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Coptering Vs Parkour 2.0 - How Much Speed Did We Really Lose?


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I really wish the apologists and parkour 2.0 lovers on these forums would stop spewing nonsense. The only people who think parkour 2.0 is faster are people who were bad at moving around in the previous iteration. The rest of us, those of us complaining about how slow it is, we aren't complaining because we haven't used it. All I see is people telling us to bullet jump+double jump+front flip+air glide as if those of us complaining haven't figured this out. Surprise, we have, and it's slow. It's also ugly and feels bad to use, but I understand that's subjective. What's not is how slow it is, or how it has limited the pace of the game so scrubs can keep up. Which is probably the whole point. So if you're feeling great about how much faster you are, and how you can keep up now, then you are a scrub player. I don't feel like a ninja, I feel like a freaking balloon.

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you literally built this for coptering to win. you picked the fastest melee weapon and probably equipped attack speed on it, then DIDN'T equip movement speed onto parkour 2.0.


you've picked the FASTEST coptering vs the SLOWEST parkour 2.0. that's a fair fight like "what's higher dps, grakata unmodded or fully modded crit dread...  WHAT BOWS OP"

Everyone is saying the utility slots are optional. Everyone was complaining about build compromises.  Why would he add movement speed mods?  The test is fair, and p2 is just plain slower.



 I feel like a freaking balloon.

Lol and +1.

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So if you're feeling great about how much faster you are, and how you can keep up now, then you are a scrub player.


I'm a scrub, and I really enjoy playing this game as a scrub. The new movement is wonderful. Before the changes, I felt fine keeping pace with most players with standard speed mods (Rush, Sprint Boost Aura sometimes) and a little coptering. I move about the same pace now (even faster if I throw on Armored Agility), but I never used coptering as my sole means of moving fast. It was highly dependent on choice of melee weapon, and I wanted to be able to take advantage of all of the melee weapons, not just ones that coptered well. So I think the new system is good, and more balanced. But I understand your frustration. You used to feel like superman, and now someone took your cape away. But you'll get used to being a mere mortal again.

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it was always inferior to using guns. I'm not saying it should be, that's just the way it is. If you don't like that take it up with DE. If you are using melee you are using an inherently inferior play style. The most recent attempt to fix this was adding channeling, and it didn't.


So, yes, the only real use for melee was mobility. Using it for anything else is just messing around for giggles. I enjoy melee, but pretending it's actually effective just because it's popular isn't going to make it so.

i can still kill things quickly on Non endless T4 missions with melee. Now im not trying to say they arent worse than guns, but aside from raids and endless T3/4 missions, they can still be effective

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I don't care. Parkour 2.0 is bloody great. Now we are flexible in how we move, instead of trying to race through things as fast as possible, trying to keep up with the rest.


As long as you have your Utility slot, otherwise you'll never reach my speedy Loki who does. Guess it sells more plat.

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Yeah it's horrible that everyone else will have to wait an extra 10 seconds per mission. The game is dead now.


Nah I just stand idle at exit all the time for the entire countdown so I'm the only one waiting. Others are still reaching the dead boss I marked for lewtz. Seems like not much really changed. Love being able to enjoy slower melee weapons tho.

Edited by Wolfdoggie
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Nah I just stand idle at exit all the time for the entire countdown so I'm the only one waiting. Others are still reaching the dead boss I marked for lewtz. Seems like not much really changed. Love being able to enjoy slower melee weapons tho.

 Ever do that on Nightmare mode while on TS with the people you're running with?


It's a hoot, though I feel a bit dirty doing it.


This is the point, there's not much that's changed in that.  Better to get in the game and muck with it, that floating sensation means you are still figuring it out.  


Don't give up, it is about timing and not about mashing buttons relentlessly.  Breath, slow down your key strokes, and you'll go fast. 


There's an age old saying: Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.  What it means, practice makes perfect.  Form is key.  Get good form, the rest follows.  


In this context, your keyboard, and fingers, will thank you.

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The speed that can be achieved on Ziplines via sprint jumping on them, should be the speed that a player can achieve through default parkour movement.



Moreover the new parkour system is at least ten times more complex than coptering ever was.


An example with Excalibur would be:  Slash dash has no momentum should you Bullet>Double>Slashdash, however if you Bullet>Slashdash>Double momentum will be preserved. Not even gonna try to explain what back flipping and wall grappling will do if done right, but if you like to fly you should mess around with objects that you both stand on top of and grapple on.


I do wish I could augment my wall-hop speed in some way.

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Yeah, you totally don't play melee at all, it shows. Standard blocking only blocks a tiny bit (you still get hp and shield damage). Channelled blocking blocks 100% damage but it eats away your energy so fast it's useless. The whole concept is wrong, melee got screwed yet again. Again, I have to do over 9000 things in the air if I want to achive what I could do with one copter in the old system. I wish DE implented choices but we always get everything forced down our throats.

your completely forgetting somthing

1: Melee weapon level affects the % of dmg you block

2: Melee type also affects % of dmg block "I.E shield weapons are gonna block more than daggers"

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To JUST go straight this "incredible, amazing parkour "is really USELESS -_- I have used coptering most of the time for revive people.

if they ADD coptering again will be good (ADD <-- not replace, because otherwise UP17 was all wasted work), you know how many people have been saved with coptering.

