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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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slash dash: good skill however its either buggy or not enough arc range. I only seem to hit about 1-2 targets when there is a massive group

increase the arc range

have a lock on feature turning those that are in range red so you know what your meant to hit


radial blind: LOS is still buggy needs fixing still

make finisher animation go to a different key so you can use either finisher or normal melee

make an accuracy lose to enemy's not effected by los


radial javelin needs an update or rework like they said they were going to do at the moment its worse than radial blind as blind gives huge damage and cc.

keep enemy cap but get rid of awareness

make it effect the combo counter

finisher damage

stun duration effect by duration mods


4th skill

radial blind slide range increased just a bit you have to be so close to have them blinded

bring back life strike but integrate it into the skill so he has some survivability in the skill or some kind of damage reduction

auto parry should block all knockdowns and reflect rockets or stop the proc of the knockdown

air slashes- should add to the combo counter or procs to keep it to scale

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slash dash: good skill however its either buggy or not enough arc range. I only seem to hit about 1-2 targets when there is a massive group

increase the arc range

have a lock on feature turning those that are in range red so you know what your meant to hit


radial blind: LOS is still buggy needs fixing still

make finisher animation go to a different key so you can use either finisher or normal melee

make an accuracy lose to enemy's not effected by los


radial javelin needs an update or rework like they said they were going to do at the moment its worse than radial blind as blind gives huge damage and cc.

keep enemy cap but get rid of awareness

make it effect the combo counter

finisher damage

stun duration effect by duration mods


4th skill

radial blind slide range increased just a bit you have to be so close to have them blinded

bring back life strike but integrate it into the skill so he has some survivability in the skill or some kind of damage reduction

auto parry should block all knockdowns and reflect rockets or stop the proc of the knockdown

air slashes- should add to the combo counter or procs to keep it to scale



wouldn't you like to be able to spin attack in EB mode without radial blind animation though? (and still execute mini radial blind) it's another +

Edited by SomeCrackHead
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i agree for the absorb one because it could go down from 8 energy to 2 energy or so instead, they overdo it.

wof idk, its main problem is how its affected by different powers (str, range, duration) imo



if DE thought its too powerful maybe DE should've just toned it down a bit instead of removing it. our mod gives 5%. maybe it should have innate 1% instead?. basically most of my hits are 7-10k, and a whoopin 3 k... if i'm built for the wrong faction.. so we'd heal about 70-100 hp every hit and seeing as the waves punch throughs, if it did, we'd heal more, i think 1% is reasonable. when we really need to boost the heal more we'd just activate channeling

they should have kept the life strike in but built into the skill to give it survivability on that skill but reduce how much health as you said it does huge damage or at least give it something like damage reduction to keep himself safe

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Life strike seems like an inadequate bandaid to this problem. It works, but it costs energy, and that's kind of bad when your ultimate already consumes energy while active and often when you are attacking a group, just trying to get some health back, you often end up with no energy.


So please, even if it's just for the melee portion, let excal have innate life steal.

Honestly, Life strike is more than enough for Excalibur, especially if your building efficiency and especially since both the blade and waves attribute towards gaining life when you channel. If your having energy problems with EB then your not building enough Efficiency because EB has some of the slowest energy drains I've seen in this game. 

they should have kept the life strike in but built into the skill to give it survivability on that skill but reduce how much health as you said it does huge damage or at least give it something like damage reduction to keep himself safe

I disagree. That made the ability borderline broken since you didn't have to manage your health at all. Any damage you were taking just came right back. At least with how it is now you have to pay attention and manage it(Much like Chroma, another frame that has this practice and another favorite of mine.). If DE were to put it back in they would probably adjust how much energy drain EB would have.

