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Here Is What Will Happen Once Coptering Is Removed:


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Very unlikely imo. You'd only have to use 1 button to my knowledge and the skill comes into play when you learn where and how to jump.

Exactly. The whole point of Parkour 2.0 is to make movement easier, more efficient, and less buggy.

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Devs have stated that wallruns will carry momentum in between jumps. In all devstreams in which it has been shown, the person playing (typically Rebecca) has only had a few hours to practice.


You can't compare a few hours in a new system to months or years in a pre-existing one. It's not a fair comparison. It'd be like me driving automatic cars my entire life, then getting into a stick shift for the day and going "This sucks and isn't nearly as good as the old one". Can't really give a solid opinion on something you've never (or hardly) used.

You're missing my point. The momentum is the thing which launches us further, thus the awkward jumps when switching between walls in quick succession.

I'm talking about the general Wallrun speed. It stays constant even if you have too much momentum from say consecutive wall switching or Nova's augment.

Whatever they showed inside the dev build about Wallrunning seems to be set in stone already like "We have sacrificed speed for finesse"

Let's be honest, the Tenno are supposed to be shock troopers, moving in fast and dealing damage and disappearing. Finesse is fine but that much speed reduction is just abysmal IMHO.

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You're missing my point. The momentum is the thing which launches us further, thus the awkward jumps when switching between walls in quick succession.

I'm talking about the general Wallrun speed. It stays constant even if you have too much momentum from say consecutive wall switching or Nova's augment.

Whatever they showed inside the dev build about Wallrunning seems to be set in stone already like "We have sacrificed speed for finesse"

Let's be honest, the Tenno are supposed to be shock troopers, moving in fast and dealing damage and disappearing. Finesse is fine but that much speed reduction is just abysmal IMHO.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I still think it's far too early to be casting judgment on it, especially when no one has even played it.


It's still WIP. Chill.

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i just wanna put out there that im not using copter and i can keep up with copter people np and in some cases are even faster then them, thanks to my super pro ninja movement :D , copter is for the noobies learn sum more tricks, join my clan and ul get a full training program :D

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You're entitled to your opinion, but I still think it's far too early to be casting judgment on it, especially when no one has even played it.


It's still WIP. Chill.


This can, and should be copied&pasted to every doom thread about anything that is WIP. 

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i just wanna put out there that im not using copter and i can keep up with copter people np and in some cases are even faster then them, thanks to my super pro ninja movement :D , copter is for the noobies learn sum more tricks, join my clan and ul get a full training program :D

But what happens when you encounter a copterer that knows the same super pro ninja movement like you do AND combines that with copter?

Retorical question btw.

Anyway, we just have to see what the new parkour brings. I hope they don't take the speed out of the game.

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"4 - Running interception missions solo will become even more of a nightmare than it already is due to the diminished capability of a single player covering multiple points."


We just need a bloody proper notification for when a capture point is being captured (or cryopod being attacked for that matter)  so we're not trying to rush to it after the enemy has captured it 90% of the way. The current sound is almost unnoticeable and it's almost impossible to tell which capture point is compromise because the flash is on a really really tiny box in the corner of your screen and you have to wait half a second to see which one flashes.

Edited by Scylax
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It's not far to early to judge something that is obviously not to one's taste or inferior to what one already has. It's not far too early to let DE know which direction one does not wish to see the game go.

Nerfing coptor means the loss of fun in coptoring across such areas:

Edited by ThePresident777
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It's not far to early to judge something that is obviously not to one's taste or inferior to what one already has. It's not far too early to let DE know which direction one does not wish to see the game go.

Nerfing coptor means the loss of fun in coptoring across such areas:


You are spamming the same message with image/images on all topics about coptering...

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The mental judgement of this men has been lost?Come on i am sure u can ask a DE person to give you a list of reason for the nerf and they will which will in terms show you that their is conflict with it.Not just an opinion of players.

