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Hydroid Is A Priority For Rework


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Let's be honest, it has to be the best aesthetically frame of all, the pirate type frame, the "water" frame, but the ability set is a piece of $@%#, most abilities are extremely weak compared to other frames, first ability "tempest barrage" has a way too long delay, and is sort of useless at least for those units that moves too much around, the only usage for this, is to kill those flying mobs, a rather see a new skill than a revamp, but anyway is my opinion and i bet people will start saying NO.


"Tidal surge" ugh, i don't get how useful is a skill that simple works as a travel vehicle of water, other than that, i think this is similar to what happen with super jump from excalibur.


"Undertow" probably the ability i never use, maybe when i'm about to die, but still, as a damage ability, is surely a terrible one.


"Tentacle swarm" this has to be the WORST ultimate of all the current frames in the game, an ability to joke about, most of the tentacles are random, and the ones are not, takes like 3x3 meters around, compared with the rest of aoe ultimates, this is the worst, also the delay is big and doesn't guarantee you to kill the enemies around you, and you'll certainly die if that happens

Edited by Vasault
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Tempest barrage is awful, Tidal surge is a joke, and tentacle swarm is spotty-- but Undertow is by no means meant to be a damage ability(none of his kit is supposed to be raw damage as he's a CC central frame, similar to Vauban) and works fine as is. Fine meaning it's operable and useful, but not ideal(being able to slowly move while maintaining the range scaling would be hilarious and effective).


That said, I don't think Scott revealed the entire list of frames due for rework(I at least only recall three: Volt, Saryn, and Valkyr). So, in time, we'll definitely see a bit of love for Davy Jones

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I'm going to strongly disagree. Hydroid is (for the most part) fine as he is. I'm honestly just gonna say I don't think you understand how his skills are supposed to work. Not every frame is built to destroy the planet. 


Tempest Barrage is the one skill that really needs a tune-up. It's a tad bit too random and not always a guarantee you'll even hit your target. While the rest of his skills are crowd control, this is the only one that's straight damage- as such, it should... well, actually do damage. So for this one, I'm definitely with you that it needs help.


Tidal Surge is a good dash forward, but the thing that actually makes it useful is knocking enemies over. I can't even count how many times Tidal Surge has saved my neck from a Corrupted Heavy Gunner when their Gorgon is fully spooled. Tidal Wave is more of a combo ability- knock some enemies down, then turn around and shoot them in the face while they're down.


Undertow is situational by itself, but with the augment, it's fantastic. Heal yourself while staying untargetable is a huge help, and is invaluable in Survival missions. It does definitely need the augment to really reach it's full potential, but it does have its uses outside of that.


Tentacle Swarm being the worst ultimate in the game is just a silly thing to say. After the initial Magnetic damage, it's 200 Finisher damage per second at max rank- for 20 seconds. That's 4000 completely unresistable damage without any kind of Power Strength. Tentacles can spawn randomly, yes, and that's the downfall to the ability, but it has a very high priority to spawn directly underneath an enemy. With the augment attached, it's the most useful survival ability in the game- it's far superior to Desecrate since it's a guaranteed item drop. I do a Power Strength build for Survival runs in the Void, and I have no problem outright killing enemies on the initial cast and spawning half a dozen (if not more) Life Support.



I will agree that Hydroid could use a few quality of life tweaks; to be honest I feel like some of his augments should be innate parts of his abilities (cough Curative Undertow). However, it's important to understand he's more of a crowd control frame, not a straight damage frame.

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I'm going to strongly disagree. Hydroid is (for the most part) fine as he is. I'm honestly just gonna say I don't think you understand how his skills are supposed to work. Not every frame is built to destroy the planet. 


Tempest Barrage is the one skill that really needs a tune-up. It's a tad bit too random and not always a guarantee you'll even hit your target. While the rest of his skills are crowd control, this is the only one that's straight damage- as such, it should... well, actually do damage. So for this one, I'm definitely with you that it needs help.


Tidal Surge is a good dash forward, but the thing that actually makes it useful is knocking enemies over. I can't even count how many times Tidal Surge has saved my neck from a Corrupted Heavy Gunner when their Gorgon is fully spooled. Tidal Wave is more of a combo ability- knock some enemies down, then turn around and shoot them in the face while they're down.