Edited by Darkmoone1
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wouldn't you like to be able to spin attack in EB mode without radial blind animation though? (and still execute mini radial blind) it's another +

forgot about that I would like to spin without the blind as it does get annoying as I might want to hit multiple enemies or copter as some people say just don't know how to keep that blind built in

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Honestly, Life strike is more than enough for Excalibur, especially if your building efficiency and especially since both the blade and waves attribute towards gaining life when you channel. If your having energy problems with EB then your not building enough Efficiency because EB has some of the slowest energy drains I've seen in this game. 

in that case i may perfectly use my melee weapon for life strike, this way at least i do not use the energy needed for EB.

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either DE is having a holiday or something or we're not getting any more changes lol. so far this weekend nothing happened.

They've never worked over the weekend.


After reading through all the comments about how cheap EB is, it seems everyone complaining about it is at the 75% efficiency cap. Have you tried using Blind Rage with it? Have you tried taking out Fleeting to save your duration? Not everyone plays Excalibur the same way that you do. 


No ability should be balanced based on the fact that you can get 75% efficiency for it, because then what will happen is energy costs will rise, and new players will suffer for it. Think of the MR0 newbie who's just reached rank 10 with his Excal and got his ult unlocked, how sad would it be for them if EB cost more than it already does? 30 seconds of usage at base drain value = 100 energy (Initial cost of 25 energy + (30 x 2.5)). Add to that the fact that they will likely use their other abilities as well and it's not going to last as long as you think.

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in that case i may perfectly use my melee weapon for life strike, this way at least i do not use the energy needed for EB.

You can do that as well, but in the end your still using that same amount of energy to regain your health. So in turn your still using that energy as the resource that can be used for EB as well. So honestly I wouldn't see the point behind it.

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You can do that as well, but in the end your still using that same amount of energy to regain your health. So in turn your still using that energy as the resource that can be used for EB as well. So honestly I wouldn't see the point behind it.

No, i wouldnt use the same amount of energy. I'd keep the energy necessary for using the EB, id only use the energy necessary for healing. After i heal, i activate exalted blade.

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Honestly, Life strike is more than enough for Excalibur, especially if your building efficiency and especially since both the blade and waves attribute towards gaining life when you channel. If your having energy problems with EB then your not building enough Efficiency because EB has some of the slowest energy drains I've seen in this game. 


I disagree. That made the ability borderline broken since you didn't have to manage your health at all. Any damage you were taking just came right back. At least with how it is now you have to pay attention and manage it(Much like Chroma, another frame that has this practice and another favorite of mine.). If DE were to put it back in they would probably adjust how much energy drain EB would have.

yet then there is no survivability built into that skill instead I have to rely on a mod that's cost extra energy to use or use other skills like radial blind that cost energy to keep my self alive during that skill

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After reading through all the comments about how cheap EB is, it seems everyone complaining about it is at the 75% efficiency cap. Have you tried using Blind Rage with it? Have you tried taking out Fleeting to save your duration? Not everyone plays Excalibur the same way that you do. 


No ability should be balanced based on the fact that you can get 75% efficiency for it, because then what will happen is energy costs will rise, and new players will suffer for it. Think of the MR0 newbie who's just reached rank 10 with his Excal and got his ult unlocked, how sad would it be for them if EB cost more than it already does? 30 seconds of usage at base drain value = 100 energy (Initial cost of 25 energy + (30 x 2.5)). Add to that the fact that they will likely use their other abilities as well and it's not going to last as long as you think.

Hell, the efficiency cap itself is excessive. You can do 50-60% right below the cap and still have more than enough energy to go perma EB. There's more than enough room to place other mods in there. 



No, i wouldnt use the same amount of energy. I'd keep the energy necessary for using the EB, id only use the energy necessary for healing. After i heal, i activate exalted blade.

But in the end the energy is still energy. If I were to heal while in EB I'm still healing the same way I would heal without it. The only difference is that I'm slowly draining energy while I have EB active. And again like I said, the drain on EB is so slow so what's the point of putting away what is probably my most powerful source of damage with my actual melee weapon? Because in the end my melee weapon just becomes an extension of my EB.

