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What Is This Dissatisfaction With Volt?


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DE use to give us a hit scan affect. I believe and yeah... I admit shielding really kills his variety in certain weapons 


While it was nice to have that buff, hit scan still limited Volt's to projectile weapons and crit weapons. DE just removed one part of the problem claiming to fix the issue but just made it more potent : /

Edited by _Fracture8
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1. Shock


- to low dmg


2. Speed


- Preaty useless skill. Need to change!


2. Shield


- Too small 

- No Power Range affect

- Too low duration


4. Overload


- Too slow!

- Too small dmg

- Need electronical evironment to unleash full potential



1. Shock- Damage isn't the point of the ability. It's strength comes from being able to stun 5-7 enemies over a wide area without even having to aim presicely and all for a measly 25 or less energy. It's arguably one of the best 1 skills there is.


2. Speed- Allows you and your teammates to cover vast distances very quickly and even increases melee attack speed. It's fantastic for speedrunning or reaching a downed allied on the other side of the map. What else does it need to do?


3. Electric Shield- Unlike say, Frost's snowglobe, Electric Shield is indestructible, adds electrical and crit damage to projectiles shot through it, and gives beam weapons infinite range when fired though it. The fixed range does mean that you have to be smart about where you place it, but that seems like a fair tradeoff to me (believe it or not there was a time where it was half the size that it is now!)


4. Overload- Well you got me there. Personally I'm less bothered by it's lackluster stats and more by the fact that it's just a run of the mill radial AoE with no interesting traits or features. I think it needs the Exalted Blade treatment and should be overhauled into something unique and interesting.



So other than his ultimate being underwhelming I don't get the dissatisfaction with Volt either. He might not be specialized at a specific job like Vauban or Nova, but he's one of the most versatile frames there is and can make use of all of his abilities unlike most frames who rarely make use of more than one or two. And although it may require more skill or thought than with a specialized frame, Volt can still be applied to fill any role on a dime if the need arises.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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lol Ezariel you just hate volt don't you? I have a feeling that you are a new player around here, and you haven't really played against enemies that scale up to level 200~? That is warframe's biggest challenge, level 200, but it's its biggest problem. In terms of his ability doing direct damage, Volt falls short, but in terms of surviving, buffing and stunning, Volt excels. It's not killing the enemy, but it helps him to survive. 

Edited by Heidrek
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Overload is bad and since Warframe players are so used to having their best skills set to 4 they get very confused when Volt cant nuke a room down.


We call these types of players scrubs.


Meanwhile Volts who know what they are doing can dodge, stun, and defend infinitely in any map or mode for next to no energy while moving so fast that no enemy guns or projectiles can properly hit them.

But this requires careful balancing of Strength and Efficiency mods, and having the common sense to stop every once in a while and make sure things arent sneaking up behind you


Something, again, most users of the forums can't do.

Volt was and still is one of the most perfect frames in the game.

Outside of Overload being trash, he has no outstanding issues or flaws.

He is like the Mary Poppins of Warframe.

Practically perfect in every way.


But sadly the users here don't crave speed or utility.

It's why we have so many threads whining to give debuffer frames more damage, or why we used to have oodles of threads of crybabies whining about players leaving them behind in levels while they plod along dying to everything.


No, sadly the users here just want frames who can farm Draco for 15 minutes while everyone stands around with their fingers in their asses, listening to dubstep on itunes as they level up guns they dont like to get Mastery they don't need.


And the moment something is popular? They scream and scream to nerf it without understanding how it functions.

But if something isnt flavor of the month for farming? They scream and scream to rework it without understanding how it functions.

Reminder: we used to have 10 threads a day of people complaining the ORIGINAL Soma was overpowered.


Luckily, thank the stars, DE rarely check into this swirling pit of terrible ideas that is the feedback forum.

DE make poor decisions sometimes (Ember, Hydroid) but they will never be anywhere near as incompetent as the gold-starred refugees from Modern Warfare who have turned this forum into a 3 ring circus of abhorrent suggestions.


I love you.

