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Darvo Catalyst Deal...


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There isn't a limit? Wow, load of BS right there. It's better with 100 Catalysts for 100 people, not 100 Catalysts for 1. This is completely pathetic.

That sucks... maybe they should add a limitation so it can only be bought 1 per player

"Just remember though, one per customer"

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"Just remember though, one per customer"



Not sure if he tells the truth or not because I have never purchased anything from him. If someone who knows whether or not you can continue buying Darvo's stock after one purchase can step in, that'd be great.

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Not sure if he tells the truth or not because I have never purchased anything from him. If someone who knows whether or not you can continue buying Darvo's stock after one purchase can step in, that'd be great.


Bought 8 potatoes last time if that helps you.

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Bought 8 potatoes last time if that helps you.

Guess I know who's going to get a good slappin next time I see them

Can you guess?

Is it Darvo?( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)

Its Darvo.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Edited by SpottedSweater
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Darvo is a liar and DE needs to limit to one purchase per player.


Oh sorry it was not like this time. It was a deal i think 2 for 1 cells or something. o.o


Dunno about limit i think there´s none. Though 65 stock is just too low with timezones involved.

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What Darvo Deal? discounted plat price for potato?

In relays at the upper floor where Simaris is, you also have "Darvo's Deals" Darvo's little shop. Every day he sells some plat item (99% of time weapons) for a discount price. Sometimes 10%, sometimes 50%. You get the idea.

First I've seen or heard him selling potatotes though....


Also I think I've bought ONE item from him. I think it was a kubrow egg. In any case I could only buy one egg and I couldn't buy any more.

Maybe it works that you can buy once, but how many you buy that one time is not limited. I don't want to think that's how it is.


Chances are, those 60 something potatoes simply got sold out at record speed. No one got more then one potato, there were just an &#!-load of people.

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More like a few thousand ;)

I believe there are on average 30k people online each hour. If we assume an average person plays 2 hours a day, we're talking about 360k people online the past 24 hours.

That's just the Steam users: http://steamcharts.com/app/230410


There are also people playing using the stand-alone version, I'm one of them.

Not that all these people are willing to buy a catalyst, but it's probably still more than just a few thousand.

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