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New Warframe: Equinox (U17 Megathread Topic)


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So most of the other complaints I imagine have already been addressed:

-poor synergy between frame-swapping, such as inability to convert maim to mend and back

-limited duration buffs that decay over the duration. Personally, I don't mind them, but i wouldn't mind two different stats sweeping back and forth with % based equivilizations, or a more timely switch between both frames.


My biggest issue is actually specifically with Mend. It's trying to compete too much with Trinity, and in the attempt to differentiate the two abilities, mend is simply left in the dust. For an ultimate ability to require being primed for a simple burst heal, even if it is AoE, it's rather a letdown, especially while mend drains energy constantly. It's to the point where it's not worthwhile. I would like to suggest an effect that i feel is more in-line with the reciporicative nature of equinox. A) Keep the current heal burst, but lower the ratio at which it gains health. B) give a small burst of health, 10-15 or so for every enemy slain, in an area around the enemy. This shifts it to a true "Mend" effect, incremental healing that merits the energy drain, and is both viable and different from Trinity.

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In my opinion, Equinox would be really improved with:


(1: Meta ) Metamorphosis buffs don't decay, they just end. Switching forms does not cancel Mend/Maim. Shield buff to Night and Sprint buff to Day are innate to each form, Meta's buff are applied on top of this and adds Shield recharge rate to Night.


(2: Rest & Rage ) Small range increase, and let us target the ground like Fireball/Freeze to splash the effect.


(3: Pacify and Provoke) Pacify does not diminish with range, as the radius only covers close to mid range enemies, or Pacify has a cap to energy drain per second - preferably the second one. Pacify's damage reduction scales better with power strength, and any enemies under the effect of Rest will not wake up when affected by Pacify until they reach their health threshold. Provoke gives Equinox power strength too, and drains additional energy when using a skill.


(4: Mend and Maim) The damage pool is maintained when switching forms, but is reduced by 50% for every swap. Mend had a stun that inflicts a Puncture proc, so Night form gets CC too (this part is important, it's one of the bigger differences stopping Night from being effective, the fact that Mend doesn't stagger enemies). Allies in range get a % of an enemy's health when an enemy is killed, and when Mend is released, all enemies within range are disarmed for a length of time based on a function of the damage pool and power duration (ie, DamagexDuration/1000).



Some thoughts on my Mend proposal:

- Killing an enemy divides a % of their health among allies in range. This amount could be as low as 4%, so that if Equinox was alone they'd get 4% per kill, but if they had 3 allies in range, everyone gets 1% of the enemy's health restored to their own health. On the flip side, 4 tenno can kill a lot of enemies quickly so I suspect this could keep everyone's health nicely topped off for a long time.

- Because of this, the heal effect of the final release would be less significant. I propose a radial disarm effect to give players a reason to use Night. It would be based off the damage dealt and only affect enemies for a certain duration, unlike Loki's ultimate, but would provide a lot of defense and CC, and still be a thematic opposite of Maim's nuke.

- 1000 stored damage would translate to 1 second of disarm, if Duration was at 100%. Most people choose to minimize duration, so this would create some interesting decisions when modding.

- Instead of disarm, Mend could blind. Or, Maim could blind and Mend could disarm.


It's still possible to overcome the negative duration and have a disarm that lasts for a decent amount of time, but building the damage would take longer... which is why the puncture proc and the % heal on kill effect are so valuable to the skill.

Edited by Varzy
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Ash has absolute offense and defense

Seeking shuriken = one button armor's gone

Smoke screen = one button nothing hit you

Teleport = one button frontal double head smack by dragon nikana [ignore armor double high finisher damage]


Equinox has absolutely weak offense and defense

Maim that not worth stacking pass lvl50 even she has only one damaging ability.

Pacify is useless against nullifier and not really make her more tank or anything. more like eye candy.

Mend which is not heal on demand like trinity or oberon or saryn


What equinox is good for....

1.Walking 20% strength mod for team

2.Rest and frontal double head smack by dragon nikana


This frame is so situational and bad at scaling.

