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Big Problem Concerning Players And Mr.


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Mastery Rank is simply an easy way to filter players. It obviously isn't the most effective method, but (coming from someone who often hosts and leads raids and other high level content) you typically want to bring high MR people because you can trust that they know what they are doing since it seems that they have put in more time into the game and understand the equipment in the game better since they used so much of it compared to a low MR who most people assume is a noob who hasn't put much time into the game and thus doesn't really know what they're doing furthermore it's assumed that the high MR person has access to better gear than the low MR person. I've of course played with MR 20's who were just completely clueless and either bought their account or played Draco 24/7 and were very uninformed on some basic aspects of the game while also lacking a lot of skill. I've also played with MR8's and lower who might not know about some weapons or frames (which doesn't matter unless you're leading a group. As long as you know how to play what you have then you're fine) and they preformed excellently, even better than some high MR people. However they were few and far. There are a lot of low MR people who are kind of noobish and think, for example, that rhino is the best warframe regardless of the situation.


I've been where you are as a low mastery rank not being able to play with some douches who think you don't know the game. It sucks but just level up and in the meantime try to be assertive by letting people know that you've completed say the raid before or that you've solo'd T3S with X frame or whatever else. And the asshat's who still treat you like that you simply don't want to play with because even high MR people think they're douches.


TL;DR: Just remember that people don't look at MR as a measure of skill, but more often as a measure of variety in gear and time/knowledge in the game.
Edited by NinjaShotGunGuy
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I'm assuming op, the reason is that most MR 8 players do not have all the maxed mods (primed mods, r10 staples like narrow-minded etc) and these players feel entitled and don't want you to join.

I'm MR 17 and I usually don't care who I play with, I enjoy variations in skill amongst a team and never use mastery as an assumption of skill.

Skill doesn't mean the same thing as mathematical statistics, I'm sure many of these players do not believe you are unskilled but rather you have not acquired fully optimal builds.

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I'm MR18 and MR is just a number that shows how many weapons/plat you ranked/sunk to level it up. It's not a good indication of skill at all.


I quickly correct anyone that says high MR = pro/veteran when they say it in my squads. Why? it's certainly not an accurate statement. I've ran missions with a MR20 that was being a douchebag to the lower ranked guys we were with. Making condescending comments on their gear and how he wasn't downed yet. When he went down and died(assuming no one revived him for being a douchebag), he rage quit the mission while the rest of us finished without him.


The MR system needs a rework or a way to earn mastery besides just leveling weapons. I've been thinking DE could try making "Mastery XP alerts" that would be very difficult and solo-only missions. They could be like the Mastery Rank tests but designed to give Mastery Rank XP that is equivalent to ranking a weapon or frame to 30.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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Why do a majority of players still think that MR equates to your skill level?

Mastery Rank's are shown for how much gear you've aquired and maxed out, not how good you are at the game. I'm genuinely sick of trying to join a raid or a squad and it's full of elitist bigots that feel because i'm MR8 i'm not good enough to play in a squad with them?

I attempted to join a raid the other night, I said my frame "Disarm Loki P" and my MR which at the time was 7.

I have plenty raid experiance and this obviously lovely player messaged me back with, "MR7 HAHAHAH" and put me on ignore.

Words could not describe how annoyed I was.




You have to remember there be idiots and its not your fault or problem, just roll your eyes thank god your not them and move on.


its like when i sit in the recruiting chan and see H draco need mesa ev trin and frost!

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As with all things like this in game, here's a bit of advice. Changing your own habits and perceptions to look at a problem from someone else's point of view is extremely difficult. So you can imagine how hard it is to change someone else's habits or perceptions to look at a problem from your point of view. 


So, rather than shouting at the wind and trying to change how others play and perceive other players, your best option is to surround yourself with likeminded players who empathize with your opinions on MR. You have that power in your hands - and it's a helluva lot easier than trying to get a player who probably could care less about you or your opinions on MR to alter their perspective and change their ways.

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What are you talking about 9-13 average DPS im Mr 10 and could easily go 60+ mins in a t4 surv no problem 

You must understand, only few players on this lvl are strong enough. Most of them just play Draco over and over = no skill just high MR. That is why i'm skeptical on players MR14 and low.

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I am MR 20... And I have yet to even complete a raid. That said I have formaed gear and went to low level missions to re-level them only to be paired with Rank 0-3 and you know.... They aren't all that bad. Sure some of them don't have bullet jumping down, but if you take a sec to show them how it works then you end up with people to play with for a bit. MR doesn't equal skill, but it dose equal knowledge. No matter how much you read the wiki, you won't always know how a weapon handles until you get it yourself. I even know a few MR20s that refuse to buy frame slots, so they don't even have a huge amount of selection. It's not a perfect system but it's all we got. 



In a perfect world you could give someone a +1 for a Raid score if they did well and have that be shown to everyone. Still abusable but not as much as MR or anything.

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Most players have very little idea about anything (some refuse to use their brain too) and think MR is like character level in other MMOs.


WF is very casual and you can play for 500hrs and never need to learn anything and still beat all the 'normal' content easily. This results in playerbase that has experience but no understanding of game mechanics.They never have to 'get good' so they just perpetuate misconceptions like "MR = player power and skill" without thinking.

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While you're totally right and i did play with really good low MR players, at the same time it is annoying when a low MR player join you for a t4 surv and dies instantly, or when they activate the LS too soon, or when they bring unraked gear. If you're part of my clan, sure i might carry you, but if you're a pubs ill revive once, maybe twice but if you wanna play tough missions you better be able to hold your liquor.

A couple of days ago, i was in a raid lobby and there was a MR5 dude. I was hesitant but whatever, he was a volt and he could be useful, then we asked him to put energy siphon or any aura mod, and he said that aura mods were useless, ad everyone asked him to leave, he didn't and kept on saying that he knew what he was doing, yeah right.

You should group up with low MR player and see how much of a pain in the &#! it is to carry them, then you'll see why people prefer to recruit High MR players simply because they have more experience and presumably better gear.

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Any player with high mastery rank worth their salt knows that the higher your mastery rank is, the less it means...  And really it doesn't even matter anymore well before MR10.  While it can be argued that high mastery rank means you've used more of the game's weapons and warframes and thus have more experience with them and the game in general, anyone who actually PLAYS the game with all those weapons and such probably remember a time when MR 4 was the highest possible.

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I'll start of by saying I am a MR20 player. I don't think too much about it but occasionally I have some lower MR players have unusual expectations of me which I find funny. Or 99% of the in game content I honestly don't care what MR you are, if I post a message on recruiting section I will take the first person to reply. When j host raids i do look for MR mostly because I know they have most of the gear and I can assign them almost any job the team needs. For the most part my raids go smoothly so I do t think there is anything wrong with that approach.

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Did we really need another copy of this topic ?


Also its not a big problem. Its not even a problem. Stop trying to show things like they are a problem.

This is true.  This is an every other day topic and people have vastly different opinions on it.  


Best to just ignore people who are asking for MR if you are low, you'll avoid bad situations for yourself and for them.  After all, it's not personal so don't take it that way.  For every MR15+ raid out there I see a handful of raids who will take just about anyone.

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You must understand, only few players on this lvl are strong enough. Most of them just play Draco over and over = no skill just high MR. That is why i'm skeptical on players MR14 and low.

To be honest  this idea of people who play Draco are scrubs needs to get thrown out the bloody window I play Draco my self to level weapons I have no interest in using, if you want to find out how good a player just check his stats.

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