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Forum Query: Which Weapons Do You Think Need A Buff?


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Flux Riffle- it's mastery 6 weapon after all, compare it to Soma(same mastery). 3-4 times higher damage is all this weapon need.


Glaxion- I don't think this one needs explanation. Either buff to Synapse(which could use a bit more damage itself) crits or four times more damage with ammo consumption decrease.


Karak Wraith- reward for great event. And that's all which can be said about it. Same buff as Flux would help it.


Panthera- because it's one of a kind weapon with cool idea. Full auto, slightly faster travel time, 2 times higher damage, 2.5 fire rate. Enough to bring it from trash to decent.


Embolist- obvious reason. Double damage, much more ammo, longer range.


Magistar- right now it's weaker version of Fragor. It should retain its damage but get attack speed buff so it could be alternative.


These are weapons I could think of. There are propably more of buff candidates

Edited by Slaviar
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Ignis, Silva & Aegis, Ack & Brunt(Slightly), DERA, Karak, Tysis, Sicarus Prime, Glaive Prime, Ignis, Dark Dagger, Panthera, Twin Gremlins, Detron, Brakk, Bronco Prime and it's akimbo variant, Laser Rifle, Sweeper, Deth Machine Rifle, Gorgon and maybe it's variants, and possibly the Supra.  And yes, I have used all of these if anyone bothers asking me if I did.

I like this list, but i'd change a few things about it. Here are my revisions to suit what i think of each weapon



The weapons that I find don't need a buff, that you mentioned in your post:


Dark Dagger, fairly fast attack speed, a syndicate card, and a workable status chance;


Detron/Brakk, they have very respectable damage and are considered very good weapons;


(possibly) Single bronco prime, the damage is akin to that of a pre buff sobek but i wouldn't mind a small accuracy buff;


Sentinel weapons, they are supposed to suck or you'd afk and watch the kills come in;  


Supra, the damage is fair and it's neither overpowered nor underpowered. 


Twin gremlins: good damage for machine pistols, respectable fire rate, all around usable guns





The weapons I would conditionally agree on with your post:


Dera/Karak, just a small damage buff is always welcome;


Tysis, faster fire rate;


Gorgon, I personally love all three gorgons, although i will agree they need better damage numbers, but if they up fire rate, i'd be mighty pissed/sad.





The weapons i think you missed:


miter, it's in the same boat as dragkoon was pre buff (wannabe dread), except there's not any crit chance whatsoever; it'd require a higher charge speed for me to ever pick it over any other weapon. Even if we don't coun't the "endgame" dread, we still have the ratka cerenos, which has better damage and the crit chance. remind me why this exists?


tetra/prisma, damage buff plz but not too much;


simulor, about 2/3 the range of the syndicate version and we're all good;


HIND, fix the fire rate and add some **** dmg, this is supposed to be a powerful burst weapon, but it's not nearly as powerful as you say, at least make it comparable with the tiberon;


ripkas/dual raza, they aren't worth the build cost. you end up fusing multiple weapons (both better weapons in the ripka's case) into 1 weapon should at least be able to hold up with other weapons, the fact that the ripkas takes 2 better weapons, and the dual raza take 3 weapons and create an underwhelming letdown should not happen, they're both lazy **** crit weapons with crap stats and 20% crit chance, have fun with your new, improved, blander weapons!


Ideas for some of the ones you said


Panthera needs a total rework, cause the weapon is a slow, low damage, semi auto (why not make it shoot hikou stars that

bounce around a ton? you can still keep the short range alt-fire. i'd use the **** outta that thing;)


Silva and aegis need a status boost(maybe 30-40%)


Akbronco prime: needs damage at least ON PAR with the single bronco prime. it doesn't make sense for an akimbo weapon to have less damage than a single one


Ignis: Have a guaranteeed fire proc each shot


Glaive/Glaive prime: needs a little more damage


Ack and Brunt: make them less boring(no idea what that means, but a little more crit chance may be able to do it)


Sicarus prime: i haven't used this yet, but i've heard it's bad. Even so, i can't critique it or give any suggestions until i've tried it.