Edited by Volinus7
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Upon further pondering, this is my feedback on Equinox' abilities as a whole. Feedback and suggestions are in spoilers to shorten post length:






- Since the 2 second switch delay is allegedly designed to balance the buffs and is difficult to alter due to technical limitations, keep as is.


- Due to the nature of Metamorphosis (locking the player out of power usage while switching), the temporary buffs granted by it aren't nearly strong enough to compensate for the long ability usage downtime.




- Proposal to encourage switch-play: Equilibrium

1) Each form retains the pair of buffs permanently.

2) During the switch, Equinox is in her combined form. Allow all buffs (damage, speed, shields, and armor) on Equinox in exchange for not being able to use any abilities. All buffs are in 100% effectiveness during this state.

3) After switching, the previous form's pair of buffs will decay over time from maximum effectiveness to nothing.


Example of what a typical Metamorphosis process looks like:

A) Day Form has her damage & speed boosts at 100% effectiveness as long as she is in that form.

B) Using Metamorphosis, Day Form becomes Full Form, gaining shields & armor boosts + the existing damage & speed boosts, all at 100% effectiveness.

C) Full Form becomes Night Form after the 2 seconds delay, shields & armor boosts already at 100%, while damage & speed boosts decay over 25 seconds at max ability rank.

D) Repeat steps A, B, C in reverse for Night Form to Day Form.


I believe this change will greatly encourage switch-play, as a) each form retains their unique bonuses at all times, b) during the switch all bonuses are active, and c) after switching the previous form's buffs can remain active temporarily. There may be concern over which form will become dominant among the playerbase, but with time I believe players will come to see both forms are viable in different situations (Day for killing power and mobility, Night for survivability).


Rest & Rage




- Rest is a very powerful ability, as it can stop a cluster of enemies in their tracks wherever you point at. Finishers for extra damage is a nice bonus, a complement to Night's unspoken melee playstyle.


- Rage is a risk & reward type ability, as it is a double-edged sword that both rewards skillful gunplay and punishes spray & pray. The problem with this ability is that even the minor increase in enemy speed can spell doom to squads fighting higher level enemies, especially when they are in packed groups.


- Because the target area is small even at max ability rank, this discourages careful placement and instead necessitates spamming to achieve wide area crowd control/damage amplification. I understand the small radius is a balancing factor due to Rest's ability to completely immobilize groups of enemies with one button press and low energy cost for Rest & Rage, but perhaps we can find a compromise?




- Change the target area radius to 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 meters. At max ability rank with max Power Range, that's 7.05 meters radius -> 14.1 meters target area. This allows more breathing room for Night Form, as both Rest and Pacify are catered toward close range enemies.

- Rage will tether enemies to each other in the target area via energy chains. Along with damage amplifying for each enemy, enemies chained to each other will take 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% (equal to the damage vulnerability percentages) damage dealt to any enemy chained together with them. This change eases the high risk involved with using Rage on high level enemies, since now just gunning down one of them causes reduced damage to spread to other enemies affected by Rage.

- To compensate for increased target area for Rest, enemies affected by a single cast of Rest will also be tethered together. If an enemy is killed by a noisy weapon, the others chained to that enemy will wake up. If these enemies are killed by silent weapons (such as bows, or melee finisher attacks), the others chained to that enemy will still sleep until health loss threshold is reached or Rest's duration ends. This change, while appearing as a nerf to some, actually encourages stealth & melee play that Night Form excels at.

- Enemies are only chained together if they are all affected by one cast of Rest & Rage. This is to prevent room-wide damage distribution with Rage and accidentally waking up a lot of enemies at once with Rest.


Pacify & Provoke




- Pacify, prior to no Power Efficiency on its energy drain per enemy per second, was extremely problematic for Night Form. After Power Efficiency was fixed, Pacify is a much more manageable ability. From the way this ability functions, I can tell the design caters to close range combat with Pacify providing the most benefit against melee attackers such as the Infested. I am okay with this, since Night Form has buffs that grant her survivability, along with Rest that allows her to safely handle enemies at close range. I also appreciate this ability having a built-in drawback so the aura is not just turn-on-and-forget, requiring players to monitor their energy pool.


