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U17 Bug Report Megathread


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DESCRIPTION: Camera Oscilation on Melee Finisher and Sliding

Who Everyone

What Camera

Where Everywhere




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Attack anything solid with a melee weapon equipped as your main weapon.


 1. Initiate a slide.


It was suggested to me that I copy this issue here, so it can be fixed faster. So, from the "Bugs: UI" thread:


Whenever you use a melee finisher, the camera jumps back slightly and then back in. It also happens when you begin a slide either from running or walking. I've uploaded a video to youtube illustrating this bug/feature:



The description of the video explains in greater detail, but the camera oscilation happens regardless if you're attacking a wall, a stationary mob or a moving target. It's just easier to see on the stationary ones. I made a post inlcuding this information on the feedback section of the forums, but my friend insisted it might be a bug, so I'm posting the information in three places to make sure this gets the attention it needs.


I get motion sick easily, I'm not the only one with this problem, at least tthree other people in the feedback forum have this problem, and once I pointed the camera out to another friend, he explained he was having headaches as well and didn't know why.


This is currently making the game unplayable for me. I had to leave and play something else halfway through farming equinox. And just watching the video I posted is making me queasy.


Please correct it if it's a bug or add an option to remove it if it's supposed to be a feature.

Edited by Rynslet
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DESCRIPTION: Certain frame's colors are messed up while double jump/bullet jump.


Who: Warframe

What: Color messed up

Where: Anywhere




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1.Select Ash/Ash Prime

 2.Equip Immortal skin

 3.Bullet jump or double jump


Certain frame's colors are messed up while double jump/bullet jump.


Ash/Ash Prime's energy color overwrites 2 body armor colors. (immortal skin)

I believe some other frame's immortal skin has the same issue, but I can't test them all.

(Mag P immortal skin has the same issue confirmed)


Usual color (gray, black, black, black, red): this is immortal skin, but default skin has minor issue too.




Bullet jump/double jump color (gray, black, "RED", "RED", red)




Just tested Excalibur immortal skin.

It has minor issues.


I guess most skins have this issue more or less.

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Who Mesa

What Hek, Twin Grakata, Ripka

Where Tx Defense Missions (as well as Uranus Tyl Regor assassination)



After a while Mesa becomes unable to perform melee attacks (button is pressed and nothing happens). Seems to be triggered by parkour, since a mostly stationary test-round continued allowing melee attacks up to wave 20 in T1D, while previously it had been deactivated around wave 2-3.



 1. Join mission with above loadout

 2. Jump around like it's nobody's business

 3. Slash enemies left and right with your glorious chainsawfists

 4. Realize your glorious chainsawfists no longer work


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-Ash Prime(not sure if also affecting standard)

-After using blade storm, ash is unable to shoot or move, only able to turn head/reticule. Will walk forward on the spot only.

-Occured on Eris Akkad when fighting infested.



-Use blade storm, and should occur.




-Weapon; when choosing to hide the daikyu bow when holstered, the arrows in quiver protrude from the frames' chest and back.

-Seems to occur when at dojo and relay. Tried bringing to a mission and bows were holstered correctly.


Would add pictures, but am failing to figure it out.






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Who Mesa

Loadout Hek, Twin Grakata, Ripka

What Sudden inability to perform melee attacks (button is pressed and nothing happens)

Where Tx Defense Missions (as well as Uranus Tyl Regor assassination)



After a while Mesa becomes unable to perform melee attacks (button is pressed and nothing happens). Seems to be triggered by parkour, since a mostly stationary test-round continued allowing melee attacks up to wave 20 in T1D, while previously it had been deactivated around wave 2-3.



 1. Join mission with above loadout

 2. Jump around like it's nobody's business

 3. Slash enemies left and right with your glorious chainsawfists

 4. Realize your glorious chainsawfists suddenly stop working
 5. Despair
 6. Grudgingly return to transmuting air into lead with your Grakatas instead



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1. Any warframe

2. Primary Weapon: Penta (the weapon shoots normaly but grenades cannot explode, aim doesnt detonate grenades as it used to be but only zooms like a regular weapon. furthermore if you are swapping from another weapon into Penta during missions, Penta doesnt appear in the warframes hands and it stops being able to shoot for the rest of the mission)

3. any Mission

4. This bug happens ever since U17 in every mission i take penta with me.

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DESCRIPTION: Warframe Colors incorrect

Who Everything that uses colors

What Color Palettes

Where Everywhere color applies 




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. When trying to pick a color for, lets say a weapon, the color is incorrect.

