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Would You Consider Warframe A Better Version Of Destiny?


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I can answer this quite easy from a subjective standpoint.

Did Warframe interest me enough for me to try it? Yes. Am I still playing it? Yes.

Did Destiny interest me enough to try it? No. Have I played it ever? No.

Edited by VikingoX
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Being that I have put hundreds of hours into both games, I can easily say that Warframe is far better than Destiny. 


The only thing going for Destiny is its pretty scenery and gunplay, but that's about it. Destiny has next to no variation in terms of weapons/characters, and has some of the worst grinding I've ever experienced. Not to mention the overpriced DLC that Bungie and Activision puts out.


For anybody that hasn't played Destiny, if you think the grind in Warframe is bad, Destiny's grind is a living hell. I remember doing everything I could to try to get the one weapon I wanted every weekend, and went on a 5-week drought of nothing but repeat weapons.


Destiny is also by far the most un-rewarding game I have ever played. As I previously stated, putting hours upon hours of grinding into the game just to have a chance at getting a certain weapon that you've been waiting to get for weeks only to get the same weapon you've already gotten multiple other times is a joke. The reward system is completely random and doesn't factor in how useful a player was in the activity you completed. I remember on numerous occasions being the best player at the end of a raid (raid being the end-game activity) and watching the player who died early on and contributed nothing to the team get the best gear.


Again, take it form somebody who has put hundreds of hours in to both games. Destiny is a scam of a game with terrible mechanics, Warframe is the real gem here.

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Destiny: AAA production values, but lacks the volume of content and deep systems to bear playing for much more than your average AAA quality single player game. It's pretty dumbed down mechanicly with a bad loot philosophy, and not enough content to keep you occupied unless you want to play CoD.

Warframe: Far from AAA quality, an enormous amount of content by comparison (although in terms of weapons alot is at this point throw away/filler) much more engaging build systems, and does alot of the things Destiny does and does them better and in a much more meaningfull way like the syndicates and the void trader for example.

I think Destiny does Boss fights and possibly raids better, but in Destiny your abilitys seem pretty unconsequesial (i know i spelled that wrong ) where as in WF your builds are much more satisfying and are truely game changers.


Edited by (XB1)MAXsandwich
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I think Destiny does Boss fights and possibly raids better, but in Destiny your abilitys seem pretty unconsequesial (i know i spelled that wrong ) where as in WF your builds are much more satisfying and are truely game changers.


WF' raid is dumb.

Single boss fight need improvements. 


Destiny' Raid isn't better off. Massive HP/ bullet sponge.

Edited by low1991
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I haven't played Destiny, but I can say one thing: nothing I saw of it on Youtube ever made me want to play it, whereas when I saw Warframe mentioned on a forum, thought it sounded interesting, and went to check out some Youtube clips, I instantly wanted to play it and couldn't wait to download it.

This speaks to two things:-

a) the amount of advertising Destiny has in comparison to Warframe (I'd heard of Destiny lots, but only came across a mention of Warframe by chance in a forum); and

b) the theme and art design of Warframe is imaginative, the theme of Destiny looks like it might be interesting, but the art design is completely snoozeworthy - generic movie s-f stuff that you've seen a million times before (IMHO of course - what I mean is, it certainly didn't grab me and make me intrigued like just a glimpse of Warframe did).

I agree with the guy above though: Destiny is more or less "finished", whereas Warframe is still WIP (although I think it won't be too long now before it's comparably "finished", maybe another half a year, nearly a year?)

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Not really nope because Destiny is NOT a bad game in the least. People allowed their hype to oversell what it was and are disappointed from their own doing. Aside from that, the payment methods they have chosen to go with and the ever so popular bandwagon of people hating on Destiny even if they haven't played it and doing it just because "it's the thing to do"


Ontop of that a lot of things in life are similar but my god that does NOT mean something is just a blatant copy or ripoff. This is another thing people just don't get which also I guess puts a damper on things~


In conclusion...



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I agree with the guy above though: Destiny is more or less "finished", whereas Warframe is still WIP (although I think it won't be too long now before it's comparably "finished", maybe another half a year, nearly a year?)


I think you might be mislead, Destiny is far from being finished. Year one players were essentially beta testers, and were then cast aside to bring a new and more toxic community into focus.