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Although I'm aware that people may still be salty by Excal's ult being too overpowered, I think this is necessary. However, I'm totally open to new ideas^^


My idea is turning Volt into a real high-damage Warframe, a potent alternative to gunplay.


Well, we know Volt is, right now, a guy that we mainly use for speed & some times for shielding ourselves from incoming bullet fire while shooting our stuff. And, uh, well, that's practically all.


Gonna go straight.


Volt's Codex: Volt can create and harness electrical elements. This is a high-damage warframe perfect for players looking for a potent alternative to gunplay.


Volt's ult would give him two energy-durable weapons:

- Ranged electricity shots (no possibility to aim). My ideas with it are two ways of firing:

1.- How we actually fire semi-automatic weapons, left clicking your way into index finger's death. This would shoot electricity beams.

2.- Energy charge: the way we shoot this would be how we fire bows: we would have to hold left click, and Volt would be holding an increasing lighting shot, with a time limitation of maybe 2 seconds, affected by power duration. Why is the time limitation even a thing? Well, damage would be increasing as long as you keep holding left click. If you keep holding, numbers would be increasing to an endless power I think we don't wanna go through. My ideas here are shooting through an area similar to a cone. Maybe its area of effect could be increased not only by power range, also chaining the on-hit effects like in Volt's 1, by hitting the target's surrounding enemies.


Benefits: it would synergize with its 3: resulting into supah-kill cannon.

About its scaling, I was thinking on making it scale with Primary weapon's mods. But, well, if you have any other ideas, tell them.


Now the other weapon, I was thinking on a two-handed melee something:

- Maybe it would be legit making it scale with melee weapon's mods as well.

- This would be full melee, as long-ranged arsenal is implied lines above. This means, no energy waves Excalibur-like.

- My idea is an Alloy Plate handle that would be in Volt's waist. He would take it off and with it, its edge will start growing from the handle, resulting into no metal taking the job of an edge, Volt's energy color would be the edge instead. It would be affected by mods like Fury, yeah, but it would be even faster taking advantage of Volt's Speedup skill.


I see synergy flowing, before this rework I could only see skills without relation.


And, about his 1... I would consider making it energy-free, along with Frost's and Ember's...


What do you think?


Btw, sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language.


TL;DR: Well, if you went straight here... please, don't post.

Just gonna requote this from my other post

Edited by Hecro
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Overload is bad and since Warframe players are so used to having their best skills set to 4 they get very confused when Volt cant nuke a room down.


We call these types of players scrubs.


Meanwhile Volts who know what they are doing can dodge, stun, and defend infinitely in any map or mode for next to no energy while moving so fast that no enemy guns or projectiles can properly hit them.

But this requires careful balancing of Strength and Efficiency mods, and having the common sense to stop every once in a while and make sure things arent sneaking up behind you


Something, again, most users of the forums can't do.

Volt was and still is one of the most perfect frames in the game.

Outside of Overload being trash, he has no outstanding issues or flaws.

He is like the Mary Poppins of Warframe.

Practically perfect in every way.


But sadly the users here don't crave speed or utility.

It's why we have so many threads whining to give debuffer frames more damage, or why we used to have oodles of threads of crybabies whining about players leaving them behind in levels while they plod along dying to everything.


No, sadly the users here just want frames who can farm Draco for 15 minutes while everyone stands around with their fingers in their asses, listening to dubstep on itunes as they level up guns they dont like to get Mastery they don't need.


And the moment something is popular? They scream and scream to nerf it without understanding how it functions.

But if something isnt flavor of the month for farming? They scream and scream to rework it without understanding how it functions.

Reminder: we used to have 10 threads a day of people complaining the ORIGINAL Soma was overpowered.


Luckily, thank the stars, DE rarely check into this swirling pit of terrible ideas that is the feedback forum.

DE make poor decisions sometimes (Ember, Hydroid) but they will never be anywhere near as incompetent as the gold-starred refugees from Modern Warfare who have turned this forum into a 3 ring circus of abhorrent suggestions.

lol Ezariel you just hate volt don't you? I have a feeling that you are a new player around here, and you haven't really played against enemies that scale up to level 200~? That is warframe's biggest challenge, level 200, but it's its biggest problem. In terms of his ability doing direct damage, Volt falls short, but in terms of surviving, buffing and stunning, Volt excels. It's not killing the enemy, but it helps him to survive. 


