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About That Incoming Tentacle Swarm/pilfering Swarm Hyrdoid Nerf.

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I swear this is the weirdest PVE community I've ever seen. We love playing a game with super powers, but you're scum if you use them.

In order to get Warframes you have to farm. You also have to buy slots, but as a Developer I'm going to make it as frustrating as possible to get the materials to make a frame, or a weapon so you buy a slot for them. Soo you can't make anything in under a month to buy a slot, so I win. I guess.

And then you have players happy about that. Yay you farming scum, how dare you use a mod that helps in farming in a game that's all about farming in order to get better gear. How dare you, I drink your tears... Wait why are you all playing Rocket League all of a sudden?

Seriously just stop with the syndicate cards and save the disappointment. If any of them are deemed beneficial, well they gotta go apparently.

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So, the pilfering tentacles don't have to kill the enemy like they do now? The enemy just has to be in captured by the tentacles when they die for pilfering to apply the xtra drop roll?

I guess I will change my loadout from extra high damage and extra low duration to a kinda low damage kinda low duration build but keep the smallish range, and use a weapon like Amprex or Torid.

It's going to make my farming more tedious because I play solo a lot, but less tedious than solo nekros farming. Oh well...

Whats next?

Edit: If you're trying to go late game T4 survival with a pilfering hydroid build and are hoping you'll stand a better chance to drop LS with this change you're probably hallway camping sooooo...... Yeah good luck with that. 6 formas lmao

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Yup, cut Hydroid out of my loadout slots today. People thinking this was a good change either don't play Hydroid or play Hydroid and want the "feels" of being one of the half dozen who will keep using him after this change.

Anyone saying "switch to a range build" is an absolute clown for reasons already posted in this thread, tentacles have no range benefit like say Miasma or Reeckoning.

The entire nerf is power strength not effecting the drop chance... Period. Might as well have Pilfering Tornado or something just as ridiculous. Not only is Pilfering worse than Desecrate now (when it was comparable before), it also costs an extra mod slot...to Davey Jones Locker with ye Hydroid.

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I dunno, looks like an overall improvement to me. I no longer have to rely on the tentacles doing the killing. I can just shoot the enemies.

Ok, now to get +100% loot you can either kill the enemy with tentacles or try to hit the enemy erratically flailing across the screen with your bullets instead of just killing it with tentacles to get +400% loot. Improvement.


Have you tried the Hydroid after this improvement? Even if you run with very friendly and helpful Saryn who only kills tentacled enemies, you get MUCH less loot for higher effort. It's just a huge overall nerf.

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Still praising DE?

Let's see how optimisic can fanboys being when DE nerf all your frames and take away all your inventories.

I was going to throw up the moment U17 arrived, full of "Thank you DE" threads in the forums from those forgetful players.


Screw your "ADAPT", we are playing games, not your elitist Darwin theory.

Edited by VCaptiion
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The next PC Hotfix will have something to speak to this directly: with Pilfering Swarm equipped, enemies won't need to be killed by the tentacles to have an added drop chance. Simply dying on the tentacle will be enough to trigger Pilfering Swarm. However, we will also be removing Power Strength mods affecting Pilfering Swarm to balance this change.



can read or not ?


its just a reduction to pilfering swarms loot multiplier while making it more versatile and hydroid builds less dependent on max power strength or equinox buffs for looting


tentacle swarm will function exactly the same as usual 


epic reading comprehension fail of the century 

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No, but seriously magic find sucks in every single game, remove it, and stop balancing drop rates around it.


DE could easily change desecrate to be an offensive corpse explosion that creates large toxin fields damaging enemies and buffing ally damage.


As for pilfering swarm, or tentacles as whole need a complete rework. They constantly stretch textures into infinity causing drastic frame loss, which generally makes the game un-enjoyable. Ancients being the largest offenders. Maybe instead of flailing the enemies around, they can simply squeeze the life out of numerous enemies at once.

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LOL I love it how the argument from the people who say I'm wrong is simply "You are wrong because I think I am right and I am emotional". LOL... yup, my points are invalid because you are angry and say I'm wrong... that's how that works. 


Yes, I've played a properly modded Pilfering Hydroid. Ya'll want to keep a skill that encouraged the worst kind of play in the game. 


Now it's being fixed so it doesn't encourage solo or the worst kind of team play, and being balanced along with it, and all any of you can do is whine when no one has truly had a real chance to test out the numbers for real yet. 


It's clear none of you actually read any of my posts that argued with me, because you didn't address anything I said, you just got angry with me and told me I'm wrong. 


Instead of telling me I'm playing the frame wrong when you don't even know me, why don't you try out the new changes in different ways, and THEN give feedback. And THEN give an informed opinion. Because right now, most of you arguing with me are just screaming about this without even having a chance to test out how it will work. I know this because most of you were whining before the hotfix happened. 


Hell, it sounds to me like a lot of the people complaining aren't even regular hydroid players. They are people who play with squads that have Hydroid for loot, or they only take him out for farming. If that's the only reason you ever use Hydroid anyway, you aren't a real Hydroid lover anyway. 