 2. I have this issue with the Ice color palette, When i pick one of the blueish colors it actually turns red or green. This happend on the Twin Grakata's as well as the Ack and Brunt.

 3. I Also tried to chance the color of the Stalker Sigil on my front regalia but for some reason that wont change color at all anymore.

4. Also on a side note, the credit icon which appears next to "reward" on alert missions on the galaxy map appear as all black.

Edited by Nipponsei
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During a mission the player loses ability to melee atack, roll and wall latch for the rest of the mission.



Who: Any warframe

Equipment: Any

Where: Any mission with parkour(including dojos)





Seems to occur when the player parkours around a lot.


Other threads describing the issue:






Easy steps to reproduce the issue 100% of the time:


1. bind Roll or Roll/Sprint to the key of your preference (Its easier to perform with the Roll key)


2. Stand near a wall facing forward.



3. Mash buttons for forward and backward movement very fast so the character plays sideways running animation on the spot.



4. Attempt to roll forward into the wall.


The character will not roll and rolling, melee and wall latch stops working for the rest of the mission.

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DESCRIPTION: All the weapons instantly become invisible after changing (the visuality of unearmwd weapons is off). Tested on Ash Prime and Oberon. http://s015.radikal.ru/i330/1508/2e/579e305e8571.jpg

Who: Any

Equipment: Any

Where: Any mission



DESCRIPTION: Sometimes the melee weapons doesn't give any damage. Often the first hit in a combo is blank

Who: Any warframe

Equipment: Dual Cleavers Prisma

Where: Any mission


Edited by Nick-Raven
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Glitch 1: During the end of a game and seeing what resources i collected i discovered that the colour pigments icon image ( in my case the brown ones collected from hammerfists) were overlapping the others resources icon images such as morphics, i do not know if you are already aware of this bug but just wanted to bring it to attention.   





Glitch 2: in the Uranus tile set that has recently been released, one small area underwater had not been filled with barrier restrictions allowing me to pass through the terrian seeing behing the wall mesh structure... glitch is found along a narrow tunnel leading to a closed hatch surrounded by a blackish wall, when nearing the wall the behind wall mesh can be seen. i do not know if you are already aware of this bug but just wanted to bring it to attention.   


thank you and keeping making an awesome game



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Who: Any warframe

Where: Underwater parts of new tile set (shark wing)

What: Spawning without an actual Archwing underwater when the team is already there.Warframe walks on the ocean floor like a normal level.











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Grineer's backpacks (blunt) is invulnerable and can not be punch-through.

I mean the backpack on their back, not activated shield.


Drakgoon's punch-through sometimes does not work against the backpack.

All pellets reflect no matter how much charge you did.

Drakgoon's innate bounce effect overwrite punch-through in this case.

It seems if this glitch happens, it will last for the entire mission for all the backpacks.

This feels wrong, Drakgoon charge can punch-through shield lancer's shield, but not the backpack.

But the mounted blunt can be 1 shot by Drakgoon.

This doesn't make sense, invulnerable backpack is much stronger than the mounted shield.

Good thing is drakgoon has enough pellets and spread to hit grineer's @ss.


I think it needs a fix.


Who: Blunt http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Blunt

What:  Grineer's backpack

Where: missions


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? yes but randomly

1. Full charge drakgoon and shot at the backpack, the punch-through does not work.



Edit: add some screenshot with dread test


Point Blank Shot on target 1, full charge Dread: Arrow was deflected





Point Blank Shot on target 2, full charge Dread: Arrow was deflected

This picture was taken a little slower after I shot, but I swear it was a perfect hit. (as you can see there are some fading splash effect caused by the arrow collision.)




Well let's try again...



Point Blank Shot on target 2, full charge Dread...



sometimes, punch-through works...


