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Sorry But Mr Actualy Matters


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Just got to point out, that MR doesn't actually always mean the amount of experience with weapons, a lot of clans including one I was formerly in have people who boost up the MR of members of there clan by getting them to use what they designate mastery fodder and taking them to a high level defense and repeatedly casting powers for a number of waves and generally in two missions that's three weapons maxed from 0 to lvl 30 without even being fired once.


Mastery rank is not always an accurate measure of skill, experience, or even hours played.

Are you oblivious to anything that he said? obviously you are.


Most weapons ARE considered mastery fodder. In fact, anything you dont plan on using on a regular basis is mastery fodder.


Mastery rank does NOT measure skill, it measures the amount of items in the game that a user has experienced( AND BY EXPERIENCE I MEAN XP)

Edited by XtheMATTx
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because some mesas dont build for it?

"Some" is the key word here. With a little bit of common sense mix with a little bit of playtime, everyone knows the majority of people who wants Mesa on a recruiting channel wants the one with the Peacemaker build. And if OP hadn't bother to check whether he's recruited the right Mesa or not, then well, let's just say it's his own loss.

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@wonderwoman814 The reason lower Mr players are being louder is because they're the ones being discriminated against.


White man rarely spoke out against slavery when we were on top, but the black man, who WAS being oppressed, had a good reason to whine and complain

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To me, a very high MR means that the person values a  number so much that they levelled tons and tons of useless weapons just to increase this number.


I am currently MR8. I only level weapons and frames I actually want to use. Levelling others just to increase my MR seems inctredibly pointless. Once you have all the best mods it really doesn't matter what MR you are if you are a skilled player.

Edited by Endgame77
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To me, a very high MR means that the person values a  number so much that they levelled tons and tons of useless weapons just to increase this number.


I am currently MR8. I only level weapons and frames I actually want to use. Levelling others just to increase my MR seems inctredibly pointless. Once you have all the best mods it really doesn't matter what MR you are if you are a skilled player.

Or... y'know, they actually give other weapons a chance and try them out? I don't know, have you thought about that before ignorantly saying they only value the little number after the name? You are just one of a lot of the new players who only want to use that one gun and that one frame (*cough* Boltor Prime *cough* Rhino *cough*), not saying it's necessarily being Rhino and Boltor Prime in your case, but just saying.

Edited by AlphaWolf003
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I don't think MR really says how good you are, just says to me is that you have more experience probably better gear or at least a better selection. When i do raids I can ask a high MR player to use a specific frame and build and they usually say "sure". Lower MR players usually tell me "i am missing that mod/frame" whatever but that is about it. I understand not wanting to waste your time OP. I have been in enough bad teams myself but may be recruit a more specific team and then telling them what your plan is would be more successful. 

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Or... y'know, they actually give other weapons a chance and try them out? I don't know, have you thought about that before ignorantly saying they only value the little number after the name? You are just one of a lot of the new players who only want to use that one gun and that one frame (*cough* Boltor Prime *cough* Rhino *cough*), not saying it's necessarily being Rhino and Boltor Prime in your case, but just saying.


You know that is bullcrap. The majority of most high MRs weapons have next to no kills. They level them just to raise this unimportant number.


Btw, do you actually understand how many weapons/frames you need to level to get to MR8. It's not like I've only used 20 weapons and frames...


Btw, you nothing about me. I can be a kickass Trinity one round, a kickass Loki next, I pull out Nova when needed, or Frost if no one else wants to use him. I have a frame or 3 for every scenario and can play them all well. I'm a gamer and a good one at that. What I am not is someone who is going to spend my time raising a number that means nothing.

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It's funny to read through this thread and see how much pointless bashing and bias is being thrown around when, ultimately, we don't know how to measure a players skill until we play with them.




*hands popcorn*


Still quite delicious to read in this thread.

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Note that OP was bringing the Draco farm setup to a T4. Mesa, Trin, Frost, and random.