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I think you might be mislead, Destiny is far from being finished. Year one players were essentially beta testers, and were then cast aside to bring a new and more toxic community into focus.


I think anyone who believes that are the ones who were truly misled. Destiny got shat on and so the "oh no it was just a beta" was used. BUT I suppose any mmo that starts has it's phases so I suppose it was beta. I just think the "beta" was used quite conveniently~

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Lol destiny charges long time fans of their game $40 for a new planet and I think they have a total of what, 4 or 5? All the weapons are the same just with different skins. There's no customization. Want to change the colors of your character? You have to go farm a shader. You only have 3 classes of characters to choose from. Destiny only has 3 classes of characters and no story. They do have those really great grimoire cards though haha.

"If I Show you these new emotes, you'll throw money at the screen."

Some douchebag at Activision actually said this in an interview.

Lol. It's an ultra casual game, that's really about all it does well. Want to sit on your couch and shoot stuff without having to think too much? Destiny can do that.

Activision has been ripping off its customers for years. Bungie should have known better. They've lost a lot of loyal fans that trusted them once upon a time, myself included.

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You can't really compare these games. Both have their pro's and con's. The Destiny vs Warframe thing is a long ongoing thing on PS4 and lately as Destiny brought out their new Update, Warframe lost alot of Players on PS4. Sadly Warframe already lost the fight against Destiny - at least on PS4. I personally prefer Warframe over Destiny. I'm playing Warframe for a long time, I started when I heard about the open Beta on PC and jumped over to the PS4 as it released on it. I like Digital Extremes more then the Bungie guys, because Digital Extremes puts way more heart and blood in Warframe than Bungie in Destiny. I appreciate their effort and will continue playing as long as they continue making great content.

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There is actually one thing what I can say about Destiny being better than Warframe.


IT actually has LORE what doesn't have Black hole sized holes in it.



Cause one of the jokes about Destiny when it came out is how people kept telling you they didnt have time to tell you about what is going on. And that all the lore was on a website you had to go look when not playing the game.



I actually think Destiny is better in certain aspects. I like how it has more of an open world field.

In Warframe every thing that isnt an endless mission turns into a rushing straight to the end of the mission which are all basically 7 minutes long. People hate traveling but to me it brings me more into the world.

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Warframe is more of it's own thing. The whole "sci fi shooter" thing makes them look similar, but not at all. Destiny caters to a completely different crowd in different ways. It looks prettier but it feels way too bland. Warframe may have issues pop out here and there but it has charisma. It's like... Destiny is the beautiful girl that loves bullying people and making everyone do as she says while Warframe is homely and has anxiety issues but is so much fun to be around and spends hours talking about the weirdest, most awesome topics ever.

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Full disclosure... I currently have one hand in each cookie jar (Destiny, and Warframe)



Destiny as it is now is awesome!  The old Destiny I would not have touched with a 10-ft pole nor would I have recommended it to friends.  However, Warframe is on PC, it's easier to socialize and it's not a bad game either, just plagued with WORSE RNG and Grind Walls so They are both Equal and have their own merits, pros and cons... Unless you don't own a Ps3/4 xbox 360/One then Warframe it is, and vice versa if you don't own a good PC.



However, for a full breakdown read in this spoiler, prepare for text!




Destiny 1.0: 2/10

Warframe (before Parkour 2.0): 6/10


Destiny 2 - The Taken King: 7.5/10

(seriously it should just be called destiny 2)

Warframe as it is now: 7/10




What does Destiny "2" have to offer?

Quick Review:  I give Destiny 2 a 7.5 out of 10.  The game is fun, and fast paced and feels rewarding knowing that the AI will at least try to go for cover and re-charge their shields or lay down suppressing fire to keep you somewhat pinned or chase you down with a BIG GIANT AXE when you have low health to put you out of your misury because the boss knows you are low on health and as vulnerable a new-born baby and its going to steal your F$#@!ng candy!


The progression system in Destiny feels alot less like pulling teeth, being forced to sit in ONE map node and do ONE mission over and over to get specific things to drop.  Your Dailies feel rewarding, and you can do multiple ways to level up your Gear and get stronger while having fun if you keep yourself goal oriented.  While I would never have touched Destiny "1" With a 10-ft pole, I dare ANYONE not to give Destiny "2" - The Taken King a try and not say that it has it's own merits.