Undertow is situational by itself, but with the augment, it's fantastic. Heal yourself while staying untargetable is a huge help, and is invaluable in Survival missions. It does definitely need the augment to really reach it's full potential, but it does have its uses outside of that.


Tentacle Swarm being the worst ultimate in the game is just a silly thing to say. After the initial Magnetic damage, it's 200 Finisher damage per second at max rank- for 20 seconds. That's 4000 completely unresistable damage without any kind of Power Strength. Tentacles can spawn randomly, yes, and that's the downfall to the ability, but it has a very high priority to spawn directly underneath an enemy. With the augment attached, it's the most useful survival ability in the game- it's far superior to Desecrate since it's a guaranteed item drop. I do a Power Strength build for Survival runs in the Void, and I have no problem outright killing enemies on the initial cast and spawning half a dozen (if not more) Life Support.



I will agree that Hydroid could use a few quality of life tweaks; to be honest I feel like some of his augments should be innate parts of his abilities (cough Curative Undertow). However, it's important to understand he's more of a crowd control frame, not a straight damage frame.


you better be joking, hydroid is fine as he is....



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you better be joking, hydroid is fine as he is....




Rude much? Bet you make a lot of friends with that kind of attitude.


Maybe if you would've been less focused on being a rude dude and actually read the rest of the post, might've caught where I agree on some points that he could use a tune-up.

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Rude much? Bet you make a lot of friends with that kind of attitude.


Maybe if you would've been less focused on being a rude dude and actually read the rest of the post, might've caught where I agree on some points that he could use a tune-up.


rude??? i wasn't rude

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rude??? i wasn't rude


Yeah, you kinda were. "I hope you're joking", mockingly saying "hydroid fine as he is..." and then facepalming isn't the response of someone meaning well. If it wasn't your intention, then I advise reading your post next time before posting it.

Edited by Camelslayer
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I don't see much of a need to rework Hydroid.  Not saying it shouldn't happen, I just can't think of what to do with him.  He's my second favorite frame (Frost being first), but I am the kind of guy who prefers the "Support" playstyle. 


I can relate to some of Camelslayer's descriptions of his abilities, with a few of my own:


- Tempest Barrage actually has a slight supportive role.  While I don't feel it does much in damage, I have noticed that it causes enemies to trip/fall over.  A few seconds reprieve while the enemies reorient themselves can sometimes help.


- Tidal Surge is an ability I use when trying to get through a crowd of enemies fast.  If, for example, I am trying to get past a mob of infested; or maybe I am trying to get to an extraction point when the enemies are starting to overpower me.


- Undertow is definitely super valuable as a support ability when given the Curative augment. In place of a Trinity, Hydroid can provide massive support in Nightmare no-shields missions, or other defensive situations where your party members are suffering health damage and have little other means of healing (not counting Heal restores).  If you do get a Trinity in the same team, Energy Vampire can keep Hydroid in Undertow almost indefinitely, which makes protecting a defense objective almost trivial if against the Infested.


- Tentacle Swarm (with the Pilfering Swarm augment) is the very reason Hydroid is my primary choice for Survival missions.  While range or spawn points of the tentacles can seem unhelpful, it can be forced into more reliable spawns by focusing him on choke points.  Doorways, pipes in Grineer ships, hallways - let the enemies start to pile in, then launch the attack.  Most of the tentacles will spawn right on top of the enemies, providing an effective roadblock against incoming enemies while simultaneously providing more life support, energy, and ammo drops.

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I suggest.


Tempest Barrage.

Make it a Line AOE water beam so it can actually be directed.


Tidal Surge.

Faster animation, Faster movement, Can be cancelled at any time.



Remove. Replace with something else. Completely useless. Like Summon a space Kraken or something.


Tentacle Swarm.

Change it from random tentacles to summon the whole damn Kraken that flies and seeks out enemies or make it so the tentacles keep warping in according to enemies and the range of the ability.


I wanted Hydroid to summon space Krakens dammit!

Edited by Ziegrif
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Tempest Barrage:

-Should be able to have 3-4 instances active at a time. For a CC frame only being able to cover one front at a time with this skill is pretty limited.

-The AoE of the skill as a whole should be fixed, and instead range mods should effect the AoE of each individual water bombs. This would help alleviate the issue of the projectiles becoming a bit too spread out with range mods equipped, and allow the individual projectiles to damage/knockdown multiple targets.