- Provoke, as I understand it, also benefits Equinox albeit at a reduced percentage (exact amount remains to be tested and verified). This is good, as it can also empower Rage and Maim. Since Provoke affects Power Strength, this buff is highly versatile and is compatible with most if not all Warframes (Loki may not have much use for it however). For a low activation cost and Efficiency-affected cost per ally/self ability cast, this is a good aura ability in my book.




- For Pacify, I will refer to my earlier post on adding reduced attack speed alongside the damage reduction: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/497995-new-warframe-equinox-u17-megathread-topic/?p=5685612

- For Provoke, please add a status effect counter next to Equinox' shields and health indicators, showing how much additional Power Strength Provoke grants to Equinox herself. We can see the benefit for allies in range, but not seeing the benefit on ourselves makes us think the aura doesn't do anything for the caster.


Mend & Maim




- I quite enjoy the earned health and damage mechanic. This alone encourages run & gun play rather than static press 4 to win, for the Equinox player anyway.


- Mend, while powerful as an instant full health heal ability, has many restrictions (range, earned health, channeling cost per second) without an active component for the aura itself, unlike Maim. Like many members have said, Mend appears to be lacking something to give it more oomph to be on par with Maim.


- Maim is wonderful. Temporary area crowd control, minor armor-ignoring damage, and an awesome nuke when powered up by kills. Because of those traits, it's no wonder players prefer running Day Form more than Night Form given the amount of awesome packed into this version of her ultimate.




- To bring Mend on par with Maim, I suggest granting both versions a crowd control component. When enemies first enter Mend or Maim's aura, they are temporarily blinded by the light surrounding Equinox (lasting as long as Maim's current stun time).

- Mend gains an active function while the aura is channeled. There are many suggestions in this thread, so I will withhold for now until I can come up with a more concrete concept.


Thanks for reading! I hope to see more quality changes to come for my new favorite Warframe :)

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I don't want to farm it so I cannot say anything about this frame's gameplay but its design is terrible.

Idea of dualistic frame was good and there were some interesting sketches but it ended up with something completely boring. It looks like kids in Loki and Limbo suits on a holiday. What is it, a chess-frame? It's so smoooth and simple just like a chess figure. 2 frames in one but with 0 individuality.

When DE deleased Chroma I was suprised, after obscure clowns and boring Mesa it was unexpectedly cool, I even believed than dark times of warframe design have ended, but then this «person in tenno-like suit» happens again. It's hard to explain, but there is a feeling of WARFRAME, bizarre fusion of bionic forms and cybernetic parts like Volt and Loki, and there is a feeling of warframe cosplayer like Mesa and Equinox.

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My big gripe with Equinox is the lack of sync between her two forms. Switching forms is supposed to be the theme of this Warframe, right?


Metamorphosis time aside, I feel that Mend and Maim, and Pacify and Provoke can not be used effectively if you plan to switch forms.

If you're building Maim and a team mate's health is low, there is little incentive to switch to Night form to help.

1) The two second time during which neither 3 or 4 are active, and 4 doesn't detonate by itself when switching forms.

2) The time it takes to build Mend. Because healing usually needs to be quick, having to kill enemies simply isn't very effective as by that time the team mate is usually bleeding out.

3) In most cases, it's simply easier to let the team mate die, detonate and recast Maim, and resurrect him. It simply is easier and more effective.

4) The energy cost and casting times. I believe switching forms should not deactivate 3 and 4 if they are running, but switch them in to the appropriate versions for the form you're changing in to.


General skill feedback:


It's great. My only gripe about this is the gradual decay of buffs, which without a duration build are too short to take advantage of.


Rest and Rage

I find both of these skills useful and appropriate for the theme. The range could be buffed a tiny bit; by 1-2m max, but otherwise I love it.


