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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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whoops i meant wouldnt lol thanks Noamuth






1 ninja edit later


Actually i have no idea what your talking about i totally said wouldnt!

Abuse of power!



In other news, think my application will be seen?  I hope "For the Horde" was the correct answer for the "why do you want to be a guide" section. 

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Can you say how many applicants there are? Or is it super secret eloomynaughty information

It's only been a day but I have no idea if the numbers go from 20 to 100

I personally cant say anything, but you should ask The DE Danielle Hammer

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Can you say how many applicants there are? Or is it super secret eloomynaughty information

It's only been a day but I have no idea if the numbers go from 20 to 100

I can say it is more than zero and less than ten thousand.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep your ideals, thoughts, and application open and honest, as much as you can.

This isn't a competition, where manipulation and tactful thinking is the key to winning.


If you are already accomplishing the goals and guidelines we set out to achieve, you ARE A Guide of the Lotus, you simply do not have (yet) the formal recognition, support, and resources of those DE endorse.

Hold onto that feeling, be sure of yourself, and, most of all, be true to yourself.

Even if you don't make it in this time around, don't feel down in the dumps. It's unfortunate, but we're unable to take everyone who qualifies in. It's too large of an undertaking. Don't allow this to deter you.

If this is truly you, what you truly want, strive for, and believe you'll excel in in the best of ways, as is the wise words of Shia Labeouf, "Just, do it! Make your dreams come true!"

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I can say it is more than zero and less than ten thousand.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep your ideals, thoughts, and application open and honest, as much as you can.

This isn't a competition, where manipulation and tactful thinking is the key to winning.


If you are already accomplishing the goals and guidelines we set out to achieve, you ARE A Guide of the Lotus, you simply do not have (yet) the formal recognition, support, and resources of those DE endorse.

Hold onto that feeling, be sure of yourself, and, most of all, be true to yourself.

Even if you don't make it in this time around, don't feel down in the dumps. It's unfortunate, but we're unable to take everyone who qualifies in. It's too large of an undertaking. Don't allow this to deter you.

If this is truly you, what you truly want, strive for, and believe you'll excel in in the best of ways, as is the wise words of Shia Labeouf, "Just, do it! Make your dreams come true!"

True words of wisdom right there. +1

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My concern is how much GotL is used by players. Just using the chat system or being part of the forums seems enough to either; point the player in the right direction, or tell them directly. Since U16 new players have a starting tutorial which shows them all the basics, and now in U17 they even have a tutorial for parkour. However in both tutorials especially the first one, GotL is not mentioned at all. Instead the player is given a full ship with a news panel pointing to the forums and a chat system. The relays and to a further extent GotL is not shown or talked about. My guess is a new player is probably going to question the sigil or gear more then ask that person for help.


Now yes the relay is a boring place (besides from jumping on people) and GotL has to monitor the relay chat. However it's a public place, when a person stands still it usually means that person doing something else. So again a player would be less likely to ask. Instead they'd go to the chat (or forum) which can either be; region, clan (if they have one), or the relay.


Speaking of relay chat there are all these different instances of the relay and GotL members can only cover so many. Maybe it would be better to send out a message every hour across all instances, or have a panel in the relay saying these GotL members are available (with an explanation of what GotL is). Further more it may be better to change GotL chat text colour or add '(GotL)' to their name in chat.


GotL seems like it needs improvement to be made a viable help system, rather then a recruit drive. GotL uses the relay chat however any new player outside that instance of the relay is left out. Sure increasing the numbers increases the chance to cover more area but people can still be left out especially since they don't need to use the relays that much. So all in all new players; don't know who GotL are, don't know what GotL does, and some may not even see a GotL member. The regular chat system and forum is looking pretty good right now.

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I can say it is more than zero and less than ten thousand.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep your ideals, thoughts, and application open and honest, as much as you can.

This isn't a competition, where manipulation and tactful thinking is the key to winning.


If you are already accomplishing the goals and guidelines we set out to achieve, you ARE A Guide of the Lotus, you simply do not have (yet) the formal recognition, support, and resources of those DE endorse.

Hold onto that feeling, be sure of yourself, and, most of all, be true to yourself.