Ah..... thank you! Both of you! For at least restoring my faith if only a little... that there are other people out there who play on a level enough to know what they are talking about.


Volt is one of the few frames that stroll through lvl 100+ enemies without a care in the world, and still has full use in EVERY ability he has. His speed allows you to drop in on downed allies, throw out in overload in mid air before you land, which gives you plenty of time to throw up a couple shields which buffs your weapons when you shoot through it allowing you to take down a couple heavy hitters, and then res your friend in safety.


A good Volt player is MVP in any mission. He is one of the most versatile, strategic, and effective frames in the game.

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Jack S*** of al trades haha...

great starter frame tho

That's his whole misery.

Let's take a look at his kit...

Shock: fast, covers a couple enemys with a single cast. Stunns them for a flat duration.

Shield: flat range, flat buff. Only influenced by duration. Stronger weapons give better results but leveling the frame and adding duration is enough to give you the best possible result on the ability.

Speed: that one is pretty ok. Has a short duration tho..

Overload: the dmg potential isn't that bad with the once again guaranteed electric procc but it's just a ae shock with a pretty long casting time.

He is the only frame with a high quantity of static values. This is great for a beginner since you don't need that much mods to reach his full potential but he is BAD as a frame for the same reason. Delete his constants, including the stun duration and the stationary lock on overload and he would be AMAZING.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Stand back a few feet and it becomes a non issue.


Think before post.


Did you see how many shields is there? We all standind behind last one, so its enough to not get hit from "magic blow". But still bombards missiles hit us sometimes. 


Speed- Allows you and your teammates to cover vast distances very quickly and even increases melee attack speed. It's fantastic for speedrunning or reaching a downed allied on the other side of the map. What else does it need to do?
You presented two applications of this skill. Great!
If I want mobility, I get Excal and is really universal. I have mobility (1 skill), good attack, good stun and more.
If team split up and each player go to other edge of map, that means those players are noobs. Team should stay togheter and co-op. If theydown becasue split up, no one run for help them and risk hes own life.
With Movement 2.0 we can quickly move without Volt boost.
This ability is useless.
Electric Shield- Unlike say, Frost's snowglobe, Electric Shield is indestructible, adds electrical and crit damage to projectiles shot through it, and gives beam weapons infinite range when fired though it. The fixed range does mean that you have to be smart about where you place it, but that seems like a fair tradeoff to me (believe it or not there was a time where it was half the size that it is now!)
Frost Ice Globe can be spamed...
Push out and freez enemies when recast...
Volts shields is small and leaks. Useless against bombardsand and others...
From inside IG I can shot from any high-dmg weapon without fear. I don't need endless range or more dmg becasue i have tonkor, opticor etc... and other of party members. Mesa, excal, just dps frames.
Edited by Ezariel
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Think before post.


Did you see how many shields is there? We all standind behind last one, so its enough to not get hit from "magic blow". But still bombards missiles hit us sometimes. 

Maybe you should follow your own advice. Clearly bombard rockets don't have a radius big enough to hit you from the first shield, so either it's a bug or something happened unrelated to the shield. Either way, it has nothing to do with how the shield should operate.

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You presented two applications of this skill. Great!
If I want mobility, I get Excal and is really universal. I have mobility (1 skill), good attack, good stun and more.
If team split up and each player go to other edge of map, that means those players are noobs. Team should stay togheter and co-op. If theydown becasue split up, no one run for help them and risk hes own life.
With Movement 2.0 we can quickly move without Volt boost.
This ability is useless.


Useless seems like an exaggeration. Maybe not as necessary to maximize movement speed thanks to Parkour 2.0, but it's still a fantastic boost to sprinting/jump/sliding/etc. movement for in between parkour maneuvers. It could blend a bit better with them sure, but for it's energy cost it's still an efficient and viable ability (certainly more energy-efficient and maneuverable than spamming Excal's Slash Dash). And with Speed alone I find it's still possible to leave bullet-jumpers in the dust, so I disagree on Parkour 2.0 making it wholly obsolete.