There you go, I've put my two cents in, and now i wait to see how many people say i'm an idiot because i love my gorgons. Keep in mind, these are my opinions, and those are based only off of weapons i've tried or seen in action enough to critique. But anyways, that's what i think as far as weapons that need some love. Peace!

Edited by NKDG
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Buzlok needs some love. It sounds amazing, but the damage isn't there and the tracers are useless (spend 10 ammo to tag an enemy? why not just shoot more boolit? The tracers are no easier to hit than the actual bullets, anyway). Make the tracer a hitscan, free, targetting laser (with perfect accuracy), and give the weapon very high damage (50+), but horrid accuracy. Makes the tracers usable, worth using, and desirable to use.

Ignis needs a buff. The AoE doesn't make up for the awful damage; tickling a bunch of enemies is ineffective, and it's ammo efficiency is horrid as well, even if you can consistently hit several enemies. It needs a massive damage buff, and some type of fire effect, whether automatic fire procs, or leaving a DOT effect on surfaces.

Burst weapons need to have higher burst damage than automatics. Compare Burston Prime to Braton Prime. I think Burston should fire it's 3-round burst in less time than it would take Braton to fire 3 bullets in full rock-n-roll, and do more damage with each bullet to boot. Basically a midline between a semi-auto like the Latron, and an auto like the Braton.

Edited by 00zau
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The whole game needs adjustments / overhaul. Asking for certain weapons to be rebalanced is only a band-aid mindset.


Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, considering how many construction sites there are in this game, I don't think we're going to see anything like that any time soon.


Apart from that, a lot of you guys have mentioned weapons that I would like to see buffed, too. Seems there is a fairly decent consensus among players about which weapons are a letdown in their current state, especially those super expensive multi-stage build weapons like the Panthera or the Dual Raza.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's what I think...


Pangolin Sword (suspected as possible candidate for Arbiters of Hexis melee)


Twin Gremlins (might get a Prisma version) 


Kraken (also might get Prisma/Wraith Version)


Boar Prime 


Fragor (community still waiting for a prime version - that needs to rival the Scindo Prime) Cephalon Suda


Heat Sword, Heat Dagger, Dual Heat Swords (suspected as possible candidates for Red Veil melee)


Ether Sword, Ether Daggers, Dual Ethers (suspected as possible candidates for Cephalon Suda melee)

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The Magister, Fang Prime and Sicarus Prime could use a buff.

The Tiberon could use a little touch up. So can the Hind.

Snipetron could use one too. Plasma Sword is horrible.

The Paracyst and the Harpak could use some more damage, definitely. The Acrid needs to not suck. The Ignis needs to not suck. Silva and Aegis need a buff. Gram needs more speed. Gorgon Vanilla needs a buff.

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First fix the tier system, designate which weapons are meant to be stepping stones, and which ones are meant to be "endgame".  Then we'll talk about nerfing/buffing individual weapons for reasons outside of being for QoL. It makes no sense that currently, there's an extremely weak correlation between the power of a weapon and the required investment to obtain it.  DE looks like they want to have a tier system in their game, but there's zero structure to it.

Edited by AzureEmulation
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Dual Eather Swords and Dual Heat Swords need some buff, dmg or status or critical , Fang Prime , Dual Eather Daggers , and others daggers need very high buff in crtical and atack speed, Venka need more dmg, spead and critical chance, Ignis was totally destroyed ... Snipetron s a joke 

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A few in mind so ill pick main ones for each for now.


Hind - expensive to build, lacking in stats compared to loads of other better rifles and married to five shot bursts. Who is this rifle aimed at? There are better cheaper alternatives EVEN ignoring Wraith, Prime etc rifles for noob and veteran alike.


Bronco - why choose this over say Pyranha? Its lacking even as a prime, even as an AK prime for cost to build! Too expensive for what you get.


