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Does This Remind You Of The Orokin, Tenno, Infested Etc ?


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While it does marginally remind me of Orokin design, it also reminds me of Star Craft aesthetics because that is how their S#&$ has looked for a long, long time.


Kind of interesting how I never really saw the similarities until now though. o 3o

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The Sentients and Dark Templar have VERY different origins and reasons for doing what they did compared to the Sentients, which was seemingly to avoid slavery rather than just some differing political ideas. Can't really speak to the aesthetic design, not an expert, but I'd say that the Protoss look has more of a sleek folding-over sort of design (reavers, carriers) while the Orokin have a very organic, living design to their ships.

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Eh, just like how Warframe has many inspirations, so does Starcraft. Look at the Eldar race in Warhammer 40k, they've been around since late 80's and they have also been inspired by other works and have inspired others in kind.

Eldar are simply space elves, and are supposed to be counterpart to fantasy Warhammer's regular fantasy elves, so they're not even all that original as a concept. Both Tenno and Protoss are slightly more original, although yes, they do draw and give inspiration from and to a myriad of sources, which is good. (Also, Eldar are filthy xenos, and by decree of the Emperor, Beloved by All, are to be slain on sight. Report to Deathwatch or nearest office of Ordo Xenos if you ever see an Eldar).


That said, I'm kinda concerned about Blizz being a bit burned out. The Protoss at this point are pretty much just space Draenei, with similarities in design, story and even voice acting too striking to ignore.

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