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Synoid Gammacor -> Buff It !


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what if a large number of the playerbase is angry by the multishot nerf gone wrong?


perhaps retaliation will take the form of fallout four, mgs v, battlefront, et all being played instead?


then perhaps de may decide to rebalance a few weapons?


all I know is if things go wrong then my copy of fallout four is ready for late november.

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Guys I dont want anymore warning points and this thread is really getting on my nerves . Besides this thread is one of 999 other threads regarding the same thing. 

Face it it's not going to happen and this thread is absolutley pointless. And if it were to be buffed it's not fair for it to be only the synoid gammacor.

All other laser type side arms have the same thing and we're only discussing the synoid gammacor . With other words you guys only want this gun back for its fire power and dmg by buffing its ammo consumption . But if this thread was named All laser type weapons need a buff regarding the ammo . Then it was more likely that it would have happend.

I don't know if you're purposefully refusing to understand, or if you just WANT to stir things up and create trouble.

People don't want a buff. They want the nerf to be done correctly. Logically. The S.Gammacor dealt too much damage. The logical thing to do was to tone down slightly that damage. NOT multiply the ammo consumption by a whooping 7.5! The devs just made this weapon the worst ammo efficient weapon in the game, tied with the T.Vipers. That is what makes so many players frustrated. And rightfully so, might I add. Because this nerf was botched, plain and simple. That's why people only talk about the S.Gammacor, because it is the only weapon to have fallen victim to this nonsensical injustice.

Edited by Marthrym
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I don't know if you're purposefully refusing to understand, or if you just WANT to stir things up and create trouble.

People don't want a buff. They want the nerf to be done correctly. Logically. The S.Gammacor dealt too much damage. The logical thing to do was to tone down slightly that damage. NOT multiply the ammo consumption by a whooping 7.5! The devs just made this weapon the worst ammo efficient weapon in the game, tied with the T.Vipers. That is what makes so many players frustrated. And rightfully so, might I add. Because this nerf was botched, plain and simple. That's why people only talk about the S.Gammacor, because it is the only weapon to have fallen victim to this nonsensical injustice.



ty for this post regarding its incorrect en illogical nerf , I'm just stating that the bad ammo economy is not only for this weapon but for all laser type SIDE- ARMS in the game.  

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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I don't know if you're purposefully refusing to understand, or if you just WANT to stir things up and create trouble.

People don't want a buff. They want the nerf to be done correctly. Logically. The S.Gammacor dealt too much damage. The logical thing to do was to tone down slightly that damage. NOT multiply the ammo consumption by a whooping 7.5! The devs just made this weapon the worst ammo efficient weapon in the game, tied with the T.Vipers. That is what makes so many players frustrated. And rightfully so, might I add. Because this nerf was botched, plain and simple. That's why people only talk about the S.Gammacor, because it is the only weapon to have fallen victim to this nonsensical injustice.


Agreed. I fully expected a S.Gammaor damage nerf and possibly some efficiency nerf, but they simply killed the weapon with that ammo efficiency.


I hope that with the serration and multishot rework, ammo efficiency of all inefficient weapons will be looked into.

Edited by Demon.King
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ty for this post regarding its incorrect en illogical nerf , I'm just stating that the bad ammo economy is not only for this weapon but for all laser type SIDE- ARMS in the game.  

Oh. Sorry.


DE must have a thing for ammo-inefficient weapons or something like that. Though they really went crosseyed with the S.Gammacor, it's indeed a sad truth that other weapons, notably beam type weapons, suffer from this "ammo-eater syndrom" more than most weapons. And the S.Gammacor was ridiculously ammo efficient before its nerf. It's like the devs put all the ammo efficiency we'd like to see for this weapon type and gave it the S.Gammacor, just to take it away and turn it into the worst ammo efficient weapon in the game so as to emphasize how beam weapons suck ammo in general... What gives, dear devs?^^'


Come to think of it, the sidearms category really suffers from that more than primaries too. What's up with that? I get the whole "secondaries are supposed to be back-up", but still... We need a back-up for the back-up now. Thank Lotus for melee weapons...

Edited by Marthrym
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Oh. Sorry.


