very childish that you assume because you know how to play the frame your pug group should immediately know that you are well versed in your frame's usage.


lets use the OPs example. so in that scenario, i firmly believe BOTH parties are in the wrong. firstly the OP did not communicate he would be giving the subsequent excal banish to mitigate phorid's scream and the excal's outburst afterward was also not warranted considering it isnt hard to get out of banish, assuming the excal actually knew how. i cant totally remark on their mastery rank considering any frame can be maxed quite easily by literally standing around and never actually learning any of the mechanics available to them.


but as said before in the thread communication is key, no matter what frame you're playing whether it be a slova, fast nova, super giant bubble frost, or even zephyr, you should be communicating to your team if it may prove detrimental to your fellow tenno.

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why do you insist that you are in the right when the majority of the community just simply does not want your help?


If the community decided how everyone should play at this point this game would be already dead.


Have you ever tried to go in a public match with Limbo? People just start insulting you even before you have a chance to do anything, all of this is only because the community decided that "Limbo sucks", "Limbos are stupid trolls" and "Limbo is useless".


If slow Nova spams MP at the first round of a really easy defense mission nobody says nothing, if Limbo casts banish even once on someone he's considered an a-hole. All of this is just a big drama, fueled by the community's hate towards Limbo.

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If slow Nova spams MP at the first round of a really easy defense mission nobody says nothing, if Limbo casts banish even once on someone he's considered an a-hole. All of this is just a big drama, fueled by the community's hate towards Limbo.


Someone call a Frost Prime cuz we need tons of ice for that burn.

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If the community decided how everyone should play at this point this game would be already dead.


Have you ever tried to go in a public match with Limbo? People just start insulting you even before you have a chance to do anything, all of this is only because the community decided that "Limbo sucks", "Limbos are stupid trolls" and "Limbo is useless".


If slow Nova spams MP at the first round of a really easy defense mission nobody says nothing, if Limbo casts banish even once on someone he's considered an a-hole. All of this is just a big drama, fueled by the community's hate towards Limbo.

not entirely true on your first point as while the majority says 'limbo is useless and a troll frame', there are people(like yourself) who realize he does have his uses and plan strategies involving him as a core element. even though they are the majority, they are not the entirety.


or your retort about limbo in open parties, i do not play limbo in open parties due to my primary frame being zephyr. while i do own a limbo he does not see action outside of coordinated team play from me. doing the contrary would likely help reinforce the stereotype as i do not believe my skill with him is up to a par high enough that i can trust myself to carry a team with him yet.


on your next actual point,molecular prime and banish arent quite the same. firstly there's a lot of variables to M prime that arent being disclosed, like how powerful the slow effect is, it's range and so forth which will vary on the answer of the other players. needless to say there's a larger benefit to M prime than a negative often when you see a pug nova use M prime. and on banish, is the limbo making it apparent either through text chat OR voice chat that they would banish players during combat making their guns no longer work on enemies in the same plane of existence? is that limbo giving time during or after waves for players to collect items near the defense target? again you're using a broad statement to try to make a point.


and while that point of 'people hate limbo' has merit, its not entirely true and asserting your opinion that limbo isn't a troll/noob frame, all you're proving to me is that you are unwilling to accept that without communication to your fellow players let alone respect for their wishes. in fact, by doing so you are enforcing the stereotype you are trying to fight.

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If slow Nova spams MP at the first round of a really easy defense mission nobody says nothing, if Limbo casts banish even once on someone he's considered an a-hole. All of this is just a big drama, fueled by the community's hate towards Limbo.

I yell at Slovas all the time, so that point is moot.


I'm not even defending said Excal for having a hissy fit. I wouldn't even say anything to you for banishing me once (if you keep doing it then I'm going to have a problem, and if Valk riplined me, or Loki switch tele'd me, or if Vauban threw a jumppad right under me, I would have the same issue). I'm simply of the opinion that if your abilities throw a wrench into other player's gameplay, then you're not in the right defending unchoreographed usage of said ability. Why did the players of the aforementioned frames understand this, but you Limbo players do not? 


You are actively contributing to why the community hates Limbo, you are defending even bad Limbo usage. You argue that the community should have to bend over backwards (or forwards in this scenario, to roll) for your special snowflake Limbo playstyle. And you wonder why the community doesn't like him? Or why I'm generalizing you all as noobs/trolls? Stop playing like noobs/trolls then I won't generalize you all. Communicate with me. Learn how your frame synergizes with other frames so if you do take him into a random match, you'll have a better understanding of how your skillset can help the team, learn what skills you should and shouldn't use, and when. Until I see that, you argument stands invalid.

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It seems like you generally yell too much, to be honest. This is a game, and if you join a public game, keep your annoyances and tribulations to yourself and/or rant off to your friends. Are you saying that OP should just stop using Limbo, a frame he seems to enjoy (Why would he play him otherwise) just because he Banished a MR19 Excal Prime (lel) once who got mad after the mission ended?


While I do agree that having to roll to get out of Banish is annoying and would rather be spent doing something useful, you can't demand that pubs, people you don't know in the slightest, should demand to communicate with you. People may be too shy to use a mic with complete foreigners over the internet, and typing in Warframe past 20 minutes/waves in a T4 or other high level mission is asking for a Bombard Rocket to whichever pretty face your Frame has. Communication is nice and useful, but you can't demand that off of complete strangers.


Long story short, I feel like if people want Limbo players to stop being annoying, you people need to stop being annoying to Limbo players. Nothing nice comes out of yelling.

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I'm simply of the opinion that if your abilities throw a wrench into other player's gameplay, then you're not in the right defending unchoreographed usage of said ability. Why did the players of the aforementioned frames understand this, but you Limbo players do not? 

