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Why Is There Still An Afk Penalty


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Nope, the game marks you as 'afk' even if you are using your weapons/abilities.




Wrooong. I know what I'm talkign about, because I tested this last week.

Equip the Carrier P, then go to some DS defense, find a good spot where Infested won't reach you (but not too far from the cryopod so that Vacuum can work) and start using your abilities/shooting enemies down, but don't move! After 1 or 2 minutes you'll see that Vacuum isn't working anymore until you make a few steps.

Same goes for Trinity, for example. You won't get energy from your own EV after 1 or 2 minutes if you hold still, even if you are killing enemies with your weapons.

I've tested this myself. Weapon kills reset the AFK timer. This is a fact. Note they have to be KILLS. Damaging enemies with weapons doesn't reset it. So if your weapons suck and all the kills are being taken by say a Saryn or Mesa it could still mark you as AFK. That's the only real issue, is when teammates make it impossible for you to get weapon kills.


Then again, it was never really intended by DE for players to never move an inch while playing. You're supposed to move around while playing the game.

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I've tested this myself. Weapon kills reset the AFK timer. This is a fact. Note they have to be KILLS. Damaging enemies with weapons doesn't reset it. So if your weapons suck and all the kills are being taken by say a Saryn or Mesa it could still mark you as AFK. That's the only real issue, is when teammates make it impossible for you to get weapon kills.


Then again, it was never really intended by DE for players to never move an inch while playing. You're supposed to move around while playing the game.


well I'm going to grab my clanmates again to that cheesy spot in ODS to test it out - its been a while since last testing and maybe they actually changed it....


and about how players are assumed to be moving all the time - tell me how much of team mobility was assumed in design of void defense mission?


[how much of team mobility was assumed when mesa was created]


and in survival - if we are supposed to be distracting enemies from "fellow operative" - damn its really efficient way of distraction to setup "none shall pass" line in some tight but needed corridor in defiant way - actually if I were some commander on such grineer or corpus ship I'd be more annoyed by 4 tenno just stending there and killing everything getting in sight than by 4 of tenno rampaging through hal of the ship killng everything

(first one is a challenge or even kind of abuse "you are not capable of getiing rid of us from here" while second one is just an usuall attack)

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Mesa is adjusted and Gmag is buried alive.


Why is there still an afk system? All it does now is punish players.


AFK system has nothing to do with mesa or gmag...

.. i remember when it was introduced.. first for sentinels "sentinel stop working if player is afk".. that was in old times when carrier+sweeper was trully OP and with proper build it can solo defense up to wave 15 (or more with good frost or multiple players)..


AFK system still exists.. and still is broken as hell.. because we have "year of quality" :P

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Nova 4 doesn't instakill enemies, I was speeding up enemies for the squad.


I understand leechers are a problem, but I think the squad should decide if they want them punished or not.


I mean, there's people that have to go somewhere in the middle of a game, or get caught by the afk system even if they help (like what i did with nova).


The players would then decide if they wanna penalize or not, not have an automatic system do it unjustly.

To me you're still leeching.

I don't care if you're pressing an ability to speed up anything. 

Get up and kill as well as using your ability. 

Everyone can do fine without your speed up, so your contribution isn't so great if that's all you're doing. 

Before you start a game;

know your mission.

think about using the restroom before you start.

have a waterbottle or drink next to you. 

maybe some food. 

if anything else happens like.. doorbell, animals, emergencies then either make it quick, or if an emergency either leave or hope it doesn't take like three minutes. 

If you want the squad to vote on such things, people will abuse it, they will purposely click yes even if you're contributing in one spot because no one cares as long as they get their reward. 

It's like in Vindictus where in a 24man raid you can vote to kick players, people will click yes even if they don't know what the player did to get such a vote, and that player was doing nothing wrong at all and gets kicked out and wasted 30-40mins. 

Voting systems are bad. 

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To me you're still leeching.

I don't care if you're pressing an ability to speed up anything.

Get up and kill as well as using your ability.

Everyone can do fine without your speed up, so your contribution isn't so great if that's all you're doing.

Before you start a game;

know your mission.

think about using the restroom before you start.

have a waterbottle or drink next to you.

maybe some food.

if anything else happens like.. doorbell, animals, emergencies then either make it quick, or if an emergency either leave or hope it doesn't take like three minutes.

If you want the squad to vote on such things, people will abuse it, they will purposely click yes even if you're contributing in one spot because no one cares as long as they get their reward.

It's like in Vindictus where in a 24man raid you can vote to kick players, people will click yes even if they don't know what the player did to get such a vote, and that player was doing nothing wrong at all and gets kicked out and wasted 30-40mins.

Voting systems are bad.

I agree with 50 percent on what you said there. I disagree on the voting. I won't argue because De locks threads about this.

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I agree with 50 percent on what you said there. I disagree on the voting. I won't argue because De locks threads about this.

Well voting systems /can/ be good.

but in my experience they've always lead to abuse. 

no need to argue, not like i'm gonna get as salty as the ocean. 

Edited by Vesiga
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The AFK System however does need a rework In a certain Aeras.

