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Stop Rabbitframe!


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Do you miss actually RUNNING up walls? No? Well you will! DevStream #55 shows the weird "hop" jump they are trying to implement to Warframe as Parkour 2.0. You might as well grab your Nyx and Vespa helmet (ha its a rabbit helmet) and get your hop on. Let's stop it!


I love running around walls. Running straight up walls and flipn backwards. Running sideways along walls and killn n shootn. 


Tip for wallrunning: Instead of jumping off the wall with jump/releasejump try to crouching; it will deattach you from the wall without a "fling" boost of speed.


Parkour 2.0 should not change the wall running into a weird hop animation (RUNNING its PARKOUR, Hopping is for rabbits) but instead make wall running work smoother. Smoother detaching from walls, possible running up/forward on walls at angles instead of straight lines. 


If you were shocked at how horrible the rabbitframe wallhopping looks in devstream55 just as I was, please post about your disappointment here! If you haven't seen it, search for it and check it out; you will be equally shocked on how un-smooth and un-parkour the wallhopping looks. 




As for the "sticking" to walls instead of "latching" onto them and sliding down slowly. That is a great addition! I'm excited to "stick" to a corner wall and wait for enemies to pounce on.

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Do you miss actually RUNNING up walls? No? Well you will! DevStream #55 shows the weird "hop" jump they are trying to implement to Warframe as Parkour 2.0. You might as well grab your Nyx and Vespa helmet (ha its a rabbit helmet) and get your hop on. Let's stop it!


I love running around walls. Running straight up walls and flipn backwards. Running sideways along walls and killn n shootn. 


Tip for wallrunning: Instead of jumping off the wall with jump/releasejump try to crouching; it will deattach you from the wall without a "fling" boost of speed.


Parkour 2.0 should not change the wall running into a weird hop animation (RUNNING its PARKOUR, Hopping is for rabbits) but instead make wall running work smoother. Smoother detaching from walls, possible running up/forward on walls at angles instead of straight lines. 


If you were shocked at how horrible the rabbitframe wallhopping looks in devstream55 just as I was, please post about your disappointment here! If you haven't seen it, search for it and check it out; you will be equally shocked on how un-smooth and un-parkour the wallhopping looks. 




As for the "sticking" to walls instead of "latching" onto them and sliding down slowly. That is a great addition! I'm excited to "stick" to a corner wall and wait for enemies to pounce on.

The old way of climbing higher on walls that got removed was better IMO. I also think removing current aspects of parkour is the wrong idea. The so called changes should be additions to what we have rather than replacements. Removing stamina and coptering is also equally dumb.


The hopping up the wall indeed looked silly.

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Perhaps we should wait until the changes are made to complain? No? Okay. 


Hey. DE chose to show us a preview of their new parkour, and most likely intended to get feedback from it. Otherwise, what's the point of showing it so close to release? If the parkour animations do end up being changed or refined, then good for them. They either listened to the feedback or had already planned to do so all along.


Either way, there's no way they couldn't have expected this type of response. What's the problem here?


Anyways, I have to agree on the silliness of the animations. Granted, everything we saw looked extremely... rough. I actually don't expect them to use that animation upon release. If they do, people will be thoroughly disappointed.

Edited by AeroSoup
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The old way of climbing higher on walls that got removed was better IMO. I also think removing current aspects of parkour is the wrong idea. The so called changes should be additions to what we have rather than replacements. Removing stamina and coptering is also equally dumb.


The hopping up the wall indeed looked silly.

I will agree to this except for the removal of stamina part, that was sorely needed (no opinion on coptering). While some aspects of the platforming are great I feel that making everything in regards to movement jump based is actually a downgrade.

Perhaps we should wait until the changes are made to complain? No? Okay.

Or perhaps we should give our early feedback since DE chose to show us the preview, you know because it is not bad for them to get it on release as best as possible? Sure they'll make changes afterwards but I'd rather have them ship the whole new system with adequated base mechanics rather than shoving it as is and then maybe making a tweak to it or two.