Pacify and Provoke

Lets start with Pacify. Firstly, the effect isn't potent enough to justify the energy cost.

The unmodded energy drain is 0.5 per enemy. Equinox is best built for range to maximize the effectiveness of 3 of it's skills, and at times I will have 20-30, often more enemies affected by Pacify in the area. That's 10-15 energy per second. There are ults that have a smaller drain than this skill.

By the time I kill that many enemies, I will have no energy left to do anything. If it's VS Infested, I will be out of energy before they even get to me.

It would be helpful if the energy drain had a maximum cap.

I think Provoke is fine as is. I get that it isn't supposed to be a large buff given the active range, but it would be nice if it was slightly bigger.


Mend and Maim

Maim, I find is a good skill and there is nothing I would change at the moment.

Mend however feels lackluster in comparison. Simply put, unless you're already in Night form, or are running it majority of the time, there is little incentive to use this skill, as I described at the beginning of my post. Perhaps it could be changed to a capped healing over time without the need for detonation, or have enemies suffer accuracy loss, or something. It just doesn't do enough to justify it's use, much like Pacify.

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nice warframe i put 4 forma, but need a small boost to 4° ability (dmg boost) is useless vs enemy above lv 20 ...


The point of Maim is not to kill the enemy outright. It is to provide CC on the slash proc, kill groups of enemies with your weapons, build up damage over time then use it in a clutch/emergency situation to wipe out everything around you, not matter the enemy level since it scales with the enemy level.

Edited by Sci_Ant
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Another Mend idea:


In channeling mode it give buffs depending on frames in range of power, so each frame in range give specific buff to ALL frames in Mend zone:


Equinox (always included for obvious reasons) - effect like of equilibrium mod, energy and health orbs restore 25 energy and health.

Excalibur - +30% channeling efficiency

Volt - +10% run speed

Chroma - +50 Armor +100 Shield +150 Hp

Rhino - +100 Armor

Mag - +200 Shield

Valkyr - +300 Health

Nyx - +10% Power efficiency

Trinity - +10% Power duration

Oberon - +10% Power range

Nekros - +10% resource/ammo/orb drop chance

Loki - +10% casting animation speed

Ash - +20% melee damage, +30% finisher speed animation

Zephyr - +30% glide, wall latch, dive jump speed

Banshee - all weapons silent, +10m enemy/loot radar

Saryn - 50% toxic damage resist, 20% viral proc chance to attacks

Ember - +10% fire damage to attacks, 20% fire proc chance to attacks

Frost - +10% cold damage to attacks, 20% cold proc chance to attacks (together with ember becomes +30% blast damage, 40% blast proc)

Hydroid - 1 hp per second regen


Effects from two similar frames does not stack.

Edited by -MNT-Erlking
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Did a 1 hour 31 minute Survival on Ceres, Egeria with me as Equinox, Loki, Nekros and Nova. We all had CP on.




With just my Tipedo and Day Form Maim, I managed to get 42 % of the damage. I had an unranked Phage which went to rank 30 so I never used that.


Maim is really a great ability with just the right amount of scalability. You still need to kill the enemy with your weapons but you can rack up a million points of damage against a group of level 200 enemies with a weapon and go and 1 shot a large group somewhere else. Nova's molecular prime helps it scale infinitely too. :D


Now, if only all the other powers were as well balanced and useful. :/

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Maim is CP dependent. That's the problem.

Look at Saryn Miasma for example. It's sucks at high armor too but quick cast time make it a legit CC.

Plus saryn has plenty of survivability while Day form equinox is naked.

Maim is not supposed to be a spammable stun but a damage multiplier like AMD.

It should do Finisher damage.

Set your team aside. Even the fastest corrosive proc weapon that melt armor so fast can only kill one enemy or less per one period of maim stun.

480k stacked damage got reduced to 6.5k damage. Day form is worth using at high lvl solo? No, it's like walking in t4 naked without abilities.

