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Valkyr's Hysteria Is Not Overpowered.


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We could try making it so that during Hysteria Valkyr's health can't drop below 1 while also switching the lifesteal over to Warcry. Then she's still unkillable during her ult and she's given a tool help to actively control her hp levels that still costs energy and requires active management.

Edited by Moomabo
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I feel like alot of the balancing issues in this game will be akin to cauterizing a wound. Thinking about it and doing it will be painful. But it'll save you from bleeding out and dying.


And the U18 enemy scaling rework will be like finally getting some stitches.


I'll have to remember this analogy.

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If it's true that you take some of the damage you would have taken if you are kicked out of hysteria i don't really think it's op any more that sounds pretty balanced actually, you get to be insanely powerful but if you mess up you die instead. More warframes need balancing like that.

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What if:


The accumulated damage isnt transfered when hysteria stops, but is slowly transfered to valkyr, posing some risks but allowing her to recover by clawing more enemies and armchairs?


Basically, each seconds, 20% of the accumulated damage is transfered to valkyr as a health loss rather than actual damage, not triggering rage.
Each attack recovers health, as usual, but also simultaneously removes some of the accumulated damage.


Her life strike effect isnt actually life strike but a fixed amount based on power strength rather than actual damage. Lets say, 50 per hit, affected by enemy armour. This should allow valkyr to stay healthy without recovering instantly from whatever in a single hit.


This should make her still "invincible" enough for most of the game, until real late game where she would start slowing down like pretty much any other frame would. I also care not for "real late game".

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I can't believe there isn't a masterthread up by now.

Literally no new valid points have been brought up in this thread that hasn't already been brought up in the numerous other threads, and somebody keeps making a new thread so everybody reposts their opinions and people get mad at then all over again. No progress is being made with at least one new thread on this topic being punched out every day.

To give my opinion, I believe valkyr should have HEAVY damage resistance rather than invincibility, however, the other extremely powerful frames should get needed at the same time as her rather than waiting for them to become worse after she's nerfed, if it's balance we're after.

In terms of fun factor, I'm fine with hysteria as it is

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Why is anyone even protecting the invincibility? I've said it a couple times now but it's litteraly wasted on valkyr.

She has the highest basearmor in the game, warcry is a very strong additional armor buff and Quick thinking doubles it even then. That's plenty to play rage and gain superior energy/health management.

She does not need full invincibility to work straight up to like 500 minutes in a survival.

Make hysteria buff her basestats and let it do something with kills (or her health, ya know, berserker)...damage, movement speed and armor buff for example and she would be WAY better.

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I still find it funny people cry OP in a PvE game.

Do people really still think the game being PvE is a valid excuse? 


In a PvE game, you can still be challenged by the level and AI, a good PvE game anyways... Hysteria is essentially a toggleable god mode at the cost of energy you can can simply gain back by picking up energy orbs, or take it a step further and equip Rage mod for practically infinite use of hysteria. There are few downsides to it, one being restricted by melee weapons, but that's hardly an issue when the ability uses your melee mods now. Sure you won't be able to kill as much as if you had a gun, but for a game where killing and surviving is the core, a skill that takes out half of that should really be looked at.


I'm not going to even bother talking about the petty low risk mechanic that comes with hysteria.

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Is Valkyr OP? Maybe. Do I care about? No. Why? Because you have the choice of using her or not. She is a solo frame with very limited squad buffs and a lot of frames (including excalibur) can kill faster than her. She is now fun with the removed timer on her ult. If you don't like it then don't use her ult, just use her with Warcry with a good melee.

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Ok lets see, trinity had her Blessing nerfed because immortality for her and her team mates ruined the fun of the game, i can see why it affects other ppl too that might not want to be a "god" because its too easy that way.


Now the problem with the ppl who want Valkyr nerfed, why do you ppl even care about that? I mean you dont like her Hysteria because of the fact that turns her in to a immortal killing machine? Simple dont play her, having one or three in your squad wont affect you in any way and i mean it never affected me and never will. 

And its funny how many of these ppl that want the nerf have been saved by this "op no skill warframe". Pls stop complaining about useless stuff and enjoy the game :D

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Now the problem with the ppl who want Valkyr nerfed, why do you ppl even care about that? I mean you dont like her Hysteria because of the fact that turns her in to a immortal killing machine? Simple dont play her


I guess if I don't like hacking, I don't have to be a hacker. Should we stop banning hackers just because you don't have to hack if you don't want to?

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I guess if I don't like hacking, I don't have to be a hacker. Should we stop banning hackers just because you don't have to hack if you don't want to?

Hmmm... im not an expert but i think hacking afects other ppl




Edit: Just did a quick research Hacker are the good ppl and Crackers are the bad so yeah we dont have to ban hackers xD

Edited by Masspayne
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I'm saying that much damage doesn't come from the ability alone. If you want that much damage you have to run a very specific set of mods. And if you're min maxing an entire loadout for one ability...yea it probably should do that much damage to a single target. Remember it doesn't clear the room instantly you have to be right next them and kill each enemy one at a time. 


