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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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Have yet to play Excalibur rework since I'm a console player but from watching others play..

Radial javelin needs a completely different use.

Some would say scrap it and replace with a melee/armor/speed buff, would be better yes but too simple and overplayed.

BEST thing to do for radial javelin is to make it a defensive priority skill to complete excals kit.

LOTS of posts made this idea and I agree,


Excalibur summons swords floating 360 degrees around him (rotating around him) that parry and block incoming bullets/missiles (to a degree) and damage any enemy inside (Not a lot of damage, maybe just chanced slash proc) and when ability is used again while active it sends the swords out like normal RJ 1.0 did.

This ability can be active as long as the player wants (energy drain) and can be combined with exalted blade (energy drain stacked) (to not make auto parry useless when exalted blade is active make it so the swords are defending his back and sides while leaving the front open to parry and waves)

With this, Radial Javelin has a defensive use, maintains its origin of design, and can fluidly be used with his other powers as a whole.

yep this would be so  much better at the moment radial javelin is terrible, blind works better for a cc and even damage if you do finishers which annoy me since you cant normal melee. plus a defensive skill would defiantly help him instead of using a cc that requires los which is still terrible as it doesn't work right

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Slash Dash doesn't seem to be ping-ponging correctly. Often stops after 1 enemy, despite multiple enemies being directly next to it. It often doesn't even hit an enemy, too.

same I also have when I hit an enemy that didn't die doesn't get knocked down at all

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I've always thought that Radial Blind and Radial Javelin should be rolled into one skill. At the moment Radial blind is relatively useless in levels where Javelins kill, it's only when Javelins stop killing that Blind becomes properly useful. Either way one of your skills is useless.


Both have the same range, both have the same shoddy LoS targeting system. Why not just roll them into one and make a new ability for him.

Edited by DeMonkey
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I've always thought that Radial Blind and Radial Javelin should be rolled into one skill. At the moment Radial blind is relatively useless in levels where Javelins kill, it's only when Javelins stop killing that Blind becomes properly useful. Either way one of your skills is useless.


Both have the same range, both have the same shoddy LoS targeting system. Why not just roll them into one and make a new ability for him.

could do but wouldn't there have to be some sort of down side?


maybe take out the finisher again and leave it as a mod ?

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maybe take out the finisher again and leave it as a mod ?

You consider that a downside? I consider that another plus.


If im honest, i don't think there needs to be a downside, it stops RB or RJ from being useless in certain level ranges and opens up another slot for DE to create a cool ability for him. If Loki's Disarm can irradiate people without a downside I can't imagine Radial Blinding Javelins would need one.

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Are the throwing mods like power throw and whirlwind working with Excalibur's Exalted Blade ability? Also, are Warframe mods like Reflex Guard, Reflection and Natural Talent working with Exalted Blade as well?

Edited by (PS4)Wadidja
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You consider that a downside? I consider that another plus.


If im honest, i don't think there needs to be a downside, it stops RB or RJ from being useless in certain level ranges and opens up another slot for DE to create a cool ability for him. If Loki's Disarm can irradiate people without a downside I can't imagine Radial Blinding Javelins would need one.

I can see your point either this could work or they could

radial javelin: works from melee mods as well either keep the damage the same or if they lower it make it finisher damage while any enemies radial blind give the stealth multiplier

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exalted blade energy waves don't seem to use mods. with ~200% power strength and a ~1000 damage nikana (400 viral, 400 radiation, 200 slash) i did ~150 damage to lvl 40 grineer lancers. utterly pointless ability as it stands. on top you can't block against you movement direction in that mode which means you can't retreat without taking tons of damage. suicide against high level grineer.


slash dash seems to be less useful, excalibur seems to take damage regularly during the animation which makes it suicide to use in a fairly big group of high lvl grineer for instance. it also seems to omit targets, might be the ones moving (away from you).

Edited by SlyBoots
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Weapon scaling of the Ult still seems to be bugged after 16.9.1 when not hosting, mods don't apply on normal hits but Slash Dash and the beams still work fine. Someone please confirm, I tested this on Draco.

