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If You Remove Coptering You Might As Well Remove The Entirety Of Melee.


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In Warframe, melees are only useful for movement enhancement only. Period.


You can be a invisilbe loki using dual ichors and your melee dps still doesn't keep up with your guns. All melees are weak compared to guns, but they are still useful because they can aid your movement (hence why people don't like using weapons that are too slow like scythes and axes). But with parkour 2.0 they are planning to remove the coptering and air meleeing capabilites from melee weapons, which will utterly ruin melees.

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Or, and stay with me here, encourage you to use melee for what it was intended, actually hitting things.


I find melee more beneficial than guns. Blades don't run out of ammo, deflect bullets, execute enemies, cut through a crowd, and have stances allowing them to be modded at rank 0.

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I won't lie, I use coptering as a normal attack about 20% of the time. It's technically a spin attack, which usually is pretty powerful. But I also use it as major mobility, and trying to navigate throughout one of the huge tilesets without being able to copter (or even upswing) is pretty tedious. 
If stamina is removed and we were to get unlimited running, I could see how it could perhaps get a bit better but still, it's just more useful to copter.

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DESteve said on twitter 2 times already that coptering will be removed in u17.

links. also clickbait is clickbait but i guess its working


Edit: cause every dev stream theyve talked about it theyve said its staying and their working to make it an actual feature

Edited by Caobie
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DESteve said on twitter 2 times already that coptering will be removed in u17.

We're also getting an entirely new parkour system to make up for it (and Steve also purposely poked fun at these kinds of topics in another tweet).



You can't bring up a fraction of the overall system and not mention the rest of it, when it's all interconnected. It's just gonna misinform people.

Edited by Vargras
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...At the risk of feeding an obvious troll here, are you saying that it'd be better to NOT implement Parkour 2.0 so you can keep coptering, than to simply fix melee weapons so that they're useful as more than a mobility twink? Is melee being only useful for movement somehow an integral part of the game experience that should never be touched or considered for tweaking?


"The problem is that melee weapons can't perform on even terms with guns as an offense and excel only in letting us move faster, therefore don't expand our movement options and make melee-based movement obsolete."


Somehow, you seem to be missing a bigger problem here.

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Melee can deal finisher damage, which is 1200%-2400% pure damage increase depending on the melee type. That is quite a lot of damage.

Also, you only consider coptering as a mobility tool, never realising its combat ability. Oh, maybe Excal has "blinded" you from it (if you get what I mean).

Edited by KuroShiranui
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In Warframe, melees are only useful for movement enhancement only.


And there we are...

Why you hate coptering?

You have the answer right here.




This is like people from conclave, "melee  weapons are just for move, not dealing damage"

Edited by Grimlock-
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...At the risk of feeding an obvious troll here, are you saying that it'd be better to NOT implement Parkour 2.0 so you can keep coptering, than to simply fix melee weapons so that they're useful as more than a mobility twink? Is melee being only useful for movement somehow an integral part of the game experience that should never be touched or considered for tweaking?.

Why does parkour 2.0's introduction require the removal of coptering? Why is it necessary to get rid of the current #1 mobility tool in order to add another?

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In Warframe, melees are only useful for movement enhancement only. Period.


You can be a invisilbe loki using dual ichors and your melee dps still doesn't keep up with your guns. All melees are weak compared to guns, but they are still useful because they can aid your movement (hence why people don't like using weapons that are too slow like scythes and axes). But with parkour 2.0 they are planning to remove the coptering and air meleeing capabilites from melee weapons, which will utterly ruin melees.


As a melee user, I disagree with this wholeheartedly.


Coptering is silly and doesn't make sense contextually anyway. Melee is an alternate fighting style, it's not what you say it is that's only useful for movement because that is an outright lie and a stupid one at that.

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Why does parkour 2.0's introduction require the removal of coptering? Why is it necessary to get rid of the current #1 mobility tool in order to add another?

DE call that "The Full Backet Principle". If you want to add something in - you have to take something out. They taking out stamina and coptering and adding Parkour 2.0 instead. It's a fair trade.

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Why does parkour 2.0's introduction require the removal of coptering? Why is it necessary to get rid of the current #1 mobility tool in order to add another?

Because it was initially a bug, devs kept it for whatever reason, and now they want it gone because it looks bad -- and it does.


If you're going to add a new parkour system (and get rid of stamina, which means infinite sprinting), you don't want people coptering all over the map and smacking into walls from the sheer speed. It looks bad.

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