-The spawning for the water bombs is very wonky; for simplicity's sake the projectiles should generate directly above the targeted area so as to not have the shots wasted against walls or other terrain


Tidal Surge:

-It would be nice if the wave carried enemies all the way to the end and clumped them together a bit rather than just spread them out behind you as you travel along. It would make finishing them off a bit less of a hassle

-No other complaints really, this one is pretty solid as it is.



-Actually not sure how this one could be improved. I recall a popular suggestion was to have damage focused into the pool by players distributed amongst enemies trapped in the water. That could work.

-Seeing as Undertow is a great "breather" maybe there could be some shield-related benefits to using it, like regaining shields faster and/or with a shortened delay. Seeing as he is shield-oriented, being able to replenish them quicker would be handy


Tentacle Swarm:

-Spawning definitely needs some tweaking. While tentacles usually appear directly below initial targets, sometimes they just end up in completely ridiculous places (like the ceiling)

-After the initial cast, tentacles don't do much once they're on the battlefield. Enemies practically have to be standing on top of them for the tentacles to injure them. Why not actually make them competent? Give them the ability to reach out and grab/swipe at enemies, create AoEs to knock enemies off their feet by slamming against the ground, maybe even pick up fodder enemies and use them as projectiles against other enemies! Add more function and flashiness.

-Instead of flailing enemies about, the tentacles should constraint them and hold them in place or grapple with them, basically keeping them still and giving you an opening to shoot at them. This would give them a lot more synergy with players, not to mention make it easier to make use of the Pilfering Swarm mod.

-No reason that TS shouldn't be cancelable and recastable a la Limbo's ult.



Hydroid could definitely use some improvements, but as others have already mentioned, there are other frames that have been in need of changes longer, so they should be prioritized over Hydroid.

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I think at first he needs a fix and then see if he still needs a buff/rework.


1st ability is just weak and a bit too random as you could relay on it as CC-ability. (more projectiles, higher explosion radius, less delay [maybe stunning the enemies on spot, by turning the ground into water for a second or launching a huge start up projectile]) 


2nd ability is kinda good, it deals enought damage to weaken or kill grunts and is more relayable as his 1st and fuctional as panic button, IF it works as it should! often, when enemies are too close or straight infront of you, they do not fall on the ground nor recieve damage and for its effect in generall the ablity shouldnt cost 50 energy! And too be honest, the agument for it should be its basic effect (remove procs, short timed proc immunity)


3rd, while its unspectaculer, this ability is just fine, BUT making it possible to deal more damage would be great, it'd be already enought if enemies would stick their head out of the water, so other abilities would synergize and maybe get headshot bonus damage.


4th ability needs a heavy fix, tentacles spawn too random, dont react on enemies instead randomly punch/swing in a random direction and infested with healer buff cant get picked up... most times? whille no 100 energy cost, CC-ability should suffer from that!! zephyrs tornados for example do not suffer. Also do the tentacles often spawn out of the abilities actual range. The tentacles spawn needs a fix, they need an AI and not an RNG and NOTHING but nullifiers should be able to shield enemies from their effect!


And stat-wise is hydroid kinda fine, but his casting times need to be shortened or he should become more of a tank.

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maybe he just doesnt fit your playstyle. others have said this but he isn't about dealing damage, he's about CC. his first ability does IMpact damage, which can make the enemies stagger. it's not a great ability, but then again, it is his first. the casting time is a little long, but natural talent makes him cast so much faster, i consider it a must with hydroid for any build.


his 2nd ability is probably my favorite in the whole game, it's great for regular missions (plowing through enemies that are blocking the way through a doorway or a tight space), and also great for saving your &#! against heavy gunners and the like. it actually has a pretty wide spread and really throws enemies around like rag-dolls. very satisfying IMO


3rd ability i dont use too much. it's kind of boring, though some find it useful for regaining shields and surrounded by enemies


honestly his 4th ability is fine. as long as you dont put a range mod on him it usually demolishes a whole group of baddies, and gives you a a bit of breathing room as well. personally i like to cast this then 1 in the same area, the damage will stack and provides more CC that way. 


all of his stats are pretty average making him not so squishy but also not tanky. i put rush and armored agility on for the extra speed, because he's is all about hit and run tactics coupled with keeping his distance. (since he can target and cast 1 and 4 from across the whole map)


my advice is to either use a different frame, or really try out different builds with him. because really he doesn't need much of a rework. 

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