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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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DE nailed it, more or less.  Slash Dash feels and looks very sluggish when it's actually targeting an enemy and it isn't quite as intuitive as it should be when bouncing to enemies.  But otherwise, the ability is now useful!  It actually kills enemies!  Radial Blind is great on the move, the range, duration and finisher opening is fantastic.  Radial Jav still needs some work, but it's a lot more functional than it was after it's nerf.  It still needs more base damage, though.  Moddes at 200% damage, it shouldn't have a problem killing level 20ish enemies, but it does.  Same problem with Exalted Blade.  It's great, the energy waves are pretty cool, though a little unwieldy to try and aim at the moment, and their damage is negligible.  I have been seeing them stagger enemies, though.  So running at an enemy and slashing a few times generally gets em to stop shooting long enough to close the gap and finish em off.


All in all, after some more tweaking and fine tuning, Excal will be more than battle ready and back to where he should be as DE's flagship Warframe.  Kudos to you, DE.  You resurrected my favorite frame!

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Iron Skin needs a new core mechanic than a flat number of ferrite armor.


Indeed. 10k ferrite armor and the ability to recast it would be a huge buffer but it will still end up not being viable after enemy levels hit higher in the 3 digits while being completely and massively overpowered for normal missions.


i actually cant agree on these arguments. 10k extra "shield"(ya, basically shield, cos not affected by armor value) is very powerful, even in late game. 95% damage reduction might fall off at lvl 100, but lvl 30? you must have done something wrong.


Allow me to clarify what I thought when I wrote that: that 95% is Shatter Shield, not exactly armor.


You won't notice anything up to level 30 when using it other than some mildly bothering procs.

After 30 and above heavier enemies will start doing noticable - not serious - damage to you and heavy procs since they go below your Shatter Shield and apply the appropriate bleed and toxin procs directly to your health without any mitigation and it is just downhill from that point on.

This thought also includes you not seeking cover or interrupting the enemy with anything just having damage done to you (like when you are reviving and you thought you were safe).

But of course this is not actual armor so it is not an effective 95% damage reduction to your health.


Armor is good to have, damage reduction in any form is good but the real heavy hitters will eat through that in no time.


I remember doing a quick test in the simulacrum against level 95 heavy gunners with Nyx: within 10 seconds my absorbed damage was over 130k from about 10-15 of them.

Apply a 95% damage reduction to that and they still did over 7500 damage.

That is very much in the higher echelon of effective health for Valkyr and Chroma. Excal is not near that with his armor. Armor works very good on enemy units but not so much on Tenno as we don't level over 30 and despite massive armor buffs from certain skills our effective health is capped. And enemy damage scales indefinitely.


What I am trying to point out is 225 armor is not much by any measure. Enough to not have new players die from bleed procs until they get better and get better mods but that armor alone is not going to carry you to endgame. Excalibur can do that but with his skills not his innate armor.

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why the hell would SJ to get behind an enemy to blind them?! .... JUST USE BLIND!! if youre using SJ to dodge bombard missiles you need to learn what bob and weave is along with what cover is as well. 

Getting behind is more of a tactical advantage also Corrupted Bombard Rockets have op targetting and can easily hit you behind corners. Also let me ask you this: Where do you think you can roll and use cover (as explosions give 0 fucks about cover) in a tight corridor or when you have 4 rockets comming at you ?

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I usually run 145% range which should make Slash Dash's cone about 17m and I made sure to stay close to the group of enemies.


I wonder if duration affects it too, even though it's not listed on the wiki atm. IE: more duration means more time bouncing target to target.  Or power strength affects the number of targets you attack?  I was running 0 power strength and only ever slashed like, 2 targets.

Edited by Gelkor
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OP has a point though.  Surging Dash is now incorporated by default into Excalibur's abilities making the mod useless.  Hopefully DE will release another augment in due time but for now I think some compensation for those who spent standing and fusion cores to rank it up is in due order.


Also, Radial Blind doesn't give Radiant Finish by default.  You get a Stealth Attack Multiplier if you melee the enemy before you run into them regardless of whether they hear noise or no.  Radiant Finish doubles that multiplier at max rank.

