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Ash Prime From Devstream, My Personal Feedback


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im playing ash since forever, and i must say from what i saw on ash prime in devstream, it looked like ash fused with hydroid or something, i also expected more of a " ninja-ish" design, for him to keep his agile streamlined body etc, i hope the end result is better then what ive seen in the video, nobody wants a fat ash, just my 2 cents , not sure where this go so i do apologise for just posting it in general like that. also what do my other ash brothers out there think about this design? aint it too fat?


@ DE if you want me to buy prime access on Ash ( wich i totally would im a huge fan of this frame) dont screw him up


holllyyy crap , now this is a good example of how i want ash to be haha ^^ , sick design whoever made it

Edited by NickBoay
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it's chroma all over again,the pose doesn't give out his full body so it seems like he's fat and ugly while he isn't (same happened with croma months ago) don't worry i'm sure they won't screw up...and if they will,just don't buy prime access.

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i do apologise for just posting it in general like that


If you know this is wrong and will make you want to apologize, why don't you search for similar posts and reply there? Not making another boring, non-helpful posts.

Edited by Evansmaan
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If you know this is wrong and will make you want to apologize, why don't you search for similar posts and reply there? Not making another boring, non-helpful posts.

cuz there b moderators, and I b lazy , and im looking for opinions from fellow ash brothers on the actual subject not for a forum dweller to get his post of the day

Edited by NickBoay
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I LOVE bulky frames. Chroma was suppose to be bulky but he was just tall. Ash prime is going to be my first prime access and I don't even like playing as ash that much.

ash is a lightweight agile ninja frame tho , not a rhino, the bulkyness is totally missplaced on him, only making this post cuz my entire clan is complaining about the new looks, as it is they wont buy it either


infact time for something else il read this in a few days i guess, and if they fck up we just wont buy ash prime and stick to his old version, so let DE be warned lol , ciao

Edited by NickBoay
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He's fine. The pose makes him look bulky as someone said above. That is due the armor pads on his arms as well, ehich in that angle look even bulkier. Just put your vanilla Ash on screen, imagine an armor.on his shoulder pads, and add an Orokin gold visor to his helm with an Orokin syandana like Scorpion helm tail.

The way they combined the designs to make him look like an asian dragon seriously astonishes me in a good way.

What DE should just do is release a full body shot alreafy before people freak out.

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im playing ash since forever, and i must say from what i saw on ash prime in devstream, it looked like ash fused with hydroid or something, i also expected more of a " ninja-ish" design, for him to keep his agile streamlined body etc, .... nobody wants a fat ash,


ash is a lightweight agile ninja frame tho , not a rhino, the bulkyness is totally missplaced on him, 

I don't think any of that is fair.

When I look at the pic-



I kind if like his arms....current ash arms have a sort of wide armor on them so this feels appropriate to me.

The hip extensions are also where normal ash has that protruding armor so again, this feels appropriate to me.

I'm not a  fan of the way the helmet looks so far but that is what alt helmets are for. and anything that easy to fix I don't complain about.

Can't see anything else really so at this point I am not particularly concerned that it will look bad.

But hey we have to wait and see.


So far I would totally buy him.

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That's a bunch of golden spider legs popping out of everything.

No disrespect to whoever made it but no thanks.


The one below..




Has the kind of helmet that I like.

Edited by Ronyn
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honestly, its more or less how people constantly have this headcanon that frame x is gonna look like Prime Y which leads to false hype and hopes for Prime Y to look like for example




sure the amount of detail is Impressive but at the same time it is just a FAN concept. it's not very likely that DE would take their fans work UNLESS it'd be a contest of some sorts if that were a thing to make the next prime for them.

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I remember someone saying DE will ruin the way Ash Prime looks. lol 

It happend, If his helm recieves a nice twist he maybe saved. 

A Hannya mask like Yoshimitsu is what i want. Zephyr has a Tengu why cant Ash have a Hannya helm? Maybe that could be an Alternate

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That's a bunch of golden spider legs popping out of everything.

No disrespect to whoever made it but no thanks.


The one below..




Has the kind of helmet that I like.


holy crap we got a winner can someone smack some sense into the person developing ash and tell him this is pro ^^^ it even has the original ash head :D @(*()$ pro sorry for my language



i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it ,







Dunno who painted it, but I want it to happen. Vectis too.


just look at that booty!! , Nicki Minaj Prime! ahahah


tho i must admit , i didnt notice the backside of the head yet , is that a Locust helmet thingy on the back? they should keep that intact, seems the only thing in their design i actually " like" a bit , is the head

Edited by NickBoay
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Your personal feedback is irrelevant. 


But if you insist, well MY personal feedback is those fan art looks ugly. 


Now our personal feedbacks cancel out each other and Mynki can do his design as he sees fit.

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I think the only thing you can really hope to change is the coloring.  Imo he looks better in black and the blue bits should be like volt prime brownish, but then again I can always recolor him after he goes live.

Edited by Hueminator
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