That makes me question everything about this situation. Like... why is this loadout even being taken to T4D. And why are players failing at the cheesiest, lowest-skill-requirement team comp in the game. It takes basically zero effort to cheesemaker your way to victory, so how is it possible for people to fail at AFK farming?


As for the OP: MR is still useless past 8. The worst "experienced" raider I've ever been with was a rank 19 Trinity - knew what EV and Blessing Trins were, yes - who just happened to love faceplanting the hijack core into electricity. They weren't even a new player. The best new raider? A rank 4 Rhino. So nope, your argument is bunk, and if you have trouble cheeseballing a mission with Mesa/Trinity/Frost/bloody-well-anything, I really don't know what to say to you.

You. I like you.

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You know that is bullcrap. The majority of most high MRs weapons have next to no kills. They level them just to raise this unimportant number.


Btw, do you actually understand how many weapons/frames you need to level to get to MR8. It's not like I've only used 20 weapons and frames...


Btw, you nothing about me. I can be a kickass Trinity one round, a kickass Loki next, I pull out Nova when needed, or Frost if no one else wants to use him. I have a frame or 3 for every scenario and can play them all well. I'm a gamer and a good one at that. What I am not is someone who is going to spend my time raising a number that means nothing.

I know for damn sure that isn't bull crap. I know tons of people who do that. You're simply pulling something out of your arse either based on an observation of a minority group of people, or you really are just assuming/blaming ignorantly on something you barely/don't even know about.


Yes, I'm MR 14 thank you very much. Oh you've used 20 items, and that's included all the frames and weapons? That's cute.


There are a total of 73 primary weapons (and that's not included with the upcoming syndicate primaries, which we've only seen 3 so far, and more weapons to come in the future updates), 69 secondary weapons, and 64 melee weapons. 24 normal Warframes, 9 prime warframes, 4 normal sentinels (with their weapons which is another 4), 2 primed sentinels (another 2 weapons), 1 prisma sentinel (with another 1 prisma weapon that comes with it), 3 archwings, 1 primed archwing, 13 archwing primaries and melees. I've already excluded exclusive items to founders and the weapons that haven't been updated into the game yet. Even if you take the event weapons out (which will/can have a chance to come back in the future), it wouldn't even make much of a difference in those numbers.


So... you were saying?

Edited by AlphaWolf003
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He didn't say he'd used only 20, he said "It's not like I've only used 20 weapons and frames..." 



And what he said about it being "bullcrap" may not be true in all cases, but it is in some. That's the problem with a lot of these blanket statements. 



Some high MR's have barely any kills or xp recorded on a lot of their weapons. Some have lots of kills and xp on most of them. I think people are generalizing altogether too much ITT.

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I know for damn sure that isn't bull crap. I know tons of people who do that. You're simply pulling something out of your arse either based on an observation of a minority group of people, or you really are just assuming/blaming ignorantly on something you barely/don't even know about.


Yes, I'm MR 14 thank you very much. Oh you've used 20 items, and that's included all the frames and weapons? That's cute.


There are a total of 73 primary weapons (and that's not included with the upcoming syndicate primaries, which we've only seen 3 so far, and more weapons to come in the future updates), 69 secondary weapons, and 64 melee weapons. 24 normal Warframes, 9 prime warframes. I've already excluded exclusive items to founders and the weapons that haven't been updated into the game yet. Even if you take the event weapons out (which will/can have a chance to come back in the future), it wouldn't even make much of a difference in those numbers. So... you were saying?


I've used 20 items? Why don't you re-read that again. Maybe your anger over a trivial issue made you misread it the 1st time...

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Stop. Talking. About. MR.

It DOES NOT matter at all. It only measures the fact that you have tried every damn thing in the game, but:

Try to 30 is NOT the same as Master it. You won't master the gloriousness of the Drakgoon if you Draco afk levelled it. Ever.