Night form while still broken can make you survive by spamming rest.

Even try to be a support frame, this frame needs a lot of preparation and time to execute each ability. Trinity Vauban Banshee even Nekros do it better.

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Upon further pondering, this is my feedback on Equinox' abilities as a whole. Feedback and suggestions are in spoilers to shorten post length:






- Since the 2 second switch delay is allegedly designed to balance the buffs and is difficult to alter due to technical limitations, keep as is.


- Due to the nature of Metamorphosis (locking the player out of power usage while switching), the temporary buffs granted by it aren't nearly strong enough to compensate for the long ability usage downtime.




- Proposal to encourage switch-play: Equilibrium

1) Each form retains the pair of buffs permanently.

2) During the switch, Equinox is in her combined form. Allow all buffs (damage, speed, shields, and armor) on Equinox in exchange for not being able to use any abilities. All buffs are in 100% effectiveness during this state.

3) After switching, the previous form's pair of buffs will decay over time from maximum effectiveness to nothing.


Example of what a typical Metamorphosis process looks like:

A) Day Form has her damage & speed boosts at 100% effectiveness as long as she is in that form.

B) Using Metamorphosis, Day Form becomes Full Form, gaining shields & armor boosts + the existing damage & speed boosts, all at 100% effectiveness.

C) Full Form becomes Night Form after the 2 seconds delay, shields & armor boosts already at 100%, while damage & speed boosts decay over 25 seconds at max ability rank.

D) Repeat steps A, B, C in reverse for Night Form to Day Form.


I believe this change will greatly encourage switch-play, as a) each form retains their unique bonuses at all times, b) during the switch all bonuses are active, and c) after switching the previous form's buffs can remain active temporarily. There may be concern over which form will become dominant among the playerbase, but with time I believe players will come to see both forms are viable in different situations (Day for killing power and mobility, Night for survivability).


Rest & Rage




- Rest is a very powerful ability, as it can stop a cluster of enemies in their tracks wherever you point at. Finishers for extra damage is a nice bonus, a complement to Night's unspoken melee playstyle.


- Rage is a risk & reward type ability, as it is a double-edged sword that both rewards skillful gunplay and punishes spray & pray. The problem with this ability is that even the minor increase in enemy speed can spell doom to squads fighting higher level enemies, especially when they are in packed groups.


- Because the target area is small even at max ability rank, this discourages careful placement and instead necessitates spamming to achieve wide area crowd control/damage amplification. I understand the small radius is a balancing factor due to Rest's ability to completely immobilize groups of enemies with one button press and low energy cost for Rest & Rage, but perhaps we can find a compromise?




- Change the target area radius to 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 meters. At max ability rank with max Power Range, that's 7.05 meters radius -> 14.1 meters target area. This allows more breathing room for Night Form, as both Rest and Pacify are catered toward close range enemies.

- Rage will tether enemies to each other in the target area via energy chains. Along with damage amplifying for each enemy, enemies chained to each other will take 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% (equal to the damage vulnerability percentages) damage dealt to any enemy chained together with them. This change eases the high risk involved with using Rage on high level enemies, since now just gunning down one of them causes reduced damage to spread to other enemies affected by Rage.

- To compensate for increased target area for Rest, enemies affected by a single cast of Rest will also be tethered together. If an enemy is killed by a noisy weapon, the others chained to that enemy will wake up. If these enemies are killed by silent weapons (such as bows, or melee finisher attacks), the others chained to that enemy will still sleep until health loss threshold is reached or Rest's duration ends. This change, while appearing as a nerf to some, actually encourages stealth & melee play that Night Form excels at.

- Enemies are only chained together if they are all affected by one cast of Rest & Rage. This is to prevent room-wide damage distribution with Rage and accidentally waking up a lot of enemies at once with Rest.