FOR ME, MY OPINION, this parkour is really useless, i go faster with double jump or slipping, instead of that "bullet" thing -__- i wanna see you in a desert or in piece of land without nothing.

i go faster with double jump or slipping not with that "bullet" ugly thing -__-

now i MUST forma ALL my frames for put the Rush mod on every single frame >_< but this aren't your business, now all the KIDS are happy because they do "oh look at me im doing parkour, look at me im up here, wow amazing :D"...on my days we had not coptering, we had ONLY the Zoren 

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This game is now too slow for me.


I don't demand that they remove parkour 2.0, and replace it with the previous system (although frankly it was better in almost every way. The only real good change is the addition of double jumps), I would merely ask that we have coptering back in addition to parkour 2.0. Or at the very least give players an option to reach the same level of speed without having to mod one's warframe for it.  


Until then, I don't feel the need to play this game. The grind is long enough without needing to slow it down.

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This game is now too slow for me.


I don't demand that they remove parkour 2.0, and replace it with the previous system (although frankly it was better in almost every way. The only real good change is the addition of double jumps), I would merely ask that we have coptering back in addition to parkour 2.0. Or at the very least give players an option to reach the same level of speed without having to mod one's warframe for it.  


Until then, I don't feel the need to play this game. The grind is long enough without needing to slow it down.



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SimplyLeggy is right -__-


Not really. Other than wall movement, the new system is basically better in every way. Coptering should have never been a thing, and letting it live for as long as it did was one of DE's biggest failures.

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Some people even argue that we need to press even more buttons now. That leads me to think these crybabies aren't even actually trying to learn the new mechanics and refuse to give parkour 2.0 a chance, just because they think it looks bad, or they just have unconditional hate towards it.


You don't need to press Shift, or whichever key you bound Sprinting to, to slide or even when doing any of the parkour 2.0 features. Some people do not realize this and try to press all the buttons like before. Also, instead of air melee or copter, we jump now. So whatever melee stuff we did mid air now just switched to jump key, and we have one less key to worry about.


All that aside though, there is no doubt it is slower than coptering. But it's just gonna come down to how much you liked coptering. If you hate the parkour 2.0, either adapt, at least try to appreciate the works the dev have done on the game you supposedly like, or quit. After all, the game isn't all about the speed, no matter how much you love going fast or not. Going fast isn't everything.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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This game is now too slow for me.


I don't demand that they remove parkour 2.0, and replace it with the previous system (although frankly it was better in almost every way. The only real good change is the addition of double jumps), I would merely ask that we have coptering back in addition to parkour 2.0. Or at the very least give players an option to reach the same level of speed without having to mod one's warframe for it.  


Until then, I don't feel the need to play this game. The grind is long enough without needing to slow it down.


Except for the old system was not better in every way. It's not better in any way. It's kind of blows my mind someone could say that and think it's actually true.

Edited by f3llyn
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Slow down.. enjoy the tilesets.. learn to appreciate the new system.

Let the past be past, bygones be bygones.

Coptering was a glitch. Being good at that glitch was just exploitation. Remember those players you made fun of previously because they weren't using polearms? :)

If you find yourself slower than usual and lagging behind it is just perhaps you are not proficient, or you might have overestimated your psychomotor skills.

Parkour 2.0 is all about fluidity. To me they finally developed movement system that's unique.

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Slow down.. enjoy the tilesets.. learn to appreciate the new system.

Let the past be past, bygones be bygones.

Coptering was a glitch. Being good at that glitch was just exploitation. Remember those players you made fun of previously because they weren't using polearms? :)

If you find yourself slower than usual and lagging behind it is just perhaps you are not proficient, or you might have overestimated your psychomotor skills.

Parkour 2.0 is all about fluidity. To me they finally developed movement system that's unique.

No thank you, that doesn't sound fun at all.


I'm not lagging behind, I take offense at all these response posts that act like we need to "learn the new system" and then we'll be able to "keep up". I'm still faster than 99% of people out there. This new system is not complex, or hard. You string the actions that add momentum together, and then repeat ad nauseam. The problem is that it's still slow. The pace of the game has slowed, and the movements, because of the floaty "cinematic" way they operate feel slow and awkward.


I am not some spoiled child demanding they "gimme back my coptering". I don't care if it ever comes back. What I want is the pace, and feeling of weight and inertia that they seem to have misplaced in this new parkour 2.0. I'm not asking for them to just magically make it like it was. No. I want them to fix their mess and make parkour 2.0 better. If I'm passionate about it, it's because I enjoy this game enough that leaving it in this state seems like a tragic thing to do.

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