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What Is The Best Boss Battle You Ever Had?


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Jackal on Nightmare energy drain mode with only meh weapons. Best boss in game imo, invulnerability done right (You can control when it is invlunerable, not time based). And Jackal has the best attack scheme imo too, much better for taking on Tenno that the single target nature of other bosses.

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Every bits and monster from Monster Hunter, is just so darn good. It ain't like your typical RPG-esque boss fights where ya recycle the same ol' boring strategy because the boss fight has the same pattern. MonHun's boss fights are dynamic, the AI is great, the combat's really rewarding. Nothing's much more satisfying than smashing Rath's horns with a direct hammer to the face, or send Tigrex screeching as I chop off his tail with my switch-axe. 12/10 gudbosfightsgasm.


In Warframe, I'd say maybe the reworked Tyl Regor. His constant teleporting do get a tad bit annoying at times, I would've greatly prefer him to parkour and dodge our attacks, instead of lol2fast4uTeleportCheeseButton. Still, it does feel epic as I exchange blows with him, in my suit of Chroma, my Silva sword clashes on his shield, Brunt. Oh and his voice is pure smexyness.


Stalker's also a great fight too, if players actually let the guy stand up instead of gangbanging his face with ya Tonkors. He strips down your godly void energy, and it's only a matter of precision, skill and discipline to fight Senpai.

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Raptor's the most fun for me, though that requires making your own fun with it (you don't always need to bring your 1-shot gear). Trying to win by melee only, or with rocket weapons (break out the old Ogris), and bouncing all over the map against a big airborne target; nothing else is in the game quite like that. 

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For Warframe, I think a Solo duel with Corrupted Vor using Grinlok (sans serration) has been my highpoint. Stalker whenever he shows up is a good reason to just draw whatever melee is equipped and go at it. I guess the Hyena's are alright.


Outside of Warframe...like a lot of folks, Monster Hunter certainly takes a spot in general. After that...Sartauros from Golden Sun (epic boss theme), Dumas lvl 99 in Lunar Knights, couple of the bosses from Ninja Gaiden, penultimate boss from Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, final battle for Tales of the Abyss...lots of good fun, and think I'm forgetting a lot of them too.

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favourite bossfight so far is g3 i guess. probably because unlike other bosses, g3 actually forces me to concentrate on dodging, running around, kiting and aiming since they move fast, hits hard and theres 3 of em. though this was before excal rework so my duration is like below 50% or something despite they can be cc'd. not to mention i was almost out of energy.

from other games id say omega zero from megaman zero 3, time devourer(?) from chrono cross, bosses from terraria are also quite fun (if you are not overpowered yet) and probably almost all bosses in ys series.

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My first time against jackal. That guy just kept stun locking me in place where i was stuck in a loop of falling in pit from his continuous shockwaves. And when he finally stops rockets came flying at you. Fun times.

The sephiroth fight in kh1. He was a tough cookie the first time i fought him.

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I own both games but I never tried taking him on. The strategy to kill him is really obtuse. Need to get Cielo and have him an ability that dodges everything when he's asleep. Then need to have the Demi-fiends pixie cast Dormina at the right times or do it yourself to dodge the once every 40 turns Gaea Rage that only misses with the sleep dodge ability.


Also Demiurge appears in SMT: Strange Journey. In SMT DDS1 the super boss is the Demi-Fiend/ Hitoshura. In DDS2 the super boss is Satan in the sun who is almost equally ridiculous. I never played Strange Journey however so I don't know how much a pain in the arse the Demiurge is.

Basically you have to get a certain order of attacks, targeting, and if you have the immune to all damage ability, he insta kills you, not my kind of boss fight.

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