Mastery means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. Of course, If I see a MR 3 with a MK I, that makes sense, but between level 8-20, I juat don't care.

And, to OP, those guys sucked. I have seen a MR 20 player sitting in front of 10 bombards shooting at them, unprotected. Guess how he ended.

Stop. Talking. About. MR.

It DOES NOT matter at all. It only measures the fact that you have tried every damn thing in the game, but:

Try to 30 is NOT the same as Master it. You won't master the gloriousness of the Drakgoon if you Draco afk levelled it. Ever.

Mastery means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. Of course, If I see a MR 3 with a MK I, that makes sense, but between level 8-20, I juat don't care.

And, to OP, those guys sucked. I have seen a MR 20 player sitting in front of 10 bombards shooting at them, unprotected. Guess how he ended.

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He didn't say he'd used only 20, he said "It's not like I've only used 20 weapons and frames..." 



And what he said about it being "bullcrap" may not be true in all cases, but it is in some. That's the problem with a lot of these blanket statements. 

Some.  This word again, I don't care about, "some", in situations like this, I only care about the majority, or "most". If you're just only going to talk about "some", then you just literally proved my point about: "You're simply pulling something out of your arse either based on an observation of a minority group of people, or you really are just assuming/blaming ignorantly on something you barely/don't even know about."


I've used 20 items? Why don't you re-read that again. Maybe your anger over a trivial issue made you misread it the 1st time...

Oh, so you used more than 20 items, and you're on MR8 already. That sure did makes a lot of difference. That's ... still cute? I guess? It's funny that you start to say it's a "trivial issue" now when you're the one who seems to have used a lot of words that only frustrated people use. Ironic ain't it? And oh I didn't know you could read my face's emotions and mind from my mini wall of text. I'm sorry but let me get back to Battlefield 4 match and reply to you later.

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Some.  This word again, I don't care about, "some", in situations like this, I only care about the majority, or "most". If you're just only going to talk about "some", then you just literally proved my point about: "You're simply pulling something out of your arse either based on an observation of a minority group of people, or you really are just assuming/blaming ignorantly on something you barely/don't even know about."


But that's the same problem with YOUR point. You don't have proof of "most" or "all" or "some" one way or the other anymore than the person you are arguing with does. 


Unless someone literally has a spreadsheet with every single players MR and their amount of xp/kills gained per weapon, neither of you can back up your point in that regard. That's why I am saying generalizations are being made way too much on both sides of this fence. 


Both of you are just assuming from your experience that the most/some/all whatever applies to people in the way you think. Neither of you have proof. You would need a huge spreadsheet for that. Right now it's all just conjecture. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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Some.  This word again, I don't care about, "some", in situations like this, I only care about the majority, or "most". If you're just only going to talk about "some", then you just literally proved my point about: "You're simply pulling something out of your arse either based on an observation of a minority group of people, or you really are just assuming/blaming ignorantly on something you barely/don't even know about."


Oh, so you used more than 20 items, and you're on MR8 already. That sure did makes a lot of difference. That's ... still cute? I guess? It's funny that you start to say it's a "trivial issue" now when you're the one who seems to have used a lot of words that only frustrated people use. Ironic ain't it? And oh I didn't know you could read my face's emotions and mind from my mini wall of text. I'm sorry but let me get back to Battlefield 4 match and reply to you later.


Cute? Wtf is wrong with you? I have 300+ hours played in the last 2 months alone. I'm an experienced raider in many many games. I understand how to play the game, using a variety of frames. I'm MR8 and now that all weapons are unlocked I will only use weapons and frames I actually want to try. Is that hard for you to understand?


If I had spent my time just ranking my MR I could easily be 15-18 in 300 hours now couldn't I?

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But that's the same problem with YOUR point. You don't have proof of "most" or "all" or "some" one way or the other anymore than the person you are arguing with does. 


