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General Thread: 'catbrow' Naming Brainstorm.


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Okay, umh...


Vigibast or Vigibasta


Etimologically, it would be a combination of Vigilate (latin for lying in wait) and Bastet, the egypctian mytology godess often depicted as a cat.


I think there should be some short of reference to egypt. These intriguing cat figures in Phobos sure feel like they could have something to do with this.


Now, going for more dadaistic, all-new names...


Palmira ?

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I liked the idea of use the name Hunhow (the second "strange mask" for sentinels). 

I also guess that these pets should not do direct damage like kubrows, they look like loot retrievers, scanning, radial disarming pets... 

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I liked the idea of use the name Hunhow (the second "strange mask" for sentinels). 

I also guess that these pets should not do direct damage like kubrows, they look like loot retrievers, scanning, radial disarming pets... 

WHAT? No direct damage? WHY!? Have you ever seen a cougar take down its prey? How about a cheetah, lion, tigresses, jaguar, leopard? Those "cats" will strike you down and bite on your neck more ferociously than any dog variant would.  If we are talking about encountering a single wild wolf vs a single wild panther, the panther will F*** you up faster than a wolf would. Cats are much more aggressive than you think. Catbrows should maybe have lower base health, shields, and armor, but a much higher base crit chance and damage with maybe puncture damage since cats tend to bite their prey in the neck, as well has have sharper claws. Needless to say of course kubrows and catbrows share the same mod pool.

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