Pacify & Provoke




- Pacify, prior to no Power Efficiency on its energy drain per enemy per second, was extremely problematic for Night Form. After Power Efficiency was fixed, Pacify is a much more manageable ability. From the way this ability functions, I can tell the design caters to close range combat with Pacify providing the most benefit against melee attackers such as the Infested. I am okay with this, since Night Form has buffs that grant her survivability, along with Rest that allows her to safely handle enemies at close range. I also appreciate this ability having a built-in drawback so the aura is not just turn-on-and-forget, requiring players to monitor their energy pool.


- Provoke, as I understand it, also benefits Equinox albeit at a reduced percentage (exact amount remains to be tested and verified). This is good, as it can also empower Rage and Maim. Since Provoke affects Power Strength, this buff is highly versatile and is compatible with most if not all Warframes (Loki may not have much use for it however). For a low activation cost and Efficiency-affected cost per ally/self ability cast, this is a good aura ability in my book.




- For Pacify, I will refer to my earlier post on adding reduced attack speed alongside the damage reduction: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/497995-new-warframe-equinox-u17-megathread-topic/?p=5685612

- For Provoke, please add a status effect counter next to Equinox' shields and health indicators, showing how much additional Power Strength Provoke grants to Equinox herself. We can see the benefit for allies in range, but not seeing the benefit on ourselves makes us think the aura doesn't do anything for the caster.


Mend & Maim




- I quite enjoy the earned health and damage mechanic. This alone encourages run & gun play rather than static press 4 to win, for the Equinox player anyway.


- Mend, while powerful as an instant full health heal ability, has many restrictions (range, earned health, channeling cost per second) without an active component for the aura itself, unlike Maim. Like many members have said, Mend appears to be lacking something to give it more oomph to be on par with Maim.


- Maim is wonderful. Temporary area crowd control, minor armor-ignoring damage, and an awesome nuke when powered up by kills. Because of those traits, it's no wonder players prefer running Day Form more than Night Form given the amount of awesome packed into this version of her ultimate.




- To bring Mend on par with Maim, I suggest granting both versions a crowd control component. When enemies first enter Mend or Maim's aura, they are temporarily blinded by the light surrounding Equinox (lasting as long as Maim's current stun time).

- Mend gains an active function while the aura is channeled. There are many suggestions in this thread, so I will withhold for now until I can come up with a more concrete concept.


Thanks for reading! I hope to see more quality changes to come for my new favorite Warframe :)

Like all of these ideas, and just have 1 suggestion. Were Mend and Maim able to keep their stack when switching forms, I think it would be beneficial. You can open Maim and stack up damage while running around, and if an ally or yourself gets hurt, you can switch and immediately drop a heal on them. However, this whole time you're draining energy so it isn't without cost.

I feel this would make the frame in more constant interaction with their abilities and their energy pool.

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I know equinox has only been out for a few hours now but I think that the metamorph passives should be constant, I prefer night over day power wise but it's kind of lame that i've got to swap constantly to keep my buff up. Anyone else think the same?

I agree completely. The buff should be reduced slightly but should be passive for each form. It shouldn't have a duration at all. That power was really poorly designed.

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Provoke should increase ally damage as well. Some frames such as loki don't even have power strength abilities making it a useless buff for them. It is also not very useful if your teammates aren't constantly using abilities. It feels like equinox provides buffs that nobody uses.


Mend is also a big problem in my opinion. It takes way too long to use when health is easily restored by health orbs, health restores, and other abilities like Oberon's renewal which works just as well but faster. I think for mend to be useful it needs to constantly heal as you deal damage alongside a large buff to health, shields, and armor for a duration after you release the ability.

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I've having a really hard time with this frame. Even though the stats are well balanced in numbers, it just dies every time I run Triton. I mean, with a frame this squishy (even in night form), I'd love to see the abilities wreak havoc... except it didn't. Sure, you can kill like all Infested on Earth Dark Sector Defense with Maim by just running around for the first 10 waves, but this does not scale well later on. I agree, you get the CC, but with the slash proc AND the blast in T2 MD not killing mobs? That's just ridiculous. And energy is a disaster while using this frame, no matter day form or night form. Plus pacify against Infested is just a big NO, not to mention how awful the range of Rest is. Please either patch it up or leave it alone and I won't go for another 3 hours of RNG grind and 6 days of waiting and 8 T1 capture runs just for a Forma. Thank you very much.