Also you are aware this is the feedback forum right? Of course people will be giving feeback on something. Shocking is it not?

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Would be nice to choose between each style. Like the same way we choose emotes, and idle animations. That way everyone could customize each warframe to his desire.


On the matter of rabbit jumps, yeah, totally agree. The animations shown of the dev steam were weird, and not really right on the ninja theme IMO

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Though I get your concern, it's too early (for me) to judge. A lot of stuff they preview on DevStream seems to be early beta and it's... kind of hard to say where they may go with it.


It's a plus and a minus of sorts, getting these early previews, and I think that's why they stopped doing them for a while. They'll tease something and it's really ROUGH, and the community will sometimes react like that's the final deal. It's not, and I know they have repeatedly said the new movement sets still needs work, so I'll wait until it's closer to the final stages to comment.

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Rabbitframe.... now that's a good word for it. I really don't like the bunnyhopping either, because it looks even sillier than coptering does. What really concerns me is that everything in the WIPs posted and in the trailer looks so goddamn SLOW you know? To those saying "let's just wait" I say that after DE has implemented this, it'll be harder for them to change it since the damage is already done. Meanwhile, they're going to be losing players left and right, because a large part of the Warframe experience is the insane movement speed.

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Im also not that quite fond of the change, except the Stamina removal - but we cant really judge until we tried it out for ourselves. Maybe we'll see something at this fridays webstream. Maybe they will leave wall running in after getting this much Feedback?

Edited by MihawkDulacr1
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Rabbitframe.... now that's a good word for it. I really don't like the bunnyhopping either, because it looks even sillier than coptering does. What really concerns me is that everything in the WIPs posted and in the trailer looks so goddamn SLOW you know? To those saying "let's just wait" I say that after DE has implemented this, it'll be harder for them to change it since the damage is already done. Meanwhile, they're going to be losing players left and right, because a large part of the Warframe experience is the insane movement speed.


I agree with you about there being a window of opportunity here, but let's be honest - unless there's a real outcry, a change probably won't be made per-release *cough* Chroma *cough*.


But seriously, my guess is some assets and other pieces aren't/weren't in place for the last Stream, and like Mihawk mentioned, perhaps tomorrow we'll get more. I just can't invest a lot of emotion in a teaser, because we all know everything is subject to change. Things tend to look vastly different in a testing area verses actual beta testing it in production... which, is what we do. We're the beta testers.

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I agree with you about there being a window of opportunity here, but let's be honest - unless there's a real outcry, a change probably won't be made per-release *cough* Chroma *cough*.


But seriously, my guess is some assets and other pieces aren't/weren't in place for the last Stream, and like Mihawk mentioned, perhaps tomorrow we'll get more. I just can't invest a lot of emotion in a teaser, because we all know everything is subject to change. Things tend to look vastly different in a testing area verses actual beta testing it in production... which, is what we do. We're the beta testers.


 I really hope you're right about that. I hope that Rebs was just horribly inept in the last devstream and that the new parkour will be shown to be as fast as wall-flings and normal coptering is today, or the new parkour will kill off the game. I don't want this game to devolve further into console shooter territory.

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Coptering looks pretty stupid and people got over it. So how it looks concernes me not.


Everything that matters is how it feels to play and we can't judge that until the thing is out.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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ok imma just let this cat out the bag, there is a trick currently called walltab, you hold space 1 sec in a sideways wallrun and let go , this send you flying, i believe they will replace this 1 sec hold trick with the hop anim , and if you hold the button down you will run, this is what i think will happen, and that would actually be awesome because walltab is a glitch where you convert wallrun speed into a jump by releasing the wallrun before it actually started correctly, and this would make it a actual move ingame , a move im fund of using alot. i actually HOPE they will replace the walltab glitch with the bunny hop anim, try it for yourself ,


run next to a wall hold space 1 full second i believe and let go this might be a bit shorter but dont let it become a simple press, bassicly you gotta hold it as short as possible to activate wallrunning and release the same time it activates.



you succeed when you fly forward very fast and pretty far, if you dont fly that far you was too slow.


and if DE was actually gonna replace wallrun with bunnyhop then this would be a good wakeup call not to do that,  and to do it to the glitch that ive learned by the name of walltab.

