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They Just Show A Parkour Move That Can Replaced The Dependant Of A Player In Copter. (I Hope De Realized This)


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In the devstream, they said that their tweak to coptering was pretty simple. All that they did was set a distance that a slide attack would make you go. So every time you "slide attack" you go a certain predetermined distance that is set by DE. This would give MUCH more control over slide attacks, might even be a buff in the long run to them.

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I'll be honest, with the addition of aerial melee I don't really see the need for aerial coptering as well. The acceleration and speed of aerial melee seems just about perfect and has a more forgiving hit box on top of it. Coptering has a niche for now because of how absurdly fast it can go, but once its' toned down I imagine it being a pretty redundant maneuver. 

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A few reasons.

First, it looks incredibly wonky and doesn't make much sense. Your frame is creating forward momentum as if they had an invisible jetpack strapped to them since they aren't pushing off from anything. After coptering is done, your frame does a weird animation like the old Sonic the hedgehog game where their legs animate like they're walking impossibly fast in mid air while sheathing their weapon.

It's also incredibly inconsistent. With a lot for weapons, you can copter in air, only to gain a small amount of momentum one try, and a large amount on another.

It also limits melee weapon choice based on mobility, which should not factor into your melee choice at all. Why should I be penalized in non-combat mobility for my choice of melee combat weapon? Why should I be left behind by other players if I enjoy slicing things up with my Dragon Nikana more than my Tipedo? Why does effective melee combat have to tied to how fast you can travel when not in combat, especially when it has little reason for which weapons are good at coptering and which aren't?

There are lots of viable copter weapons, and there are plenty of ways to move fast without it.

They stated in the dev stream that their main concern is the difficulty with coptering as a main part of parkour in regards to players on console and a portion of pc community who use controllers or super basic mice.

Basically if you don't have thumb buttons on mouse or you play with controller you're making it harder on yourself to perform some of the advanced maneuvers.

As far as momentum out of no where.. The directional air melee is the same idea. Swing weapon fly far. Only difference is that it's you can aim it. As far as your point about the little shuffle after a copter that you generally only see on others can be remedied by landing back into a slide which then leads right back to being too difficult to perform for controller users

There really aren't any logical reasons to remove it when it has equally as terribadly animated or equally as illogical counterparts and actually adds more options to game play.

Chaining wall runs with copter over large gaps is fun to me. A player who grasps the game mechanics can often enough keep up with or out rush people spamming copter .

Let's not forget that a lot of players use slide attack spam without jumping first.

After all the deliberation the only true motive I can see for anticopter sentiments is salt. They can't do it or they get left behind .

I pug runs. That's my thing. I play with randoms in the community and will often Times provide taxi services.. and throughout my two years of warframe I can say that its not an issue.

All it's going to do is slow down the pace of the game and reduce our options for ninjery

As a sidenote the most common missions played are endless types and capture. One is rushed for a reason. Rushing in the other hurts no one because you're not extracting anyway .

#vetsandcopters #parkourlyf #realninjashizz

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