Edited by Darkmoone1
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yeah he has no survivability... 




i mean, he cant do 1h 10 min like valkyr!. he sucks!. 


he is perfect the way he is now. he has mobility. utility, damage. if you dont like finishers because you cant sweep enemies, use your weapons!. change your gameplan not the frame. he was good before update, now? def one of the strongest frames

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yet then there is no survivability built into that skill instead I have to rely on a mod that's cost extra energy to use or use other skills like radial blind that cost energy to keep my self alive during that skill

All this talk of extra energy when EB, like i've said countless times before EB costs almost nothing. All it takes is one built in Radial Blind that is built into EB(Takes no energy.) and slash your enemy once with a channeled strike and that's it all of your life is back. The only other abilities that would put a hamper on your Energy capacity is Slash Dash and EJ, but that's only if your abusing them, constantly using the abilities without actually using your normal strikes and combos. 


What you want is to just blindly slash your enemies without any thought behind it and that makes EB more powerful than what it would be intended for. EB is not built to blindly slash enemies to get ahead. It's made so that you can get an edge, but only if you manage your energy so you use your other abilities correctly and Channel at the right moments. 


What you're suggesting is the opposite of this and overall lazy design. Almost akin to Valkyr's Hysteri-


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All this talk of extra energy when EB, like i've said countless times before EB costs almost nothing. All it takes is one built in Radial Blind that is built into EB(Takes no energy.) and slash your enemy once with a channeled strike and that's it all of your life is back. The only other abilities that would put a hamper on your Energy capacity is Slash Dash and EJ, but that's only if your abusing them, constantly using the abilities without actually using your normal strikes and combos. 


What you want is to just blindly slash your enemies without any thought behind it and that makes EB more powerful than what it would be intended for. EB is not built to blindly slash enemies to get ahead. It's made so that you can get an edge, but only if you manage your energy so you use your other abilities correctly and Channel at the right moments. 


What you're suggesting is the opposite of this and overall lazy design. Almost akin to Valkyr's Hysteri-


 completely agree

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yeah he has no survivability... 




i mean, he cant do 1h 10 min like valkyr!. he sucks!. 


he is perfect the way he is now. he has mobility. utility, damage. if you dont like finishers because you cant sweep enemies, use your weapons!. change your gameplan not the frame. he was good before update, now? def one of the strongest frames

use no other skills except EB and no other weapons except a melee weapon



All this talk of extra energy when EB, like i've said countless times before EB costs almost nothing. All it takes is one built in Radial Blind that is built into EB(Takes no energy.) and slash your enemy once with a channeled strike and that's it all of your life is back. The only other abilities that would put a hamper on your Energy capacity is Slash Dash and EJ, but that's only if your abusing them, constantly using the abilities without actually using your normal strikes and combos. 


What you want is to just blindly slash your enemies without any thought behind it and that makes EB more powerful than what it would be intended for. EB is not built to blindly slash enemies to get ahead. It's made so that you can get an edge, but only if you manage your energy so you use your other abilities correctly and Channel at the right moments. 


What you're suggesting is the opposite of this and overall lazy design. Almost akin to Valkyr's Hysteri-


if I have to go full melee on a ability I don't want to use other ability's or band aids to survive with that ability otherwise id just rather go around spamming 4th skills like saryn so I can easily knock out a whole room and not worry about anything in the world

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use no other skills except EB and no other weapons except a melee weapon



if I have to go full melee on a ability I don't want to use other ability's or band aids to survive with that ability otherwise id just rather go around spamming 4th skills like saryn so I can easily knock out a whole room and not worry about anything in the world

I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand the point of EB at all if you say this then. EB is entirely built around synergy. It builds off of your mods, it buffs Slash Dash, and gives you a free radial blind. By itself EB is nothing without the effort put in the player and in turn is an extension of what makes Excalibur in the first place. That's what makes EB so special right now. Take it away, or add something like innate lifesteal and you remove a part of the uniqueness.