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Post nerf... It does not help that they drop additional items if killed on tentacles. Hydroid has no abilities that can kill them while being flung around the room and hitting them with a gun is difficult but do able. The only way for this to be good is to have a AoE frame with you where ever you go. I am going with my Nekros again.

I fear that Despoil will be nerfed some time in the future by removing health orb drop from Desecrate.

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LOL I love it how the argument from the people who say I'm wrong is simply "You are wrong because I think I am right and I am emotional". LOL... yup, my points are invalid because you are angry and say I'm wrong... that's how that works. 


Yes, I've played a properly modded Pilfering Hydroid. Ya'll want to keep a skill that encouraged the worst kind of play in the game. 


Now it's being fixed so it doesn't encourage solo or the worst kind of team play, and being balanced along with it, and all any of you can do is whine when no one has truly had a real chance to test out the numbers for real yet. 


It's clear none of you actually read any of my posts that argued with me, because you didn't address anything I said, you just got angry with me and told me I'm wrong. 


Instead of telling me I'm playing the frame wrong when you don't even know me, why don't you try out the new changes in different ways, and THEN give feedback. And THEN give an informed opinion. Because right now, most of you arguing with me are just screaming about this without even having a chance to test out how it will work. I know this because most of you were whining before the hotfix happened. 


Hell, it sounds to me like a lot of the people complaining aren't even regular hydroid players. They are people who play with squads that have Hydroid for loot, or they only take him out for farming. If that's the only reason you ever use Hydroid anyway, you aren't a real Hydroid lover anyway. 


Well thought out informed Feedback: Played new pSwarm, less loot, no benefit. There. 


Read your wall-o-text, you are telling people not to tell you how to play the game, yet in the same block-o-hurt you saying that you know the real way to play him. Running around like a group of headless chickums, is the worst kind of game play in the game. Having a well organized farming engine is an efficient use of time and resources. This is akin to saying running out on a field throwing baseballs round and swinging bats is the best way to playing baseball, not having an well organized team. However, that does sound like a fun, if chaotic, game. 



Post nerf... It does not help that they drop additional items if killed on tentacles. Hydroid has no abilities that can kill them while being flung around the room and hitting them with a gun is difficult but do able. The only way for this to be good is to have a AoE frame with you where ever you go. I am going with my Nekros again.

I fear that Despoil will be nerfed some time in the future by removing health orb drop from Desecrate.



His first ability is an AOE, and/or go for short range swarm , in a narrow passage and use Tonkor/Torrid/Kohm, ect.  

Edited by Pyus
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Well thought out informed Feedback: Played new pSwarm, less loot, no benefit. There. 


Read your wall-o-text, you are telling people not to tell you how to play the game, yet in the same block-o-hurt you saying that you know the real way to play him. Running around like a group of headless chickums, is the worst kind of game play in the game. Having a well organized farming engine is an efficient use of time and resources. This is akin to saying running out on a field throwing baseballs round and swinging bats is the best way to playing baseball, not having an well organized team. However, that does sound like a fun, if chaotic, game. 

No, it's not akin to that at all. The people that are just running around swinging bats aren't playing baseball at all because they aren't following the rules of baseball. Are you saying people that aren't efficiently farming resources aren't actually playing Warframe? Because I would actually argue that the people turning Warframe into an industrial farming efficiency simulator aren't actually playing Warframe, and the people that are playing for fun first are the ones that are in line with the spirit of the game. 

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Well thought out informed Feedback: Played new pSwarm, less loot, no benefit. There. 


Read your wall-o-text, you are telling people not to tell you how to play the game, yet in the same block-o-hurt you saying that you know the real way to play him. Running around like a group of headless chickums, is the worst kind of game play in the game. Having a well organized farming engine is an efficient use of time and resources. This is akin to saying running out on a field throwing baseballs round and swinging bats is the best way to playing baseball, not having an well organized team. However, that does sound like a fun, if chaotic, game. 




His first ability is an AOE, and/or go for short range swarm , in a narrow passage and use Tonkor/Torrid/Kohm, ect.  


That analogy was terrible and completely irrelevant. 


In truth there is no "right" way to play any video game. 


But the devs are making changes to fit their vision. And their vision of the game is definitely more along the lines of what I said... than what you said. So if we are talking about what the devs intend when they design the game... it's definitely not about becoming an efficient farm engine. In fact, they have talked specifically about not wanting Homer's Drinking Bird where the game plays for you. So, agree or not, like it or not, if you continue to play this game, expect them to keep making decisions in an attempt to make the game, yes, more of us running and gunning. 


But you also make a mistake because you are so narrow minded in how to play, you don't realize you can farm efficiently while running and gunning. And that you can have a strategy and a supportive team while doing so. It just takes decent players. If a team is made up of good enough people, a random combination of frames can get through anything. Oftentimes I just grab people for void missions and no one needs to communicate to understand how to mesh our powers perfectly while running around on survival to endless o clock. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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LOL I love it how the argument from the people who say I'm wrong is simply "You are wrong because I think I am right and I am emotional". LOL... yup, my points are invalid because you are angry and say I'm wrong... that's how that works. 


