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U17 Hype Threadnaught [Queue The Mariachi Band Edition]


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soooo... You think it'll be worth going back to wf after u17? 

i'ts big, but ain't solving any of major issues with game. Like, you know, lack of any reasonable qestline or actual progression in game?

Questlines are quite a new thing since they started doing those in U15, but I will say each of them adds a ton of lore and are well made, they just need to fill the gaps, as for lore, some of it is in the codex, some of it from simaris, some of it from quest. As for progression, it's quite already "there", hopefully the new star chart can help when it comes to that.

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I'd rather have a solid release than a rushed one. :P

If you have any experience with the previous updates, it's always released with bugs regardless of however long it takes or delayed it is. It's never been 'solid' either.


I sincerely doubt that after all this time it'd even be close to a 'rushed' state if it was released.



I think it's amazing that they are this candid about their plans for the launch date. It also says something about the community. In some games certain elements in the playerbase eventually troll the developers into becoming very secretive about their ETAs.

It's because DE have slightly learned from the past. One update they gave us the hype website and once all the pages were done, they latched on some lame last minute timer with 24hrs or whatever on it causing mass complaints throughout the forums, which they later informed us (not immediately at the time) that it was because the update wasn't ready in time.

Edited by Naith
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I can wait lets not have another U14 especially with the parkour would rather have a stable build with that :) so take your time DE

seems for the most part stable thro what i could see in Devstream 57. Probroly just last minute touches and stress testing before the compile it for its release.


Edit: Still pressing the NOOOOOOO button http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/

Edited by williamwatsonMH4
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seems for the most part stable thro what i could see in Devstream 57. Probroly just last minute touches and stress testing before the compile it for its release.

Edit: Still pressing the NOOOOOOO button http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/

I actually had similar thoughts. There really didn't seem to be any bugs or issues during the devstream, other than the processing stuff. It really makes me wonder what they've been working on today

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because booben is a pun of vauban and boobs "%$#"

Its funny thats all.


Way off the mark.


It was a post written in really broken english where very little of the gibberish was intelligible, but one of the things which could be extracted is that the author called vauban Booben and it was his favorite frame. It became sort of a forum quest to try to understand what the author meant, and it became so popular, and a community joke/nickname/meme.



BTW linguistically the substitution of  V for B or vice-versa is one of the ways language transforms or evolves over time.

Edited by -TP-BrazilianJoe
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I know this post shouldn't be here but....

Why is vauban called booben??



Prepare yourself for an adventure.


I seriously laughed my ! off for a good hour.



EDIT: In case you guys wanted to know, yes, I have this link specifically on my toolbars-bookmarks right under the url search for such an occasion or need of a good laugh. Yup, I'm that kind of guy. If it takes more then one click for you if you saved it, then you're not Booben worthy.


#booben2015 #vote4booben #bestframeevar #boobenprime3confirmed

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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I tried to put the HYPE THRUSTERS on reserve power but they have a mind of their own.



I need to quote you on this.


I am so hype for this update i have refused to play another game for the last 3 days




I'm gonna draw a Yinyang frame fanart in the future ;D!!! (after i get to play with her/him?? and try different color palettes)

Edited by AngelGuardcc
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Prepare yourself for an adventure.


I seriously laughed my ! off for a good hour.



EDIT: In case you guys wanted to know, yes, I have this link specifically on my toolbars-bookmarks right under the url search for such an occasion or need of a good laugh. Yup, I'm that kind of guy. If it takes more then one click for you if you saved it, then you're not Booben worthy.


#booben2015 #vote4booben #bestframeevar #boobenprime3confirmed



Yeah, this thread is gold. 


YET, it is not the origin of the term. Author of "how is booben formed" was already joking about the original "Booben" post. 

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