The game DOES have downfalls that keep it from being that "Perfect" game for me.  One reason is that there is no PC release, and another is that I feel literally gagged without being able to type to people.  If they don't have the abililty to voice chat then they are effectively mute and you must utilize emotes and hope that people are smart enough to know that waving and shooting at them to get their attention equates to "Hey! I know you are farming the same Treasure boxes I am, get over here we can both benefit from working in-sync!"


Another is that You can be the very best in a PVP/Raid and get literally NOTHING while the person with the least kills, most deaths can get legendary gear.  It's only made worse by the inability to trade ANYTHING outside of your account.  If you get a weapon that's made for a Titan and you are a Warlock and don't ever think you will try titan?  Well, better just break it down for weapon/armor parts, nope don't give it to your friend who has a Titan and absolutely LOVES that class because you cannot!




Raids (There's quite a bit of them, very high end, and they give worth-while rewards)

Strikes (basically 3 man raids that utilize a 'dungeon finder' mechanic)

Patrol's: In-World that can vary from killing a very powerful boss, to racing about as fast as possible to just scouting +

3 Highly Polished Classes, Each with 3 of their own different flavors and can further be modified via perk decisions

"Mostly" Intelligent and Brutal AI that will hunt you down and will most likely press the advantage if it has it.

Weapons that you can invest in Without "modding", each weapon feels unique in their own regard via the diverse perk system that most medium quality weapons or higher have.

PVP: Fun and useful for getting EXP for your class/subclass and weapons, and you get a chance at good loot not locked to pvp.

Grind:  Yes... this game has a lot of grind as well... Not as much as Warframes tbh, or maybe it's that new car smell.

That Drop-in Drop-out Overworld feel:  You don't have to constantly jump from mission to mission, if you are out patrolling you see people come and go that you may not have seen before doing their own thing, or they may come and help you out or you can go help them out if you want and then go about your day.  (The world feels alive visually, BUT compared to warframe I feel gagged.)




What does Warframe have to offer?:

Quick-Review: I give Warframe as it is now, a 7/10 because I KNOW the developers are working hard, care about the community even enough to give us some tough love (Multishot fix, ect.)  The game is wonderful, fun, and can help take the stress out of the day if you aren't fighting the RNG gods.  What stops it from being THE perfect FPS game for me is the Grind, the utter GRIND that it takes to get a 10/10 NON-primed Mod. 


The utter GRIND that people have to go through if they DON'T pay to get through that grind gate, from how hydroid was (thanks for fixing that DE! :D) and how RNG Dependant Mesa is to even get a CHANCE at obtaining one of the three pieces that are locked behind rng meaning you can get multiple pieces that you already have and effectively waste your time.  This, for me... in my opinion is what stops this game from being perfect.


Raids:  Currently only one, two counting the 'nightmare version'  and soon another will be added.

Alerts:  While not offering the best loot on most occasions, there are sometimes good ones like the Vauban pieces...

13-14ish Game Modes:  Diverse and interesting spy utilizing stealth and your ability to go un-seen and hack consoles..

24 Unique Classes: Each class Looks Unique, while some may have 'similar' abilities, frosts 1, and embers 1 for example, they all are quite differentiated between each other.

Archwing: fast paced (if you invest time into actually modding, and you SHOULD) it may need a bit more polish but its fun!

Combat-Useful Companions:  You can go with a useful Kubrow that can last well into 40+ minutes in a T4Survival and kill things effectively or a Carrier that will pick up loot for you and be able to shotgun enemies (if you want him to end up getting enemies attention and probably killed :P) You can have a Sentinal that CC's for you, helps you stay stealthed, ect.

Very Unique Weapon Customization System:  It's a very in-depth system but once you get it down pat it's very song and dance-ish.  Though if you aren't min-maxing you can pull of some interesting builds. (Which they are going to fix, I am really just going to wait in a bomb-shelter and hold myself while I wait on this one)

PVP:  Fun, and Fast paced.

Grind:  This is actually a negative.  Sometimes you just need a little less (gun) grind.  Warframe needs a lot less.

The Ability to Easily Socialize with randoms: Yes, you feel less alone just by being able to type a few words to your squad.

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