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How Much Longer Do You Think Warframe Will Last?


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And it's getting a combat and itemization revamp later this year

It's always getting a combat and itemization revamp. They went through like 6 during the beta and scrapped a really promising and interesting one on release to turn it into Generic XP System #24821.


With crap games like Destiny

Keep in mind that Destiny is still played by millions because it's a fun game. Not a great example.

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My only hope is that Warframe doesn't go the way of City of Heroes and just gets shut down. Yeah, I'm still sour about that whole deal. Then again, I used to play Champions Online and somehow that is still kicking despite only getting updates when all moons of Jupiter align with one another. The game only dies when the servers are closed indefinitely. 


Even that doesn't stop some people, with resurrection servers and the like being a thing. There's still a small community for AVP2 even now, although less than before after a big fight between patch-makers split the community, but I'm just rambling now.


End of the day, I wish Warframe a long life and when it does get shut down we actually get told way beforehand.

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Yea its just that Destiny has huge budget from the start. In turn, you can see ads about Destiny everywhere... unlike Warframe which regularly updates unlike most games.


Then theres the need to buy the every single "Expansion/DLC" thing released.

Edited by KuzkinaMat
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Warframe can keep going AS LONG AS THEY UPDATE AND EVOLVE THE GAME ...İf science develop  and we get dive technology they can adapt the game...So we have games like knight online(11 years old  graphics) and its still online , why you are talking about end from start i dont know...

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if players like the game they stay if they don't they leave. draco has nothing to do with it. it's just an efficient way to relieve some of the grind and calling for a nerf of that is just brainless and malcontent towards players that DO enjoy the game the way they like to. don't like to level up gear fast don't do it but leave players that do alone. leveling up stuff in a long period of time is not what keeps players engaged and if u think so i try not to be insulting but think harder. (i use draco only when i'm leveling up gear after forma, which i hate doing and want it over as fast as possible so i can play what i actually enjoy in the game)


back on topic. just look at steamcharts the game's player base is steadily growing, i think it still has quite a while to go.

It's not necessarily just the Draco farmers that aren't sticking around (Though they're not. This is a fact. A GOOD chunk of draco farmers will join the game, see draco, level everything up there, and then quit the game. Why they even bother to do it is beyond me. They're not playing the game, they're essentially watching a slideshow.), but other players that are being AFFECTED by draco. The ones who can't use recruit chat anymore. The ones that can't do a PUG mission without someone expecting you to play the way people do on draco or to "PTFO" (yes this has been said to me on more than one occasion for this reason). The content IS what keeps people engaged. People like you are the minority. You're not a "draco farmer", you're someone that just happens to use draco to get through forma painlessly. The people I call "draco farmers" are the ones that MR0-MR16+ in less than 24 hours total gametime by doing LITERALLY almost nothing but draco. These people are the problems. They don't even touch their weapons, they just let the XP rush in while other people do the work or they spam abilities half afk. They do not want the gear to use at another time. They just want it to call it complete, get a high MR number to say "hey look at me I'm an elite" and then inevitably quit a week afterwards because they think the game is boring and there is nothing to do (I WONDER WHY :O).

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Up until a "chaos patch" or "big bang" which basically turn the entire game into something beyond recognition
hopefully the new starchart and void boom wont be a "big bang"

Players like a game for certain reason, some features, like the old parkour... old melee... old whatever
is actually what the player joined the game for.

the more things that get changed, has more potential to chase away players.

The very attempt to "improve" the game actually changes the game into something else.


Until a point where, it is so "ground breaking" that the game is totally another game.


Then players find no reason to stay in the game anymore.


Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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It's not necessarily just the Draco farmers that aren't sticking around (Though they're not. This is a fact. A GOOD chunk of draco farmers will join the game, see draco, level everything up there, and then quit the game. Why they even bother to do it is beyond me. They're not playing the game, they're essentially watching a slideshow.), but other players that are being AFFECTED by draco. The ones who can't use recruit chat anymore. The ones that can't do a PUG mission without someone expecting you to play the way people do on draco or to "PTFO" (yes this has been said to me on more than one occasion for this reason). The content IS what keeps people engaged. People like you are the minority. You're not a "draco farmer", you're someone that just happens to use draco to get through forma painlessly. The people I call "draco farmers" are the ones that MR0-MR16+ in less than 24 hours total gametime by doing LITERALLY almost nothing but draco. These people are the problems. They don't even touch their weapons, they just let the XP rush in while other people do the work or they spam abilities half afk. They do not want the gear to use at another time. They just want it to call it complete, get a high MR number to say "hey look at me I'm an elite" and then inevitably quit a week afterwards because they think the game is boring and there is nothing to do (I WONDER WHY :O).

idk man i use recruit chat all the time for all kinds of missions and never have any problems. i also PUG all the time and very rarely run into players that try to enforce a certain playstyle but guess what that has nothing to do with draco but with the players themselves. i see alot of draco farmers just trying to level up stuff fast (in order to catch up to the veterans gear wise) it's true but i see no evidence of them quitting the game afterwards. like i said grind is not content and it's not what keeps players around. anyway i expect most of this to change with the upcoming starchart rework

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Assuming Starchart 3.0 comes out before Draco finally manages to kill the game completely for a large portion of the community (It is close, if you deny it you're clearly one of the farmers that camp there all day and grind everything until you've "completed" the game, then just leave- yes, that is what happens don't try to tell me any different because I'll never believe it; BUT I DIGRESS), and another "Draco" (I mean a draco, a SUPER BAD loot cave, not just any loot cave) doesn't crop up afterwards, the game is probably good for at least another 1.5-2 years the way I see it. That's just a "definitely will last this long" figure, it could go a lot longer.


How is Draco killing the game?

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It's been in beta for years, it still hasn't hit full release and i catch people saying it won't last another year. I love this game personally and i hope it lasts for many more years to come but i'm not so sure about the popularity of it and if the company will always have the funds to keep it up. Is anybody even sure it will make it out of beta? lol.


Most gamers still haven't really heard of Warframe.  I myself am a case in point: I'm somewhere inbetween casual and hardcore as a gamer, played all the big fps/3rd person games/RPGs and MMOs, and a few smaller ones.  I have Steam.  I'd heard of Destiny of course, but I only came across Warframe by chance, because of a mention in a gaming forum that I haunt - I had no idea that this thing had already existed for a year and a half before that.  Tbqh, I hadn't even heard of Dark Sector (I'm a PC exclusive gamer), although the name Digital Extremes rang a bell from Unreal days.


Once Warframe is officially out of beta, DE need to get a huge pile of money from somewhere for a big marketing push, to bring it to the majority of gamers' attention in a way similar to Destiny. 


If that happens, then the "life" of the game will truly begin, and the game will probably have many years of life yet to come.  But even if it doesn't happen, I can see Warframe continuing as it is (with reasonably regular updates) for a good few years yet.  There really aren't that many games out there that are as good in the same vein, with art design, graphics and gameplay of a similarly high standard.


I think it's going to go on as a reasonably popular game for at least another 3 years, maybe 5 as a more popular game, if it gets that big marketing push on official release.  It will probably have a long tail of a life even after that, with diehard fans.


I certainly don't anticipate it ever leaving my hard drive.  Even if I sometimes get bored of it now and then, it's one of those rare games I always come back to.

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How is Draco killing the game?

By destroying Recruiting chat and player mentality as a whole. For details, you can go and search up any one of the hundred comments I've made explaining it all at this point. Sorry, but I don't feel like typing it all out again. Frankly, it should be obvious to anyone who actually looks at the state of the game atm for all of 5 minutes.

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Nah this has lots of years in it I feel.  Some games are just what's called Perpetual Beta.  Allows them to dance around certain aspects of being a released game.  A lot of things that are ailing the game are being fixed in the near to soon future.  The multishot changes while it will take getting used to new ways, we don't know or see the full scope of what they are changing and how.  I think it will honestly end up being a good thing.  Same goes for the Star chart.  


I don't even want to get started with Draco.  Just choose to do something different.  If you are newer player, go for unlocking the missions on the star chart so you can taxi yourself and you will get mastery points for unlocking those as well.

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With updates coming this often?

Unless something really bad happens at DE, Warframe will last for a long time.

Likely longer than Destiny's "ten year plan".


