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Coming Soon: Devstream #58


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-Clan downsizing?

-Some armor/capes clip into warframes not using their default stances. This is probably a minor thing since its purely cosmetic but I would like to bring it up.

-More augment polls on the DC?

-I'm having a major issues when doing sharkwing missions. Everything is very dark and I use the default settings. Is there any way we could get more lighting in certain areas?

-Are we getting a second batch of syndicate weapons/weapon augments or is that it for the foreseeable future?

-There is a lot of negative feedback when suddenly theres a change to an unintended feature although some of these features make the game incredibly fun and not as monotonous as other games. Why not keep unintended features in the game but lower the scaling or impact of the feature? (Sorta obscure reference) K-style from the game Gunz: The duel was an unintended feature but it became so ingrained that when GunZ2 revealed that K-Style will be removed they lost over 90% of their fan base.

-You've been splashing archwing in here and there but there hasnt been any major archwing progression. Since archwing really was a seperate entity the idea of sharkwing feels intrusive to Uranus because its forced into the starmap thats eventually going to get reworked anyway. Is all of uranus eventually going to be all sharkwing?

-ETA on when the void blows up? 

-Trinity's kit is heading down the road that Ember had suffered from. Blessing kinda does what link and well already do. And even when they cost less than blessing trinity can generate infinite energy. Many people want a trinity design rework for the skirt physics, but I would like a kit rework. I propose her first skill can be targeted on either player or enemy and the target regenerates 50% of their health or take 50% of their health in damage. This will remove the wombo combo effect. Her third ability should be a buff/debuff. It fits the archtype of a healer most sensibly. Although it can be argued that damage reduction is somewhat a buff, blessing already does that.

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Any thoughts on dropping energy siphon and adding a base 1 energy per second to all frames? People love skills.


How about removing serration, hornet strike, point blank and pressure point then scaling their values over the 30 levels of a weapon? Adds a feeling of progression as you level and removes the mod tax.


Chances of combining older and less used mods to make them more appealing? Ammo/magazine mods and a multitude of warframe mods.


Can you make vacuum a general mod and give carrier a new function? Players rarely use other companions because vacuum is such a great utility.

Edited by AceArcas
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Firstly welcome back! If I recall you guys were at a Con? Hope y'all had fun. ^.^



Second, mostly I want to know when Pre-Corpus skin will be here.


In the vein(vain) of cosmetics(Haha I made a pun I'msorrydon'thurtme) Can we get some... less tall/awkward helmets for Equinox? She's becoming one of my favorites, very quickly, and while I like the current helmets, they feel strange to me. Something maybe a little more head-shaped would be great.


Also in the vain of cosmetics, (I'll stop now), are we going to see new Syndicate cosmetics, or Frame-exclusive cosmetics, such as the Bonds or Mortos, any time soon?


On Syndicates, what are the plans for the original six Syndicates? Teshin gets new stuff and constant attention, and Simaris now has Exilus and Transmutation cores, something that are bought and re-bought constantly, meaning their work is always being done. Other Syndicates, after obtaining the weapons/syandana and your choice of mods, are pretty much ignored.


Non-standing-related Syndicate sigils? I like the shiny Steel Meridian sigils, and the beautiful Suda sigils, but I can't ever wear them because I'm in Loka. Any thoughts on this?


Did Stalker actually get a buff? He seems a bit more powerful now. New powers, and a little better AI. He actually kicked my butt once or twice now, granted while I was completely unprepared for actual combat, but still.


Aaaaand Orokitties. Any idea when those arrive?


Oh, and speaking of Orokitties, I noticed that Oddities and Kuria aren't the same thing; that is to say, Kuria are the cat-statues (Love finding them btw), and Oddities is the group in which Kuria belong; will their be other Oddities, unlocked in different ways, that reveal more about the world? Like, maybe one for the higher-ranking Corpus, or one about the Orokin Empire. Just a hope~


Anyways, that's all. I'll hopefully be there! ^.^

Edited by KaraOgata
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Parkour 2.0 was definitely something that people had to get used too but eventually was loved. I have some questions about certain aspects of the change:


1) Is there a possibility that DE will release cosmetics for bullet jump as in the topic here:



2) Is there a possibility that the damage of bullet jump and similar parkour 2.0 moves will be displayed in the UI?


