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U17 Hype Threadnaught [Queue The Mariachi Band Edition]


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Given that Reb has already said that the update is going to be about 1.4 GBs--and assuming the patch notes get posted to at least the forums once the update goes out, then you'll have plenty of time to acquaint yourself with at least the totally new stuff while U17 downloads.

Edited by Feuerbrand
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Its not comming tomorrow? guess i can play more Skyforge to pass time

I think U17 will be released tomorrow. Since DE already got patchnote for it, there is not so much stuff left for them to do before releasing HYPE TRAIN patch.

Edited by Charles_Rex
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Its not comming tomorrow? guess i can play more Skyforge to pass time


Where did you see that it will not come 2morrow ?


And what does "tomorrow" mean ? Are we talking about tomorrow in US or in EU ?

Edited by froZn1991
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"Will randomly seek out tenno MR 3 and above, once encountered lotus will initiate quest." Sounds good, I bet you gotta codex scan it too.

Edit: under the mods section, it looks like it says the utility slot will cost 20 plat. -_- sounds about right.

Edited by (PS4)KushJones512
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