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Who: Archwing ITZAL

What: Blink

Where: Uranus: Assassination TYL REGOR


What the bug/glitch is: basically you are able to go true the barrier you have when you are in water and not lose your Archwing, if you hit a surface you will be kicked out of it.


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG?:  Yes did it like 4 times​


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1.Blink randomly up near the surface of the water

 2.Boosting helps too

 3. There are too different ones you can get it 1 you will move with the speed you had underwater 2 you move with the speed you would have in space



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Who Me with any Frame

What With any loadout, quite too often (at least 5 times every 15 matches) primary and secondary weapons became invisible and the melee attack is locked (and sometimes is also invisible)...when that happens, i also notice that whe i can't use melee attack, i also can't use the roll movement option

Where T3/T4 survival, T4 sabotage, T2 exterminate, Neptune-Triton


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? I don't know, I think it doesn't depend on me 

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Who Rhino w/Helios, Trinity w/ Helios, Volt

What Hyena Pack: cannot complete mission as one of the pack spawns in the ground, trinity can find it but we cannot kill it. Objective indicator stays in room and one Hyena member continues to transmit "taunts". Can not continue mission to extraction. Had Trinity hosting first 2 runs, then all players restarted their clients, and Rhino hosted with the same results. Unplayable.

Where Neptune, Psamathe





 1.Start mission

 2.Kill spawned Hyena members

 3.Left in the "boss" room unable to complete mission

Edited by Anomander.Rake
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I didnt get some stuff from a void game of survival

I joined a T3 Survival game today, till min 25 everything was fine(except for the other millions of bugs I am experiencing with bugframe) and I got the loot. But on min 30, 35 and 40 I didnt get a single thing. The Lotus would say "look what our operative found" but the screen that shows what he found doesnt show up, checked "Mission results so far" screen and there was nothing new, asked my teammates what they got and they said some Ember part, same for min 35 and 40. Asked what they got, cant remember for min 35 but for min 40 they got the Ash Systems ( So much plat I could have gotten... ) And even after the mission, on mission result screen there was nothing new, I got the creds, xp, resources but no Ember, X, or Ash part. Nothing... RIP ducats and plat.

FIX THIS S*** DE !!!!!




PS. I am considering leaving this game forever because of the trillions of bugs I am experiencing with U17.

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Who Mirage

What Parkouring with HoM up causes the screen to stutter somewhat

Where Any mission


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Yes, I encounter this bug every time I use Mirage



Enter a mission as Mirage

Cast Hall of Mirrors


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Weapon visibility toggle:

- Makes some weapons permanently invisible when using/firing with them. (Seems to happen when I switch weapons)

- Doesn't seem to recall the options I choose, resetting to being visible (might be cause of selecting no weapon in a slot)

- Also dont know why there isnt a global option to just turn them all off all the time.



Gliding and bullet jump:

Some kind of weird effect appends in the frames when I use gliding 2 or 4 times, and sometimes also with bullet jump.

It creates some weird black triangles on the side of the frame, those seem to be the gliding effects that get stuck and bugged.

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Description: More controller issues


It feels like the game has an input that's blocking what my controller inputs when doing certain things.  It's not just sprinting; while using Nyx Prime's Absorb, you cannot exit Absorb by recasting it on a controller. Instead, you have to press the keyboard bound key (default: 4).


This update seriously kills controller users, and it will be torn apart once introduced to Xbox/PSN in its current state.  

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Who Nova, Mag, all using itzal archwing

What Using Quick Thinking and going to critical health causes underwater arching transition into a 0 health state freezing your warframe and preventing any actions.

Where uranus underwater transitions





 1.Equip Quick Thinking.

 2.got to any submersible level.

 3.Get shot to hell and activate Quick thinking energy to health conversion.

 4.jump into any body of water into archwing mode.

 5.Realize what has been preventing you from completing a single uranus submersible mission.

 6.Go to forums post a bug report.

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Not sure if Natah quest is part of this but...


DESCRIPTION: The Natah quest's first mission has some weird transmissions. Basically, when you do the first Earth mission, Lotus keeps saying stuff about the Corpus, quote: "You need to find out what the corpus are up to", when in fact you're fighting the Grineer only.

Who : N/A

What  : Natah quest

Where : Earth, first part





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