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Melee Still Not Viable In The Late Game


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Anybody tried Equinox's rest and using a finishing touch on a Dragon Nikana on endgame? It insta gibs any level +100s. Ofc Excal will work better thanks to his RB and aug but nonetheless still viable.

If you're going to do that then you could just use a dagger with Covert Lethality.
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This is a space ninja game. And ninjas in space don't operate like ninjas from 13th century japan. If you want 13th century Japan and use melee weapons for everything there are games for that. Lol


So basically what youre saying is that space ninjas have nothing in common with actual ninjas. Not even how they operate. Why are we calling them ninjas again?

Edited by VorpalReaper
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I am having a big deja vu here in Warframe. It is the deja vu of (insert game element) 'is not as OP as every other OP game element'. Correct. There are differences between melee and ranged. And they are very, very obvious.


What matters in free form games such as this, where you have the ability to create your own builds, is diversity above all else. Inherently these games boil down to either one of two options: everything feels the same and plays the same, OR, everything feels differently.


You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either melee will need a specific setup, or melee will feel and play precisely like a very short range ranged weapon. The reality is, that currently in Warframe melee is a very interesting bit of gameplay that feels quite right, and since melee is NOT a primary weapon, you need a very specific melee-tailored build to make it 'viable' in late-late game. Every bit of gameplay before the top tier is very well balanced with ranged weapons. Yes, you need to build for it, but you only do that if you intend to go for melee.


I don't see a problem and as many others have supported with examples, melee IS viable when done right. Melee should never be a 'press E to win'. Melee should be difficult, and it should be more difficult than just pulling a trigger.


If your only metric for fun and success in a game is static DPS numbers, you are doing it wrong. Stop thinking that way, and start playing the game.

Edited by V4YR4
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Lecta+Burning Wasp+Vicious Frost+Virulent Scourge+Voltaic Strike+Volcanic Edge+Reach+Fury+Spoiled Strike+Point Strike= A melee weapon that can go literally forever, as long as you use the combos right. Seriously, every none EEEE combo is 100% status chance, and one applies it in a HUGE area. Slap Radiation and Viral on there, and let the enemies fight themselves to death. I recommend Mirage with this build for maximum AOE on it.

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So I've been playing for a while now and here is my rant about melee:

1. This is a Ninja game

2. Melee weapons dont scale into higher enemy levels (around 50+)

3. I dont even want to know how bad it was before melee 2.0

4. Fix it please

Meleeing is unrewarding, especially since you almost need a movement speed mod on your frame to do it, which comes at a cost, unless you 5 forma your frame.

Its more exhausting than justgunning down stuff.

And it does less damage.

Five forma. Problem solved! That's your fix right there.

What did you expect? One forma frame to go to level 50+? No!

Melee is fine

Edited by LordChronos
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Melee isnt on par with other weapons, end of discussion :)

I also soloed t4 survival for 1h hour multiple times melee only. that doesnt mean its on par with other weps.

in very few cases are slightly better because of finishers, but still there's plenty of weapons that outclass melee till 2h mark (and after that melee is slightly better just cause of finishers because of armor scaling, if you dont use 4 cp)

I admit you can enjoy most of the game's content with melee only, but its still much less confortable than shooting with an average rifle at any distance you want.

melee is damn awkward most of the time, has crappy range and very low dps. we are talking about space ninjas future melee... it has to be powerful and fluid. and melee combo counter should be totally reworked.

Also finishers should be a prize for ninja playing. nice to see but you get stuck in a very long animation. Nice thing the change to attack rate mods affecting finisher, but still very little.

"Fury" mod should affect finisher like fire-rate mods do on bows: double its bonus on finishers. its a real pain to see very fast melees (ichors and like) having such a very long finisher animation for such little damage.

We definitely need and deserve a melee 3.0 too many people like going melee, and it fits the game so much. but as it is now it looks like a self-crippling to go melee only

Melee lack of good gap closer that is easy to use. Getting from group to group is such a hassle. I put myself in danger meleeing one group while the rest of the enemy shooting at me from all direction. DE should take a look at DMC series. See how a game with good melee system work.

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Melee lack of good gap closer that is easy to use. Getting from group to group is such a hassle. I put myself in danger meleeing one group while the rest of the enemy shooting at me from all direction. DE should take a look at DMC series. See how a game with good melee system work.

Parkouring is a good gap closer.
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One tactical alert in excalation pretty much forced players into using heavy blade type weapons against lvl +100 enemies, i did just fine.


I also end up doing a good deal of damage with certain weapons, combos and certain builds on my melee weapons, have no clue what the OP is on about.

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I think it was a dev stream half year ago. It was a community question if shotguns would get a buff.^^

I would really like to know though when scott said that melee was never be planed as viable.^^ I kinda can´t believe that he said that. Also what do you mean with "The Dev's have said that nothing is off the table.". Is this pointed to specially to shotguns or in general?

Both your example and mine show how things and additudes change, with the dev's.

Ever since sword alone, players have reasonably expected Melee to play a bigger role. But, it's clear that wasn't DE's intention to make it on par with firearms. I agree with many on this thread, Melee should be high risk, high reward. Not something that always pans out, especially at high level where things just get weird and blurred across the board.

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Well it depends on the frame you're using, i have no issues on ex: t4 survival with an eternal war valkyr+scindo prime, and when there's a corrupted heavy gunner or bombard that I can't take down fast enough i cast paralysis and do a finisher on them.

The problem is that guns are viable with any frame at any level. For melee you need to be using one of a very small number of frames. A trinity can kill an enemy with a boltor prime just as quickly as your valkyr can, but that same trinity can barely scratch enemies with melee at high level. I'm not saying all frames should be equally effective at it, but at least make it so that a well built melee weapon can kill enemies at a reasonable rate.

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Melee is viable, at least as viable as anything once the enemy levels get ridiculous.


Frankly, an hour is as long as I want to be in any mission. Past this you reach the territory of stunt and are deep into the wilds of "why bother when I have another key".  Also, with keys and the void getting changes, this might not even be an issue when the new starchart goes live.


Not seeing a problem here.

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If you can't last until at least 40~50 minutes into a T4 Survival in melee, you just don't know what you're doing. You're either using a weapon that just doesn't scale into late game or really bad mods in your warframe/weapon.

Edited by HikariAi
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The whole point of melee is to use it as a last ditch when you're reloading or ran out of ammo, or etc.

Sure, you have gimmicky useful weapons like jat kittag, but you shouldn't be slashing level 100+ enemies with melee alone in 2 hr survival

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The whole point of melee is to use it as a last ditch when you're reloading or ran out of ammo, or etc.

Sure, you have gimmicky useful weapons like jat kittag, but you shouldn't be slashing level 100+ enemies with melee alone in 2 hr survival


BS. All playstyles should be equally strong.

Edited by Momo93
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