Yes, I've played a properly modded Pilfering Hydroid. Ya'll want to keep a skill that encouraged the worst kind of play in the game. 


Now it's being fixed so it doesn't encourage solo or the worst kind of team play, and being balanced along with it, and all any of you can do is whine when no one has truly had a real chance to test out the numbers for real yet. 


It's clear none of you actually read any of my posts that argued with me, because you didn't address anything I said, you just got angry with me and told me I'm wrong. 


Instead of telling me I'm playing the frame wrong when you don't even know me, why don't you try out the new changes in different ways, and THEN give feedback. And THEN give an informed opinion. Because right now, most of you arguing with me are just screaming about this without even having a chance to test out how it will work. I know this because most of you were whining before the hotfix happened. 


Hell, it sounds to me like a lot of the people complaining aren't even regular hydroid players. They are people who play with squads that have Hydroid for loot, or they only take him out for farming. If that's the only reason you ever use Hydroid anyway, you aren't a real Hydroid lover anyway.

I love how you dismis others points of view just as easily by basing your arguments on oppinions.

Well lets get factual shall we.

Tentacle swarm:

- Damage is ok

- CC aspect only hinders your ability to shoot them.

- But the worst part of the ability is how uncontolable and inconsistent they are at providing damage as well as cc.

Just compare this ability to any other ultimate in the game and it will show it's shortcommings.

For example look at oberon's ult. Yes it does a bit less damage, but is more reliable provides multiple layers of cc and your much saver during the casting animation because of he levitation.

Tempest barrage

- Provides good cc for the energy it costs, but the delay makes it hard to use in a pinch.

Overal a good ability

Tidal surge:

- Now especialy with parkour 2.0 barely worth the name mobility tool.

- deals a bit of damage and cc but not great by anny stretch.


- Its pointles fir damage.

- Great cc but noboddy can capitalize on the drowning enemies

- Largely just a delaying tool or cheese tactic for defence type missions.

So with that said, there's a reason why hydroid is only used for his philfering swarm by the large part of the playerbase.

He needs a bit of work especialy tentacle swarm, cause the random nature of it and the very unreliable cc and damage can't be relied on if doing the tougher missions.

The patch is in and works in favor of going duration again. Though its great it works now when allies kill them, they're still nearly impossible to hit those enemies cought in it with anying but area damage weapons or ability's.

The main problem is now the tentacle swarm itself.

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I love how you dismis others points of view just as easily by basing your arguments on oppinions.

Well lets get factual shall we.

Tentacle swarm:

- Damage is ok

- CC aspect only hinders your ability to shoot them.

- But the worst part of the ability is how uncontolable and inconsistent they are at providing damage as well as cc.

Just compare this ability to any other ultimate in the game and it will show it's shortcommings.

For example look at oberon's ult. Yes it does a bit less damage, but is more reliable provides multiple layers of cc and your much saver during the casting animation because of he levitation.

Tempest barrage

- Provides good cc for the energy it costs, but the delay makes it hard to use in a pinch.

Overal a good ability

Tidal surge:

- Now especialy with parkour 2.0 barely worth the name mobility tool.

- deals a bit of damage and cc but not great by anny stretch.


- Its pointles fir damage.

- Great cc but noboddy can capitalize on the drowning enemies

- Largely just a delaying tool or cheese tactic for defence type missions.

So with that said, there's a reason why hydroid is only used for his philfering swarm by the large part of the playerbase.

He needs a bit of work especialy tentacle swarm, cause the random nature of it and the very unreliable cc and damage can't be relied on if doing the tougher missions.

The patch is in and works in favor of going duration again. Though its great it works now when allies kill them, they're still nearly impossible to hit those enemies cought in it with anying but area damage weapons or ability's.

The main problem is now the tentacle swarm itself.


I agree with like all of that. I like playing Hydroid and I think this change is for the better. But I agree there are major things that need to be done to actually fix him. 


Tentacle Swarm AI needs to be totally redone and a lot of other things. I'd like to see melee finisher damage possible on enemies trapped in Undertow, for example. 


Also, this change was not giving Hydroid any of the attention he deserved. I believe it was a quick change to "fix" the recent Equinox combo. 

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great ideas ! pls make feedback suggestions on these sometime so we can support them 

Screw that, I've been harping on about Energy on the feedback forums for years now, it still remains the root of all the biggest offenders when it has come to nerfs.

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Post nerf... It does not help that they drop additional items if killed on tentacles. Hydroid has no abilities that can kill them while being flung around the room and hitting them with a gun is difficult but do able. The only way for this to be good is to have a AoE frame with you where ever you go. I am going with my Nekros again.

I fear that Despoil will be nerfed some time in the future by removing health orb drop from Desecrate.

Guess the NERF was real I was right.

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