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So, Armored Agility...


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... is underwhelming, to say the least. I don't see how this is worth the point investment on anybody but Valkyr (and possibly Rhino with his arcane helmet), who has high enough base sprint/armor for it to actually make a difference.

And here we come across the main problem with the conception of this mod. If you buff the % too much, it's basically no contest if you're choosing a different armor/sprint boosting mod, but as it is right now, it's incredibly niche and basically useless for the point cost on 90% of the frames in this game.

Thoughts? Solutions? Do you completely disagree with me? As somebody who uses Rush as a base mod for all my frames (I just like running fast; I know it's not the most efficient thing to use), the new mod almost feels nonexistent when I pop it on slower frames, but there is a trend of higher armor frames being slower, again aside from Valkyr, rendering the % boost for either stat negligible.

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I don't care about movement speed increase, so that means the only thing about it that is relevant to me, is armor. Which I can get from Steel Fiber. Maybe I'll change my mind after parkour 2.0 when coptering wont be possible, but til then, this mod is not for me.

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I don't care about movement speed increase, so that means the only thing about it that is relevant to me, is armor. Which I can get from Steel Fiber. Maybe I'll change my mind after parkour 2.0 when coptering wont be possible, but til then, this mod is not for me.

This is basically my thought. I have no need to use a 45% increase of armor when I can just use Steel Fiber and get a significant return on more frames than just Valkyr.

I'm afraid this is just too niche to be worth it. I feel sorta bad for anybody who bought this for plat.

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Depends really on what frame you're sticking it on and where you're taking the frame. If you're going to T4 or long/ high-level survival/ defense, then Armored Agility is kinda useless since the enemy damage and armor scaling quickly outstrips the mod's usefulness in any situation. From my experiences, Armored Agility is a pretty good mod until the enemies start breaking level 30.

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I thought this was a pretty nice mod
really good for creating high mobility builds

with sprint boost+rush+armored agility even the slowest frames can get a moderate speed and +45%armor is nothing to sneeze at Imo

this is especially nice for faster gametypes suchs as exterminate,sabotage,deception,capture

if its gonna be buffed
I'll say I dont think amping up the armor is a good Idea since already with steel fiber the armor bonus is very good and alone decent
moar sprint speed? thats always fun and it really doesnt create imbalance Imo so why not?

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This is basically my thought. I have no need to use a 45% increase of armor when I can just use Steel Fiber and get a significant return on more frames than just Valkyr.

I'm afraid this is just too niche to be worth it. I feel sorta bad for anybody who bought this for plat.


There are frames that benefit greatly from this mod, you know. Like Chroma, who can get up to around 12k armor now (when before it was 8k) using only Vex armor. And there's Jetstream Zephyr, which I personally love to play as. This mod would either give me faster speed or an extra mod slot.

Generally it's a decent Nightmare mod, but it shouldn't be this rare. Then again, neither should Hammer Shot and Blaze...

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I thought this was a pretty nice mod

really good for creating high mobility builds

with sprint boost+rush+armored agility even the slowest frames can get a moderate speed and +45%armor is nothing to sneeze at Imo

this is especially nice for faster gametypes suchs as exterminate,sabotage,deception,capture

if its gonna be buffed

I'll say I dont think amping up the armor is a good Idea since already with steel fiber the armor bonus is very good and alone decent

moar sprint speed? thats always fun and it really doesnt create imbalance Imo so why not?

"high mobility" is... rush+AA? You're really only gaining a significant boost on the lowest armored frames. On a frame like Saryn, using a maxed AA alone takes you from .95 to 1.09 sprint speed. How is that even remotely worth 11 mod points? Her base armor is middle ground at best, so it's hard to even justify it for the armor boost.


There are frames that benefit greatly from this mod, you know. Like Chroma, who can get up to around 12k armor now (when before it was 8k) using only Vex armor. And there's Jetstream Zephyr, which I personally love to play as. This mod would either give me faster speed or an extra mod slot.

Generally it's a decent Nightmare mod, but it shouldn't be this rare. Then again, neither should Hammer Shot and Blaze...

Ok, so you're minmaxing armor, or mixmaxing speed. Fact remains that it's terrible for trying to balance stats and manage some degree of build compression in the process. This is a rare mod that takes up 11 points, and is only good for minmaxing on all but two(?) frames.

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Thing is, Diminishing returns make this mod kinda "worthless". Since almost all frames don't have any armor worth mentioning, and the very few ones that do get much more bang for their buck with Steel Fiber, the only thing worth anything with this mod is the sprint speed. Until you realize there already is another sprint speed mod that does it better... There are situations that make it "good", with Chroma and Zephyr, but these 2 situations require dedicated builds and/or even more mod slots for not so good results.

So yeah, good intention really, but the result just isn't good enough. It just doesn't seem to be worth it in the long run to me. Then again, it's just my opinion, I'm sure it must suit other players' tastes.

Edited by Marthrym
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I run a max Rush on all my Loki builds no matter what. From my experience, it increases his survivability greatly. This just makes him even more faster, and he can take a few more hits.

This mod is amazing.

Volt Prime + this + Rush + 299% power Strength

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I use AA on my Jetstream Zephyr along with rush and even sprint boost sometimes if im feeling frisky.  Don't care at all about the armor.  Love the speed.  Wish it was faster.


11 points really is not a lot of space, especially on a Warframe with a few formas.  To me the extra speed is totally worth the 11 points.

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Not really seeing the usefulness of the mod and the cost. Rather use a steel fiber while the speed boost on it really isn't that noticeable. Tried using it with steel fiber and doesn't make a lot of difference on the high armour frames like maybe 3-6 percent

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I actually think Valkyr's intial 200 armor would have sufficed ...

IF Steel Fiber boosted armor values by 440% like Redirection and Vitality.

If Armor mods scaled the same, perhaps Frames with 15 armor could actually benefit from Steel Fiber.

That said Armored Agility would be 120% instead of only 50% to match the 120% of Health/Shields with Vigor.

Personally, I don't mind current Armored Agility on Chroma and hopefully upcoming Excalibur PS4 update.

I would slot it on Valkyr, if Augment mods were slotted on abilities tab.(since that is what they augment)

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I actually think Valkyr's intial 200 armor would have sufficed ...

IF Steel Fiber boosted armor values by 440% like Redirection and Vitality.

If Armor mods scaled the same, perhaps Frames with 15 armor could actually benefit from Steel Fiber.

That said Armored Agility would be 120% instead of only 50% to match the 120% of Health/Shields with Vigor.

Personally, I don't mind current Armored Agility on Chroma and hopefully upcoming Excalibur PS4 update.

I would slot it on Valkyr, if Augment mods were slotted on abilities tab.(since that is what they augment)

For Excalibur if you use steel fiber and armoured agility you get about 3-5 percent increase in damage reduction for health which isn't that good not sure what it's like having just armoured agility

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Valkyr with steel fiber / vigor / vitality / and aa reaches 1530 armor with 850 health making her extremly

tanky . Add eternal war with a good crit weapon and she is very robust , but yeah i think aa needs a buff

45% is just too low should be at least 60 %

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Perfect mod for Chroma and Frost, so I'm not complaining at all.

Neither of them have significant sprint speed, so you're minmaxxing armor, like I said.


Ash has a okay base speed and armor to use it.

Also this mod screams out to Frost.

Yeah, it's "ok". Emphasis on that word. This mod makes it slightly more ok.

Explain how this screams out to Frost? He'll go from .9 to about 1.05 sprint speed with this mod equipped, and his armor is less than 200 at base.

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