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if it wasnt vor we may have been woken up later.


If it wasn't Natah, we wouldn't have been asleep, would we?


Now we know that what Vor tells us in T4 is true, we are lead by a false prophet and an imposter.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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we would have been under the orokin rule living like slaves


Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno.


Slaves, eh? :]


You're implying you are fine when someone messes with your memories and your life, making decisions for you? Come on, just admit Natah is not what she wanted you to think she is. She isn't even related to Lotus, she took that name cos tenno have lotus images all over themselves.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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lets us continue this discussion with the recent reveal of the Natah quest.

Me, i'm firmly on Lotus' side yo.


Me too.


Lotus being sentient is enough justification for betraying her.


And the fact that SHE is the only reason you survived is irrelevant?

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Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno.


Slaves, eh? :]


You're implying you are fine when someone messes with your memories and your life, making decisions for you? Come on, just admit Natah is not what she wanted you to think she is. She isn't even related to Lotus, she took that name cos tenno have lotus images all over themselves.

lotus is the symptom of enlightment. 


usually enlightment means awoken in some way or another. natah might have realize the problem wasnt the tenno: it was the orokin. the first mention of the sentients was the corpus codex.


they werent killing the corpus for making a biological organism. a life in whcih could survive the tau system; they were persuaded not to kill him when some of the other members realized there wasnt any other option and that was the only one from their destruction.


she turned the tenno against them; which means she had some method. i am thinking she told them what will happen after everything was said and done.


also, if you remember your sci-fi alot of times cryo-sleep will cause memory loss.form time to time. 

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Well, if you want to be a tool of someone who:


1) was a part of the force that lead to the extinction of a most developed race;

2) betrayed their own kind;

3) entombed their own father alive;

4) erased your memory;

5) freed grineer;

6) lied to you...


then be my guest, but it is useless to argue with the facts stated above, since it would be canon vs your speculations. It just reminds me story by King, called Misery, with a psychopathic woman crushing man's legs with a sledgehammer because she "loved" him and did not want him to leave her :]

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Well, if you want to be a tool of someone who:


1) was a part of the force that lead to the extinction of a most developed race;

2) betrayed their own kind;

3) entombed their own father alive;

4) erased your memory;

5) freed grineer;

6) lied to you...


then be my guest, but it is useless to argue with the facts stated above, since it would be canon vs your speculations. ...blah... blah... nonsense... blah


Equally relevant facts, that are also undeniable


1) Turned on her own kind in order to save the Tenno

2) Even gave up her on mother/father to protect the Tenno and Origin system.

3) Guided the Tenno in the defeat of her own kind

4) Gave the citizens of the Origin system the ability to rule themselves only stepping in when a group threatened the lives of everyone.

5) Prevented the rise of the Sentients for as long as she possible could.


Sounds pretty heroic to me.


In fact I've seen the "Was created 'bad' but turned on their own kind, helping the protagonist" plot many, many times.


It's really a motherly variant on "Defecting for Love" http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DefectingForLove

Edited by SilentMobius
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Equally relevant facts, that are also undeniable


1) Turned on her own kind in order to save the Tenno

2) Even gave up her on mother/father to protect the Tenno and Origin system.

3) Guided the Tenno in the defeat of her own kind

4) Gave the citizens of the Origin system the ability to rule themselves only stepping in when a group threatened the lives of everyone.

5) Prevented the rise of the Sentients for as long as she possible could.


Nope. I listed the facts given in the game and you listed your points of view, which are not canon :]

Edited by SeaUrchins
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Nope. I listed the facts given in the game and you listed your points of view, which are not canon :]


She didn't intenionally free the Grineer, or wipe our memories...


Plus, what Silent stated are facts. That is what she said she did. It's not his point of view, it's hers.

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Tenno are loyal only to themselves, lotus isnt tenno she' sentient.That's good reason to betray her.


Completely ignoring eveything the Lotus has done for us and the fact that the Devs say she can be trusted.


Sure, kill anything that isn't Tenno. You'll fit in fine with the Grineer.



From and Ingame standpoint, the Lotus is why the Tenno are "heros" in the first place. They were created to be weapons of war, the Lotus then uses them to keep balance in the system, even if balance is the lesser of 2 evils.

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Do you often entomb your family members and leave them to die? :]


If my family was a bunch of crazy peeps who wanted to murder those I'd come to love... I think you're just being obstinate about the matter for the sake of trolling. The smilely face doesn't help.

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Well, if you want to be a tool of someone who:


1) was a part of the force that lead to the extinction of a most developed race;

2) betrayed their own kind;

3) entombed their own father alive;

4) erased your memory;

5) freed grineer;

6) lied to you...


then be my guest, but it is useless to argue with the facts stated above, since it would be canon vs your speculations. It just reminds me story by King, called Misery, with a psychopathic woman crushing man's legs with a sledgehammer because she "loved" him and did not want him to leave her :]

1) A TYRANNICAL race. Haven't you read the Simaris entries?

2)To save US.

3)For the good of the system and to Protect US

4)Proof?Where does it say SHE erased our memories? We lost them due to cryosleep trauma.

5)No she didn't lol. They broke free of their own will when the Orokin were overthrown.

6)She never lied to us. She left somethings unsaid, which I can hardly blame her for. Everyone has things they want to keep to themsleves.


I suggest you check your facts, friend, before haranguing the Lotus.

Edited by Evanescent
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1) A TYRANNICAL race. Haven't you read the Simaris entries?

2)To save US.

3)For the good of the system and to Protect US

4)Proof?Where does it say SHE erased our memories? We lost them due to cryosleep trauma.

5)No she didn't lol. They broke free of their own will when the Orokin were overthrown.

6)She never lied to us. 


Again, you can speculate as much as you want, but your speculations are not cannon.


1) not a single race can be wholly good or evil, it's like killing all Caucasian people just because Hitler was Caucasian (yea, you apologists started Nazi comparison), therefore "tyrannical" is a lame justification;

2) to save her "children", luckily, tenno received that role (though no information if they knew what would happen);

3) "good" is a relative and obscure term, if Grineer rule the systems, they would consider it "good", I think you got the point;

4) where does it say we all received same trauma? ordis received trauma damaging his Old War memories too? :]

5) indirectly they were freed, though you might not like it :]

6) yea, the first line you encounter in game "I am Lotus" is a lie.


Stalker lives fine without Lotus, he's like John Rambo, why can't we? :]

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