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Ok So Low Mr Players Are Becoming Rude? Why?


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Rude players are rude regardless of their Mastery Rank, for instance a rude Rank 4 player isnt suddenly going to change into an upright member of the community because he/she gained 10 mastery levels, we should stop all this Low MR rank hate and High MR hate all it does is breed contempt and makes you prejudge someone based on their MR which to any intelligent person is imbacilic. Ive teamed with Rude MR 17 and Rude MR 5's conversely Ive teamed with some amazing people MR 5 and 17 also.




Never judge a book by its cover, or in this case Mastery level.

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True, but leaving out lower ranks because you had some bad experience is just crap, also it counts for high MR people also, they can have a big ego

I agree with this, but in reality both parties, low MR and high MR, are at fault, the low ones rightfully like everyone when they started, have no clue how the game works, and when you decide to help them out they either ignore what you're suggesting or just don't even reply, but the high MR have a big ego too and i often see high MR people suggesting/helping out newbies with horrible advices (peacemaker build comes to mind) and the newbie obviously think thats the right thing to do because that player is MR 10+.

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I Guess PS4 has their own share of Toxic players.

Thankfully majority of the people on ps4 are somewhat ok, sure there are some bad apples here and there but i rarely get a rude person in my team when playing in a public session. For that matter , almost no one talks via the chat/microphone which is awkward especially when doing long runs, lol but when you get a bad apple in your team , lord get ready , once i was in a T-something defense, and a vauban accidentally activated the lasers without realising it, then he started running around and got downed by one, no one had the time to revive him because we were surrounded by tons of mobs and the pod was losing health so it was either him or the mission, so of course everyone protected the pod, once he came back dear lord ..he would active lasers on purpose as soon as you walked out of the center... And when one of us would get killed by a laser he would tea bag you and type "you deserved that"

Edit: typos :(

Edited by (PS4)EvilFlowerChild
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he kind of deserved it, not gonna lie. I wouldn't have revived him if he was down. but a lot of the time, the hate comes from the bitterness of being shish on by higher MR players who think they're "it". he probably was feeling salty because he got denied into a raid due to low MR.


and I wouldn't say MR8 is really THAT bad, if he was MR4 or lower then sure, but every MR8 player I've come across plays appropriate to their level: fairly skilled, but could be better with more experience.

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I'll try to give you my vision.


I am MR20 (only 39000 left to 21), and I could be considered "rude" by my demands in recruiting.


Sometimes, I only spend void keys on the recruiting because all my clanmates are already in missions.

When I want to host T4 MD or Survival (thank you syndicates with the old key pack), I receive 10 to 15 message containing only : "inv", "me" or wathever.

When I want to spend such keys, I go for "fun", so I won't be necessarily looking for top players.




When I want to recruit people for farming specific missions, or for Raid, I am rude.

I want to be efficient, and I want a team to be efficient. So in this case, I am looking for the profiles of people who want to join, in their most played Warframes, Weapons, etc.....

And most of time, the candidate "experience" in the game is related to the warframes, weapons he tried.


There are for me some prerequisites for high level missions. For example, the use of Team energy restore, staying with the group in HLevel survival, having (maxxed) essential mods (Vitality, Redirection, Serration, ....).


The MR is not so important, I agree. The most important is the total playtime.


When I am looking for someone for Raid, I want him/her to know his/her role, to have the build I am looking for, or, if he can't, just to tell me.


I don't judge people on their MR. I judge people on their way of playing, or on their way to understand and apply what I can write them in chat.


2 examples to end :

- Draco with 2 clanmates : We wrote to the last random guys to not capture the 3 and 4 points during 1st wave, so it is longer. He never did and never replied to us. Only a sorry, I won't do it again should have been enough

- Raid with 3 clanmates. I often play my 6 formas trinity (EV trin) but this time, we  weren't enough for our composition. So we needed a Bless Trinity to fill the team. We invited a Tenno who answered at our announce for a Bless Trinity, and we ended up with two EV trinity in Raid...


These 2 examples make me believe that people I don't like are people who don't read announce, and don't read text chat. Not low rank MR.


I prefer a low MR noob who is listening, and asking when he doesn't know what to do than higher MR people who don't care about, and play the game only the way they want, even if the mission fails.


Sorry for my long post.


And for low MR, sorry, but for me, building new weapons and Frames, trying them, is the way the game is meant to be played. Experiment, and your MR will rank up quickly !

Edited by ds108j
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A kill/death ratio can be quite important to some people. Yes they generally are buttfaces but keep calm and carry on :-)

However! MR8 isnt low nor is T-bagging him making you look any better!

