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Any High Mr Or Veteran Players That Haven't Done Raids?


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MR 10 here (if that counts). A few reasons really.

1) The sheer amount if high level enemies combined with what seems to be really derpy/weird rules. I'm really just intimidated by the sheer amount of BS mechanics I've been hearing about. I would have to watch a guide to the raid.

2) I rarely have more than three friends online, so I would have to do public matches.

3) I haven't seen anyone boast over his/her arcane things. Aside from trade chat, I can't see a reason to really go do the raids.

This is, of course, a bunch of here say, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

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I came back to the game at MR12 at the beginning of the Tubemen event after over a year's absence so that's why I hadn't done it yet even though I'm MR17 now.

I just did it last week after joining a large, well-established alliance. It was great fun and even though I wasn't very helpful with the mechanics I didn't make any big mistakes like jumping off the buttons and ended up with the highest damage dealt as Mirage spamming Prism.

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MR 10 here (if that counts). A few reasons really.

1) The sheer amount if high level enemies combined with what seems to be really derpy/weird rules. I'm really just intimidated by the sheer amount of BS mechanics I've been hearing about. I would have to watch a guide to the raid.

2) I rarely have more than three friends online, so I would have to do public matches.

3) I haven't seen anyone boast over his/her arcane things. Aside from trade chat, I can't see a reason to really go do the raids.

This is, of course, a bunch of here say, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

It is true you shouldn't get hyped about the arcanes alone...but you're forgeting one think really important that you can get on the raid...

if i'm not mistaken and correct me if i'm wrong...you can drop Neural Sensors Blueprint and Orokin Cell Blueprint, each worth 100p...and after each sucessfull run of the raid you get over 100k credits and even an Arcane...wich in my oppinion is well worth your time ;) 

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MR 10 here (if that counts). A few reasons really.

1) The sheer amount if high level enemies combined with what seems to be really derpy/weird rules. I'm really just intimidated by the sheer amount of BS mechanics I've been hearing about. I would have to watch a guide to the raid.

2) I rarely have more than three friends online, so I would have to do public matches.

3) I haven't seen anyone boast over his/her arcane things. Aside from trade chat, I can't see a reason to really go do the raids.

This is, of course, a bunch of here say, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Maybe I'm just absolutely incredibly lucky, but out of 30 or so raids now I've bugged out once or twice from someone dcing.

It seems like the people who have to offer the most of their opinion on the raid are people who have played it once or never tried it all, and come to leaping conclusions or flat out exaggerations to justify why they don't.

But hey, I personally don't have to many toxic people. Those who are toxic can be muted, and they don't get backed by the rest of the players. I think the rewards are fine too ; 400k credits, 20-100plat, built injectors, 60minute affinity and credit boosters for 40 minutes of playing. If you'd like to try it, feel free to add me. Yesterday I ran it with a group of people who posted in/saw this thread, and it went very smoothly.

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If something goes wrong, it's always the new guy's fault.


It really isn't like that though, because honestly the way normal mode is worked out the only time you can really mess up is by not standing on the pad in the puzzle room in phase 2, until everyone is done.


Other than that, I feel that in a team of 8 there's room for 2 players to be sort of "carried" through.


Some of the roles are easier than others too.


I'm not pushing the raid on anyone, and yeah the rewards aren't exactly game changing, so it's not compulsory, but it can be fun after you meet a good group, etc.

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YORO: you only raid once


I tried it when it first came out and didnt like it since many bugs and people are clueless of what they're doing


Now i raid everyday because bugs are smooth and people got more experienced. I only recruit veteran raider who wear raid badge. Tried with non experienced players and it's a frustrating experience.

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Never did a raid, well I did trial 2 times when it came out with my lvl 9 chroma but team was learning and we though its *trial* so we didn't get past the first phase. We brought battery then failed or smth.

Got trainload of plat, didn't buy even one arcane item.


Thinking about getting guardian one day when *cool* capes will come out.


Great *content* DE ^^.

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Mr 16 (iirc), player since the very early stages of open beta. Haven't touched raids at all. Mostly because i can't be bothered to start getting a raiding group together, also i do not intend to suport that kind of content for warframe. So, maybe i would have some fun with a decent group, but then again, i can do a ton of stuff to have fun without having to get a larger group that might ultimately fail after a bunch of frustration and time wasted. I still don't think the majority of warframe players ever even wanted raids in the first place (maybe they thought they did... who knows)

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Raids so far are the missions with the highest mechanical and mathematical difficulty, it obvious some players know what's comming and prefer waiting for the right moment to do it, preparation goes a long way.