I'm literally having trouble believing that anyone actually hates Limbo this much. Sometimes, mistakes are made. Maybe you walked into Limbo's cross-hair as he was banishing someone else. Maybe he noticed a Bombard's rocket flying straight towards you while you were too busy shooting things and saved your life without you knowing. The fact of the matter is this: Limbo exists. He has his uses. There are players that abuse him to give other people a hard time. Other frames do that just as well. Switch Teleport, Wormhole, Bounce, Mind Control, Undertow, Snow Globe, Bullet Attractor. All these and more can be used to troll. Does that mean every Loki, Nova, Booben, Nyx, Hydroid, Frost and Mag are automatically trolls? No. It's the same with Limbo. Hell, at least you can get out of Banish and Cataclysm. And I refuse to believe that your time is so important that you cannot spend a single second to press one button. So get off your high horse and deal with it.

Edited by (PS4)Caramacchiato
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I'm literally having trouble believing that anyone actually hates Limbo this much. Sometimes, mistakes are made. Maybe you walked into Limbo's cross-hair as he was banishing someone else. Maybe he noticed a Bombard's rocket flying straight towards you while you were too busy shooting things and saved your life without you knowing. The fact of the matter is this: Limbo exists. He has his uses. There are players that abuse him to give other people a hard time. Other frames do that just as well. Switch Teleport, Wormhole, Bounce, Mind Control, Undertow, Snow Globe, Bullet Attractor. All these and more can be used to troll. Does that mean every Loki, Nova, Booben, Nyx, Hydroid, Frost and Mag are automatically trolls? No. It's the same with Limbo. Hell, at least you can get out of Banish and Cataclysm. And I refuse to believe that your time is so important that you cannot spend a single second to press one button. So get off your high horse and deal with it.

So much entitlement, my god.


Stop playing like noobs/trolls then I won't generalize you all. Communicate with me. Learn how your frame synergizes with other frames so if you do take him into a random match, you'll have a better understanding of how your skillset can help the team, learn what skills you should and shouldn't use, and when. 

Ya'll acting like I'm asking you to get me the moon.

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If the other player isn't spamming the ability, then no problem. I've had limbos place it on me at a time I didn't expect. I've just assumed they were doing it for a good reason. I've also had troll limbos spamming it non stop. I've learned to tell the difference. If your first reaction is to get upset about something that is easily gotten out of, then I think the problem isn't the other player.

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God another limbo hate thread sigh. Limbo players and people playing with a limbo player in there party must commucate. If they don't commucate they get piss off at the limbo player and shove him off the void or instant leave and cause the player to fail the misson. I had that a couple of times when I was banishing mobs for quick kills and a medium rank player got piss off by it.


Main point is, don't give a kid a limbo frame and why is a kid playing warframe its for adults.



Still take your banish unto the void!!!!

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Joining in the party with a few points.


- Limbo is a good frame.

- It's just that his powers can directly affect the rest of the team a lot.

- This makes him EXCELLENT in a squad who shares tactics and have some communication planning

- But potentially troublesome in a pub squad, when ability use unexpectedly interrupts other members (I think most players are cool about it, but some may have had a bad day...).

- And there are no noob frames. There are only noob players, which can apply that noobness to any frame they use.

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I'm still kind of lost on how quick the mr19 person flipped out so quickly because of a single banish. You'd think he would shrug it off and roll out of it if he didn't want it instead of pming him to rage then instantly blocked the OP to not deal with any response. But I guess it just kind of shows once again how little mastery rank really means lol. 


But to all the comments on communicating with teammates and such, I have witnessed a pretty great deal of people trying their best to communicate, but others refusing to read or try to listen, then instantly start up a temper tantrum when something was written out or verbally spoken to them in advance. As much as you try to communicate with others, if the other party members are idiots and don't bother to try to even attempt to work with their team then what's the point?


I just feel it's sad at how much hate Limbo gets from players who refuse to understand or acknowledge how his skills work, without at least trying to see if the Limbo is going to be just another random "troll" or be a decent player who doesn't have any malicious intent. And if so many players can't handle a warframe that actually requires some kind of skill and know-how to play, we might just end up getting much more mindless warframes like rhino and loki that don't require any thought to them past the basic understanding of modding and what button to press in-game. Really kills the hope of getting more interesting frames into the game that require more thinking than spamming a single ability all day. 

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Back when I was using Limbo a lot, I would have people leave the squad literally before I could do anything one way or the other, at all.. Just, "Oh look it's a Limbo, I'm gone". 



That is the irrational hatred some people have for Limbo. It's true. Some people just really, really, really hate Limbo. And they won't give any Limbo player a chance. A truly good Limbo player can be one of the best support classes in the game, but many people can't get past their hate to see this. 

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I'm just going to say this, then head to bed.


Limbo is here. He is staying, he is not going to go anywhere. Don't like him? Too bad. Don't want to encounter one? Play solo, or with friends that don't use him.


The posts and multiple threads I see about "QQ Limbo," "QQ Banish" are pointless. Beyond stupid in fact. Yes, there are Limbos that unfortunately likes to banish /all/ the things, allies included, but you know what you can do? Roll out of it. Alternatively? Communicate with the Limbo. Neither is hard, both methods take no more than a second or two to do.

There are some however, who I see on these forums that act like getting banished is the end of the world for them, that they're tearing out their hair because they can't shoot for a few measly seconds, or have their ego so far up their ! acting like rolling is such a chore. 




(Made by yours truly. Thanks TFS for the awesome series.)


But in all honesty, I don't think the problem's the bad or troll Limbos out there or Banish for that matter. I think it's the players who come here crying about the Warframe as if that's going to make a difference. Truthfully, it just shows their ignorance towards the frame.

Edited by Huntchez
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