Edited by R4yn0r
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ok i've just recalled a new idea for the slide + blind thing. instead of copying everything radial blind #2 animations , sounds etc. copy it directly from the muzzle flash mod that mesa possess. that one is a real "passive", and the sound of it is great, but could use a bit volume down toning.. muzzle flash possess no animation except for that explosion thing, so it wouldn't interfere with our stylish slide attacks. seriously, all we ask is this and the blade wave damage fix, then EB could officially be categorized "ultimate" and the improved melee gameplay ability with no harsh downside unlike now


(minus the lasso ofcourse)

Edited by SomeCrackHead
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can slash dash highlight affected enemies like ash's blade storm so i can determine what im going to hit and be ready afterwards?


I really like this.

It would also help out for bugtesting a lot, since people would be able to tell when an enemy was targeted and they got caught on a piece of terrain or something.

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I would like to announce two relatively game-breaking bugs with the new Excalibur.

When you use Exalted Blade, during the animation to pull out the sword, if you jump down from an elevated place and drop down to do that crouching down impact animation, the animation will bug out and you will essentially be rendered useless for the remainder of that mission. You can still move around and switch your weapons, but you won't be able to use any of your weapons or abilities.


And the second one, I have no idea how it's triggered but I used slash dash once and it went directly forward, ignoring all enemies in front of me, and at the end, it froze me into the slash dash animation, not allowing me to do ANYTHING, no moving, no attacking, nothing.


I really hope these bugs get fixed soon.

Edited by PhoenixElite
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I'm sure this has already been pointed out already, but Life Strike works with EB without channeling, but (according to another user) other channeling mods don't.

If this inconsistency wasn't intentional (i.e. if the devs didn't intend to perma-enable Life Strike for easy healthsteal while in EB mode), then I think it would be better to make channeling mods all-or-nothing. Either they all work while not channeling, or none of them do.



Im using Quickening and LS right now, both work fine. Quickening is noticeably increasing my attack speed over my friend playing without it.

Okay, this topic may need a bit more testing. XD

Edited by SortaRandom
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I don't see any "special finishers" for his blade, and the ones it has right now are.. I don't know, the last thing you want is do a finisher move when there's so many enemies around you and you just waste your radial blind's duration. The slide attack seems to be more useful just because it doesn't force you to finish them 

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exalted blade energy waves don't seem to use mods. with ~200% power strength and a ~1000 damage nikana (400 viral, 400 radiation, 200 slash) i did ~150 damage to lvl 40 grineer lancers. utterly pointless ability as it stands. on top you can't block against you movement direction in that mode which means you can't retreat without taking tons of damage. suicide against high level grineer.



the waves themselves only take in the base damage mods into account (according to wiki) and the blade itself all of them. seeing as the base damage of the sword itself is 250 (doing this from memory) your 1000 damage nikana doesnt affect it the mods on your nikana do (so 240% viral 240%radiation based on the 250 damage added affected by the 90% of pressure point (and maybe spoiled 100% and evt. augment base damage)should be the values of the blade in melee range, and the waves should be whatever value they are affected by your base damage )

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I'm sure this has already been pointed out already, but Life Strike works with EB without channeling, but (according to another user) other channeling mods don't.

If this inconsistency wasn't intentional (i.e. if the devs didn't intend to perma-enable Life Strike for easy healthsteal while in EB mode), then I think it would be better to make channeling mods all-or-nothing. Either they all work while not channeling, or none of them do.

Im using Quickening and LS right now, both work fine. Quickening is noticeably increasing my attack speed over my friend playing without it.

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the waves themselves only take in the base damage mods into account (according to wiki) and the blade itself all of them. seeing as the base damage of the sword itself is 250 (doing this from memory) your 1000 damage nikana doesnt affect it the mods on your nikana do (so 240% viral 240%radiation based on the 250 damage added affected by the 90% of pressure point (and maybe spoiled 100% and evt. augment base damage)should be the values of the blade in melee range, and the waves should be whatever value they are affected by your base damage )


that would still be roughly 1500 damage before armor for the energy waves (250 base + pressure point + spoiled strike + 200% power strength). do lvl 40 grineer already have 90% damage reduction? and why is the damage of the waves different between melee weapons?

Edited by SlyBoots
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Im using Quickening and LS right now, both work fine. Quickening is noticeably increasing my attack speed over my friend playing without it.


I assume you mean without channeling?

If so, then it's time for me to test out some new builds. xD

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