Frost Ice Globe can be spamed...
Push out and freez enemies when recast...
Volts shields is small and leaks. Useless against bombardsand and others...
From inside IG I can shot from any high-dmg weapon without fear. I don't need endless range or more dmg becasue i have tonkor, opticor etc... and other of party members. Mesa, excal, just dps frames.


Volt's shield is equally as spammable as Frost's globes. Also both the globe and the shield suffer the issue of Bombard/Napalm AoEs passing through them, and both of them can have this issue overcome by simply not standing right up against the globe/shield (it would be nice if both skills didn't allow for the explosion to pass through, but that's an issue with AoE weapons rather than the skills). I'm not saying one is outright better than the other, both skills have their strengths and weaknesses.

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You presented two applications of this skill. Great!
If I want mobility, I get Excal and is really universal. I have mobility (1 skill), good attack, good stun and more.
If team split up and each player go to other edge of map, that means those players are noobs. Team should stay togheter and co-op. If theydown becasue split up, no one run for help them and risk hes own life.
With Movement 2.0 we can quickly move without Volt boost.
This ability is useless.
 Frost Ice Globe can be spamed...
Push out and freez enemies when recast...
Volts shields is small and leaks. Useless against bombardsand and others...
From inside IG I can shot from any high-dmg weapon without fear. I don't need endless range or more dmg becasue i have tonkor, opticor etc... and other of party members. Mesa, excal, just dps frames.



The speed augment is amazing and is massively useful.


So im going to be honest with you, and I really dont want this to come off the wrong way, because im only saying this out of concern for the entire warframe community that I believe has taken a massive turn in the wrong direction. Based on what you have said here, your picture, and looking at your profile, I really think you need to maybe spend some time with some different people who play this game in a different way. Just for the pure experience part of it. Ive done this myself over the years and have learned quite a few things that have made me a better player. Some of it I took with me, others I chose not to do for my own reasons.


With that being said, the information you have provided says that you (along with a great majority of players here) are a "meta-farmer". Obviously you are camping tunnels in survival, and your A-team consists of feeding mesa energy with a greedy mag, or now trinity. I would also guess that Draco is a very often visited mission for you.


I view these things as BAD, not because its cheesy, but because it only focuses on 1 very specific ability on each frame. Because its easier, and more efficient, or any other reason people give for doing it, in the end, it teaches bad habits and the player does not learn how to take care of themselves. This is why when one thing goes wrong in your tunnel, you all die because spamming 4 just isnt enough. The unfortunate part of this is that this happens in under 40 min.


Im saying this not to call you out or paint you in a bad light or anything. This message is for anybody out there who only knows this type of gameplay, and wish to become better players in the end. Your opinion is yours, and I respect that you dont enjoy volt the way he is now. But I respectfully have to look at where that opinion comes from and how it was obtained. You have ~25-30 hours of experience with Volt. My own views and experience comes from 1840 hrs of play time, and ~184 of those hours are with volt/prime.


PLEASE keep in mind that I am NOT suggesting that that makes my opinion any more right or wrong than anybody else. I am merely suggesting that some  ~consideration~ be given to opinions with large experience behind them to the point of at the very least there MIGHT be something more to it than the face values of a given frame or weapon.


My experiences differ greatly than yours. For example, you are correct. Staying in a group is more effective, especially when needing to revive people. You want your group to stick together in a tight little space and funnel enemies - actually not a bad strategy to be realistic. However, my team can survive on their own easily up to 60+ min without camping. Imagine what your own team could do if you added that experience into your own strategy. When one of you goes down, you would have much more faith in a single person being able to "clutch" the situation and bring everybody back. Instead right now, people look for the easiest route and when one person goes down, everybody else quickly follows and the mission is washed.


