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Warframe Update 17 In A Shellnut


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It s called "nutshell", not "shellnut"

not sure who made this video, but he should definitely stop trying to be funny. he isnt.

Second time in a few days I've seen someone calling it a shellnut. Last I checked shells dont have nuts.

Not that I check things for nuts... that would be odd.

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I want those minutes back


It s called "nutshell", not "shellnut"

not sure who made this video, but he should definitely stop trying to be funny. he isnt.


That is the longest two minutes I have ever experienced.


This has to be worst "wanna-be-funny" vid i ever had the displeasure to partially watch.



It s called "nutshell", not "shellnut"

not sure who made this video, but he should definitely stop trying to be funny. he isnt.



That moment when this post is way funnier than the try-too-hard-to-be-funny video.


Wow, you guys are rude. I know the feeling of work and effort being thrown in the trash by people, not sure about you guys.

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OP have some constructive criticism. 

Long post ahead.


You have a good idea, and the format is pretty good. Listing all the things as bullet points. My main problem with the video is I get the impression of trying to hard. The reliance on the lol random humor thing is a big showing of this.


Lemme just run through the video with my thoughts. 

To re-iterate. Good idea, execution could be better. Don't be discouraged, try again.


Firstly shellnut. Reversing words can be amusing at times, this is not one of those times. 


Next the intro part. Fair enough, was kinda entertaining. Uranus jokes are a tad overdone, but it works with the update. You could have maybe clipped it a teeny bit? A 20 second wait before even getting to the first point can be a tad annoying. Even knocking 2-3 seconds off would help.


Next up. Speak more clearly. At seconds ~24-28 I literally have no idea what you said. Speaking fast is fine, but I genuinely cannot tell what you actually said, the words are completely blended into each other. It might be how you speak normally and that's fine, but just remember people that watch the video might struggle with your accent.


"Sharkwing, nom nom nom". Again, it gives the impression of trying to hard. You're throwing in memes to try and get some reaction, but memes are only amusing when used few and far between. Following with the Lumpy space princess impersonation again gives a trying to hard vibe, you're referencing something popular, even though the reference doesn't actually make much sense. Also I'm struggling to understand what you said at that part, so again speak more clearly.


Note the struggling to hear what you said might be due to a bad mic, but you have to take that into account when doing a speech related video. If your mic is bad, speak slower and clearer. 


The "wheee" gets in the way of the glide footage, if I didn't know it was a glide I wouldn't have been able to see it. Try put the "Whee" slightly above or below the footage, or make it less obnoxious. 


Next few bits are okay. Might have been nice giving a small example on the Frost buff. Even showing his new ice-wave in the background. 


The Equinox part, weirdly enough you slow down at this. The female-male part would sound better if it was faster paced.


Grineer turret part. Like the intro it drags on a bit, maybe cut out the Vor/turret thing about halfway, keep the song going, and show the turret instead. The song was fine but just saying "Grineer turret" tells us nothing. It would have been better seeing the actual turret in action. 

The part is 7 seconds long, if you did 3 turretvor graphic, 4 gameplay of the turret that would have worked better.


"Echo's of the sent." Again too slow paced, you have this super fast pace going the whole video, then just kill it for that. Again maybe speed that part up slightly, or cut out one or two of the attempts. If you had done 2 sent.s. Netflix, then the "echo's of the thing I can't..." that would have flown better.


Lastly, the ending thing. I mean come on it goes on for almost a minute. I only found out there was more talking at the end of the video because I was wondering if you were going to show more footage after that and I skipped to the end. Seriously do not have almost half of the video's runtime taken up by a song without any actual relevance to the overall thing. 10 seconds max with your information. 


My final word on it all is, yes you have a very solid idea. The idea of a short to the point highlight reel, with some jokes thrown in is fine, good, great. Do it. But your current format is just too reliant on memes and it really gives the impression of trying way to hard to be liked. Try cut back on the lolrandom humor and see how that works out.


Okay I think that's enough nitpicking ;D I know it can suck getting criticized, I used to make videos and it was always painful to read something like this. Buut nothing ever improves without coming to terms with it's faults. None of this is a personal attack on you, I'm trying to be neutral and if any of this comes across as rude or a personal jab I do apologize, it is not my intent.

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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Wow, you guys are rude. I know the feeling of work and effort being thrown in the trash by people, not sure about you guys.

My comment wasn't even that rude. Don't be so soft.

I want my hours back.

Trial and error, friendo


No video survives first contact with the internet

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