3) Is there a possibility of the damage of parkour 2.0 moves to be increased or reflect as a % of the currently equipped melee weapon's damage?



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- Will Valkyr, Hydroid and Ember get a states boost of something similar for the lost of their superior stamina lost because of parkour 2.0?


- When will be the last Conclave Rank? (I'm sitting on my standing so I can rank up :P)


- How should the Alt-fire works on controller? (My suggestion would be while holding the aim-button the melee become a Alt-fire, so to melee you need to release the aim button again.)


- Frost Prime and Rhino Prime states boost makes sense but isn't more effective gameplay-wise if reverse as Frost Globe is base of Armor too, while theme while the boost is understandable?



please watch this Threat for better explanation


Edited by (PS4)Darkturn
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Question for Valkyr frame.


I know it more than likely was a pain to rework it last time but...  Can we see a rework for fluidity in hysteria instead of the clunkiness it currently has nad if at all possible might we see some changes to hysteria so at the very least attack speed mods effect hysteria?  Thanks.

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I have asked this many times and it seems to be an issue that many players want addressed:

Will controller using players be given the option to put roll on sprint instead of roll? Having Roll bound to Crouch is so irritating. I hate that 0.2 second delay before I can slide and even after having it in the game since U15, it STILL messes up my parkour. I've seen so many other players post asking this to be removed, so I know I'm not the only one. I was a pc player up until about 16.5 when I got a PS4 and switched to consoles. I was hoping that the controller support would be better on the PS4, but it was even harder to use. Please give us the level of custom controls that keyboard players get. On pc, I had to get a keystroke emulating program just to be able to crouch without a delay. Sprint/Roll was such a good binding and I miss it. 

On a related note; I also really miss toggle crouch and crouch being two separate buttons that I could put on one control scheme. I had the regular crouch button used for parkour and the toggle crouch button used for crouching and shooting. On consoles, the only thing we get is a slider that turns the regular crouch into a toggle so it's impossible to have that setup. 

I know that you are trying to make the controls simple for controller users, but we really don't need it to be simple, we need it to be quick and effective. Just as quick and effective as a keyboard. And the only way we can get that is if you give us the same level of customization. It feels like the controls are holding me back every time I play the game and that is something that has been present ever since U15.

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Will replayable quests ever become a thing? I highly enjoy the storylines of Warframe, but hate that once you finish it, you can't come back to them yourself.


Will there be more unique weapons added to the game? I have been collecting all of the weapons for some time now, and most of them are starting to get boring. I want something that will really put a spin on weapon tactics.


Will the corpus ever try to turn the tides? It seems the grineer have been revealing several great new gear, but the corpus have remained silent.


Can we add better archwing content? Archwing is great, but limited severely.


When will a new Raid be available? I don't want Law of Retribution to be the ONLY way to get arcanes or unique items.


Will there be new mission types? The missions get very repetitive after so long, as well as some of the assassination target tactics. Can we change things up with them as well.


Can we increase the variety of different tiles on tilesets, especially grineer and corpus ships? I've had several missions where I have walked through one door, and I come out into the exact same tile, occasionally from the same door I originally came in on the first tile.


Can we get more unique stances for several weapons? Machetes definitely need a new stance. something to use other than sundering weave!!!


Could we possibly get areas where we could free roam completely, and not just be limited to exploration after completing orders from the Lotus?


Will there ever be a full on fledged assault with grineer, corpus, and tenno fighting against the infestation? Helping one side or the other, neither, or just taking on the infestation solo just seems like everyone has to clash at once sometime.


Will there ever be a rising of the Corrupted instead of them hanging out in the void all the damn time? I mean, why must we go after them. Can't they come after us at one point?

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