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Your Favourite Weapon In The Game?


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Frame: Excalibur, Volt, Loki, Mesa

Primary: Karak (Wraith), Braton Prime, Sybaris, Dread, Hek, Penta, Latron Prime, Latron Wraith, Tiberon, Vulkar, Vectis, Opticor, Tonkor, Strun Wraith, Phage, Synapse

Secondary: Marelok (Vaykor), Akvasto, Aklex, Lex Prime, Despair, Hikou (Prime), Mara Detron, Atomos

Melee: Dragon Nikana, Galatine, Orthos Prime, Karyst, Prisma Skana, Dakra Prime, Dex Dakra, Dual Ichor, Prova Vandal, Atterax, Tipedo, Bo (Prime), Glaive (Prime), Jat Kittag, Obex

Hated: Limbo, Soma (Prime), Boltor (Prime), Seer, Acrid, Ballistica (Rakta), Reaper (Prime), Hate, Fragor, Scindo (Prime), Magistar, Kronen, Boltace

Edited by Mr_Red_Hat
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Mesa coz i love cowboys (cowgirls too)

Boar prime, crazy-OP shotgun, i still havent found when its dps+stat procs drops, not even T4 missions

Vasto prime, it's actually pretty OP and fits well with mesa, tho not dual =[

Dragon Nikana coz lots of damage, plus i like to think of it as a kill bill reference when using Mesa

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Frame: Nyx P, Volt P, Valkry.


Primariy: Braton P/Boar P/Tiberon


Secondary: Lex P/Telos AkBoltos/AkMagnus


Melee: Orthos P/Scindo P/Prisma Skana/Glave P/Duel Fangs P



Most hated: (Basically all the overrated or OP S#&$)


Frame: Loki/Loki P/Limbo

Primare: Soma/Soma P/Bolter/Bolter P/Dread/Paris P

Seondary: Marelok/Vaykor Marelok

Melee: Dual Ichors/Serros/Jat Kittag/Redeemer

Edited by Azur_Fenix
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Strun Wraith.  Love my shotties, and it's the archetypal videogame shottie, fx-wise.  BOOM! 


Honorable mentions go to the Latron Wraith as a pure rifle, and the Tetra, which isn't that great a gun stats-wise, but again, is just such fun to use.  The Tetra has the best pewpew sound (which gets insanely fast with Speed Trigger) and the best reload animation in the game.  I love it so much I've forma-ed it and will continue to forma the bejeesus out of it.


Secondary, Marelok (I'm ranking up Steel Meridian partly for the Vaykor).  Second-best reload animation in the game.  Insanely satisfying to use.


On the melee side, I love me some Jat Kittag.  I wish I could love the swords in the game, but I've never been fond of that jerky style of animation that's derived from old-skool fighting games and anime.


But heck, most of the weapons in the game have their good aspects, or their fun to use aspects.


Frames - if I had to pick, Banshee and Nyx are my faves, followed closely by Volt.

Edited by Omnimorph
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Frame : Trinity (prime when DE?)
Primary : Attica for looks/what it is (I love crossbows), but Tonkor for actual performance/damage

Secondary : Atomos

Melee : Glaive Prime (I generally dislike melee, so any melee with a ranged aspect works for me)

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  • 5 weeks later...

My favourite weapon/warframe combo is Valkyr using an Atterax.  Nothing screams dominatrix than that combo.  With Burning Wasp stance, and using the second melee combo, you can flay skin and meat from bone at will.  Infested, Grineer and Corpus alike all get torsos rended from limbs in a satisfying and torturous way.  When I need to just slash the hell out of enemies, I go back to my favourite melee/warframe combo and flay away.


Yes, I need help.  :)

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