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+1 on this: IS is needed in a TEAM

players that do missions solo with rhino cause of IS who cares its THEIR PLAYSTYLE others rush etc its A GAME as long as its fun everythings allright

I've played a couple of games without a rhino. It's not needed. If you meant in a team with Rhino then, you can just knock em down or make em float... too bad infested really don't get knocked down except for ancients.

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3) RNG is bad!


Our RNG system has undergone several revisions throughout the continuing Warframe Beta. It currently is at a place we are content with, but understand that it (along with all RNG systems) can be frustrating.


Now let me tell you my RNG experience.


After 100+ hours of playing I still havn't got the mod Flow.

Vauban came out and I wanted to buy some plat so I bought a founder pack.

I was 100% sure that I'd get a Flow mod on the first try with a "dragon mod pack", and I did get it on my first try. (LEL)


Since this is RNG logic, and my luck, 90% of the times after getting a mod I needed for so long another one drops, and so it did. (DOUBLE LEL)


This always happens to me in any kind of game, this can't be RNG anymore LOL.

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I've played a couple of games without a rhino. It's not needed. If you meant in a team with Rhino then, you can just knock em down or make em float... too bad infested really don't get knocked down except for ancients.

Make em' float like vauban do better? Knock 'em down when other frames can basically kill them for that energy? Rhino's thing was being invulnerable and taking hits for the team, without it he's purposeless, and there's no point on playing him.

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I think they intentionally held off the reset until they made this market change, So we couldn't just start over and take advantage of the mistakes we made in the past. We now have to suffer the fate of farming alloy. -.-



Also, There is nothing to review with Rhino. He needs his invincibility back, raise the cost to 75 so it can't be spammed anymore. And his other skills need more attention. That was it all along, his other skills were weak and lackluster. Ironskin was always fine and served it's purpose.

Edited by Ehrlich
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Just saying "He will be reviewed and changed" doesn't make me feel much better.  How is he going to be changed?  What direction are the devs leaning towards?  Leaving Iron Skin the way it is and buffing everything else?  Modifying Iron Skin?  Restoring Iron Skin completely? 


It's so easy to fix Rhino: Make Focus affect his reduc. That's it. Now can we concentrate on the silly market changes?


That wouldn't be enough.  It might help, but it's far from what needs to be done.

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I think they intentionally held off the reset until they made this market change, So we couldn't just start over and take advantage of the mistakes we made in the past. We now have to suffer the fate of farming alloy. -.-



Also, There is nothing to review with Rhino. He needs his invincibility back, raise the cost to 75 so it can't be spammed anymore. And his other skills need more attention. That was it all along, his other skills were weak and lackluster. Ironskin was always fine and served it's purpose.


Not alloy! D:

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I think they intentionally held off the reset until they made this market change, So we couldn't just start over and take advantage of the mistakes we made in the past. We now have to suffer the fate of farming alloy. -.-



Also, There is nothing to review with Rhino. He needs his invincibility back, raise the cost to 75 so it can't be spammed anymore. And his other skills need more attention. That was it all along, his other skills were weak and lackluster. Ironskin was always fine and served it's purpose.


I agree with EVERYTHING you said here.  I am really mad that they changed the market right when they gave us the reset.  I was going to reset, but seeing as how I have everything I really want ( and a lot I DON'T want) it'd be insane to reset.  I haven't really put in any amount of game time in weeks.  I was hoping I could start again.  Guess I'll just have to wait :\


And I think this is the best solution for Iron Skin.  Some say make it cost 100, but with Rhino's crap energy pool, I think that might be too extreme.

Edited by K1LLZ0NE
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I like how there's no mention of Glaive being broken client sided. It STILL doesn't deal elemental damage when thrown. Can I get a fix here?



I agree with EVERYTHING you said here.  I am really mad that they changed the market right when they gave us the reset.  I was going to reset, but seeing as how I have everything I really want ( and a lot I DON'T want) it'd be insane to reset.  I haven't really put in any amount of game time in weeks.  I was hoping I could start again.  Guess I'll just have to wait :\


And I think this is the best solution for Iron Skin.  Some say make it cost 100, but with Rhino's crap energy pool, I think this might be too extreme.



100 isn't an option for Rhino's pool. He only has 100 at start, 150 at level 30.

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Volt lost his Invulnerability when using his ULT also, not just banshee. Just not as much of a big deal I guess because not many people play Volt. lol

 He was never invulnerable.

You learned that very early if you didnt know that Ancient dont take damage from Overload.

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I agree with EVERYTHING you said here.  I am really mad that they changed the market right when they gave us the reset.  I was going to reset, but seeing as how I have everything I really want ( and a lot I DON'T want) it'd be insane to reset.  I haven't really put in any amount of game time in weeks.  I was hoping I could start again.  Guess I'll just have to wait :\


And I think this is the best solution for Iron Skin.  Some say make it cost 100, but with Rhino's crap energy pool, I think that might be too extreme.