Destiny tried and failed to keep my attention.  It's a very pretty game and has some solid gun play and other stuff.  They are missing the point though with so many things.  PvE is just so underdeveloped and there's even less story than in Warframe.  I shouldn't have to go out of game to a website to read about story.  They have huge potential with Destiny and yet all they seem to care about is PvP which is boring and frustrating to me.  I would say both games are "grindy", perhaps Warframe less so.  Anyway I don't mean to sidetrack the discussion but had to throw out a few thoughts on Destiny.

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The way they have the game in an almost never ending Beta cycle is great. It means they can make drastic changes to the game's systems (for example Parkour 2.0, Melee 2.0 e.t.c.). This means that for the better or worse the game is always changing. Change means that the game always stays interesting.


I mean I'm one of those people at about MR18 and I literally have nothing left to do except level mastery fodder and $&*^ about. Despite this when big updates or a weapon i particularly like come out I still come back and play quite a bit for 2-3 weeks. I could see Warframe being around for a long time. Even if it never gets as big as WoW I don't see it dying any time soon.

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Hopefully it will last a long time,  I really enjoy the game.  I have read some really good opinion on here.  I do agree and disagree about the Draco.  I met a good few people who all they did was Draco, hit MR18, oh well I'm done with the game, and never touched it sense.  That being said, I'm actually can be considered a Draco newb as well.  I started right before rep farming came out.  Hit Mr 18 pretty quickly not going to lie, still play the game, daily.  Never used my MR to get me into something I wasn't ready for.  Oh you want this frame?  yeah I have no work into that, you need someone else, good luck.  Sense Draco though, I have came back tried out so many guns, every frame, wouldn't even be able to guess how many formas I have used, I also stopped running Draco about a month and a half after it got big.  I have 72D 13H in the game now and 40D and 19H on my PC account where I only ran Draco once to complete the node.  So also Draco do speed up some people leaving I think people selling plat for PSN cards or bit corns is much bigger off a problem then Draco will ever be.  If people are not buying plat from DE and getting it off other people DE is making less money.  That will hurt them.


Other then that, it is like most people said, new content, keeps people here and gets other people to return.  haven't played in 6 months?  bored, I wonder what is new in warframe  2 new frames, a prime, 17 weapons, a sentinal.  I love this game, there are some things that annoy me, Boar and Machete being in the codex when I can't get them(yes i know they will be rerelease sometime I just think they should be invisable like all the event weapons) but for the most part, I think DE is doing a amazing job.  yes this game has bugs, name one that doesn't have any.  They do their best, try keep adding content, mix it up, listen to what we tenno have to say, and what I found to be very impressive... they actually play the game.  When DE Rebecca said she needs one more piece for the Vectis Prime, I was highly impressed.  They don't just add everything to their account, they get everything the same as us.  They have felt the cold hand of RNGesus as he slapped us across the face with a forma blueprint on Rot C or in a T4Cap, so they deal with same problems we do, which should help them with making the game even better.  Which should help the game last even longer!


Just wanted to add seeing this is a free to play game, I found out about this game from a Raid group in Destiny, I don't play destiny anymore, but I did get my moneys worth out of it because I found out about warframe from it

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Atleast it's good to hear there's still alot of people that love this game. Everyone talking about draco, If you ask me its more of a problem with the way we gain MR. Once they fix that and it stops being tied to leveling up weapons you may or may not actually want to use i feel like that whole draco problem will sort itself out. Also the problems with advertising, its true there is like no advertising for this game and not tooooo many people know it exists, most people i play with i told them about it lol. But i think that's because it's still in beta and i betonce it hits official launch there will be a whole bunch of cool trailers maybe even on TV.

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They are starting to have ads though, i have sense them on you tube.  little steps, but i think that is a pretty good first step

Yeah, but they're not very good ads. Actually they're like the worst ads for a great game ever.

There's plenty of things they could do to spark interest in the game. They could make a big awesome cinematic like they did when going out of Closed beta, which was what got me. They could but up "from the co-creators of Unreal Tournament" or "from the creators of The Darkness 2", which would bring in old folks. They could make TF2 promo items. They could implement steam workshop.

All they really gotta do is advertise.

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