Even if you don't make it in this time around, don't feel down in the dumps. It's unfortunate, but we're unable to take everyone who qualifies in. It's too large of an undertaking. Don't allow this to deter you.

If this is truly you, what you truly want, strive for, and believe you'll excel in in the best of ways, as is the wise words of Shia Labeouf, "Just, do it! Make your dreams come true!"


I thought I was a thinker.... but man That was deep! :-D

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I can say it is more than zero and less than ten thousand.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep your ideals, thoughts, and application open and honest, as much as you can.

This isn't a competition, where manipulation and tactful thinking is the key to winning.


If you are already accomplishing the goals and guidelines we set out to achieve, you ARE A Guide of the Lotus, you simply do not have (yet) the formal recognition, support, and resources of those DE endorse.

Hold onto that feeling, be sure of yourself, and, most of all, be true to yourself.

Even if you don't make it in this time around, don't feel down in the dumps. It's unfortunate, but we're unable to take everyone who qualifies in. It's too large of an undertaking. Don't allow this to deter you.

If this is truly you, what you truly want, strive for, and believe you'll excel in in the best of ways, as is the wise words of Shia Labeouf, "Just, do it! Make your dreams come true!"

Lol almost makes up all those times I was called a troll for answering questions and not being a GoTL, almost, still trying to understand logic
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Help is always appreciated yes master when it is asked for by community members.

I have never had issue with THAT portion of your chat posts.

Lol was it that I used pickup lines on goat and not you?

Seriously though I am trying to not get as many arguements in region chat, so far suceeding

Edited by (XB1)Master4733
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So happy to see aflem1 &  BioRecombinator are sporting purple text......


You do realize that you will be asked at least a dozen times a day "Why you purple?".


I saw Bio in the relay this morning and got such a big smile on my face only to see him later in region being asked why his text was purple....lol.

Can't wait to see Aflem in purple....lol





My father was a recipient.

Edited by (XB1)SwagScapegoat
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Yes, congratulations are in order to ALL Juniors who recieved promotions to Senior! I am very proud of my XB1 Juniors who have worked their way to this place and time. You guys are very deserving of the position and I wish you luck for any future endevours. Please, for the love of RNGesus, let me know if you need anything or if you run into a situation you cant control or dont know what to do about.


On to other things, duplicate application submissions will get you nowhere or bolster your chances of being selected. Simple, one line answers on the applications will more than likely be overlooked, as you should be very descriptive and in depth when answering the questions. One other little thing to keep in mind. It is ok to be hopeful, but if you don't have at least 500 hours, then you might just be wasting your time filling out an application, no offense to anyone that did this, just pointing this out.


At any rate, good luck to everyone else who will be putting in applications, the ones who make it (you'll really need it lol) and good luck to all of the newly appointed Senior Guides!

Edited by (XB1)xXx STR1FE xXx
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Yes, congratulations are in order to ALL Juniors who reciev ed promotions to Senior! I am very proud of my XB1 Juniors who have worked their way to this place and time. You guys are very deserving of the position and I wish you luck for any future endevours. Please, for the love of RNGesus, let me know if you need anything or if you run into a situation you cant control or dont know what to do about.

On to other things, duplicate application submissions will get you nowhere or bolster your chances of being selected. Simple, one line answers on the applications will more than likely be overlooked, as you should be very descriptive and in depth when answering the questions. One other little thing to keep in mind. It is ok to be hopeful, but if you don't have at least 500 hours, then you might just be wasting your time filling out an application, no offense to anyone that did this, just pointing this out.

At any rate, good luck to everyone else who will be putting in applications, the ones who make it (you'll really need it lol) and good luck to all of the newly appointed Senior Guides!

Is it fine if it isn't one line, but less than a paragraph? I would like to keep my application at 1 so it's easier to decide on people but I would at least like a chance at being a guide
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How much knowledge of the game is required/considered enough to be a GotL?

500 hours can go fast, but sometimes you only scratch the surface here.

I would think at least a 3 to be considered, I'm about a 4, I'd imagine a lot of people put 5 though, I'm pretty sure the current guides might be asked about if they know if your knowledgeable
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