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Juggernaut Fight And How De Knows How To Make Bosses

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+1 OP I agree with you its pretty fun. Yeah adjust the damage cap for hard hitting single fire weapons and reward players for striking the weak points a decent chunk of damage dealt . I took my vectis and kept taking pot shots at the juggernauts weak points while I told my teammates to do the same until it died. We need more large bosses that takes cooperation to kill faster like this one and lephantis 

Edited by Rodee7
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Weapons with punch through should be able to deal more damage.

Make Gas ignore its armor, damage cap is fine for most weapons.

Snipers should not be capped though when hitting its weak spot.

It should have huge diminishing returns when hit by M Prime.

Insert many other suggestions that could make it better.

The problem with that is that people would just go for the most efficient way possible, therefore throttling other choices.

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Its on the boss tab in the wiki.

My personal definition of a boss in warframe:

1. Talks to you

2. Has a cut scene

3. Drops something unique

4. Has a story

The wiki is not run by warframe staff members, but as long as those points are hit, then I'm fine with it being a boss. (Semantics don't bother me)

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This summarizes the entire fight with this utterly boring boss:


If only it spawned at a more reasonable level where it didn't have 290k health. Then shooting its weakpoints would actually help the fight go faster than ten to fifteen minutes

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I agree with the sticky part. I like that he spawn a lot of infested. Makes the fight more epic.


Edit: It is just sad that some people will never be satisfied. I will never understand why they play warframe when what they want is a completely different game with different mechanics and EVERY SINGLE THING they will argue about how cheap it is and other things about human nature and never enjoy what they have. 


Solution: DE should always give the option press 5 to complete mission or instant kill mode for them to have fun.

Edited by KarmicRex
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Behemoth, while being the boss version, can still change as well. likely to replace Phorid I hope.

And the TA listed itself as an endurance so it was designed to take awhile. And repeating the fight for more parts is totally on you.

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Not a single Ingame Video, not a single mark from Lotus, nothing in the mission that would hype the Monster.. NOTHING....


Phorid is a better mission. This is poor, just poor poor implementation of a new enemy typ. Can´t even understand the thing is signed by the quality team. And the bad clipping..

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To people saying he's not a boss, you mean to tell me that after this event he'll be a normal spawn in infested missions? lol..

>Running infested mission

>Running in hallway

>Juggernaut spawns dashing to and fro tight hallway

Edited by AoiiToori
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If future bosses are all going to have capped damage, then you mines well throw optimization out the window.  Capped damage destroys the purpose of how we level up in Warframe.    But I get it, the jugganaut allowed everyone to do fair damage.  It's not hard to have a weapon output 200-2000 damage.

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You seriously think this is a good boss? It has a freaking damage cap on it for gods sake. It has everything that makes it unfun and boring.

make it a nightmare mode with no shield or no energy.

see who sh1t brick.

its a 3rd person (shooter) for god sake.

Don't compare it to a standard mmo like the usual.

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Not sure if this is said, but jugg is not a boss, it is a heavy unit. Prove? Go the simulation, you can spawn him in, just like bombards and techs.

It seems like de don't want jugg(s) being lock in boss level. They said they are resizing it, for it to fit into more maps.....

Bullet sponge boss is endurable , but a sponge normal heavy unit far too much for me,and I believe,most of us.

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Just more invulnerability and damage cap. *yawn* Nothing to see here. Because, yes, people polarized weapons 5 or 6 times so we could do 100 damage max per shot. You know what, I'd rather they just be enormous health sponges than have all the weapon choices trivialized by absurd damage caps.

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