Unless someone literally has a spreadsheet with every single players MR and their amount of xp/kills gained per weapon, neither of you can back up your point in that regard. That's why I am saying generalizations are being made way too much on both sides of this fence. 


Both of you are just assuming from your experience that the most/some/all whatever applies to people in the way you think. Neither of you have proof. You would need a huge spreadsheet for that. Right now it's all just conjecture. 

Oh I already stated I know tons of people who do don't I? My clan has hundreds of players, and lots of them are veterans I speak and socialize and play with almost every time I log into the game. And guess what, they use different weapons other than the Boltor Prime and Soma Prime most of the time and they keep switching weapons. 

At least I played with those "stupid high MR people that only play for the ranks" people and not just pull something out of my !.


Cute? Wtf is wrong with you? I have 300+ hours played in the last 2 months alone. I'm an experienced raider in many many games. I understand how to play the game, using a variety of frames. I'm MR8 and now that all weapons are unlocked I will only use weapons and frames I actually want to try. Is that hard for you to understand?


If I had spent my time just ranking my MR I could easily be 15-18 in 300 hours now couldn't I?

Oooooh, so you're an experienced gamers, 300+ hours onto a few weapons and frames, what a waste. Showing that off doesn't do you much good you know. Let me get this straight, you're saying, that you played over 300 hours, only to try weapons that you want to play, correct? Oh because you're the special one and only you get to "try" weapons you "like", and the other high MR players must only use those weapons for mastery fodder for the little numbers behind their name. You're really self entitled, I understand that.


The one thing you don't understand, is that you keep pulling something out of your own arse, about all those high MR players only spend their time farming rank for a weapon without caring about them just so they can rank up.


Let's imagine you become a high MR player one day, after your various "trials" with weapons. Will your logic right now apply on the you then? That you're just another high MR sheep for "trying" these "weapons"? IF your answer is no then you're god damn right.

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Oh I already stated I know tons of people who do don't I? My clan has hundreds of players, and lots of them are veterans I speak and socialize and play with almost every time I log into the game. And guess what, they use different weapons other than the Boltor Prime and Soma Prime most of the time and they keep switching weapons. 

At least I played with those "stupid high MR people that only play for the ranks" people and not just pull something out of my !.


And again, that's only your personal experience. Your personal experience doesn't count for "all", or "most". You have your personal experiences, and that's enough to convince you, but it's not evidence. 


What the guy your arguing with was saying is that there are a lot of people out there that have a lot of weapons leveled up (and they are high mastery rank) that have very few kills or experience on them. And all I am saying is that neither of you have proof to back up either side of this position, just your own subjective experiences. 


You may be right, but neither of you have more proof than the other. 

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And again, that's only your personal experience. Your personal experience doesn't count for "all", or "most". You have your personal experiences, and that's enough to convince you, but it's not evidence. 


What the guy your arguing with was saying is that there are a lot of people out there that have a lot of weapons leveled up (and they are high mastery rank) that have very few kills or experience on them. And all I am saying is that neither of you have proof to back up either side of this position, just your own subjective experiences. 


You may be right, but neither of you have more proof than the other. 

"To me, a very high MR means that the person values a  number so much that they levelled tons and tons of useless weapons just to increase this number."


That is exactly what he said on the previous page. He generalized ALL the MR players. That will include him in the future when he ranks up after he tries these "favorite weapons" of his. Ironic, what's even more ironic that I'm defending his future self too. You're defending him without even know what he said exactly. He didn't say "most", or "some", if he would said "some", I wouldn't even be here writing reply after I finished an Obliteration game in Battlefield 4 right now (my team won btw fyi), because I never denied the fact that there are high MR players out there who spent too much time onto farming EXP. THAT, and the fact that he keeps thinking himself better than those high MR players because apparently "he's the only one that is experienced in other games too and not just Warframe". Made me cringe.


So no, I got more proof that he does and I don't generalize everyone just because of one person.

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