DE must have a thing for ammo-inefficient weapons or something like that. Though they really went crosseyed with the S.Gammacor, it's indeed a sad truth that other weapons, notably lbeam type weapons, suffer from this "ammo-eater syndrom" more than most weapons. And the S.Gammacor was ridiculously ammo efficient before its nerf. It's like the devs put all the ammo efficiency we'd like to see for this weapon type and gave it the S.Gammacor, just to take it away and turn it into the worst ammo efficient weapon in the game so as to emphasize how beam weapons suck ammo in general... What gives, dear devs?^^'


Come to think of it, the sidearms category really suffers from that more than primaries too. What's up with that? I get the whole "secondaries are supposed to be back-up", but still... We need a back-up for the back-up now. Thank Lotus for melee weapons...



If they just got the dmg a little down but made the ammo efficiency better it would be fine for me . btw Ty for the nice reply (one of the rarest things that happens to me in this forrum)

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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Oh. Sorry.


DE must have a thing for ammo-inefficient weapons or something like that. Though they really went crosseyed with the S.Gammacor, it's indeed a sad truth that other weapons, notably beam type weapons, suffer from this "ammo-eater syndrom" more than most weapons. And the S.Gammacor was ridiculously ammo efficient before its nerf. It's like the devs put all the ammo efficiency we'd like to see for this weapon type and gave it the S.Gammacor, just to take it away and turn it into the worst ammo efficient weapon in the game so as to emphasize how beam weapons suck ammo in general... What gives, dear devs?^^'


Come to think of it, the sidearms category really suffers from that more than primaries too. What's up with that? I get the whole "secondaries are supposed to be back-up", but still... We need a back-up for the back-up now. Thank Lotus for melee weapons...

We really need ammo 2.0 because right now it's near-unbearable to use any non-handcannon secondary in the game.

I am cool with high ROF guns emptying their magazines fast. Scoring lots of hits and high damage for the price of frequent reloads and poor accuracy/range is in fact a very fair tradeoff a lot of the games use.

What's completely not fair and NOT FUN is watching your ammo supply drop through the floor without any efficient way to stop it. Ammo mutation mods? IMO they should ONLY come into play when you've played with increasing ROF too much. If weapon without a single ROF mod has no way to sustain itself by pick ups then we have an example of bad design which should neither be protected nor encouraged.

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If they just got the dmg a little down but made the ammo efficiency better it would be fine for me . btw Ty for the nice reply (one of the rarest things that happens to me in this forrum)

Yeah I tend to go full retard too often lately when I answer posts. I'm stupid like that.

You know, I really thought that's how the devs where going to balance the S.Gammacor. Toning down damage a bit along with a reasonable increase in ammo consumption seemed so logical I never even thought of any other way. WHY they didn't do it this way is beyond me though...



We really need ammo 2.0 because right now it's near-unbearable to use any non-handcannon secondary in the game.

I am cool with high ROF guns emptying their magazines fast. Scoring lots of hits and high damage for the price of frequent reloads and poor accuracy/range is in fact a very fair tradeoff a lot of the games use.

What's completely not fair and NOT FUN is watching your ammo supply drop through the floor without any efficient way to stop it. Ammo mutation mods? IMO they should ONLY come into play when you've played with increasing ROF too much. If weapon without a single ROF mod has no way to sustain itself by pick ups then we have an example of bad design which should neither be protected nor encouraged.

Good point. That's actually how I think ammo mutation mods should work. They shouldn't be used just to make a weapon's "base" ammo consumption somewhat bearable, but compensate for mods that increase said ammo consumption like firerate mods. Unfortunately right now we're far from this.^^'

Edited by Marthrym
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 i was expecting a fix to the very low ammo pool of the ogris and the penta and what did we get?

adhesive blast...lol


meanwhile users are modding the tonkor so that projectiles explode after hitting any SURFACE instead of only detonating after hitting an enemy.


so I am really not expecting anything good to happen when the Synoid gammacor gets a rebalance pass from DE


so I deleted my ignis, ogris and penta and am waiting on the multishot nerf to probably add a lot more weapons to the delete bin before riding off to another game for many months as a rage quit? eeh whatever.