If you plan on bringing a buddy, use voice chat to guide him, yes many players can be carrieed in a raid, but don't expect to afk and beat the mission, it requires minimal concentration and dedication.

In other words, warframe corpses are not required, teams doing raids require your minds into the game, missions such as spy, rescue and sometimes stressfull high level missions are a good start so you can manage under pressure, those are always a good preparation for raids.


If you barely know how to rescue for example, jumping into a raid is suicidal and yes, you will hold your team back, mission success depends in a good portion from your effort.

No effort = no results

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No idea what everyone else said but with how "raids" are general seen and viewed I kinda blame that. As high difficulty, planned out, need mics and ultimate communication with pin point team effort, etc. Tbh I thought the same especially when you see so many people putting up absurd requirements for raids plus what I personally always attributed as what raids were through vids, talks etc. Quite frankly once you learn what to do it's a real breeze even with somewhat useless team mates. Also with the high MR's, people need to remember that a lot of them people are just draco and exp runners. Personally seen a few people just who have just started asking for lvls, taxis etc. Also seen higher MR's with as much skill or know how as a baked potato xD.....


I would personally love to run and host more raids free for anyone to come, learn and play BUT even with multiple regular and nm run in my belt those thoughts of not wanting to mess up keep me from it~

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I can understand if people like playing solo :P Yeah, Warframe can be a team game, but funs subjective. They're entitled to play how they want to play.

I just don't think people should blow it off without ever at least trying it once themselves.



Look, that's just something you're going to have to live with. My advice? Stop caring about other people, because it's the easiest meta.

You said above that players make exagerrations or leaping conclusions. Did you ever consider that multiple experiences with players in anything other than Trial can leave a player questioning whether or not playing with people can be toxic? It's not an exagerration when I say that Recruiting chat is filled with a vast majority of common Trial players, common, as in "LF experience". No one will ever bring in a newbie to the Trial willing to teach and then not blame them for a small blunder

From what I've seen, much of the Trial community is horrible and I want to avoid it at all costs.

Am I ignorant? Yes. Have I done the Trial even once? No. Do I want to? No.

I choose to be ignorant. People are horrible, that is the reason I'm a solo player and despise DE for making me miss content because they're shoving a "four or more" rule down my, along with every other solo player's, throat.

If DE continues to make me miss content because of poorly made "Raid" missions, I'm saying goodbye to Warframe.

Edited by LazerSkink
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MR: 19 in-game and I can say:


I only tried it a few times. You're not missing out.

I'm sure if you had kind friendly people to play with it will be fun depending on your preference/taste-

but it's definitely NOT for me.


1- Once where it were just a bunch of elitists/try-hards, I quit out of that one ASAP,


2- Another with the second stage glitching out so bad we couldn't tell what was causing the problem with pads and alarms

(and a blame which was completely un-necessary),


3- And the rest we couldn't even get past the first part due to faulty connection or people being generally salty and blaming one another for why the objects couldn't be picked up. 


 I don't understand how people could get angry at a game like this; you mess up, learn, and you move on, nothing to make a big deal about. Isn't game game about co-operation? I think it is. At this point I'll never touch a raid again. 


*Just remember to always do raids with Clans or trusted friends.


P.S:  I really wanted a raid to be endless waves of enemies with mini bosses all leading up to one final boss for fun. not a strategy on how to find out how to slow OP enemies down.


P.S.S:  (rank doesn't and shouldn't matter, but I say my rank above because you asked about high rankers)

Edited by zaxiade
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I've had a great time in the raid, and I've seen my credit total skyrocket at the same time. However, I am blessed with being in an active and close-knit clan and alliance. It took a bit of trial and error but now pretty much everyone knows what to do and can fill multiple roles whatever the need be. Lately we've been trying to complete it with one type of frame. Our latest attempt with mag failed at the last stage (the field was littered with dead mags underneath a laughing Hek) and I can honestly say it was the most fun I've ever had losing a mission on warframe.


There's a certain amount of coordination required to complete the trial that you won't necessarily get with random players, but if you do have a group of players that you work well with together it doesn't take too long to get used to the raid. And 150,000-300,000 creds (depending if you get a credit booster from a rare crate) for 30-45 minutes of playtime is definitely worth the effort.

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Is mr14 high? Anyway, never finished one due to lack of time recently (that 'recently' is rather long). I did run twice I believe, one as failed and one was rage quit because we tried to finish it for like 3 hours and something kept going bad. Also my net is not the most reliable and I mostly play solo due to it, so 8 people in one mission might be a problem. I plan to try running one with my clan on Tuesday when my finals are over, if anyone there will be up for it.

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