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Coming Soon: Devstream #57!


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When will we learn more about Ordis? It was probably asked before, but some of his quotes are quite mysterious or imply a story that happened before the player finds him in "Vor´s prize".


For example:

"Do not lift the veil. Do not show the door. Do not split the dream."


"Operator, I've been thinking. My misplaced memories and damaged communication systems. What if...Ordis did those things?"

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Are there plans for Alternate Helm for Prime Warframes? 


Recently i watched a game review by my favourite game reviewer, and in that I noticed he touched upon "what makes him play a game and stay wiht it" and his answer was, getting new skills which provided a sense of progression and new ways to kill enemies. I thought this was interesting because I think Warframe could benefit from this by giving players new ways to kill enemies and unlocking new abilites other than the main 4 abilities that Warframe has. Other than augments, are there any plans to add new abilities or skills to Warframe combat mechanics? 


My third question has a similar tone to my second question, but it involves weapons and armor stats. very much like the loot drops from RPG games, a close example would be Borderlands. I think having all this different stat drops on weapons and armors will make the game alot interesting and player would have reason to be in certain sectors of the game hence populating the non active sectors by just playing the game, killing enemies for drops.


are there any plans to expand upon the achievement system?  

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Question 1:


What have you done to improve the overall movement system (like side-rolls, handsprings, ledge grabbing, etc)? 


As of now we can't cancel our attack animations (especially melee) into a roll for example. So if a butcher gets you during your attack animation you are pretty much done for since you can't cancel into anything. Another problem is is that the dodging (animations) sort of locks you into place and it just feels stiff as it doesn't flow that well into the rest of the animations. 


Question 2:


Since stamina is going away, what changes have you made to blocking?


With no stamina we would be able to block forever (though only from the front).

Edited by Susanooh
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I have one question, and that is:

Would you ever reconsider reworking Mesa's Peacemaker? And make it more like a gun version of Excal's sword, or Valkyr's hysteria. what I mean by that is having to aim it, run around and dodge enemies etc. 

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Dear DE.


    I got some questions want to ask. My English is poor. Hope you can understand it.  ;P


    1.  Whether the Tower romove from U17. If so, what the key gonna be ?

    2.  In the future, Any possibility that tenno can trade with others in Relay ?

    3. When Warframe App(anriod) is completed, can it download directly from official website ?


    That's all i want to ask. Thanks : )

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My question is in regards to the para carrier skin working carrier prime:



Why doesn't it? You allow for applying the immortal skins on Prime Warframes, but then don't allow the sentinel skins to be applied to their respective Prime counterparts. I seems inconsistent to me. Anyway, I would appreciate it if you could make this a higher priority.


Thanks for all the hard work bringing us new, exciting content!

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A few qs


1) Will the status mods (Shotgun Savvy, etc) be rebalanced so they can compete against the dual stat mods? Currently you pay more mod points for drastically less status chance, which makes the regular status mods always the wrong choice unless you are making some sort of bizarre physical damage only loadout.




2) Could the third person camera be reworked or made user-adjustable so stuff like this doesn't happen?


Granted, I'm using the lovely seahorse helm which has a rather large snout, but you can see that my Sancti Castanas directly overlap my reticle as well.


3) Since Carrier Prime has upgraded base stats and an upgraded weapon, could Wyrm Prime get an upgrade in base stats as well?


4) The devs have made some really great UI additions lately e.g. buff indicators and numbered waypoints, but there's a few things that I think would be helpful to see somewhere during a mission, even if I would have to hit esc and access the menu to see them or if it was available in an optional overlay or tab. Specifically, I'd like to see how much energy my companion has and whether their abilities are on cooldown. For instance, knowing whether Guardian is on cooldown and how soon it would be available would be extremely handy.


I guess this last one isn't actually a question


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I have a few questions I hope no one minds me asking.


1,) When, if ever, will we some variation of a Kubrow name change-for-plat system be implemented? As it stands, it's hard to give Kubrows names that apply to their "personality" and breed when we can't see what type they are before we name them. It would be nice to be able to pay or have some system to rename them more appropriately at a later time if we wanted to.

  A.) Along this same line, any info on the new Kubrow breed?


2.) The ever-present Parkour 2.0... what changes or developments have happened on this front that you can tell us about? Have some systems shown to us been changed or tweaked since the last time we were teased things? And, as always, any word on the fate of coptering?


3.) Anything new you can tell us about what we can expect for Lore in this update? The title, "Echoes of the Sentients", sounds promising, but is there anything more you can let us know about?


4.) Have any items been added or removed from the list shown last Devstream about what is and is not coming with U17?



5.) Sharkwing.... any news/teasers on this that can be given to us, such as whether it will use different mods from Archwing, etc.?



6.) This is probably the most important question for me. What else aside from Guides of the Lotus is in the works for Veterans to better help new players, if anything? Since Guides of the Lotus is an awesome program, just rather exclusive, it would be nice to know if there are other, more accessible ways for current players to easily find and help other players in need of assistance.



Thanks and sorry for the essay. I can't wait to see the DevStream!

Edited by Jeahanne
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Q: So with the new Tyl Regor boss fight you will be able to get his axe and shield weapon from him as a drop and can already get Vors weapon as a drop. Are their any plans to make more bosses drop their weapons? Somthing such as Sargus Ruks arm cannon would be very cool and would give us a new reason to fight him. Maby another idea would Salad V's Infested collar. That could be a new glaive weapon. Maby you could throw it at an enemy you want to control. I feel as this would be a very cool idea.


   That is all   :D

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1) I have noticed that finisher attacks concerning Excalibur's Radial Blind have caused problems that slow down how fast the flow of combat is.


Will you be changing the way the flow of combat is slowed by making the finisher animations less stiff and more fluid with how fast we as players play the game?


2) Excalibur's hitbox for Slashdash, both in targeting and the actual attack, seems to work only most of the time. While looking into a group of enemies surrounding a loki decoy, I slash dashed the 8 or so enemies and only hit 2.


Can we have a way that allows us to see exactly where we can target our enemies, and fix the animation for slash dash so that any enemies we do end up targeting actually are hit?

Edited by Kunsumption
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1. Will we ever seen an Auction House built to aid in trades? Right now trading is so time consuming in a game where loot matters considerably.

2. If we have currently unlocked all planets on the Starchart- what will happen when the new Starchart is implemented?

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