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With the mutishot geting the nerf update, I think they can either increase the wepon damge and reload speed and or the max ammo we can carrie with it, Or decrease the comusmation rate.


Still the gammacor and all lazors need a serious update/buff/overhaul.



multishot change not specificly nerf

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The problem I had with the Gammacor nerf was that they changed the feel of the weapon. I don't like ridiculous ammo-wasters, and they changed a gun I had grinded for into exactly that. I didn't care about the damage, I just liked the reliability and the asthetics of the little laser-arm-squid. All they had to do was lower the damage, but instead they completely changed the way you had to use it. It felt more like punishment than a balence change.

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Lol I love how people are complaining about the nerf when it had higher burst AND sustained than Soma Prime and Boltor Prime, in fact it had nearly double the sustained. What made it so amazing was that you could easily stack fire rate mods without any drawback due to the amazing ammo economy.

Meanwhile, I'm still using my syn gam into lv 80+, yes it requires primed mods to truly function well (most importantly primed pistol ammo mutation) but the gun is still amazing and normal builds currently still reach the same sustained and burst fire as Soma Prime and Boltor Prime.

Edited by (PS4)JiggaJazz
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Synoid Gammacor is just one of the victims of the usual massive DE kneejerk reaction that nerfs things too far. The difference is that no matter how many times we call for an adjustment (read: NOT A REVERT), it doesn't happen.

this is not a constructive post , you should edit or remove this post.

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this is not a constructive post , you should edit or remove this post.

What else can I say besides the "Please increase it's ammo efficiency and lower it's damage" everyone else has said? This isn't the first thread and we've had tons more back when Synoid Gammacor got the big nerf. I don't think this is going to be the last thread either. (For the record, yes I am salty because I have an obsession with lasers and many of them aren't very endgame viable)


My question is no longer "What to do about the Synoid Gammacor" but rather "Why hasn't an adjustment been made despite ongoing feedback with the same recommendation on the same issue?"


We all know DE does massive kneejerk reaction nerfs. They've acknowledged it themselves and we've complained about them multiple times. So why haven't they budged on the issue concerning this single weapon? I highly doubt staff will respond to this topic for any reason other than shutting it down, but one can only hope.

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The only problem with the Synoid Gammacor was that it was allowed to stack all 3 fire rate mods with zero disadvantage (no extra recoil/spread, more-than-sustainable ammo , etc.), but then they nuked the ammo economy.  


To seek an actual balance, they should change the damage/fire rate from 28/15 to 56/7.5, and halve the clip size.  It keeps the same base burst and sustained DPS, burns through a clip just as fast, but ammo becomes sustainable enough even with Lethal Torrent (resulting in 12 rounds-per-second fire rate).  Any additional fire rate applied would rightfully hinder the ammo economy.

Edited by AzureEmulation
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The devs need a dedicated team for balance purposes. I am really sorry to say that, but they are not the most competent in that department. Their art is amazing and they have great ideas that some may say are too great for the resources they have at their disposal, but unfortunately the execution and long-term health of said ideas is our dear devs' only real weakness me thinks.

That and the fact that it takes them forever to go back on things that so desperately need some TLC, most probably due to a much too heavy workload they put on their own shoulders. I mean look at every big update, they end up completely drained with more coffee/beer than blood in their bodies. Their doctors and families must be going crazy with worry when their near release dates.^^'




Lol I love how people are complaining about the nerf when it had higher burst AND sustained than Soma Prime and Boltor Prime, in fact it had nearly double the sustained. What made it so amazing was that you could easily stack fire rate mods without any drawback due to the amazing ammo economy.

Meanwhile, I'm still using my syn gam into lv 80+, yes it requires primed mods to truly function well (most importantly primed pistol ammo mutation) but the gun is still amazing and normal builds currently still reach the same sustained and burst fire as Soma Prime and Boltor Prime.

Have you actually read what people are asking for in this thread? Because judging from your post, you clearly didn't. Damage is not the issue. AMMO EFFICIENCY is. Get it now? We're not asking for a damage increase for Lotus' sake, we're asking for it to be toned down the way it should have been in the first place in favor of a more reasonable base ammo consumption than the stupidely high one the S.Gammacor has now, making it THE most ammo inefficient weapon in the game along with the TW.Vipers. Again, damage is NOT the issue here, ammo efficiency is.