There are times where when I'm doing high level missions a random joins & has a weak Frame or weapon & when they die in middle of heavy fire

I useally try to revive the person well if u have 3 bombblards & heavy Gunners shooting at u like crazy while reviving

Useally end up using ur revives

The AFK system is flawed in the fact the with no revives u are counted as AFK

It cannot be helped if u die & have no revives I know clan mates who were robbed of rare mods or stuff for this very reason & to this day have yet to retrieve this very stance mod..

The AFK system in general is OK but far from perfect I'd like to see DE tweak it so that if ur out of revives ur exampt from the AFK penalties

Cuz there are times trolls who don't revive u or because everyone else dies u lose a revive well if someone out of revives it's like ur given the middle finger

This is the part that needs reworked ur gonna die in this game no matter what there are times 4 revives will be used but we shouldn't be penalized if that happens

U noticed a lot more rage quitters now then ever because they have no revives they don't get the rewards so they quit

nothing angers me more knowing I have 1 revive left we get to extraction get killed cuz 1 2 dudes decide to stay back & Camp costing us our revives then

they stay past the cretin time limit they get reward & we don't that isn't cool

I understand the afk system is a must but plz tweak it if anything

Can this part of the AFK system plz be fixed thx

Edited by (PS4)ChiefsFury1984
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well I'm going to grab my clanmates again to that cheesy spot in ODS to test it out - its been a while since last testing and maybe they actually changed it....


and about how players are assumed to be moving all the time - tell me how much of team mobility was assumed in design of void defense mission?


[how much of team mobility was assumed when mesa was created]


and in survival - if we are supposed to be distracting enemies from "fellow operative" - damn its really efficient way of distraction to setup "none shall pass" line in some tight but needed corridor in defiant way - actually if I were some commander on such grineer or corpus ship I'd be more annoyed by 4 tenno just stending there and killing everything getting in sight than by 4 of tenno rampaging through hal of the ship killng everything

(first one is a challenge or even kind of abuse "you are not capable of getiing rid of us from here" while second one is just an usuall attack)

I'm not saying it can't be efficient. It certainly is. I just have a hard time believing DE intended for you to spend a lot of time with your feet rooted in the exact same spot.


I play defense missions with frost and such and never have had any issues with the AFK timer, even when playing Mesa. (fun fact, Mesa's Peacemakers count as a weapon and reset the AFK timer, unlike most other abilities). I tend to move around to get a better angle for shots at my enemies around the pod, since I generally can't see the entire field while standing next to it in Tower Defense. I've never missed a reward in defense due to moving around to collect loot at the end of waves anyways.


If you watch the way they promoted Mesa, all of their shots involved Mesa running into a room, popping Peacemaker and clearing it (not unlike say a Saryn) then moving on to the next room. The skill also has an energy drain that originally (read: unmodded) only let you use it for a short bit, enough to clear a room or two. I doubt that they tested enough or intended that players would find ways to make it last indefinitely as an immobile turret, but they did. And I'm sure we are all well aware of how DE's intentions aren't always the same as their execution.

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Before you start your game

know your mission

"Hi speed nova here"
>proceed using speed on enemies.
I did nothing wrong, yet the system flagged me as afk.
my only error was not shuffling every minute to appease the afk god.
Edited by BeeOverlord
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"Hi speed nova here"
>proceed using speed on enemies.
I did nothing wrong, yet the system flagged me as afk.
my only error was not shuffling every minute to appease the afk god.


You afked, that's what you did wrong. Play the game and don't afk instead and there are no problems.

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I play defense missions with frost and such and never have had any issues with the AFK timer, even when playing Mesa. (fun fact, Mesa's Peacemakers count as a weapon and reset the AFK timer, unlike most other abilities).


point with mesa was not about her getting flagged afk (last time I checked it was not mesa shots counting as something but channeled abilities that roots in place making you "safe" from being flagged as afk (same was for nyx absorb


point was that her ult is rooting you in place. When you design a frame with such powerfull ult requiring you to not move you have to realise that she's not going to be very mobile.


and there are again some caster frames that is touch situation literaly cannot move because casting animations are rooting them in spot - and yes I had situations when I was flagged as afk becuse of that.....

[and I was killing guys during that time - basically it was ev-pop-link-ev-pop-ev-pop-blessing-pop-ev-pop-link-pop - of course I could choose to move instead of poping guy with a shot but then I'd probably would not make it :P]

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If the AFK system is in place, may i ask why ppl still do it? Like the first few replies to the op mentioned ppl with 0 kills/power use over 10 waves, or camping at highest point, etc.

I know if you trigger the afk timer you won't get the end mission rewards right? But do you still get the in-mission affinity from teammate kills? If so shouldn't the afk mechanic be tweaked so you won't even get that? (not sure if it already is that way)

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Was pllaying as an EV Trinity in a 40 wave ODD.  Was parked on a pilar out of reach to the infested EVin everything in sight and blastin them with my primary.  Periodicly I'd hop down to gather up drops and the odd revive of an ally.  Yet every one of my Rotation c rewards was black.  and according to my sqaud they got Ember Prime BP.  I did not.  I got shafted for assisting my team by keeping their energy full.

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