My point is, a lot of these opinions these days are like throwing a ball. Anybody can throw a ball. But there are so many skills to learn beyond just throwing a ball. Some people have learned how to throw curve-balls and sliders and do so many other things. We have to take into consideration that there may be a deeper concept or understanding to something that we ALL may not have reached yet.


So to close my long winded reply about... nothing I guess... if anybody is looking for an opportunity to learn to throw curve-balls, or higher level play, and learning new skills, my clan is always open. Links can be found in my profile (<-----shameless plug)

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Volt is my main (actually volt prime now) and while I am not opposed to buffs I am opposed to complete reworks. I play volt as a gunmage and have for over a year once I discovered how good he was at that role. I dont want my playstyle destroyed by other people's impressions when theyre playing him differently


Increase his damage, increase his utility, increase his base armor and run speed to add more quality of life to him. Thats all fine but do not replace his abilities with other stuff

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I hear people want him to be reworked. I think he's fine as he is stunning enemies with electricity, speeding allies to reduce enemy accuracy, covering and boosting dmg with his shield and stunning more enemies with his ulti.

1. SPEED PARADOX PROBLEM: (x2, actually)

First, Volt's speed makes him a melee monster...that dies a lot when you try to build your kit for this playstyle. In many ways, he is built like Loki but with powers that lend to a fighting style more like Valkyr.

Solution: have Overload temporarily turn Volt into living lightning: grants % resistances across the board and slightly heals when cast, making a Melee build viable.

Second, Speed power boosts other frames to a greater extent if they have a higher base speed. Squad cohesion disintegrates.

Solution: Increase Volt's base speed, or cap out the Speed power so other frames can only go as fast as Volt.


2. OVERLOAD: Weak, slow-acting, slow casting, and conditional. These things in an Ultimate are not good for a kinetic tactical-spam/speed frame that is squishy. It needs to be a "stop'n'pop" blitzkrieg of a power that allows Volt to keep moving.

It also forces Volt to use excess time and energy to pull it off without dying. Example: Cast 3 shields and then cast Overload to wait out the cast animation and spread time. Comparatively, powers like Miasma hit instantly like a Hammer, or Absorb, which is a better version of Volt's 3 AND 4 combined WITH knockdown!

Solution: cut cast time and spread time by 50%. Increase damage. Have a non-scaling effect like a short-term EMP effect that temporarily disables technological weapons (similar to radial disarm). After all, if it blows out all the tech in the room and adds damage, it should affect technological weaponry. A non-scaling effect keeps it viable as damage falls off.


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I just don't like Volt.


@ Falcun


You have no idea how much pathetic and ridiculous is your smartass mode and all this trump up lore.
If you really wanna talking instead lampoon yourself, just stop to put on airs and graces. Can you do it for me, mighty pr0?
Edited by Ezariel
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Volt was and still is one of the most perfect frames in the game.

Outside of Overload being trash, he has no outstanding issues or flaws.

He is like the Mary Poppins of Warframe.

Practically perfect in every way.


So other than his ultimate being underwhelming I don't get the dissatisfaction with Volt either. He might not be specialized at a specific job like Vauban or Nova, but he's one of the most versatile frames there is and can make use of all of his abilities unlike most frames who rarely make use of more than one or two. And although it may require more skill or thought than with a specialized frame, Volt can still be applied to fill any role on a dime if the need arises.


Ah..... thank you! Both of you! For at least restoring my faith if only a little... that there are other people out there who play on a level enough to know what they are talking about.


Volt is one of the few frames that stroll through lvl 100+ enemies without a care in the world, and still has full use in EVERY ability he has. His speed allows you to drop in on downed allies, throw out in overload in mid air before you land, which gives you plenty of time to throw up a couple shields which buffs your weapons when you shoot through it allowing you to take down a couple heavy hitters, and then res your friend in safety.


A good Volt player is MVP in any mission. He is one of the most versatile, strategic, and effective frames in the game.


