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How Does Valkyr's Ulti Work Now?



Ok, since Valkyr's ulti has been changed so often, it could double as a metronome, i wondered how it works this time.


So it say it is affected by the weapon mods. Is it also affected by the weapon itself? And if so, by all stats or only certain stats?


Because the nifty window that is supposed to show you how the ability's stats change with the mods only affects the ones in the warframe itself.


The only thing i figured out so far is that it has no duration anymore and only eats through energy. The more duration/efficiency, the slower. Basically you can now leave it on forever.


Anyways, hope anyone already figured out.

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I think that it is affected by the weapons  status and crit chance and maybe crit damage. I know for definite that it is affected my melee mods affecting base damage, crit chance and damage, status chance and elemental damage. Berserker also works with hysteria now.

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I think that it is affected by the weapons status and crit chance and maybe crit damage. I know for definite that it is affected my melee mods affecting base damage, crit chance and damage, status chance and elemental damage. Berserker also works with hysteria now.

It is not affected by ANY of the weapons stats.
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Wait, wait, wait...


So not even the weapon's base damage and/or critical chance?


Will mods like Fury apply? I've tested that Berserker triggers when Hysteria is on...


Anyway, she's great now but some more clarification from DE's side would be appreciated...

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All of the changes were listed in the 17.5 patch notes. I cannot provide a link at this moment though

Valkyr has received the following changes to her Ability powers:
- Ripline now has increased animation speed and vertical boost.
- Ripline now has reduced energy cost and increased damage for each time cast.
- Ripline will now soft-lock onto enemies.
- Valkyr’s HUD will now display the window of opportunity to recast Ripline at lower cost .
- Hysteria can now be quickly toggled on/off.
- Hysteria now receives buffs from the player’s melee weapon Mods.
- Valkyr now passively has 50% knockdown recovery speed and no heavy landing.
It doesn't say anything about the rest...
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To keep it real.


You regain health faster with hysteria affecting by mods


You can toggle off hysteria manually so you don't have to be useless 10-50 secs (depending on your build) after you regain your health


You have (depends on your build) a better chance to run to extraction if you or your teammate forgets to activate life support


And you can ignore the rest unless you are spiderman. 

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Essentially just mod for Duration like normal on Valk (Can run Hysteria+Eternal War build seamlessly now) and mod your melee weapon like you would for Exalted. That's it, really. Any melee works just fine.


Well, yeah, but what kind of damage does her ulti do? Because the wiki doesn't say whether it's slash or not.

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Well, from what I understand, the base weapon no longer matters, just the mods on it.


Valk's claws are still (as far as I know) equal distribution of damage types. Her base crit seems to be quite high.


You no longer need a ScindoP to be the best hysterical Valk you can be, but it doesn't hurt. Basically, build around what you can fit on the weapon. Theoretically, a Prisma Skana should be as strong as a ScindoP under hysteria...IF...they have the same mods.


So, yeah, I shouldn't have sold my base Cleavers.

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It does only take your mods into account just like the Exalted Blade on Excalibur. However just like Excalibur ultimate, the Valkyr ultimate has some base stats to go by with it and those stats are somewhat influenced by your mods that you have. So for example the Berserker melee mod can indeed activate once you do a critical hit with your melee attacks. In addition to that, you can increase the critical chance and it now also applies the status effect of your melee weapons to your melee. My claws now do electricity procs at times.

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What is the counter that goes up and up when being hit in the ulti?

afaik its kinda bugged thing that should in theory show you how much damage you'll receive straight into your hp if you leave hysteria now


[aka damage that enemies in certain range already did to you]


issue is that for said damage to be applied sadi enemies must not only be in range but also alive....


and in many cases that counter never goes down


basically I don;t thing I recall getting ever anything from said counter actually dealt to my hp.... [and I jump in and out of hysteria pretty often]


and when I stay in hysteria for prolonged while I often gets ridicoulous numbers stored in there ^^

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