Edited by Donnell
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All of this is reminding me of the days when recruiting chat was full of people hung up on conclave numbers. Like a high conclave meant you were any good. Considering the occasionally baffling conclave values on some mods, and the fact that different builds can require vastly different mod setups, I never saw the point of conclave as a stat. Couple that with the people who are inclined to just toss plat at trade chat to get all the mods they saw in a post or video with little to no clue how to actually use the frame, I blatantly ignored anyone who felt the need to concern themselves with my conclave back then. I currently treat people who insist on a mastery rank minimum the same way. For what it's worth, I hit MR20 a few days ago, and will play with anyone who doesn't grate on my nerves or act like a total tool.

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This is normal internet behavior, most people do this because there are no real consequences to their actions so they feel they can get away with it. It happens in any online game, that being said there's always the friendly block button for those less than helpful players.

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I think it has to do with higher ranked players dissmissing lower ranked players as incapable and/or useless. It sometimes feels like MR is the ilvl in this perticular game, wich is bad. I myself is a new player (3 weeks and counting) and have gotten both good and bad reception from all sorts of players. But in this case I think it is a player that has had alot of bad encounters with high ranked players. Does not condone his behavior but it is however understandable. 

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My clan, we all know each other, and we a know how we work and what we need and prefer.

We've truly tested our mettle in Phoenix intercept escalation, and we've proven to manage more rounds of t4 surv or defense than I've ever seen anyone do.

Play with people you know, go make friends, and pay attention to how they work.

You can't just expect people to bend over for you only, you have to bend too.

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Those damn scrubby rank 8 barstewerds. Who do they think they are! Jokes aside, I have not met many rude low MR rank players. It seems most are polite to higher Mastery ranks and rude to lower ones. Sometimes it feels there just being polite to leech prime  parts and keys from you. :(

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Ok so... Ok so... Ok so...

Ok so there are these people who i call compulsive whiny C***s just like one you described.

Best you can do is ignore such behaviour and move on, what is causing it though, that is a mystery, my best bet is the "I am being underestimated" mentality. It is ever present as players get cocky and are trying to prove themselves via wrong methods.

Bottomline, there is no greater reason as being rude never has a greater reason than to piss off the other side.

Edited by NyancraftG
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Some people are just jerks , I never play with randoms cuz of that

Well that's too bad most of the time you'll only have nice or silencious people, agressive self sufficient tenno are kind of rare actually (but they are really annoying i give you that^)

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I think it has to do with higher ranked players dissmissing lower ranked players as incapable and/or useless. It sometimes feels like MR is the ilvl in this perticular game, wich is bad. I myself is a new player (3 weeks and counting) and have gotten both good and bad reception from all sorts of players. But in this case I think it is a player that has had alot of bad encounters with high ranked players. Does not condone his behavior but it is however understandable. 

That's what i was thinking so in part higher MR players to to blame i guess :C. not all of course lets not generalize lol but some of us maybe be causing this.



I'm an MR8, and I actually coordinate squads containing MR12s and 15s, even when I'm not the host.


I'm friends with many people of drastically higher MR, so you can't say that EVERY low MR player is rude.


And I consider low MR 3,4-ish, not 8. I'd consider 8 a low medium.

honestly i assume 8 is where you officially know what your doing and should be competent enough to know what our doing.

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I guess what DiabolicalHamSandwich is trying to say is that most people in the forum relatively got the idea of the OP's situation (as, by OP's story, OP and rest of the team getting bad mouthed by some Mesa and the general consensus of the participants in this forum believe that Mesa is in the wrong here and yet you are one of outlier who sees that OP is at fault.

I will join the minority and say I think this reflects poorly on the OP more than the Mesa. I completely agree that we weren't there, but since the OP opened this topic we can judge.


First, MR8 isn't low. The fact the OP considers it so makes me think some elitism is going on. In this thread the OP admits not knowing until later.To that point, we don't know what the "smack talk" actually was. It could have been playful banter or a reaction to something rude said by Team High MR. Regardless of the situation, they should have just ignored it. There is even a chat command for it!


Next up is the trolling. The OP admitted to colluding with the squad to get the player killed. The correct answer to the situation would be to exit and not play with that player again. So, let's see where this "high MR hate" comes from - "johnny" watches the rest of his squad do nothing and dies. It would make me hate high MR players (uh, I guess MR20s for me?) if three of them were jerks.


So, yes, there are people in the thread who completely agree - probably because they are projecting "johnny" from their own experience. But there are more that lay the fault on both the OP and "johnny". We don't have the OPs magic lasso to know the truth, but I will always place more of the blame on the more experienced player.


The worst part is "johnny" is going to see that behavior as expected and pay-it-forward to other players. If you want to see a less toxic game, you start by not being toxic yourself.

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