Edited by Marthrym
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The devs need a dedicated team for balance purposes. I am really sorry to say that, but they are not the most competent in that department. Their art is amazing and they have great ideas that some may say are too great for the resources they have at their disposal, but unfortunately the execution and long-term health of said ideas is our dear devs' only real weakness me thinks.

That and the fact that it takes them forever to go back on things that so desperately need some TLC, most probably due to a much too heavy workload they put on their own shoulders. I mean look at every big update, they end up completely drained with more coffee/beer than blood in their bodies. Their doctors and families must be going crazy with worry when their near release dates.^^'

Have you actually read what people are asking for in this thread? Because judging from your post, you clearly didn't. Damage is not the issue. AMMO EFFICIENCY is. Get it now? We're not asking for a damage increase for Lotus' sake, we're asking for it to be toned down the way it should have been in the first place in favor of a more reasonable base ammo consumption than the stupidely high one the S.Gammacor has now, making it THE most ammo inefficient weapon in the game along with the TW.Vipers. Again, damage is NOT the issue here, ammo efficiency is.

Which is quite funny. The gun should remain inefficient as is, it has some of the highest dps in game and its an automatic secondary that isn't crit based with base magnetic dmg.. I don't really know what to tell you, I find it comical that people think the ammo efficiency needs to be changed. If there HAD to be a change I would say to reduce the amount of ammo it takes for the laser to simply travel from your gun which is ultimately the largest part of it's ammo inefficiency but like I said I don't think it needs it.

You need to be trigger disciplined with the gun and with Synoid Gam's amazing dps for a secondary and arguably the best syndicate proc in the game it should remain how it is.

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Which is quite funny. The gun should remain inefficient as is, it has some of the highest dps in game and its an automatic secondary that isn't crit based with base magnetic dmg.. I don't really know what to tell you, I find it comical that people think the ammo efficiency needs to be changed. If there HAD to be a change I would say to reduce the amount of ammo it takes for the laser to simply travel from your gun which is ultimately the largest part of it's ammo inefficiency but like I said I don't think it needs it.

You need to be trigger disciplined with the gun and with Synoid Gam's amazing dps for a secondary and arguably the best syndicate proc in the game it should remain how it is.

No, you don't get it.




Also, it's proc is crap. Magnetic damage was never a favorite and it was crap ever since it restored 25 energy instead of the old 25% energy.

Edited by HyokaChan
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Which is quite funny. The gun should remain inefficient as is, it has some of the highest dps in game and its an automatic secondary that isn't crit based with base magnetic dmg.. I don't really know what to tell you, I find it comical that people think the ammo efficiency needs to be changed. If there HAD to be a change I would say to reduce the amount of ammo it takes for the laser to simply travel from your gun which is ultimately the largest part of it's ammo inefficiency but like I said I don't think it needs it.

You need to be trigger disciplined with the gun and with Synoid Gam's amazing dps for a secondary and arguably the best syndicate proc in the game it should remain how it is.

Trigger discipline is irrelevant here. If a weapon is ammo inefficient, it IS ammo inefficient, period. The S.Gammacor has the worst ammo "economy" in the game. What I find funny is how DPS was what all the nerf enthusiasts where crying about, and that DPS is still here.


Best syndicate proc? Are you high? The Entropy proc is the worst syndicate proc right now, because DUH magnetic damage is the worst of the lot, worse than even gas damage, and the energy regen has been nerfed to Hell (25% of BASE energy, really DE?).

The best syndicate proc for killing enemies is arguably the Blight syndicate proc because of the Viral proc that divides enemy health by 2 while dealing 1k damage, which means much more killing potential at higher levels, while the Truth/Justice effects provide 25% MODDED health regen along with the parkour manoeuvers boost for parkour enthusiasts. The armor bonus of Justice is meh too, unless you're using Valkyr.

Edited by Marthrym
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+1 since the nerf, people is going for the grineer counter part (atomos) which is like 3x times better than the gammacor

grammar correction : people are not is .

meh i don't and the only reason because people use it is for the chain reaction

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