Edited by NickBoay
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ok imma just let this cat out the bag, there is a trick currently called walltab, you hold space 1 sec in a sideways wallrun and let go , this send you flying, i believe they will replace this 1 sec hold trick with the hop anim , and if you hold the button down you will run, this is what i think will happen, and that would actually be awesome because walltab is a glitch where you convert wallrun speed into a jump by releasing the wallrun before it actually started correctly, and this would make it a actual move ingame , a move im fund of using alot. i actually HOPE they will replace the walltab glitch with the bunny hop anim, try it for yourself ,


run next to a wall hold space 1 full second i believe and let go this might be a bit shorter but dont let it become a simple press, bassicly you gotta hold it as short as possible to activate wallrunning and release the same time it activates.



you succeed when you fly forward very fast and pretty far, if you dont fly that far you was too slow.


and if DE was actually gonna replace wallrun with bunnyhop then this would be a good wakeup call not to do that,  and to do it to the glitch that ive learned by the name of walltab.

Your idea of setting a short hop animation and having it turn into a run animation if held onto sounds great. And I use that trick a lot for a speed boost. It would be the perfect way to make that the hop animation and keep the wall running. I mean wallrunning was like "woah" when I first started playing and yeah even though it could be improved; I'd rather have it broken than "wallhopping".


Just look at this gameplay videos.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5wEtmc8VfMI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yeah the wallrunning isn't perfect; but it does the job. It doesn't seem like it would be hard to fix the minor glitches with the current system; instead of replacing the moves all together!


If you have a gameplay video featuring some parkour; post it here to remind DE what we love doing and hopefully they can use the videos to see what really needs to be fixed.


I mean; doesn't anyone run straight up a wall; backflip off while over an enemies head and throw shurikens at'em or shoot'em while falling backwards and landing in a backroll? That's like a huge part of the fun in warframe and if anything we need more maps that support our movement just tiny small corridor after corridor and one big huge room every 6 corridors. We need headspace; space to climb and roam and parkour. We need better maps and only MINOR movement "FIXES"; don't you agree? 


I'm very familiar with how the ingame movement works; and I know there are a lot of avid parkour players in this game; a lot of us have got the system so well we can run the obstacle course in under 40 seconds without Zephyr. The movement doesn't need a makeover (it looks great!)  it just needs simple fixes and inertia tweaks and improvements. 

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So far I like everything I see about the new movement system except the lack of wall running.


Perhaps we should wait until the changes are made to complain? No? Okay. 

Someone always says this...then a certain group of people like the post....

but what is so strange about saying "hey, I don't like the way X looks"

Seriously do you think they show us that stuff to NOT get feedback?

And when someone says they are happy and excited for what is coming you don't say

"how about you wait until you have played it before you are happy"...



Like I said, we should wait for more content to be shown, because this is looking pretty awesome. 

yes it does....So? The OP is about how the warframes interact with walls.



I don't like the way it looks interacting with walls. Id rather it was a smoother looking run


Edited by Ronyn
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So far I like everything I see about the new movement system except the lack of wall running.


Someone always says this...then a certain group of people like the post....

but what is so strange about saying "hey, I don't like the way X looks"

Seriously do you think they show us that stuff to NOT get feedback?

And when someone says they are happy and excited for what is coming you don't say

"how about you wait until you have played it before you are happy"...

Nothing is strange about not liking the way something looks, but it is very difficult to look at one work in progress video and form a sensible opinion on the matter. Like I said in my later post, we had practically no footage to base our opinions on when this topic was made and now we can look at the "Aim-glide," "Bullet-Jump," and double jump that Steve's showed off on his twitter and form a much more complete and informed opinion. 

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