Isn't the whole issue that Coptering is going to be gone and what will happend>i am sure i read the topic<And to be exact if we argue that the reason why DE doing to do the Nerf is because DE saw it being hurtful for the image of the game were you can just skip and leave your team behind.Yeah just like everyone who makes something new their is always something else that is lost tipedo that has a very fast swing speed,Which coptering is base about,DE didn't make a category saying this weapon are meant to copter.No they made a mechanic and someone said hey if you do this and that your swing speed will let you travel far distances.DE saw this and was like we are gonna leave it.Is not intended but right now is not an emergency to fix it.Then someone once they started to work in parkour said you guys remember that issue with coptering yeah since we are doing this overhaul lets just remove the unintended mechanic.


See it like this if all warframe were all using sprint how together will the team stick.Loki being the faster would see trouble coming,Rhino(not vanguard),frost,or chroma(not effigy) will prepare a defense mechanic to deal with the pertaining enemy that will be coming.The Frames with defensive capabilities are slow ,but if the fast frame that have speed and utility give the heads up the rhino can skin,and the frost can Bubble for the team to be protected.


^sure my example would never happend in the game cause no one really tries to do teamwork that requires more then 2 keys press.

O this ^


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This is supposed to be a fast paced action game and not a slow first person shooter (e.g. try walking in COD and see how fast you could traverse the terrain). Coptoring is the only viable option based on the teaser in the devstream. What was shown was basically running and latching onto walls in the void. I wonder how viable this parkour option is in maps with jagged walls or obstacles (take the ice-terrain maps for instance)? Not very. How fast would jumping onto enemy heads get you? Not very as seen in the devstream. We might as well call it snailframe.


With coptoring gone, we'll all be running at a snail's pace supposedly playing "how it is supposed to be played". What gave you the right to say how it is played? I beg to differ. I'd very much prefer my coptoring.

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This is supposed to be a fast paced action game and not a slow first person shooter (e.g. try walking in COD and see how fast you could traverse the terrain). Coptoring is the only viable option based on the teaser in the devstream. What was shown was basically running and latching onto walls in the void. I wonder how viable this parkour option is in maps with jagged walls or obstacles (take the ice-terrain maps for instance)? Not very. How fast would jumping onto enemy heads get you? Not very as seen in the devstream. We might as well call it snailframe.


With coptoring gone, we'll all be running at a snail's pace supposedly playing "how it is supposed to be played". What gave you the right to say how it is played? I beg to differ. I'd very much prefer my coptoring.

You say, you have to run?

Why no use the new balanced mechanic, more control, more enviroment interaction.

A fast paced game its not based on speed, just an example, on MMORPG Aion, its a fast paced pvp, and is not based on the speed on all characters.

Slow? Really? Slow why? Because you think? Or because you are going to run, when you can build your momentum with constant jumps around the map, or leave the option about put a mod that gives you speed, slow because people want, no because is it.

People are crying around, because they are going to have a balanced mechanic, where you are not forced to equip a fast atack melee weapon to be fast, you know you still can rush the mission, without melee in the new movement system?

You know that new system, is based on "skills" and no Press E to move?

You know that new system is going to work to current tile-sets (most of them, if they dont, a rework its coming on a couple of maps).

You know that everyone will need to learn how to move on the new system? Whats the point of DE give a players the option of choose, a coptering, or parkour 2.0m when no one is going to use the new parkour, because gotta go fast? Whats the point of give some warframes mobility skills, if they have cop?

DE have see the issue with coptering, on a couple of devstream, scott have say "coptering is going to stay" - Okay

Steve have say on twitter "coptering is for melee atacks, no superman flying" - amazing.

 Geoff said that we will built momentum with each successful jump. I think we will be able to achieve a comparable speed but it will require more engagement that just a combination of three buttons.  


The good things about this, is that everyone are going to have the same ways to move, no restriction because melee, not forced on equip a Typedo or another high atack speed weapon to move fast, ignoring the actual mechanic of parkour, people say "hey but we are okay as how we are now"


Can you compare the upcoming change with this? This current mobility based system? 



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Morning all,


Just a very quick word of warning;


Generating feedback on the footage shown and the desires of the community are in DE’s best interests. However, the Devs are less likely to respond or take on feedback that is littered with vitriol and insults. A lot of people like coptering, a lot of people want it gone, that is a fact. However, that does not mean that while explaining your opinion, you have free leave to treat other forumers like trash.