Edited by TenguBlade
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I wonder if duration affects it too, even though it's not listed on the wiki atm. IE: more duration means more time bouncing target to target.  Or power strength affects the number of targets you attack?

I usually run 122% duration (max efficiency) and didn't make a difference neither did more power strength, something is deffinitly not right with Slash Dash.

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Vortexed within https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/476499-pc-1690-excalibur-feedback-megathread/


I don't agree, I think his 4 is fun actually. It requires you to DO something, more than 95% of the others ultis. Even if you're not easily killable, you're not immortal. And you do not nuke an entire room in 1 button-push, (except with his 3d until mid level), so your teammates can play. Try to play on fun places, Draco Ceres 4rounds+, T4 Survival/Defense/interception. ;)

But whatever, this is just an opinion. I respect yours ^^

Community also claims Valkyr is boring.  I'm noticing a pattern.


>Also I do think Excal has a melee buff passive.  I'll have to do some hard testing but from what I did see, the damage isn't that much of an increase.

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Slash Dash can't seem to hit targets running away from you, even at slow speeds (very similar to the Centaur missing frequently as it has no reach and you stop before each actual strike).


This could potentially be fixed by having him reach a little past his target and have him strike it along the way (a la old slashdash), thus ensuring his blade can actually reach his target.

Edited by MrBubbleSS
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We're all aware Excalibur was pretty lackluster a while back, who only saw use for farming runs with a Radial Javelin build, but then Radiant Finish which promoted an actually stimulating way to play which worked for high level content, rather than just pressing 4 on a Maximum Efficiency, Strength and Range build.


Then we introduce an update for Excalibur that makes his overpowered AOE ultimate ability cheaper to use, with no nerf, while adding an obnoxiously overpowered new elite skill that has a virtually unlimited range on it with a fast moving projectile that out-speeds pretty much everything else. Cute.


New Excalibur is so overpowered, it actually spoils my enjoyment of the game, because when im playing it, its boring, because it just encourages mindless "Spam #4 (and now #3!) to win" gameplay, and when other people are playing it, I can't enjoy myself because everything in the room, and next room is already dead, unless I use a stronger Press4ToWin frame like Saryn to out-spam the Excalibur.


Ember or Frost could have made more use of this rework, considering Exalibur already had several endgame-viable builds such as the Radiant Finish builds or (albeit mentally degrading) Radial Javelin builds.


Although DE won't un-suck this frame just because I politely ask, I think ill be avoiding Excalibur and those who play Excalibur from now on. Its a step backwards in the quest to solving the issue of mindless spam gameplay. Until this rework goes out of fashion, and everybody stops running Excalibur, I think ill find myself a dark corner in a solo mission to hide in.


Ember is strong as hell, actually.  Frost, I agree needs a rework.  Excal overpowered now?  Not a chance.  You get into a group with Mesa, Mag, Banshee, Saryn, Ember or ANY other spammable frame and they do just as well as the new Excal.  Also, his new 4 is a channeled sword.  Neither the sword nor the energy wave have nearly unlimited range.  Also, it's channeled, who would spam it?  You'd just be turning it on and off o.0


Your salt has gotten in your eyes and blinded you to the truth.  All Warframes are overpowered to a degree.  Ask any Grineer.

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Slash Dash can't seem to hit targets running away from you, even at slow speeds (very similar to the Centaur missing frequently as it has no reach and you stop before each actual strike).


This could potentially be fixed by having him reach a little past his target and have him strike it along the way, thus ensuring his blade can actually reach his target.

There's another problem with it: It barelly targets enemies (count yourself lucky if you will dash to more than 2 guys).

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No intro no time waste... Just read the update 16.9.0 i was shocked... Ok we got it valkyr is special situaition wwith( 600 ARMOR !!!) Then come the weird frame with ( 350 ARMOR! !!) n...now you buff excal to 225 armor and the prime for 250 ARMOR what is going on? ? Why the heaviest Tanky frame with 190 ARMOr why De WHY? ?! And the both versions of Rhino has same armor... I call unfair..thanks for reading.

