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Forma - The Big Rework Thread


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Greetings Tenno,

today the era of unwanted forma blueprints and 24h crafting is coming to an end.

Enjoy the new days of a more easy way of forma'ing your frames and weaponry as well as easier access to the forma you really want and deserve.


This thread is supposed to give a huge rework to the current system of the Forma, how they are distributed in WARFRAME and how they are used to improve your equipment.


#1: Shifting the Forma from VOID to DOJO

Especially during new prime accesses but also in general missions the amount of Forma Blueprints gathered, is tremendously high compared to prime parts and fusion core packs. Much higher than you need them to be because you can only craft one forma every 24 hours.


My suggestion is to shift the Forma Blueprint to the Tenno Lab in the DOJO.

This blueprint can be researched from the very beginning and only requires the ingredients that are needed to build regular forma as well as some credits.


On ghost clan level you would require 5 Neural Sensors, 5 Neurodes, 5 Orokin Cells and 5 Morphics and 20000 credits to start the research. Every blueprint is useable only one time and can be copied from the Tenno Lab for a cost of 15000 credits. The crafting costs mostly remains the same; only the credit costs are removed because you paid these for getting the blueprint out of the Tenno Lab Research. The crafting time is reduced to 12 hours instead of 24 hours.


#2: Ready-built Forma in VOID

Forma are part of the Orokin Technology, so their appearance in the VOID makes sense and they should not be removed entirely. As the Forma Blueprints are removed and put into Tenno Lab, the ready-built Forma that are currently dropping during T3 missions sometimes should be spread around in any endless mission type's A rotation with a rare chance. You can also get them in Sabotage Missions for opening the Grineer/Corpus caches.


#3: The Forma Usage

Especially with the newly released Utility slot many frames need another round of forma'ing the frame. But what if you run two different builds on one frame and you can't forma more stuff unless you destroy one build for the sake of the other one (Example: Army Nekros vs Loot Nekros). You don't want to craft this frame again just to get another build? I don't think so, so here is my suggestion (ok, it is not my idea, i read it in the forums here but i was not able to find it again to quote it.


If you use a forma on a slot that is already polarized this slot becomes multi-polarized. So if a slot with Naramon Polarity gets polarized with a Vazarin Polarity both Naramon AND Vazarin Mods will get their polarity bonus when being put onto these mod places.


Here is an example of how I though it could look like.




By doing this you would get a much higher variety in modding your frame just the way you want with very different builds on each of the loadout slots.


#4: Polarization and Mastery Rank

What is Mastery Rank good for? For increased syndicate standing each day and for a very few amount of mastery locked weapons. That is it? With this concept there is another usefull thing!




Watch this thread by Desecrated Flame for more informations regarding the issue. Upvote his thread there too, if you want it to happen. Perhaps DE will notice us then. :D

Edited by DarkRuler2500
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This is a good idea and i really like it.

Perhaps i can include your idea in my post if you want just to make one big thread we can send to DE. :D

I can add your's to my OP if you want.  The Master Forma Solution thread already has more than 200 upvotes on the OP.  That or just link to my thread in your's. 


I don't want those 200+ votes to disappear.  I have a slim hope that such a number will make DE take notice.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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I'm liking the dual polarity slots, but how about this for an idea: Modifying the way elements combine.


You tag a pair of adjacent slots with one of 2 new symbols:

* The first symbol causes the two slots to combine elemental mods placed in them, ignoring the usual order and any element that comes with the weapon.

* The second symbol forces the two mods not to be combined with any others that are slotted/on the weapon.


This would allow you to use combinations like corrosive+viral, or gas+blast.


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as soon as i seen the double polarity i thought now here is someone who is thinking positively. i mean that is just genius sure there needs to be a limit but i would be so glad to see it implemented. moving forma to the dojo and putting completed forma in the drop tables is also another good one. great job op ^_^.


P.S. that last part though i don't think so. mastery should definitely get more uses but not for lvling weapons. affinity in this game is a little to easy to get and a few rounds of defense maxes a weapon out. there is no need whatsoever to allow forma'd weapons to retain lvls its called prestige and every shooter that uses it brings you back to lvl 0 not only that CoD and Battlefield also increase the amount of XP it takes to get back up to max rank each time you prestige so....

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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My initial impression was: Holy hell, another one of these threads with the exact same content...


But DAMN those double polarities are absolutely genius! Think about it, it's a win-win situation:

- We spend more Forma on our Frames which is potentially good for DE, at least it isn't harmful to their business

- Our Builds are extremely flexible



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I am not really sure why Forma is such a big topic these days, it does not seem THAT broken. However, all of the discussion are awesome and stuff like this would still be great additions.


Besides the previously mentioned reasons, and the general build up of issues, the support slot has also provoked concerns. It's use requires 1 to 2 more forma to be used per warframe, and this is pushing the line in terms of allowing versatile builds. In order to use the support skill, you end up having to narrow down your potential builds thanks to all the forma you're using, so people have been thinking about ways to allow greater versatility of builds on a single frame, without having to just have two copies of Nova Prime (or whatever) for different builds.




Oh, and I also consider this to be a perfectly good solution. People have proposed omni-polarity slots as well, and while I like them, they'd either be too easy to get, or too difficult to get (I won't elaborate on that) for some people. Just being able to 'normal forma' a slot multiple times while keeping each polarity is a really nice compromise.

Edited by Sines314
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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread has gone completely under my radar and I think others should see it as well.


This is a great idea that would fix some issues a couple of my friends are facing with different builds on both our Warframes and some of our weapons. I think this combined with DesecratedFlame's idea would be a great quality of life change and is needed.

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Double Polarities. Sounds really nice though there should be a limit.

Double polarities don't really need a limit, on a weapon with no polarities it would take 16 forma to put a double polarity in each slot... That is not only a waste (since you'll always have slots for your damage and multishot mods) but also each forma added should make the weapon feel more powerful anyway

Also instead of moving forma to the Tenno Lab, why not move them to the Orokin Labs instead? (Since Forma are of Orokin origin)

Edited by (PS4)TheRainbowTurt1e
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