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Dual Galatine. De Please


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Putting in emphasis, what you really want are two things;


1: A dual-sword with long blades and an impressive reach.


2: A fast, long reaching stance with quick, broad sweeps.



I have just gotten and tested Final Harbinger, and the latest Stances really show that DE have begun to figure out how to make good ones. A good dual-sword Stance is more than possible, if they decide to make one.

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Came up with this months back and the forum Tennos didn't exactly like my idea -w-


But it'd be nice to have dual greatswords :D More diversities in melee (just as long they don't outclass heavy blades and instead act as an equal sidegrade in some way). +Could make a Capra Demon cosplay with Oberon.


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  • 4 months later...

Look, I love the Galentine just as much as the next guy (actually, no...if this thread's trend continues the next guy's like of the Galentine will be a 25 on a scale of 1 - 10 and I am at 7) but Digital Extremes needs to pause for a minute with the new weapon releases and re balance the ones we have. The balance between melee weapons are a mess right now.

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Everything new related Galatine-content would be great. Prisma Galatine, Galatine Prime, Dual Galatine or whatever - I would love that. I would be also very happy if heavy swords are added to Excals Passive - because really, his name is "Excalibur" and in some versions it was a two handed sword.


Most versions of the myth portray it as a long sword, a blade about 3 and a half feet long, meant to swung with two hands.  They were rather popular with the knights in full plate, since they could focus on offense, and let their armor take any hits.  Most swords used in a sword'n'board style were significantly shorter, only about 2 feet long, since it was easier to swing one handed than the longer blades.


Galatine though, is an example of a Zweihander, which were twice as long, and were used to break up pike formations during the Renaissance era.

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That... Actually sounds pretty cool, and the stats actually sound kinda balanced. Damn, I can't say no to that.

But, dual Gram would fit better. They are the right size, and no one likes the darn things anyway. Put out dual Galatine, and I would hesitate to toss my potatoed 4-forma Galatine into the foundry when I could throw away two Grams with no regrets at all. Also, the Gram looks really cool. Galatine is kinda boring, just looks cool b/c it's huge.

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Holy necro, Batman!


Seriously though, two largish swords would look amazing. Basically, almost touching the ground while idling with the current dual sword animations. Would most likely need to release with a new stance focusing on spins a la Tempo Royale.

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Actually, when plate armor was in vogue, swords became longer and narrower because they were focused on the thrust. The technique of the half-sword was paramount and, yes, shields were pretty much out of favor because the armor was so effective the weapons needed to oppose it had to be wielded with two hands.


Of course, in WF, rule of cool is pretty much the way things go, but we haven't gotten Galatine Prime yet, so I doubt we'll see anything of this nature anytime soon. Although, it might actually give Gram a reason to exist as a component. Stowage animations would have to be developed, and that already seems an issue with Dex Dakra.


Regardless, I wouldn't hold my breath on this one.

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