I am disappointed as hell.

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I like/dislike the changes. Exalted Blade is a really good step forward and the slight increase of armor gives just a bit of more survivability (I would have given him more sprint boost. Why the hell he's as slow as rhino? It doesn't make sense to me). The other thing I've always like about Excalibur it's that he's not cheap for cheap players that wants an easy win. You always needs to face your enemies to kill them and now you have to do that to defend too (btw, guy above me, don't you worry about rage. Bombards and tough situations will beat your @ss hard enough to give you all the effects of it no matter what).

Maybe it's me because I expected more? But no, there's just a factor that bothers me a lot wich is the default radiant finish now. It's something that severly slows you down while meleeing and instead of taking this as an opportunity to change the effects on the augment, all they do is to increase the damages of it... Marvelous. To me, now Excalibur is just as not-so-good as Oberon. Just made for fun (gonna miss that bastud of super jump+heavy impact a lot 'cause of this...) and now not even that...

In the end it's good for people who are starting at least because they'll have a way to get their health back and go relentlessly forward.

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We gained stupidly OP energy sword ultimate and lost seamless mobility from 1 and 3.  1's distance traveled now scales on power range, which forces us to reduce power strength to travel long distances with it.  Vertical travel is now quite disorienting and we can no longer tweak different stats to alter how high we travel vertically (formerly power strength with Super Jump) and horizontally (power duration with Slash Dash.)  My entire playstyle with Excalibur was removed with this update.  This new warframe we got is pretty fun (and overpowered as hell, good job again DE!) but it's not my beloved Excal.


Outside of mobility concerns, RJ is still a broken, boring ability.  I'll take SJ over it any day, without a single doubt.  


Edit: Looks like Exalted Blade isn't so great and Radiant Finish is where the real cheese is.  Slash Dash does pretty heavy damage from what I've seen, hitting level 20ish Elite Lancers for around 4k damage.  Not sure how the equipped melee weapon affects damage yet.

Vortexed within https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/476499-pc-1690-excalibur-feedback-megathread/

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Sorry op, I couldn't concentrate on anything you wrote as my shiny new excal who looks like a @(*()$ badass is pretty hypnotizing. 


And on that note, my second excal (which I farmed, mind you) should be ready in about three days so my noob loadout can be all prisma encrusted, while my pro loadout will use the old skins just to stay classy. I'm telling you, three presets for our frames just isn't enough.


While this might seem expensive, once you start selling and not have no real need to buy, it is really where all the extra plat goes, on cosmetics. 


Let's not even start any possibility of getting wings for my nova, as I would just throw my plat at DE so fast that even with volt speed they wouldn't be able to catch it.

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Make the blind simply shine out during the middle or near the end of the spin with no additional animation.


Add different varieties of blade waves for different moves in combos, such as a wide sweeping arcs or radial circular wave for spinning attacks.


Give channeling attacks a distinct stronger wave attack.


Sometimes Excalibur doesn't hit every target within the initial Slash Dash cast, possibly make it more clear which targets are going to be hit so it's easier to tell the actual effective range. (Possibly give it the old particle effect back as well)


While in Ultimate make air attack a mini slash dash and ground slam a mini radial javelin.


Have a better looking spectral weapon than a Skana, something larger and more exotic to make it a little more intimidating.


Add some benefit to using Radial Javelin during Exalted Blade.

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Got Hyped about the update,went to Kiste and then found out all of his ablites have LOS i was like wtf i did like the !nfinte block but overall the i was very disappoted about the re-work!


DE have introduced AFK System.

DE have introduced NULLFERIS(HATE EM!!).

DE have Nerfed Syndicate So badly. 


I really wanted to solo T1 def so badly T^T and do draco the old style..


Just Hoping Even if they would like remove LOS when using last abilty as the energy sword+javelin  which does not have LOS would be great.


well need some opitons guys

(Sorry about the vague post doing at midnight 2 o clock,I hope yu can help me My Tenno Brothers and Sisters T^T).

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