75 is the perfect number, but if DE wants to make it 100 so be it, I just want invulnerability back.

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Volt lost his Invulnerability when using his ULT also, not just banshee. Just not as much of a big deal I guess because not many people play Volt. lol

All frames are no longer invulnerable when using skills, except Link, after effects of Blessing, Slash Dash and Rhino Charge.

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3) RNG is bad!


Our RNG system has undergone several revisions throughout the continuing Warframe Beta. It currently is at a place we are content with, but understand that it (along with all RNG systems) can be frustrating.

Frustrating? More like it has something against certain players, especially the daily rewards thing.

For the past month, easily 90% of the daily rewards I got where those stupid ammo boxes. I just took a look at my inventory and I have the following:

- 15 Large Health Restores (some of these I know I got from Raid missions though)

- 8 Pistol Ammo Boxes

- 2 Rifle Ammo Boxes

- 4 Shotgun Ammo Boxes

- 5 Sniper Ammo Boxes

No, I didn't buy any of these myself and this a collection I've been building since I started getting daily rewards (not including any that were bugged and were never added to my inventory). I started playing sometime after open beta started (I don't remember the exact date atm, but I have 246hrs played).

I know people can have bad luck streaks, but this is ridiculous! Consumables that are easily bought should not be rewards for anything, imo.

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75 is the perfect number, but if DE wants to make it 100 so be it, I just want invulnerability back.


True.  I would like to hear WHY they thought it was OP.  If they just don't like invulnerability (which seems like the reason to me) Then there is not much we can do to change their minds.  And if this is the case, I expect to see similar nerfs all across the board.


I would just like to know if they are willing to think about giving him invulnerability, or are absolutely not even considering it.  That way I will know what suggestions and what arguments to make.

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True.  I would like to hear WHY they thought it was OP.  If they just don't like invulnerability (which seems like the reason to me) Then there is not much we can do to change their minds.  And if this is the case, I expect to see similar nerfs all across the board.


I would just like to know if they are willing to think about giving him invulnerability, or are absolutely not even considering it.  That way I will know what suggestions and what arguments to make.


The problem was not invulnerability itself, it was that Iron Skin is easly spamable, so you can be invincible for like 2 minutes. The solution to that was never just "taking invulnerability out", it was making it so you can't spam it. More energy cost or cooldown would be perfect for that, I have no idea why they took it out.

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the Rng at the moment for mods is not good,


a few improvements i think need to be made to it,


1. the platinum mod packs are not a good deal, remove all warframe ability mods (shock, bullet attractor ect), this will probably boost sales as you know that the mods you get will at least be usable.


2. make defense past wave 15 (and including it) give a very high chance (90%) of awarding a rare mod, and that rare mod should include all rare mods equally excluding war frames.


3. boost the drop rate for uncommon, most of the standard mods you need are in there


4. boost the mod drop rate for rares slightly but to prevent defense farming them give a max limit for number of rare mods that can be dropped per wave/minute.


Even if you have rng there should be a way to improve your chances of getting x mod through how you play and we already have that from factions but game type (defense) should also be done.


oh and give all frames a damage reduction during there alts if your not giving invulnerability back.

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I've played a couple of games without a rhino. It's not needed. If you meant in a team with Rhino then, you can just knock em down or make em float... too bad infested really don't get knocked down except for ancients.

Palus Def Online not in a premade team; just for fun; ur fu up without sth like rhino IS

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True.  I would like to hear WHY they thought it was OP.  If they just don't like invulnerability (which seems like the reason to me) Then there is not much we can do to change their minds.  And if this is the case, I expect to see similar nerfs all across the board.


I would just like to know if they are willing to think about giving him invulnerability, or are absolutely not even considering it.  That way I will know what suggestions and what arguments to make.


“Oh! We just wanted to invite challenge into his play style, I think 100% invincibility was a little strong..”

A quote on the subject from "The Great" Scott.

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phew addressed the tutorial before this post. feel less $&*&*#(%& now.


Also, i don't think Banshee should be invulnerable, BUT instead i think it should receive ( as well as other frames with long radials) a huge damage reduction while the animation is active.

This will deter people being from near death just running in and Sound Quake-ing and then coming out unscathed. As much as i love to just run into the group of enemies to maximize my damage output there should be some penalty for recklessness such as this. I'm thinking an 80% dmg reduc would be fine.

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How about Log in rewards, is there going to be any change to that system? I've happen to get in month or two loads of ammo boxes and health packs, I don't even use those. On wikia is said that if you login 7 days in a row, your chance for better drop get's higher. I doubt that, since I login everyday:). I would just like to see something different for reward then another ammo box or hp.

Edited by Tripfy
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“Oh! We just wanted to invite challenge into his play style, I think 100% invincibility was a little strong..”

A quote on the subject from "The Great" Scott.


You really think this is an answer??


Edit:  Oops.  Didn't realize it was the troll.  Of course....

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