Yes, more people who actually knows how to play Volt properly and understand that his powers (sorry, didn't quote others, but you know if you're a good Volt player).  You are right that people dismiss Volt because they can't play him properly.  They expect press 4 to win and don't bother with any other powers or they Draco all day and night.  In another thread someone said Volt is second rate because specialists can do better and he dies all the time, but I think the problem is he is a selfish player and doesn't know how to use Volt's powers defensively.  Most of Volt's abilities are beneficial to the entire team and he is great for crowd control and support, but I guess being a team player and indirectly helping teammates kill enemies aren't "fun" enough for most people.

I often wonder if people who claim volt is good have tried any other warframe. Volt is not as bad as Ember or limbo but he is not much better.

I've played all of the frames except Nekros, Trinity and Limbo because I haven't bothered to farm their parts, but for most missions and alerts I use Excalibur and Volt (Mag if against Corpus).  I'm not saying other frames are bad because most of them are not (except Ember) and they all have different utilities, but I know what I like and which frames suit (haha) my play style better.

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I like Volt and my profile pic should say that, other than damage Volt's mostly fine but in my opinion Volt needs to focus more on his stun game, he's definitely not the strongest and DE continues to refuse to change this so let's give him a greater emphasis on stunning and locking down crowds since that's supposedly the only use for a shock proc.


-Shock- should by defualt stun enemies for 2/2/3/4 seconds flat as it levels with those numbers corresponding to levels


-Electric Shield- Should get and augment that either

A: At max rank has a 100% chance to deal a 100 damage shock proc stunning for 4 seconds to any enemy that comes into contact with it but only works once per enemy per shield or give them cooldown before being proc'd again.


Or B: At max rank have a 20% Chance to reflect bullets and projectiles at enemies while dealing .5x shock damage and a guaranteed shock proc with 2-3 second stun, missile/explosives deal an area proc 


Or C: Some combo of both


-Overload- Would stun for a flat 4 seconds at max rank but have the ability to chain back to an enemy already shocked 1, possibly 2 extra times (3 second stun time if 2 extra chains), dealing damage again (maybe half the initial) and stacking on shock proc stun time, enemies who have been chained to a second time can't chain to new enemies and will only chain once and give the chain a range of 5 or so moddable or just a static base of 7-8m. Re-chains happen once every tick of the ability


Also not really needed but maybe Speed should add shock damage to your melee and energy weapons but only you since you're the source while everyone's just kinda getting whiffs of it, I mean he's just surging his body with electricity while holding a metal pole/sword/hammer >_>


Anyways, it's how I'd fix Volt or just "update" him a bit. pls read this DE ._.

Edited by (XB1)naruto1171
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Yes, more people who actually knows how to play Volt properly and understand that his powers


Prove that, or be quiet. :)


This is so much to understand... So much to know-how. Volt's 4 skills need a really Grateful Philosophy Mod to works. Ya...

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Yes, more people who actually knows how to play Volt properly and understand that his powers


Prove that, or be quiet. :)


This is so much to understand... So much to know-how. Volt's 4 skills need a really Grateful Philosophy Mod to works. Ya...

We all see you don't like Volt (Note: I didn't say you suck at playing Volt. I don't know you and I've never seen you play so I can't make that call). I don't care enough to waste my time or energy to convince you otherwise. Different people like different things and play differently so why don't you accept that. You can voice your opinions all you want, but being unnecessarily rude and confrontational will not get people on your side here or in real life.

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I just don't like Volt.


@ Falcun


You have no idea how much pathetic and ridiculous is your smartass mode and all this trump up lore.
If you really wanna talking instead lampoon yourself, just stop to put on airs and graces. Can you do it for me, mighty pr0?






Yes, more people who actually knows how to play Volt properly and understand that his powers


Prove that, or be quiet. :)


This is so much to understand... So much to know-how. Volt's 4 skills need a really Grateful Philosophy Mod to works. Ya...


I dont believe you can be helped, but how would you like me to prove it to you? Would you like to play a few games with me? We can run a 2 man T4 survival for 40 min or more without camping if you want. Id be happy to show you what volt can really do.


Id be happy to record it for everybody as well. If im talking out of my !, then everybody will see it.


If im not using zephyr, then I use the following loadout:


Volt prime


telos akbolto

glaive prime


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