Keep it civil, keep it clean and keep it constructive, please.


If this thread continues to degrade, then it will be locked.






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But what happens when you encounter a copterer that knows the same super pro ninja movement like you do AND combines that with copter?

Retorical question btw.

Anyway, we just have to see what the new parkour brings. I hope they don't take the speed out of the game.

irrelevant, im ash player i will just teleport if he catches up to me ^^) cant beat teleport my friend and it would be irrelevant anyway my "walltab" beats your "copter" infact it blows copter out of the water, if you dont know what walltab loops are then dont even reply back xD


also we have swordjump now wich can also jump upwards, totally blows copter out of the water just on that factor alone , it can make you ascend copter cant, copter is oldskool, understand people loving it , dont understand people wanting to remove it ( why you want to pick for the other side how they should play? let em copter who gives a damn?) andd yeh thats how i feel about it

Edited by NickBoay
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Remember things such as: Teleport, Wormhole, Bounce, etc? Those, along with the rush mod, will become useful again! It will be wonderful, especially combined with parkour 2.0!

No, they won't. You have to nerf your frame's potential to use them, which was less of an issue before corrupted mods, now you just don't have the room to be wasting mod slots on rush.

Wormhole was always effective, the others still won't be useful for anything more than what they already were, i.e. trolling.

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No, they won't. You have to nerf your frame's potential to use them, which was less of an issue before corrupted mods, now you just don't have the room to be wasting mod slots on rush.

Wormhole was always effective, the others still won't be useful for anything more than what they already were, i.e. trolling.

Let's be real all the warframe that run mainstream build for the max potential power and have mobility skill can already support their teleport skills example

Ash bladestorm unless ur modding for invi you have viable teleport because u have not lower ur range

Loki disarm unless ur modding for invi u still have viable teleport because ur no running narrow minded but max range

Nova mp well yeah this is self explanatory on it self I seen nova put wormhole after worm hole

I would mention Valkyrie but she can just be spider-girl

Effigy chroma goes fast

Vanguard rhino prime goes fast lets not forget u got ironclad defense and if ur running max duration to keep an outrages amount of armor up and this is viable for traveling

Volt speed goes fast

Slash dash Excalibur

Tidal wave hydroid

Vauban bounce wall control..oh I really love to use crushing ruins and Vauban use the spin combo from crushing ruins on a bounce facing the wall the control and travel is great

.......really the only person who I see losing in any of this in the powers become less is ember cause well world on fire kind of requires u to go fast so I kind of suggest a buff to her,but I know not many of u guys use her cause I never see in chat let get a fire quake ember.

Now not having mod slot for rush oh my what can I do.....oh wait what's this prime continuity what this primed flow....oh my now I don'tt have to continue running constitution and continuity to counter act the fleeting I have an extra mod slot so I am gonna run something else,.,,,yeah I am sure that our fault now .we are getting new mods and they can help yes they are hard to acquire but not impossible.oh yeah and come on primed flow do you really need to be worrying a lot about equipping that fleeting with that much energy. Or that streamline .

If ur creative enough to and conservative enough use can squeeze the rush in

Here when I run my Loki disarm I use switch teleport decoy to travel

When I run Loki with invi I throw a rush in

Narrow minded streamline constitution primed continuity quick thinking flow rage and then rush or whatever else I want.

Now it comes to the player do they want to move faster and live longer by moving and dodging or do they want to live longer by being able to take hits.

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Let's be real all the warframe that run mainstream build for the max potential power and have mobility skill can already support their teleport skills example

Ash bladestorm unless ur modding for invi you have viable teleport because u have not lower ur range

Loki disarm unless ur modding for invi u still have viable teleport because ur no running narrow minded but max range

Nova mp well yeah this is self explanatory on it self I seen nova put wormhole after worm hole

I would mention Valkyrie but she can just be spider-girl

Effigy chroma goes fast

Vanguard rhino prime goes fast lets not forget u got ironclad defense and if ur running max duration to keep an outrages amount of armor up and this is viable for traveling

Volt speed goes fast

Slash dash Excalibur

Tidal wave hydroid

Vauban bounce wall control..oh I really love to use crushing ruins and Vauban use the spin combo from crushing ruins on a bounce facing the wall the control and travel is great

.......really the only person who I see losing in any of this in the powers become less is ember cause well world on fire kind of requires u to go fast so I kind of suggest a buff to her,but I know not many of u guys use her cause I never see in chat let get a fire quake ember.

