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Hotfix 16.11.4


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So instead of actually reducing the forma drops, they dilute the table further? Now Bo Prime and ember helmet blueprints drop in three void missions, for even more dilution. Ducat fodder or not, there are better things they could have put in there.

Edited by TheGuyverOne
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Ember is the new Mag...she's everywhere...she stalks us...


So, with a hand you reduced the Forma drop on Survival and the other hand you made T3 Def even worst than before...


Shall I say "good job"?

actually they reduced formas in t3 def and added 2 new bps, making it even harder to get ash prime bp

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I...I am just so disappointed right now.

*Removes some blueprints from void to remove dilution*

*dupes blueprints and puts them in different void missions*

i'm so confused right now 

Edited by CryanGaming
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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.
  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.



  • Fixed issues with the Prisma Cleavers not having proper audio effects in a variety of attack/holster scenarios. 


So, instead of raising the drop chance of the other stuff you simply put more crap in the rotation? GJ #YoQ

Edited by Scr4mp
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What about Rotation A only having a single item? You should've added the pieces to that rotation and instead move the Nova Chassis from T3S to T3D, that would've made much more sense. Would give you a chance to get something decent other than the jackpot or otherwise just pretty much getting nothing.

Thanks for reducing forma drop rates though, regardless. Ducats are still better.

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I'm perfectly okay with this. It'll at least be something other than Forma. Don't get me wrong, I need all the forma I can get, but goddamnit that was too many Forma BP's in too few missions e.e



Just a note to address some concerns, added to the main post:


The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.




Thank you for clarification! And seriously, a hearty THANK YOU for a few less Forma. I cannot express my gratitude.


Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but damn if it wasn't frustrating. Keep kicking &#! at what y'all do ^.^

Edited by KaraOgata
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Just a note to address some concerns, added to the main post:


The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.



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  • Reduced the frequency of Forma Blueprints dropping in T3 Defense Rotation C.
  • Bo Prime Blueprint and Ember Prime Helmet Blueprint have been added to T3 Defense Rotation C.



  • Fixed issues with the Prisma Cleavers not having proper audio effects in a variety of attack/holster scenarios. 


Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.

   Great....it should have been some Ash P parts instead of Ember P Helm....Drop rate for Ash P stuff must be miniscule (0.005%)....

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Note: The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.


So that's still 0.005 % right?

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... so it's now 7 items (including forma) in rot C instead of 5.

I'm happy U guys aren't a Pharmaceutical company for example !

[randomGuy] - Hey DE you should do something to make the world a beautiful place ... like cure cancer

[DE] - Hey glad You pointed that out, so we have made a great new aspirine to ease the pain for those sick people ... we also mutated Ebola with flu virus and did 3 separate strands of it to make it spread faster ! Restart to recieve ! ;)

Edited by tocorro
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But now you'll get even more non-ash bps :P

I would take anything else than Forma bp right now.   (currently i have 132 useless forma blueprints......


Hehe, read the other change, have fun.

After playing only Tower 3 Defense for two days (about 12 hours) and not getting Ash Prime blueprint you really dont care about anything else than this.

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Just a note to address some concerns, added to the main post:


The changes to T3D tier C drops didn't dilute the chance of getting the Ash Prime part you're after -- they just added ducat-variety to the common drops.  Ash Prime BP still has the same drop rate as before.




So does this mean you changed out two other drops for those parts? Because otherwise, I'm not seeing how the pool isn't more diluted. Even if every part had the same drop chance, having more parts for RNG to choose from automatically means you're less likely to get the specific part you're looking for, doesn't it?


And when T3D takes way longer than it used to, this is a pretty big issue since it's harder to soften the blow by taking multiple rolls on the rotation C drop table. 

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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Let me set this straight. THANK YOU for the change. You've replaced something that was functional garbage for anyone holding 30+ in their inventory to something that has actual trade-in value (ducats at the very least).


It's good to see you reacted, and you reacted quickly. I hope you don't take too much fire from above for it.


HOWEVER, as the negative response to a positive change after a MASSIVE negative outburst displayed, there are deeper issues at work here. The community and you, the devs, have gotten so far out of touch that even positive changes create negative response now. We need to return to a climate where we're not persistantly against you, and you don't evoke the feeling that you're actively working against us.


There will be more outrage. Painfull changes have to be made. Draco has to be gone, the Starchart itself is getting a huge overhaul. Mobility and the way we play are going to change as a whole (see the coptering comment on page one).


I just wish you would communicate this in a better way! I feel like every change you announce mainly backs the intent of slowing player progression, to sell us that feeling of progression back for nickle and dime. No choice of mission type AND slowed down movement (a MASSIVE change of CORE GAMEPLAY mind you), so we can "explore" more? It feels like even that change had slowdown as its true motivation in the background.


I know it's hard to balance out paid boosting and actual player progression. I know your business model operates on teasing us out of tiny chunks of our money. Hell, even i broke my iron rule and rushed Ash Prime, against what i said in my large youtube video on why i think cosmetic content beats free2wait mechanics.


Just, BE AWARE of the climate you've fostered. And PLEASE review the way you're communicating with us. Smug comments on devstream don't help. If we have to resort to toxic spamming (mass purges/bans included) to even get a reaction out of you, MAYBE you've gotten a bit out of touch.


Keep an eye on the balance and PLEASE upgrade your communication. Be honest with us. We can take the truth. Teasing us instead will lead to long term player base losses, no matter if you concentrate us down to 20 nodes to eliminate "ghost towns".


Thank you for the great game you have created. Sorry that some of us are so negative towards you at times. I wish i wouldn't even have to write stuff like this. And i'm sure you wish we'd just happily liset'ed along in the origin system too.

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so wait so far i did 11 t3's defense mission's most of them were 40 waves all the rewards came down to braton stock's 

maybe rarely a forma bp and now you add a bo bp and an ember bp? what? dont we have enough bo bp's from the 

freaking t3 survivals? honestly this time do you even farm items in this game?



DE if you ever reading this think about it this way some ppl farm this new items they do t3 survivals and t3 defense's 

for ash's most 'rare' parts you go to survival you get a bo bp almost always then you do a defense almost always

you for real? i just did a 40 wave defense run got 2 braton stock's but it was during the patch so when we actually

finished the mission they turned into 2 bo bp's that means that now we have even less of a chance at the item 

we want imagine playing a game where you farm items and the missions you do get so repetetive that you get

the same item? you kidding me? im not going to farm jackS#&$ from this new prime items that just $&*&*#(%& decisions.

Edited by Lekert
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Glad forma frequency has been reduced. I finally got that Ash prime BP right after the hotfix deployment, ending my two and a half day struggle of continuous T3Defence runs getting it. Now the struggle for Ash prime systems begins. 

Edited by dual1020
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