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De, Bring Back Legendary Fusion Cores Please


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We have a lot of Rare R10 mods and with every big update we are getting more and more. Also, Primed R10 mods. If some dedicated player would decide to maximize all R10 mods, he will be stuck in Triton or other R5 Cores farmplaces for ages. Maybe it's the right time to reintroduce Legendary Fusion Cores? Of course they should not be as common as they were after Steel Charge incident, but here's some ideas:

1) Market obviously, high price — 500-1000p. It won't help to level Rare R10 mods (too expensive), but it may help with Primed mods.

2) Rare reward from Nightmare Raids. Even some tiny chance (~5%) to get a Legendary Fusion Core would make Nightmare Raids worth the trouble.

3) Prime Access. Many people are complaining about uselessness of boosters, included in PA. So, offer Legendary Fusion Core pack (2-3 pieces) instead of those boosters.

4) Events. Remember that super-tought Phoenix Intercept? I'd say Legenday Core would have been a nice rewards for some hard events.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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1) Market obviously, high price — 500-1000p. It won't help to level Rare R10 mods (too expensive), but it may help with Primed mods.

3) Prime Access. Many people are complaining about uselessness of boosters, included in PA. So, offer Legendary Fusion Core pack (2-3 pieces) instead of those boosters.

Only reasonable solutions


2) Rare reward from Nightmare Raids. Even some tiny chance (~5%) to get a Legendary Fusion Core would make Nightmare Raids worth the trouble.

Remember latest Tactical Alert? People were not very happy about small chance to get Gate Crash mods


4) Events. Remember that super-tought Phoenix Intercept? I'd say Legenday Core would have been a nice rewards for some hard events.

Too common

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Make them non trade-able, make them event-reward so that they hold still some value, there are tons of r10 primed "legendary" mods that is just insane to rank them up all.

They said Legendary cores will return, just like event weapons. But the question like for everything in Warframe is "When?".

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Dunno.    ideas are nice,  But rather then the Legendary that was given out for the steel charge thing.   


I wouldn't mind just seeing a better version of the gold fusion cores,  Or say something that is half as strong as the legendary.   Or something.   Cause going from rank zero to max.  even if its a market thing only.   Is a bit like those games that offer you the ability to buy your way to max level, and skip all the content in the game, that you would have seen to get to that level.


I do say a bit like that, cause you'd be instant leveling something ,that would have otherwise have taking time, and let you get to know the community as you worked towards a goal.    But for those of us that have been around for at least 10 updates, the grind for cores is a bit much at times.

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You know what's limited time only? Tactical Alerts.


You know what isn't? Nightmare Raid.


Totally different.

Yea, people will love to have one 5% chance a day to get one of these cores


If you give it higher drop chance, then people that know how to do this Raid will quickly stock up a giant pile of Legendaries

Edited by markus230
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Remember latest Tactical Alert? People were not very happy about small chance to get Gate Crash mods

The main point there was that the time they were available was limited and on top of that the drop chance was very low. In Raids the cores would at least stay available.

Legendary cores have one downside: Their power. DE would need to balance that. As a drop, they'd need an abyssmal drop chance.

Putting them into the market? Depending on the price, you might be better off buying a ranked version of the Primed mod you want from another player.

Giving them out with Prime Access... well, everyone who's rich can now get some cores, but all the poor peasants won't see any advantage from this.

Regardless of that I'd rather have DE add Ancient R10 cores or an equivalent that to the loot tables so we have a core that is superior to R5s, but not as OP as legendary cores. Those could easily be quite common drops and won't lead to as much frustration.

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I wouldn't mind just seeing a better version of the gold fusion cores,  Or say something that is half as strong as the legendary.   Or something.


Regardless of that I'd rather have DE add Ancient R10 cores or an equivalent that to the loot tables so we have a core that is superior to R5s, but not as OP as legendary cores. Those could easily be quite common drops and won't lead to as much frustration.


While I kinda agree, that new tier of fusion cores (Primed Cores?) would be nice, that may not solve the problem. I suggested to reintroduce Legendary Cores, because I feel players need an option to skip mod-maxing grind with money and / or luck.

And if we assume that new Tier-4 Fusion Cores will follow the same progression as Common - Uncommon - Rare fusion cores, then we will still get the same old grind 24/7 to get ~400 new Tier-4 fusion cores to maximize something like Primed Flow. And don't forget, that there will be much more Primed mods in future — so fusion core grind is going to be harder and harder.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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While I kinda agree, that new tier of fusion cores (Primed Cores?) would be nice, that may not solve the problem. I suggested to reintroduce Legendary Cores, because I feel players need an option to skip mod-maxing grind with money and / or luck.

And if we assume that new Tier-4 Fusion Cores will follow the same progression as Common - Uncommon - Rare fusion cores, then we will still get the same old grind 24/7 to get ~400 new Tier-4 fusion cores to maximize something like Primed Flow. And don't forget, that there will be much more Primed mods in future — so fusion core grind is going to be harder and harder.

Depends on how they'd implement it. If those new cores are something we get on top of what we get right now and aren't made too rare, it would definitely help.

A Primed rank 10 core would have an energy value of 96 compared to the 42 of R5s, so it would take ~200 of them to max out a legendary mod.

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adding them into price access would be uh... pay to win?? kind of?

If you this call "pay to win", then you can call anything that affects gameplay and cost platinum pay to win. Like boosters are pay to win too. And building rush. And inventory slots. And trade chat. And the biggest pay to win is potatoes.


If maxing mods would absolutely require paying money — that would be bad, yes. But adding Legendary Cores to Prime Access would be totally fine. And also, don't forget you can buy PA only once, so there's not much room to abuse this system.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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I dont agree of bringing back the legendary core. Putting the legendary core will make the market havoc, and automatically make the rcores price drop relatively. The problem isnt lies on rcores, but on why there is alot of R10 mods. Split chamber is an example of mods that doesnt need to be R10 but it is giving best benefit already.

If you take a look at mobilize and lightning dash. You need only 10 rcores for mobilize, but you need 400 rcores for lightning dash. This insane different requirement to max the best benefit mod is the real problem. If DE stop making more R10 mods, then we dont need legendary rcore at all, and that endless rcore farm would also be over.

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I dont agree of bringing back the legendary core. Putting the legendary core will make the market havoc, and automatically make the rcores price drop relatively.

Good. The market stagnates. It needs a shake-up every so often.


That said, I don't think it should be in Prime Access. Note that PA is the one that is never, ever discounted. At the absolute most, the highest tier plat pack. But a reward alongside a regular endgame-level one, at a very tiny chance, would not be a problem.

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if DE stop making more R10 mods, then we dont need legendary rcore at all, and that endless rcore farm would also be over.

Why, of course. If we get rid of R10 mods, the problem will be resolved automatically. But I'm pretty sure it will never happen. Thus we need an alternative way to upgrade mods to rank 10 — something like Legendary Cores.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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Nah, these mods would kill the game.


I understand you kids want your weapons all maxed with all maxed mods as soon as possible because of reason but, if you think of that for just a moment you realize that once you max a R10 mod you have it for all your frames/weapons till forevah.


Isn't a big deal to max a R10 mod. With ~2-3 weeks, maybe 1 month, of non intensive playing you can bring your Primed mod from 0 to 10.

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