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Which Is The Most Hated Faction For You?


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Not loved, hated.


For me, the Corpus, why? because Nullifiers, they are not fun.


You love Stealth Mode Missions like a real ninja? well faq you, Nullifier dont like that.


When i see a Corpus alert... im just... naahh... then i see the rewards and i say... well here we go!.

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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Corpus. Not just because of the annoying nullifiers, which need to be rebalanced for non-automatic weapons, but also because of the min ospreys. I cant tell you how many times I've died as excal to them while trying to revive someone who went down in a group of the mines. 


Best way to change that would be to make it so that punch-through works on nullifier bubbles, and give the mines a set health, rather than a scaling one. Removing the rising animation from them would be nice as well, since they're much harder to shoot during that animation for no apparent reason. 

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I don't really hate any of the factions. Corpus are my least played thought. Up until they added the Tar Moas, I played Infested 80% of the time. The thrill of running through a crowd of them while swinging my nikana around was...dare I say.....euphoric.



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Grineer with nuclear blast knockdowns, mass internal bleeding, fire procs everywhere, and arc traps



They got Manics, Bombards, Napalms, Heavy Gunners, Ballistas, Seekers, Eviscerators, Scorpions, Hellions, Scorches, Commanders, Drahk Masters...


Also Rollers, Sensor Bars, Arc Traps...


And of course Vay Hek.



^couldnt have said it better myself.
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