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After playing around a good while with Equinox, I can say I still love the frame.  It's fun and for the most part is useful.  However, I have to admit I can no longer actually tell if Pacify does anything or not.  Sure, it uses less energy than before.  Hooray.  But, for what it's worth, I genuinely don't notice it doing, well, anything really.


At this point, I'm supposing it does because it would be silly to have an ability that just eats energy for no reason and does nothing in return.  Yet, it doesn't seem to make a difference in how often I have to Mend.


I would suggest taking a deep and serious look at the ability and maybe try to tweak it somewhat so it actually does something beyond level 1-15 content.  Or, you know, otherwise just change its description to "Pacify: will sometimes drain minute to boatload amounts of energy from your reserves for no apparent reason, even at max power, or 206 power and 190 range."


Edit: typo

Edited by DelialFallen
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Equinox might be my favorite warframe yet. She is a lot of fun


I love how you can be a mini trinity in night form with the damage reduction aura + heal. I also love putting enemies to sleep and daggering them. Her night form is the interactive non-OP healer that I always wanted trinity to be.


I also really like how as day u act as like a dps support by buffing allies while being able to save up for a super nuke and ccing with your ultimate.


I would like to point out rage is very useful in certain situations when an ally has already cced an enemy or there's a blessing trinity in the party.


Only abilities I would change is:


Mend it needs some sort of cc if its not going to be an instant heal or Equinox's healing counterpart needs to not be so absurd in comparison. Also, switching between day and night should not reset mend and maim and carry over.


Pacify really shouldn't have damage reduction fall off and not scale poorly with power strength. One is fine, but not both. This really limits her from being able to act as a substitute trinity (who even with 99% dr aura would still be overall weaker since no EV). That or trinity should get nerfed and end game rebalanced.


Other than that I think equinox is a great frame and tons of fun to play.

Edited by Oishii
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That or trinity should get nerfed and end game rebalanced.

Ayyyyy NOPE. Blessing's fine as it is, as they did nerf Quick Thinking to a reasonable level. I rarily go to 99% these days, just saving teammates.

Though Link is weird. Its good... But... welll....

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99% blessing is fine? When I'm not feeling lazy i have 99% blessing and full energy up almost 24/7. Really how is a frame that can keep up 99% damage reduction fine? Especially it throws of design and balance especially since it seems DE is stepping of their game in enemy and end game design. If trinity exists you have to design the game around taking 1% damage and other healing frames need to be able to hand out 99% or else they are simply overshadowed by an extremely large margin. Also, enemies have to be threatening to people with 99% damage reduction or they simply aren't challenging at all.


She is only semi-fine now as to get challenge in this game you need to go really far in endless missions where enemies are actually balanced against people who have 99% damage reduction as they can kill you in the small window where you don't have it, which is terrible design.


Equinox is an example of an effective healer, trinity is an example of a completely OP healer that needs really OP enemies to counter balance her. Also, even if trinity had equinox levels of damage reduction she would still be the superior healer due to equinox can burn out of energy, while trinity can keep on going and can cast her heal instantly. Equinox would actually be a good back up/part-time healer if trinity just was not so absurd by comparison.


I don't know, some people rather hold on to their OP rather than creating an atmosphere that an actual end game can be developed in. Imagine if someone walked up to you and told you to develop and end game for a game. And in this end game you got healers giving out 99% damage reduction, another giving out 50-90%, one giving out none, and "tanks" with 33-98% damage reduction. It's a nightmare to design an end game around.

Edited by Oishii
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If trinity and ash are fine, I would like to add 2 seconds of invulnerability for Metamorphosis and Finisher damage for Maim.

Ash and Trinity are god tier frame with real "scaling"

Seeking shuriken

Smoke screen


Edited by Volinus7
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