Silva and Aegis - needs to be more viable vs alternatives, being the first of any melee type should NOT = automatically the weakest unless part of newer weapon build like Latron into Tiberon. Its a great fan designed weapon, a rarity in its melee fire damage weapon and is sadly ouclassed by A & B.

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I'd say the Ignis, but that's actually been confirmed for a buff so...


There's definitely a lot of other unique/clan weapons that can use a second pass. The Buzlok, Panthera, Paracyst, M. Quanta, Convectrix, Embolist, etc. just to name a few are all interesting weapons on paper (and still viable for the most part) but the mechanics behind them are either too cumbersome to make them practical or they simply don't put out enough damage for the skill it takes to use them compared to an easy-to-use but still ridiculously powerful Soma or Boltor Prime.



EDIT: I also finished using the Akzani recently. It was... brutal. Those things could probably use some work as well.

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Sancti Castanas. Bad upgrade from the already bad Castanas.

Lanka. Since it's a railgun, hitscan would be nice. Maybe a special thermal scopeoverlay, or something.

Glaxion. Friggin' ammo.

Castanas. One complaint: AMMO CAPACITY.

Silva & Aegis. Raw damage and Status increase, perhaps buff blocking to 95% or 100% against a debuff.

Afuris. Could use buffs to everything for all I know...

AkZani. Damage buff. Crit buff. Something!

I could expand this list for hours but I'll keep it like this for now.

- Snip

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Buff most any weapon besides soma prime and Boltor prime, all I hear is they are best, but I hate both of them(5 forma soma prime and 3 forma Boltor prime I know they are good I jut hate them) and buff melee for the lolz


There is no "best weapon in the game". It's all mostly opinion.


Personally I think most (keyword: MOST. There are a handful of weapons that are god awful like most of the weapons of the machine gun class. Gorgon family mostly. I don't see why DE doesn't add anymore machine guns >.>)  of weapons don't need any buffs.


Here's why I say this. It's because the scaling needs changed and the mechanics need change.


Enemy scaling is what I would call broken. Bringing survival in as an example; When playing in a survival it's hard to keep your life support up when your enemies are level 70+ and your damage starts to go down the drain when they're getting harder to kill and life support capsules are also dependent on RNG.


Speaking of scaling and since you brought up the soma prime as being "the best weapon", seeing as it's most definitely my most used weapon my main problem with it is the critical scaling. Just when your enemies start to be getting to around level 30-50 is when you'll notice it with any critical gun. The damage starts to drop off at a almost near dramatic amount and that's because the game seems to account for critical damage first, then base damage, then elemental damage, then faction. At an hour of t1 survival I found myself dealing double digits (no abilities accounted for) with the soma prime compared to my friends who were still barely breaking triple digits (This was before shotgun buffs, tonkor, etc. Yes it's still valid because there have been no changes to the critical hit mechanic since then). One of them were using a braton vandal and the other was using an amprex (that's a critical weapon to, I bet he even noticed). Personal note: after reading this do you still believe that the soma prime is one of the best in the game?


And Seriously the DoT is a joke, 10-100 damage per tick is stupid low, add DoT multipliers to amp that up or something (It would work sort of like critical damage). Let's be honest, status is at its best when you're spending a long time in an endless game mode.


Anyway point is: fix scaling and fix or change some mechanics before buffing weapons.


Now as for actually answering OP's question: As I've said above the Gorgon family, bronco and akbronco, glaive prime, sicarus prime, fang prime, galatine, sybaris, tetra, prisma tetra, pyrana, cestra, dual cestra, twin wraith vipers, akzani, akjagara, sancti castanas, all of the scythes, dark sword, the list could go on.

Edited by DeathHeart64
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Glaive prime (same as regular but just slightly better flight speed, it really needs a damage buff)

Silva&aegis (damage buff to be on the same level as the newest S&S)

Whips in general

Scythes in general (damage or a complete rework)

Gorgon series (damage buff, their acuraccy its already all over the place)

Fist weapons (exept atlas knuckles they are ok)


This are just the ones that pop on my mind att the moment but many weapons need some serious love

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