You're actually wrong again, according to new data that was just discovered recently.


Hysteria has a... 


300 base damage

33% impact, 33% slash, 33% puncture.

attack speed 1.5

Crit chance a whopping 50% base

Crit multiplier  2x (+100%)

Status chance 10%


I will actually try hysteria without a melee wep later in the simulacrum and will post results on how effective it is without a melee weapon =]



EDIT: Just tested, it took 4 slide attacks to kill a lv 65 corrupted bombard without a melee wep equipped. it took one shot with the assist of valkyr's paralysis without a melee weapon equipped.


So without a melee weap valkyr's slide attack kills a lv 65 bombard in 4 slide attacks, with a melee wep with mods, it takes only one.


With or without melee wep mods, both is an insta kill with paralysis regardless. 


2nd Test with lv 65 corrupted ancients without equipped melee.


One shot on slide attack.


3rd Test with lv 65 corrupted fusiona moas without equipped melee.


One shot on slide attack.


Corrupted bombards having one of the highest defenses for an enemy mob only takes 4 slide attacks to kill without a melee weapon equipped, even then it is still one-shottable with paralysis. Every other enemy in the void of the same level all died in one shot regardless without a melee weapon equipped, as tested with the corrupted ancients and moas.


My conclusion: Hysteria is actually strong enough to stand on its own for the majority of the high lv mobs without a melee weapon equipped, and for the mobs she can't one shot, she can cast paralysis for the insta one shot which costs only 6 energy per cast with a negative efficiency build.


I'm actually surprised it could still one shot anything not a bombard without a melee weapon equipped, and even then I'm even more surprised it only took 4 slide attacks to take down a high lv corrupted bombard at that. I went into this test assuming hysteria might had been too weak, but nonetheless I wanted to find out for myself, after going through with the test, I can say I'm pleasantly surprised with the results.

Edited by --Sensei--
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Why is anyone even protecting the invincibility? I've said it a couple times now but it's litteraly wasted on valkyr.

She has the highest basearmor in the game, warcry is a very strong additional armor buff and Quick thinking doubles it even then. That's plenty to play rage and gain superior energy/health management.

She does not need full invincibility to work straight up to like 500 minutes in a survival.

Make hysteria buff her basestats and let it do something with kills (or her health, ya know, berserker)...damage, movement speed and armor buff for example and she would be WAY better.

Not to mention that new bonus to knockdown recovery, which is completely unnecessary with being entirely immune to CC in Hysteria.


The sole problem I see with this is Hysteria becoming nothing but a second Warcry, but that's a small price to pay to mitigate what is literally a cheat in most other games.

Edited by Gurpgork
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I'm asking about the balance changes that Orange was talking about. What exactly will happen?


We know that the mod system, the enemy scaling formula, and the way we deal damage in general are all getting major changes or complete reworks. This seems to be attempting to address the issue that the game is not at all balanced for the "endgame" enemy level.


Hmmm... im not an expert but i think hacking afects other ppl


If you were to hack your way to wave 1000 in a solo ODD, would that be okay?

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Personally just want to be able to use Hysteria and still feel challenged.  I love the stance, claws, the energy, the fact that it uses my melee mods so I can use Blast procs to ragdoll everything and Berserker to attack excessively fast.


However, it's hard to enjoy the missions when there's no challenge or opponent that can truly defeat the Hysteria Valkyr.  Using Hysteria makes me feel like One-Punch Man or something.


It'd be nice if either there are opponents in every faction that can still harm a Valkyr in Hysteria, or Hysteria gets some balancing feature to scale it down to the enemies we face.




Also...it is kinda weird for Valkyr to be able to go hack a terminal or revive their buddy while they're in Hysteria.  I mean...they go into an "Everything Went Red" mode...  We've got space magic, but...eh...

Edited by Nighttide77
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If I remember correctly, when Valkyr was first introduced there was no life steal and no invincibility. The players asked for one or the other. When DE gave her both everybody was scratching their heads.


Just drop the invincibility, give her 85% damage reduction auto-parry and let her life steal back any damage she takes. With her already high armor she'd still be incredibly survivable.

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Exactly, there are more comparatively effective alternatives to Valkyr. She's a limited use frame and hysteria doesn't sale well.


That's hilariously funny.


Interms of damage? It's  one of the most damaging ultimate in the game, only hindered by armour scaling.

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Here we go with the Carrier Casuals argument. Players need to stop bashing alternative play styles. The last time people complained about this bullcrap, Rhino got nearly nerfed into oblivion and hasn't recovered - alas the slippery slippery slope argument is entirely justified in this instance (and people still rag on Rhino users).


Yeah, yeah... spare me the criticism of my profile picture... it's just a pic and I haven't used a Rhino since last year.

Rhino has decriers because he's not a tank anymore, but he seems like one in early content. This can be confusing for new players.


By no means is he a poor choice.

Edited by Roboplus
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