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Sorry But Mr Actualy Matters


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There's a reason ppl recruit for MR, they obviously tried lower MR players and it didn't work out so they pretty much understand that there is a HIGHER chance of success with higher MR players and you really can't deny it tbh the "MR doesn't matter" folks will still pick a 19 over a 9 if given the chance so stop lying to yourself ppl.


And people have obviously had higher MR who failed miserably so what is your point? A higher chance (which varies largely on chance) does NOT excuse a bad method. Of course some people will pick a higher MR over lower because of an ancient gaming thought process that a lot of people can't help. Higher lvl=higher skill/experience. Once again doesn't change the fact that it is both flawed and proven incorrect.  


I think Mastery Rank Test should include surviving a 20 minutes T4 Survival. Obviously the rank should be high, say 15 or more.


Only issue with that is sometimes survivals have that off chance to spawn crap leading to a failed mission. Now I haven't solo'd a survival in sometime so maybe that has changed. But I really wouldn't want to take a chance of having to wait 24hrs to redo because the enemies decided to take a long break at the start~

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And people have obviously had higher MR who failed miserably so what is your point? A higher chance (which varies largely on chance) does NOT excuse a bad method. Of course some people will pick a higher MR over lower because of an ancient gaming thought process that a lot of people can't help. Higher lvl=higher skill/experience. Once again doesn't change the fact that it is both flawed and proven incorrect.  

It is crap i'm not gonna lie but compared to the other stats it's the best way to tell if your teammate is at least decent, until they put in a better system to inspect players and look at their gear to actually tell if they worth a damn.

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OP should try Mesa, Ash, Banshee and Loki setup with Sahasa kubrows/ energy pads, BEST LAZY setup that stomps trash tier Draco lazy setup.

Tonkor, Torid or any other high burst damage weapons for Ancients and Nullifiers.

Minimal experience and skills required for Draco dwellers, GG EZ GAME 4 LYFE.


On a more serious note, Mesa's peacemaker is weak and fall off rather quickly without TE or Sonar with the latter being a more superior buff even when hitting enemies with the Ancient's damage reduction buff. Players should prioritize on disabling Bombards/Gunners, killing Ancients first before anything else, pop the nullifier's bubbles that prevents CC abilities.


Just having Disarm/Chaos to CC bombards/gunners, while the rest of the players prioritize on popping bubbles and then killing Ancients before killing the nullifiers is the general strategy for endless void missions. Usually, inexperienced players tend prioritize on killing the Nullifiers even though the Ancients are still around providing the damage reduction buff will end up wasting their ammunition and potentially getting killed by surrounding enemies.   

Edited by Leriel
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There's a reason ppl recruit for MR, they obviously tried lower MR players and it didn't work out so they pretty much understand that there is a HIGHER chance of success with higher MR players and you really can't deny it tbh the "MR doesn't matter" folks will still pick a 19 over a 9 if given the chance so stop lying to yourself ppl.

I used to do that, now I invite whoever, and if their gear is not up to what i have planned, I kindly ask them to leave, no matter what MR they are ;p.


I have a friend who is MR 17 (2nd highest on my list iirc) who still dies 25 minutes into a t4 despite using excalibur and spamming EB. I mean, I once took a MR 3 player into T4s (it was his first week on the game iirc, I was showing him what kind of grind he would need to do later on), and he didn't go down once in a 1 hour run despite using a basic volt level 27. I don't generalize by MR anymore, I do so by frame and gear.

Edited by Flowen231
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Just assume everyone else is completely and utterly incompetent then you'll have a much better experience overall. I tend to equip myself to do a 4-man job because who likes to be let down by others in crucial moments.

Pretty much this^


I assume everyone is terrible and brace myself for the worst (depending on what i'm playing). Best way to not be disappointed is to go in with little to no expectations xD~

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Sure but statisticaly speaking, an mr 18 that touched to 90% of the games weapons and frames is more likely to be good than an mr 10.

So I've been playing for over 2yrs now, I'm only mastery rank 12 because I don't care about leveling everything. This statement would then suggest on mastery alone a r18 playing for maybe a couple months would be better? Mr < Time played < players want to actually be good at the game. I can carry a T4 with a lvl8 chroma, if you went solely on MR and picked someone with a fraction of my play time then fine but that's stupid. I don't claim to be the best by I end up carrying more often than not, and my MR wouldn't show you that.

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There's a reason ppl recruit for MR, they obviously tried lower MR players and it didn't work out so they pretty much understand that there is a HIGHER chance of success with higher MR players and you really can't deny it tbh the "MR doesn't matter" folks will still pick a 19 over a 9 if given the chance so stop lying to yourself ppl.

Never once have picked a player based on MR ever, I pick based on who messaged first. Only thing I don't tolerate is afking which funny enough doesn't happen with lower MR players for me. I don't mind carrying a T4 or any mission really, just as long as the other players put in effort. Maybe I'm just weird but I actually enjoy this game and am in no crazy hurry to get and finish every little thing.

Edited by Echoa
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Just assume everyone else is completely and utterly incompetent then you'll have a much better experience overall. I tend to equip myself to do a 4-man job because who likes to be let down by others in crucial moments.

Pretty much this, just assume you'll have to do everything and you'll be happy when you don't or indifferent when you do.

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What's the point of carrying people?


