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Do You Ever Avoid Playing Certain Frames Because Of Others' Expectations?


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My client stopped working around December of last year and I just recently got it working again. Back when I played before I was (and still am) a Saryn main who runs her for pretty much everything. I also had a favorite weapon in the Soma due to the fire rate and accuracy being something I was very comfortable and effective with. I did get the occasional side eye but once people saw me play any doubts they may have had were put to rest. Sure, she isn't the most optimal frame for every situation but I'm playing Warframe not the Pokemon metagame and so if you know how to use what's at your disposal then you'll be fine. That was the attitude up until around the very end of when I was able to play before, when this type of attitude seemed to surface more. 


After being back for a week or two I've noticed a major spike in this attitude where if the team comp isn't the metagame then a mission is apparently guaranteed to fail before it even starts. In games I've joined via recruitment that have no list of desired frames I've had people leave or try to force me to change my frame for certain missions. I always tell them to just give it a chance and that you didn't need the metagame composition to clear missions at all before. Some people give me a chance and see that any frame played well enough and understood enough by the user can be powerful, some not so much. I've tried hosting runs on days where nobody wanted me and got similar if not harsher responses than when I joined groups myself. I've had people rage quit, try forcing me to change my frame, saying that I'm "what's wrong with this game" and telling me that I was just looking to be carried. At the very best nowadays I'll get a "why Saryn?" or "..Saryn?"


Before I used to truly look forward to playing Warframe and knew I'd be able to hop into a run and meet some decent people and enjoy myself for as long as I had time/energy to play. Now however I find myself cringing every time I look into the recruitment channel and see so many people who feel like the game requires them to have a specific few frames to get through anything. It really has dampened the will to play especially when I was so excited to finally be able to get back into the game. 

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Nope.  I play the 'frames I'm comfortable with.  The only time I'm willing to change 'frames is when the host requests a specific set up to make a mission easier.  i.e. Loki for Spy missions.


If someone asks me what 'frame I want them to bring, I simply tell them 'the one that you like playing the most.' Personally, I've had positive runs with people playing their preferred 'frames as well as much more engaging missions. 

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When I do go to recruiting (which is a very very rare occurrence.) I always make a point to avoid people looking for certain frames or people hosting camping games. I don't mind having to sit in my liset for a while just to find a group who is cool enough to let people bring what they want as long as they can hold their own.


That final part of your sentence is a nice little bit of detail though, and something that is a little overlooked in this thread. I have seen MR1's with MK-1Braton going into draco long runs, boasting a cute little 200/200 shield/health total and then they wonder why they get flak... That is the other side of this argument, there are a good number of leechers around too that have no clue as to why certain requirements exist. Those guys often end up bleeding to death numerous times, at which point the entire group stops bothering with revives.

Edited by V4YR4
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Player whom host/hold the game & use the key is king for me.

Normally, the main factor is the first.

Sometime, we plan after invite. I hardly 'ask for inv' to those with strict requirement. Only to those with 'H>T#$'

And since i'm using the host' CPU' performance as a server, it's up to him/her for the planning.

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I do the complete opposite, I will use frames no one cares about just to do it and show it can be done at times. But other times I just switch up because I want to switch up and damn you don't like it. In all honesty I sometimes wish we could switch mid fight for those off chances I run into someone talking out the &#! so I could just switch it up right to what they are talking bad about and shut them the hell up~

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I basically just solo everything except for raids which I would if I could but they won't let you. Too many people just tend to get clingy... group with Someone one time they want to take me to everything.

more to the overall point of the thread I probably would play Mesa more if it wasn't so overused maybe once the mesa nerf goes in ill play it more when no one else does anymore.

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Look man, I understand where you're coming from. You wanna enjoy the game the way you'd like, the game gives you dozens of warframe options, you shouldn't have to have your own fun taken away just to appease random players.


But consider the reverse. Your team composition has room for a specific frame to complement your current setup. Maybe you need a Frost for Defense, maybe a Trinny with a vampire build would help you most, whatever, the point is, there's a gap that a specific warframe can cover.