Now not having mod slot for rush oh my what can I do.....oh wait what's this prime continuity what this primed flow....oh my now I don'tt have to continue running constitution and continuity to counter act the fleeting I have an extra mod slot so I am gonna run something else,.,,,yeah I am sure that our fault now .we are getting new mods and they can help yes they are hard to acquire but not impossible.oh yeah and come on primed flow do you really need to be worrying a lot about equipping that fleeting with that much energy. Or that streamline .

If ur creative enough to and conservative enough use can squeeze the rush in

Here when I run my Loki disarm I use switch teleport decoy to travel

When I run in I Loki I grow a rush in

Narrow minded streamline constitution primed continuity quick thinking flow rage and then rush or whatever else I want.

Now it comes to the player do they want to move faster by moving so around more or do they want to live faster by being able to take hits.


This works actually.

Edited by Grimlock-
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but but..

gotta go fast D:

come on ,come on.......gotta go fast .unless ur an expert at copter ur mostly getting stuck and then your team surpass u and then u copter to get pass them then u get stuck and over and over.

Ur going fast for that moment .....just to get stuck from your momentum.

Oh and the funny thing is when u see it happened.when we were capturing targets for the behemoth juggernaut people would try to copter to catch them get stuck and we loose the target thanks to the fact they were basically nullifiers they couldn't shoot to kill because of the bubble.....oh the failures I saw had to go in the bubble with my dragon nikana to kill them using that frost procs to slow.

@above the creativity is endless bring volt and 2 team members with sprint speed if u want to move fast.really u only need like 2 siphon if u want to rush a mission that's not endless.

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I had fun before that coptering trend, I will have fun after ASWELL...


Grinding out 120 NM missions (Armored Agility) without coptering would not be fun.


I'm assuming DE understands that most of the vet players will quit if the new movement system is too slow.

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Grinding out 120 NM missions (Armored Agility) without coptering would not be fun.


I'm assuming DE understands that most of the vet players will quit if the new movement system is too slow.

Look maybe ur kind of mistaken when u make the group so small.

Look to be frank anyone who has become over reliant on Copter and does not have the patience or the will to try to check out the new system will quit  be it new player or old player.

I myself have been playing this game for while and i find myself coptering out of instinct when i want to reach a target i do it so well that out of 50 missions i do a day i only hit the wall in copter and get stop by momentum at least 1 time.(and i want a cookie)

A veteran in itself has been playing this game through alot of changes already not being able to copter will no cause cataclysmic limbo to happend were alot of veteran will quit(that would be funny if i am wrong althought u did say most which i kind of askew about).sure it will drive a nail into the way they play but not seal the coffin(and i might also depending on the person pull some nails out and make it interesting for them like for me).Lets consider they saw Damage 2.0 didn't quit they saw the other nerf didn't quit they saw use losings 10 slots to 8 slots for some they say we have open 2 extra open slot but a veteran had already forma 3 of their power slots already for more utility and they didn't quit already i am not seeing them quit for another big change like this.

Now unless u want to speak for yourself saying your gonna quit i would rather in your shoes just say the group that will quit will be those that love copter to much to not give the new system a try or those that love going to fast to be normal.

What will seal the coffin is if the New System fails to meet any expectation that anyone has on the system.

Although lets just say that the new system doesn't fail and some people do quit right after that everyone who is open minded or new to the game who has not become over reliant on the copter will try to get good at New movement system some will love it other will not.

When u say the veteran will quit that is a but small group like i mention the group that will quit will be those over reliant,those who love copter and going fast much more then the game,and those who won't have patient to try and adapt the new system to their playstyle


I myself been playing for 2 years already,And let me tell you i am sure gonna be learning the new system cause well i love Warframe.THIS IS FOR THE KUBROWS

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