Sure, I can carry a squad until 40 min in a T4 survival, but I much prefer playing with high mastery players, who MORE LIKELY have a good equipement and MORE LIKELY know what they are doing. So that we can reach 1h+ in a T4 survival, and take some good time.


My games that were ruined by a player, were ruined by low mastery players (frost not using globe, mesa not using peacemaker when I requested it in the recruitement chat, ...). No matter what they say, I don t trust low mastery players for high level contents.

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You still didn't understand that OP was a Trinity and other people just running around doing nothing. I have no idea why you posted this, there is nothing hard in soloing 20 waves as Frost, try it with Trinity if you want to prove something.

Nope. He saying MR13 can't pull their weights. I already proved what I needed to prove.
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So I'm mr 13 and I should feel bad? Because believe me, I can perform very well in high tier missions, do my job pretty good and don't need to die.

So you mean if I spend my time enjoying leveling and playing multi-formaed frames/weapons instead of leeching off of Draco with MK1 weapons and weapons i don't like to ever use, then I am bad?

Because your statement seems very wrong, and I would like to argue that instead of basing off of MR, how about time spent instead? You have been with a bad team in that scenario, but I suggest that you do not use them as the general public. I have a clanmate that is mr 8 that can speed-find sabotage caches faster than any one I have ever played with and that's something.

I feel sad for those who 'need' an mr level to gain entry for their clan or raid or whatnot.

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Im MR 10 being playing for a long time tho never levelled a lot of stuff cause i didn't like it. I can easily do a T4 with no issues and i've had people that are 15+ suck and people that are 5 be great so I disagree to an extent. Obviously MR 1 new players are going to suck they need to get used to the game etc.

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Only time I ever care about MR is when I run Uranus Archwing. I'm sorry but anyone MR 5 or less has a hard time doing 4 waves there. I'm not saying it can't be done but when doing something like that I need everyone to be able to help out the group to get to the desired goal.

 Other than that as long as they don't go in at all ZERO level stuff I'm cool with that. I have many a times leveled new or formaed weapons in the void. Paying it back is the proper thing to do.

  I know the second part of my post has nothing to do with your question.


 I will admit that I've been playing this game for a long time and it has only been in the last few months that I've seen a lot of MR15 plus players. I think a lot of people took advantage of the Mesa Mag combo.

Edited by (XB1)OutspokenFlunky
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This one again, ahh well my answer hasn't changed much.


As a GENERAL rule high MR players have better access to higher ranked Mods and hopefully will have multiple Formaed weapons with them if you are looking to go the distance in endless missions.


If they arrive with all Lvl 0 gear then you're going to have a bad time and the other hand mid tier MR may well be playing a smaller pool of frames/weapons and be better with them if they are fully ranked.


I'm happy to let anyone come along if I'm hosting BUT I will assess the situation as we go along.  If someone is struggling by Wave 20 then 40 isn't going to happen so we may as well leave now unless the rest of us can cover for them.  One guy left @ 20 yesterday but we were fine to 40 without them and the others were happy going for 60 but I was summoned away.  (I wasn't hosting so was just bringing what was asked of me.  With a different setup then very high waves are straightforward) 


Basically don't blindly aim for a set number and *@##$ about if you don't get there.  If it isn't going to happen cut your losses and leave before you get your pants pulled down.






Oh. if you want to know I've 1200 hours plus and sniffing at MR 20 this next week I reckon.

Edited by Sabreracer
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There's a reason ppl recruit for MR, they obviously tried lower MR players and it didn't work out so they pretty much understand that there is a HIGHER chance of success with higher MR players and you really can't deny it tbh the "MR doesn't matter" folks will still pick a 19 over a 9 if given the chance so stop lying to yourself ppl.


it seems like people with lower MR seem to be very aggressive about this subject lol.

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What's the point of carrying people?


Sure, I can carry a squad until 40 min in a T4 survival, but I much prefer playing with high mastery players, who MORE LIKELY have a good equipement and MORE LIKELY know what they are doing. So that we can reach 1h+ in a T4 survival, and take some good time.


My games that were ruined by a player, were ruined by low mastery players (frost not using globe, mesa not using peacemaker when I requested it in the recruitement chat, ...). No matter what they say, I don t trust low mastery players for high level contents.

or the invisible  loki -_-

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The chances of someone being more helpfull are indeed higher when the MR is high, however it's not much higher, after a certain point equipment disquises the player, but sooner or later when the situation is out of the confort zone of said player, he will fall, equips might delay this but the end always comes sooner than what you might think.

Obviously some players defend this "higher chance" with an iron fist, even if the probability isn't much bigger and the gamble is dangerous either way.


What has better chances to help you, a MR4 or a MR 20? notice that i decided to give this discrepancy on purpose, because if you try to compare MR 13 to MR 18 you will not get a higher probability because both categories look pretty much the same.

I even bet that certain groups of MR have more "good players" than others, even if it's inferior, but i am not going to take these slightly higher chances and demand only MR15 players in my games, in fact i only host games, anyone is free to help.


On top of these irrelevant chances, there is the problem that the vast majority is MR18, players want that MR and will get there at all costs, due to this MR18 has not only the largest % of bad players it also has the largest ammount of players that are bad.

If players that rely on MR are going to be super sensitive about 1% better chance to have a better player if he is MR5+, then i really wonder why don't they actually reject MR18 players, as that category has the worst chance of having a decent player.



We all have seen good and bad players in all sorts of MR, that alone is sufficient to tell you that it's unreliable.

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