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For All Those Who Wouldn't Do Ta Part 2 Without Mesa :)


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Me and my friend tried to invite a few players to do tactical alert part 2. The result was we had people joining squad and leaving because they did not see a mesa on the team (was very hard making a squad). Just when we thought we finally found some players who had enough skill to do the mission without mesa and started the game a player leaves when the countdown was down to 1.

We go in the game with a nova, Mag prime, nekros and a random loki prime (all are without reactors). We ended up facing lvl 75 units by the time we were down to our final wave, none of us died and we did not even find it that hard. We finished it with the actual warframe playstyle :)

Here is a screenshot = http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=470219814

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not many find the mission hard. but the drop table has rare items that require you to complete the alert over and over and over again to gain - as well as a good chance of getting only a useless, crummy reward


people will take mesa to expend as little effort as possible to complete the mission in as little time as possible, because warframe rewards being anti-fun

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itd actually be easier with nova. itd just take longer. the reason people are using mesa on this is because they are farming it.  i personally havent been using her. ive been using valkyr the whole time since i cant rely on randoms to bring good frames and gear.

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The Event is boring and you get a harder challenge on Draco. (For some reason the enemies on event seem alot more dumb) People play with the mag and mesa combo purely for efficiency only. The time is less than half usually with this set up and I dont blame people doing this because the rewards are so poor. The question you ask yourself is this. Would you be happy for example to get a mutagen mass/ammo drum etc if it takes you 30 or 1 hour to do a mission or 10 mins with mesa and mag? DE said on the dev stream mag pull is being nerf but the problem is, where is this so called year of quality and WF being fun when the grind is so high? 

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itd actually be easier with nova. itd just take longer. the reason people are using mesa on this is because they are farming it.  i personally havent been using her. ive been using valkyr the whole time since i cant rely on randoms to bring good frames and gear.

make an ash bladestorm build and you can solo fast with no problems... valkyr is good but way slower

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Um... yay?



Not to sound rude, but nobody cares if you didn't bring a mesa and this doesn't deserve a thread.



So what ? we are supposed to celebrate ?



Here have an gold star



cool story bro


Maybe DE should create a new sub-forum; 'Achievements' :D

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It's the "noob" part that kinda bothers me a bit. Maybe cause so many people still splurt it out with a an overwhelming smug from saying it that's thick enough to choke a whale. But any who the alert isn't hard to do...like really at all. You don't get a cookie for doing it nor should you really feel all that special (I mean unless you did it challenge style with low lvl unmodded weapons etc.)  Probably most people who come then leave are in it for the farm therefore they leave when they don't see one of the farm frames. Although I do love mesa BUT dislike her ult for how abusive it can be used she is essentially hands down MADE for something like this. In instances like this....I couldn't even be mad at anyone using her for it~

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It's the "noob" part that kinda bothers me a bit. Maybe cause so many people still splurt it out with a an overwhelming smug from saying it that's thick enough to choke a whale. But any who the alert isn't hard to do...like really at all. You don't get a cookie for doing it nor should you really feel all that special (I mean unless you did it challenge style with low lvl unmodded weapons etc.)  Probably most people who come then leave are in it for the farm therefore they leave when they don't see one of the farm frames. Although I do love mesa BUT dislike her ult for how abusive it can be used she is essentially hands down MADE for something like this. In instances like this....I couldn't even be mad at anyone using her for it~

This. Noob part also bothers me.


The person who can use mesa successfully without dying on ceres (reasonably high leveled enemies with pretty annoying hitscan and bleeds) is NOT a noob. Definitely takes more work(mods wise) to make mesa "ez mode" there than it takes nova or loki.


That said, normal Draco definitely feels harder, enemies react much quicker for some reason than they do in the tac-alert.


Let people play how they want and stop judging them based on what frame they use. Everyone is different.

Edited by kiteohatto
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So basically you cheesed it with one of the MANY other "strategies" out there, but since there was no Mesa it's A-okay to bash others and call them noobs if they use her or even have one in their team? Seems legit.


People don't use Mesa because they're noobs. They use Mesa because it's more efficient, it's faster, they can go back to do stuff they actually like once it's over. Also because they farm the alert for the RNG locked stuff they want. Nothing to do with noobs, challenge, or "style".


So much double standards too. Nova M Prime and Loki Disarm/invis are just as much, if not even more EZ modes, but noooooo, it's okay because unlike Mesa, you like them, or they get a free pass for some reason? Please.

Edited by Marthrym
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Agreed. My sister and I did it together, just the two of us, with Mag (non-Greedy) and Trinity. It wasn't hard. Just long, tedious and kinda boring. Leaving because there's no Mesa is just... silly. There's a thousand different ways of doing the second part of the tactical alert easily. Most of them don't require Mesa.

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