So when someone in a team full of killer/support frames asks for a Frost for a defense mission, you agree to join with a Frost, and insist on taking, I dunno, Ember instead once you join, no one's going to suddenly open their eyes and realize that Ember's the perfect Defense frame, everyone else will just be frustrated that their safe strategy won't work because you feel the selfish need to prove something. Ember can't contribute to their particular team dynamic the way Frost can.


It gets old. It really does. Host the keys yourself if you want to have total frame freedom, but for god's sake, -some- people ask for specific frames for a reason. You don't need to prove anything. Don't be that guy.

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I once had someone complain about my Slow Nova making the waves in Void Defense "take too long". It's funny, because I always thought that making enemies more vulnerable was more important in combat than convenience was.

There is a balance that should be struck between playing your own way and negatively affecting your teammates though.

Using a certain speed Nova really depends on the team's intent. If they want to go for a high wave count then a Slow Nova is a huge plus I think, but it IS a hindrance if you all are planning on bugging out after the first or second C rotation. I could see people being a bit annoyed if a Slow was firing off MP's in the first few rounds as well.

I think a more polite thing to do in public (Defense) games is to run a half levelled Overextend so you get a neutral Nova (non-speed affecting but still damage buffing). Unless there is a plan one way or the other. I mean, a Speed Nova can get PUGgers killed at times as well. That's not good either, of course.

Again, I think there is a difference between being told how to play (not cool) and mucking up the game for your team (also not cool). And a Slova on a non-long term defense is not cool.

Edited by Don_T_Shoot
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There are A, B and C builds that stick per frame.  I usually have my A build be my own personal preference, with B and C builds for whatever "standard" builds might be expected of a frame, and I don't have a problem doing what people ask if I'm also after the same objective (e.g. credits, loot, etc.). 


Solo, or if no preference has been asked for, I'll stick to my A build.

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Not because of expectations but because when there's a healer a certain type of people like to act stupid that leads to death. Then one gets the complain that i should be healing. Which i do but i am not going to take into account you acting stupid and doing things in a ridiculous manner. 

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Yeah, this is what made me stop playing PuGs, people expect me to spam Peacemaker on-command when they want it, even if it I'm not in a position to actually take advantage of it or we're doing something other than Defense/M-Defense.


Or they expect me to keep hitting EV and then complain when they aren't getting energy fast enough cause I hate the negative Duration build.


Stuff sucks. 

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I usually play with friends or just jump into random...so...I can use whatever I want, people telling me what I should use piss me off...the last time I join such group become my worst run in warframe...we can still go through, but the so call "captain" shame quit because he so call strategy get him killed...never again

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I play whoever i want. When i had limbo, i had people telling me how i need to play him. Don't spam bubble limbo, don't do that limbo, send me to the void limbo. They only stopped saying crap when I'd revive them. Now i mainly play Banshee, Valkyr, Oberon, and Loki Prime.

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Oberon. He's an underrated frame and people keep shaming and comparing him to Trinity. First of all, Oby's a frame built for versatility, but that doesn't mean I can do everything you can. People want to be heal spammed as if Trinity was in the mission, but I'm not using Trinity, and probably never will. They keep expecting me to be a "support role" frame when they can't even keep themselves from dying constantly. Sometimes I feel like throwing them around with Reckoning..

Edited by (PS4)Raikeran
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Player whom host/hold the game & use the key is king for me.

Normally, the main factor is the first.

Sometime, we plan after invite. I hardly 'ask for inv' to those with strict requirement. Only to those with 'H>T#$'

And since i'm using the host' CPU' performance as a server, it's up to him/her for the planning.

This sort of attitude is part of why the void is being blown up and the star chart is getting reworked. Edited by UrielColtan
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This sort of attitude is part of why the void is being blown up and the star chart is getting reworked.

Uhm... no actually. That's happening because of the fact that noone ever plays 90% of nodes more than one time, and prime parts are diluted as hek. BUT that's not the point of this thread. I agree with the person you responded to- to an extent. Keyholders are king. Their rules. If you don't like it, you don't have to join them. Case-by-case this is fine, what creates an issue is when everyone starts doing this as HOST- not keyholder. Aka exactly what happens with draco in recruit chat. Then everyone overruns and chases everyone who doesn't agree out.

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