I think if you just want to spam 4 and move on then your looking for the wrong warframe.

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If Radial Javelin has a target limit... why don't we just change it back to the original version? It was much cooler to have the Skanas emanate from Excalibur and it opened up the opportunity for strategy (positioning so multiple blades hit the same enemy). I would also argue that its damage should be effected by the combo counter to help it scale a bit better (and change the augment so enemies hit by Radial Javelin add to the combo counter).

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But in the end the energy is still energy. If I were to heal while in EB I'm still healing the same way I would heal without it. The only difference is that I'm slowly draining energy while I have EB active. And again like I said, the drain on EB is so slow so what's the point of putting away what is probably my most powerful source of damage with my actual melee weapon? Because in the end my melee weapon just becomes an extension of my EB.

while i do agree with you, as far as i saw, EB duration is not based on...well...duration... its based on its efficiency. When you make a build for damage with a bit of survival buff/mod like life strike, you will have to avoid efficiency mods because you already chose damage + healing (in order to take full advantage of both)

One thing i don't understand (even if i think its pretty obvious).

Does EB only benefit from slash mods? or all mods add the same damage to the main input?

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Greetings to DE and the Warframe community.


This is my first post on the forums. Though I am hardly new to the game itself. 




     This post is in response to the recent, and very large change made to Excalibur. So now my topic title should make a little more sense. I'm sure if your reading this your probably rolling your eyes, which is fine.


     So on the whole, I am against the changes made to Excalibur. Now before I really get going, this post is more to get this off my chest more then anything else. I realize that whats done is done, and there is small chance that what is now, could ever go back to what it was then. And all that's left is for small tweaks to be made so that everyone can at least agree to disagree. 


    Now I'm of the same mindset as most that Excalibur was lack luster. He was the first frame, "Ol' reliable" if you will. So for him to feel not as shiny as he used to is to be expected, especially with the various new frames that have been released over the years. So naturally I am in accord with those that said he needed some love. But the changes made to Slash Dash, and exchanging Super jump for Exalted Blade was not the kind of love he needed. Premature, and overboard are some of the words I would choose.


     In his previous incarnation, Excalibur was the most balanced frame in the game. In fact he was almost perfectly balanced. He had two damage skills, and two utility skills. And both sets had their own respective secondary damage and utility. The exception to this was Super Jump, which by itself did not offer any damage properties to supplement its utility. Despite this, Excalibur was by far the most versatile and mobile frame in the game. He filled that niche, as well as the "Run n Gun" niche very well. With these new changes though, he no longer possesses the utility or versatility he once had. Now he doesn't seem to fit any role, or fill any niche's at all.. He's just another DPS frame. 


     I am as biased as they come. And Excal is my favorite frame. Well.. WAS my favorite frame. So DE, I can't help but feel a bit put off that y'all felt that gutting Excalibur was needed to make him better, especially when y'all got him right the first time.



     Well that's my rant.  





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I love excalibur bro, always did, and now I love him even more, not to make loki jealous, loki is still my #1 warframe, but excalibur moves up into my top 10 best warframes, besides, slash dash is now a super jump, no more making choices on extending duration for a fast travel slash or increasing strength for more radial javelin damage and jump height, its all in one!

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I disagree with the Super jump, Not only was it out of date now, come u17 it wouldn't have been worth the 10 energy it would cost to cast, I enjoy the new ability, it heavily emphasizes the fact he's a swordsman. So it works out, but that's me, and just as you I'm heavily biased, as Exal use to be my favorite until he started to loose his ability to function outside of pressing 4 repeatedly, I discovered Volt and he's still one of my favorites, but seeing that my old go to is now functional, and fun as well, Him and Chroma have the coolest Ults in the game, *That don't break the game* Cough cough (Mesa) 


But like I said previously, like you I'm biased to a fault.

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